A/N: Hey guys this is my first fanfic. I love the character of Jacob Black, and I am absolutely in love with Taylor Lautner. Now the main character Cecily has a difficult past, but not anything big, like the death of a family member or something like that, as you'll find out. She's not full of teenage angst, and she doesn't have a deep, dark secret. She's just an ordinary girl, trying to make it in life and find romance along the way. I've changed some things, to make the story fit.
Cecily and Jacob are both juniors. From what I gathered from New Moon the Movie (I've read part of Twilight the Book, but that's the only one I've read), Jacob is a sophomore when Edward left Bella. In this story, Jacob phased freshman year. Bella and the Cullens have already left Forks and has been gone since then.
I don't know how it is in the books, but in this story all of the wolves except Sam are in high school. The only imprints right now are Sam and Em, Jared and Kim, Quil and Claire, and of course Jacob and Cecily.
I will post the lyrics of a song that either inspired me or fits this chapter before every entry. You know, to get you in the mood :)
I'm gonna go ahead and give you the introduction and the first chapter. I know when I look for stories on the forums here, if there's just an introduction, I skip over it.
Sit back and enjoy! I hope you like this story!
Disclaimer: This will be my only one for the whole story, because I don't wanna write this every single chapter. Stephanie Meyer is the brilliant mind behind the multi-billion dollar Twilight franchise. I am not that brilliant mind.
I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly
Though it's not easy to tell you goodbye
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakaway
Out of the darkness and into the sun
But I won't forget the place I come from
I gotta take a risk
Take a chance
Make a change
And breakway
- Breakaway, Kelly Clarkson
I Could Not Help But Cry
I stuck my head through the open window and inhaled. I closed my eyes as the cool air flooded my lungs. The wind felt so good; so free.
I took a look at the towering pine trees and the murky sky. This was going to be my new home. Our new home, really. My mom is an interior designer. She designs the insides of commercial buildings like hospitals and universities. So when she was picked to design this major hospital in Port Angeles, Washington, we moved with her.
I'm a fairly optimistic person; or at least I like to see myself as one. So I only dwell on the positives as zip through the small town of Forks and into the forest on the reservation.
Okay, positive number 1: My mom was right; the sea is so beautiful here. We catch glimpses of it here and there from the car windows. We'd pretty much lived in the middle of nowhere back in Tennessee, so nature wasn't exactly anything new. This nature was just different, that's all. There wasn't really any coast in Nashville.
Positive number 2: Living on a reservation. Now, someone might say, "Cecily," (that's my name) "you'll be one of the only white chicks." And while that might be true, it doesn't really bother me. I've always been interested in Native American culture. And, plus, I think I can rock the whole "only white chick thing".
Number 3: Going to a new school. You see, back at my old high school, I was the target of some pretty bitchy girls that really should get involved in some extra-curriculars to burn off all that anger. Here, I can reinvent myself into anyone that I want to be. And I really want to be that really cool Southern girl that likes a bunch of different types of music and generally has everyone's respect.
And, number 4: I don't mind the rain.