I believe in nothing
not in sin and not in god

We were sitting by the fire after eating, and unlike usually, Alex stayed after. We were all silent when Michelle turned to Alex.

"I'm wondering, Alex, do you believe in the Maker?" She asked

"Certainly not" She said slightly offended. "I've no primitive fear of the moon such that I must place my faith in tales so that I may sleep at night." I sighed; this was going to be bad.

"But this can't all be accident" Michelle said gesturing around her "Sprits, magic, all theses wondrous things around us both dark and light. You know theses thing exist" She said.

"The fact of their existence does not presuppose an intelligent design by some absentee father-figure." She said crossing her arms.

"So it's all random, then? A happy coincidence that we are all here?" Michelle said, not believe what she was hearing.

"Attempting to impose order over chaos is futile" Alex said getting annoyed. "Nature is, by its very natural, chaotic" She said and sighed.

"I don't believe that" Michelle said and Alex rolled her eyes. "I believe we have a purpose. All of us." Alex looked at her.

"Yours, apparently being to bother me." Michelle glared and huffed. Shane sighed.

"Lets retreat my dear" He kissed her head and they said there goodnights.

But it did get me wonder, what did the others believe?

I held the body of a young elf warrior in my arms. We had come cross a camp of Dalish Elf's in the forest. They had told us that many of their hunters had disappeared. I'd offered to go and help find them. As we got closer to the camp site another hunter stopped us

"Andaran atish'an" She said. "Our scouts saw you approaching and tell me you carry the body of one of our hunters with you" I nodded and set the boy on the ground. "Ah, Deygan" she said joyfully kneeling down. "He is wounded, but I think he will live."

"I was glad we were able to help him" Michelle voice said. "Thank the Maker we returned to the Dailsh in time; He must have watched over this man." She said relieved

"Or perhaps his OWN gods were watching out for him" Alex voice said behind her.

"And perhaps they just know the Maker by another name." Michelle said defensively.

"Believe what you wish. It seems to me that they should be thanking Destiny more than some absent god, but who am I to judge?" Alex said slightly defensive too.

"Guys" I said "Stop it. Leave this for later" I said. They both sighed and didn't look at another. I looked over at the dalish girl "We'll keep looking" She nodded and took the hunter back to the camp. I looked at Nate.

"Shall we carry on?" He said. I nodded.

"I do not understand" I heard Justin's voice behind me. I turned and looked at him. "Why do the two imekari fight all the time?" I looked at him than figured out he was talking about Michelle and Alex, and chuckled.

"Because they both have two different beliefs." I told him simply. "But neither likes that opinion, so they argue over it, because of there tempers." He nodded.

"Kost" He said simply. "They need to find Kost, or peace in your language, or they'll be a maraas imekari, a child bleating without meaning." I nodded.

"Well, these two have such strong personalities that they clash, maybe they'll never find Kost." I told him. He nodded and a small smile appeared on his face. "What do your people believe?" I asked him.

"I can not tell you Kadan, I'm sorry." I smiled at him. I knew Kadan meant that you have a great respect. I nodded.

"I understand." He nodded and walked away, back to where he usually camps. I sighed and thought about what he said. "I think we all are maraas imekari." I muttered and walked over to Nick. He smiled at me and placed a kiss on my cheek.

"Something you need my dear?" He asked and I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine." I said and smiled at him.

We are all different people, coming from different believes, Michelle believes in the Maker, Alex doesn't, Shane is an assassin, yet that's considered a 'sin' to do. Yet we are all here, together, fighting to stay alive. Maybe we aren't maraas imekari, maybe we do have a small piece of Kost..

Well hi there. xD

Sorry for not updating this one a lot. This is a story of oneshots. Some connect to others but yeah. So it doesn't really get updated a lot and I'm sorry about that, I'll try better. I promise. :D

Oh another really important note.

Remember how I had an old profile that I talked about? Well I'm getting the password back for that (finally) and going to put some of my old stories back on here and re do some of them so keep a peak for that. *Smiles* See you all soon!


Strange words used:

Andaran atish'an - I dwell in this place, a place of peace, a dalish greeting.
imkeari- Child
Kost – Peace
maraas imkeari – a child bleating without meaning.
Kadan – one with respect.