A/N: Ok. The story won't leave me alone, so I've updated it to "In-Progress".

True Blue Cowboy
Chapter 3

"Thank you," beamed Sookie as she turned from locking the front door.

For a split second, Raylan's eyes met Sookie's. In that instant, what he saw captured his breath deep inside his chest. He'd seen a white fire inside Sookie's sapphire eyes. The glance was so quick, Sookie hadn't noticed Raylan's reaction. She stepped past him, and walked briskly around the house, and toward her old happy yellow Toyota Cruiser. Raylan trailed behind her frightened by the primal feelings this majestic Southern beauty forged inside him. He'd always dreamed of one day finding someone like him; someone who shared a similar heritage as his own.

"I'll just have to be careful," he told himself. Though he'd always wished for this, he never really contemplated it's meaning. In his relationship with his ex wife, Winona, who was human in every possible way, he was never a hundred percent honest. Out of necessity, he always had to hold something of himself back. That's how it always was with all his relationships, but with someone like Sookie, it would be different. The stripped down and bare honesty that a relationship with her would mean, scared him. He wasn't sure if he was ready. Sookie opened the back door and placed her bag inside. She gestured for her Benelli. "She's a beauty," admired Raylan.

"Thanks," said Sookie. "She gets the job done." Raylan handed her the Benelli. Their skin touched, searing Sookie's soft hand. Her eyes widened and her breathing took off with a jolt. Raylan knew in that moment he would have to hurry up and leave Bon Temps fast, or he would never be able to leave. He wasn't ready; at least that's what he kept telling himself. Sookie frightened him; she made him want the very thing that terrified him. Raylan stepped back and off to the side placing himself so that the door to Sookie's Cruiser was between him and her. Casually, and as unaffected as he could, he went to the passenger side door. Away from Sookie's piercing blue eyes, Raylan fisted his hand and tried to shake the sensation.

The contact with Raylan's hand had startled Sookie. She didn't pick up any thoughts from him, but he made her blood boil in a way that melted her to the core. Raylan Givens could have had his way with her in any fashion he wanted; she would have let him. With trembling hands she secured the Benelli in the stand Jason had installed for her. It was Jason who bought the Cruiser. Sookie hated buying large ticket items, so she gave Jason the money, and this is what he bought her. According to Jason, it would do the trick. And then he asked if he could borrow it sometime.

Sookie procrastinated at the back of the jeep, feigning like she was busy at a task. She was buying herself some time to compose herself. The way her body reacted to Raylan's touch had weakened her legs. She didn't understand how she could react so strongly. For some unexplainable reason she wanted to cry. His presence had burrowed a caping hole inside her; leaving her empty. She had never wanted anything as much as she wanted Raylan Givens.

The siren song that Sookie exuded was also the same song Raylan broadcasted. It was the natural and pure mating call of the fairy.

"I've gotta make a stop at the Barley farm," said Sookie clearing her throat. Deliberately she avoided looking at him. "Then I can take you to where ever you need to be."

"That's fine," nervously said Raylan. He was afraid to look her in the face, but the truth was, he was afraid of himself. Afraid of the want growing inside him. What he knew, but couldn't form the words for, was this simple truth, he was fallen good and hard for Sookie Stackhouse. For several miles they both sat in awkward silence; each too afraid to speak.

"Did you find any traces of your fugitive on my property?" Sookie broke their silence.

"Naw," said Raylan. "I'm sure he's somewhere in these woods though, and I'll find him."

"You always get your man?" asked Sookie.

"Most of the time," said Raylan.

"Why do you think he's hiding out in Hot Shot?" Sookie's questions served two purposes, one, to fill in the awkward silences between her and Raylan, and two, to see if her suspicions about the fugitive was right. "Does he have kin in these parts?"

"Sort of," is all Raylan volunteered. "So what's this emergency?" he asked.

"Something attacked one of the Barley's cows," answered Sookie. "The husband's got it real bad; cancer."

"So why did they call you?" asked Raylan just as Sookie pulled into the Barley's drive. Little Tommy was out front playing and came running up to Sookie's window. She slowed the Cruiser down to a crawl.

"Be careful Tommy," smiled Sookie.

"Ha'ya Doc," grinned Tommy. His two front teeth were missing. "I found our cow. Its guts are all over the place."

"You don't say," said Sookie turning the engine off.

"Yep," he smiled proudly, stepping aside for Sookie to get out of her Cruiser. In a rush he started up, needing no invitation to make conversation. "Mama wouldn't let me stay and watch her. She was still breath'in. Can I come with you and watch?"

"If it's all right with your mama." Sookie's answer brightened little Tommy's expression.

"I'll go ask," he said enthusiastically and took off like lightening to the front door. Sookie's expression winced when the screen door slammed shut behind him.

"So you're a doctor?" asked Raylan. There wasn't anything sexier to Raylan than a smart, attractive woman.

"A vet," she answered avoiding his eyes.

"Sookie," called out Nancy. "Thank God." Nancy rushed at Sookie throwing her arms around her. Sookie's mind was bombarded with Nancy's thoughts. This is why Sookie hated touching people.

"That's what I'm here for," smiled Sookie. She pulled up her shields and tried to pull away.

"Oh Sookie," kindly reprimanded Nancy. She turned toward Raylan. "Sookie here hates to be hugged." Raylan noticed Sookie's uneasiness, and wondered why she had an aversion to it. Maybe that was why she was single. "Since I know most of the deputies in Bon Temps," smiled Nancy glancing down at the star on Raylan's hip, "I take it you're new."

"No ma'am, I'm with the US Deputy Marshalls Service," smiled Raylan. "I'm Raylan Givens." He tipped his cowboy hat. Sookie watched his interaction with Nancy. They made small talk and Sookie couldn't help notice how charming Raylan was or his impeccable manners.

"So are you single Marshal?" boldly asked Nancy. She hated seeing a good woman like Sookie, single. Granted, Nancy knew there was something a bit off with Sookie, but she was decent people, thought Nancy.

"Yes ma'am," smiled Raylan.

"So's are Sookie here," she smiled. "It's nice to see two good handsome people together."

"Where's that cow?" asked Sookie. Nancy's happy expression immediately fell. The life of a farmer's wife wasn't exactly what Nancy had planned. She met her husband, Brad, at the community college in Monroe, and the rest was history. Nancy never held onto any romanticized dreams of country living; it was not for her, but she made due for her family.

"Tommy here can show you the way," said Nancy lovingly running her fingers through Tommy's strawberry blonde curls.

"We'll be back," said Sookie. She turned and pulled her things out of the back of the Cruiser.

"Sookie," said Nancy. "If you have to," she said staring at Sookie's rifle, "please don't let Tommy see it."

"Oh," said Sookie. "No, that's not what this is for. It's for whatever creature might come back." Nancy nodded her head wrapping her arms across the front of her chest. Sookie turned toward Raylan. "You can wait here if you'd like."

"No, I'd like to come, if that's all right with you," said Raylan.

"Suite yourself." Sookie handed her rifle to Raylan and took Tommy's little hand. He proudly led the way. Some time later, before the cow came into view Sookie picked up the smell. At seeing the injured animal, Sookie's demeanor became mechanical. Her years of training kicked in, and she worked on pure instincts. Over the smell of death, Raylan picked up a familiar scent that still lingered over the cow. His back stiffened.

He smelled his fugitive.

"I told ya it was pretty bad," commented little Tommy.

"Yeah, you did," said Sookie. From her assessment of the wounds, she knew the cow had been attacked by a large animal. Her eyes scanned the ground around her, and she immediately spotted paw prints. "Shit," she mumbled. It was panther prints.

"Is she gonna die?" asked Tommy.

"She already is sweetie," gently said Sookie. She opened her bag and pulled out a few contents and readied a syringe. The cow was too far gone.

"What'z that for?"

"It'll help take her pain away." Sookie gently stroked the cow.

"Like pa's medicine," absently breathed Tommy. His attention was fixed on what Sookie was doing.

"Kind'a." Is all Sookie said. Together her and Tommy sat with the cow until it was all done. Putting away her supplies, she went to inspecting the track marks, which Raylan was already investigating. Without looking up, Raylan could feel Sookie's presence next to him. She was like charged ions next to him. He could feel the electricity ripple over his skin.

"How long ago do you think this happened?"

"Well," she thought it through for several seconds. "Probably right before day break."

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is all I have at this point. Not sure when I'll update again. Rest assured, True Blue Cowboy's voice is still in the background of my mind. I can hear it, and I'm listening. It's kind of hard not to. I can see the road it wants me to go down, but it's still kind of foggy & dark for me. This makes me nervous, because I like to have a clear plan or direction. I think this story might be a good exercise for me in trusting the story and it's voice. Thanks for reading. Hope you review. I appreciate the feedback and questions.