A/N: So I was away for 9 years, and I was shocked everything's still here. I don't entirely remember where this was going, but the fans ideas are definitely helping as I decide where to go now. I especially liked TostyMcGoo's suggestion, and I intend to combine it with a few other people's suggestions in what I hope are interesting ways. Because the only thing I remember is that I wanted Odd to lose his virginity, which he's kept because he can't keep a girl long enough to lose it.

Chapter 3

Not What I Thought

Milly's POV

I hugged tighter to Aelita as I looked over my shoulder. It was a very angry looking Tarantula and it was gaining on us. However as I watched, it stopped and raised a leg... And shot a freaking laser bbeam. The beam narrowly missed my head, and I turned back to Aelita. "What in the world is going on here?" I demanded. Aelita was too busy weaving the flying scooter back and forth to answer, but Jeremie's voice came from the sky again.

You've been virtualize into a digital world called Lyoko, inside a supercomputer. The thing following you is a monster created by Xana, a supervirus bent on destroying the world. We fight that virus, sometimes daily. We refer to ourselves as the Lyoko Warriors. You're one of us now. More lessons later for now you have to kill the Tarantula before it kills you. You're the only thing standing in between it and Aelita, and unlike you who comes back to the real world if you die there, Aelita doesn't come back if she dies.

I looked at the Tarantula again. I've never thrown a Windmill Shruikan, or really any kind of Shruikan, and the situation was apparently too desperate for me to get this wrong. Feeling bold, I jumped off the scooter and landed in a rough rolling tumble. The Tarantula came to a stop and seemed to eye me warily. I squared off with it and tried the new ability. I grabbed my heart and said "Purify". A shining beam of light shot from my chest and hit the creature in the middle of the weird symbol it had painted on it. I felt my mind split in two, and suddenly I could see myself standing there from the Tarantulas point of view.

Experimentally I started walking as the spider, turning to chase my tail like a dog. Jeremie's voice interrupted my experiments controlling the creature. I don't know what you did, nut the Yarantula's card changed color, and a timer started counting down. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. as he finished counting my mind snapped rather painfully back together, giving me a headache and the Tarantula exploded.

Aelita circled back and picked me up, and started driving towards what I had no idea. But eventually we came to the end of the world, and Aelita nudged me off the scooter and hopped off herself as it began to pixelated and disappear. Initiating Carthage Transport. Jeremie's voice was pretty eerie coming from everywhere. Then a giant white ball appeared and before I could think what to do, it scooped up me and Aelita and took off, the acceleration making me lose my balance. Before I could regain it it rolled around in a circle making me dizzy, then came to a stop and disappeared leaving me somewhere new.

Aelita led the way into a crazy maze, looking all around, searching for something. "There," she pointed and as I looked I saw that funky symbol again this time in 3-d. She took off and began to jump and run through the moving maze looking like she'd done it before. In no time she was 40 feet in the air as I watched in awe. She pressed the button,and the symbol slid into the wall, until it was flat. The maze shifted around until it became a normal room and she led the way out.

We walked into a huge spherical chamber, and out on a really narrow ledge. I was immediately nervous. I don't like heights. A screen appeared in the air, and Aelita started typing quickly, flipping through menus. "Done Jeremie." I'm bringing you guys back. Devir- Her body quickly pixelized and so did mine. I saw the wires again, and felt myself being reassembled in the Scanner again, which was an even more unpleasant feeling than being disassembled. -tualization Jeremie's voice continued. The door to the Scanner opened, and there was Odd. Which was a good thing because I collapsed into his arms and then sank to my knees pulling him down with me.

"Easy it's rough the first few times, remember to breathe again, it's easy to forget after being on Lyoko." I gasped in air, not realizing until he said it that I had been holding my breath. Aelita came over and knelt next to us. "Good job in there."

I smiled weakly, "It wasn't what I expected when he said a Tarantula was going to kill you." Aelita laughed. I snuggled up to Odd unconsciously, noticing how strong his arms were around me. "I think there's a huge scoop here, and you guy's need to dish."