Note- This is a sequel to Tony Stark's Lover.
By: Angelwarrior1
His Peter had a thing about dates. He forgot them. Oh not because he didn't care, never because of that. His Peter had a huge heart with heaps of love to give. He was just busy all of the time. Tony often found himself worrying over Peter's workload. A couple of jobs, college courses, and crusading about at night as a crime stopping vigilante. Tony was almost surprised Peter didn't buckle under the strain of it all. Almost, being the key word here.
Tony had faith in his Peter and respected that he wanted to do things on his own. That's not to say he didn't lend an invisible helping hand when he knew he could get away with it. A couple of grand finding its way into Peter's bank account, by accident of course. A full scholarship he didn't apply for being awarded to him. Well he was a genius so he deserved it.
Tony would have to remember to give that invisible hand back to the Invisible Woman.
So Peter forgot dates easily. Forgot his birthday even and had a look of panic on his face when Tony presented him with a gift. It was hardly a surprise when he forgot their six month anniversary. Tony himself had forgotten it as well naturally, but luckily for both of the genii Miss Pepper Potts had been asked to mark the date. She even went so far as to set up a private dinner for two in a nice hotel suite. She also made sure it had a nice hot tub in it. The line was drawn when he asked for plenty of toys to be placed in the nightstand drawers.
Of course when Peter landed on the balcony and entered the room that predicted look of panic came over his face.
"Hey, what's going on here and am I in trouble? Cause I can leave now. It's only fair that I get a head start."
"No, you're not in trouble. Not the kind you're thinking of anyways. (Eyebrows waggle here.) I'm not surprised you don't remember what the special occasion is, nor did I expect you to." Tony walked over to Peter and planted a rough kiss on his lips.
"Oh. So what is the special occasion?"
"It's our anniversary. I worked very hard to find just the right things." Tony led Peter over to the bed to show him all of his hard work.
"Tony... These are all sex toys." Peter's face took on a heavy blush as he made this observation.
"Course they are. Didn't think we'd waste our whole evening with talking and other such nonsense did 'ya?"
Tony pushed Peter onto the bed and started concentrating on which toy he would use first. After all, they had a lot of ground to cover if they were going to get through all of them.