Perfect As A Family.


Here's my next Phineas and Ferb fic and it goes on from my first one A Family That Cares About Him and it's set three years from the end of it meaning Miko is three years old and in it Doofenschirtz changes because of an illness.

The idea came from a picture on DA I saw of Dr D and Perry and it gave me the idea and I hope people like.

I hope my fave reviewers enjoy this.

"Give up Miko!

You have to take an nap or you'll be cranky." Perry said.

Doofensmirtz sighed watching the scene which always happened at this time every day when it was time for Miko to take his nap but the young three year old platypus was always resistant and wanting to play but it was because the youngster didn't want to stop playing karate tag a game Miko had made up as a mixture of tag and karate and Uncle Perry just happened to be good at this game and Miko never wanted to stop as he smiled.

It'd never occured to Heinz that he would go good and adopt Perry's son as well as having Perry and Vanessa live with them as they were a quirky family but he loved it and these little battles reminded him of the old days but he'd decided not to think about the past as he saw Perry tackle Miko as Doofensmirtz caught him in a garmless invention he'd made for this occurence as he saw Miko struggle as he and Perry sighed approaching the youngster as he got sleepy as they released him from the trap as Perry laid him in Doofensmirtz's room for his nap as he left him.

It'd been three years since that fateful night when he'd left Miko in his nemesis's hands and had been worried but now didn't regret it as it had made things better as because of Miko, Doofensmirtz had quit being evil and became a devoted father to Miko and Vanessa as Perry had became part of their family becaise he didn't want to miss being a part of Miko's life as he helped Doofensmirtz clean up as he heard him sneeze a lot.

That sound worried the male platypus as they could be best friends now they weren't nemesies anymore as he knew Doofensmirtz ignored the fact he was coming down with something as he went to make dinner as Vanessa returned from school.

"Hey Uncle P.

Putting Miko down for an nap, I see?" she said.

Perry nodded as he saw her grab a soda and some cookies as she went to her room but heard her father coughing slightly.

"Maybe you should lie down.

It could help you." she said as Doofensmirtz was making dinner.

"I'm fine Vanessa.

Besides there's too much to do." he answered.

Perry felt he was right as he watched him as his watch went off as he was about o ignore it because he needed to help Doofensmirtz and sighed leaving as he hoped that things would be okay.

He then saw Vanessa making dinner as Miko was busy playing catch with his tail and a baseball as Perry had taught him how to do it.

He hoped that Doofenschirtz would be okay.

"Don't worry I'll take care of Dad." she reassured him.

Perry hoped that he would be okay.

Perry was curious about the new nemesis as he entered a lair in the outskirts of Danville as he gasped seeing who it was.


How did you escape from the Agency's custody?" Perry said as the panda laughed.

"I had help from my mistress to escape the Agency but now that Doofenschirtz was no longer a villain, it was easy for him to become Danvile's newest villain as he was working for Marina, Perry's ex wife.

But the male platypus took care of him as he returned to Doofenschirtz's place.

He saw worry on Vanessa's face as he heard Miko whimper.

"It's Doofensmirtz, right?" he said as Vanessa nodded.

"Yes." he heard her say.

He then followed her to Doofensmirtz's room but gasped at seeing his friend was sick.