Summary: Warning INCEST don't like don't read. I've change a few things from the episode where they are attacked by Shax, Phoebe get's killed and then Prue saves her getting killed herself. Two-Shot song-fic.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything Charmed and all the characters are owned by whoever they are owned by Lol. And I also don't own the song 'Your Guardian Angel' by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

A/N: Ok so this is just a little two-shot inspired by the amazing song Your Guardian Angel by Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. I don't know how good it is so...

Your Guardian Angel

Prue's P.O.V

"Phoebe look out!" I screamed as Shax sent her flying through a wall knocking her unconscious, I turned and used all of my power and sent Shax out of the house before he had time to realise what was happening.

I ran over to her, "Phoebe? Sweetie wake up! Phoebe!" I checked for a pulse but couldn't find one, "PHOEBE!" I yelled now sobbing as I cradled her in my arms, "Phoebe wake up, you can't leave me!" I looked to the ceiling, "Leo...Leo!"

Bright blue and white lights filled the air materialising into Leo, "What happened?" he asked leaning down to heal her, "Prue, I can't heal the dead!" Leo said tears in his eyes.

"Well if you can't help leave!" I yelled at him,

"What?" He asked confused.

"I SAID LEAVE!" I yelled throwing my hand out sending him flying into the grandfather clock.

He quickly orbed out not wanting to risk being attacked again.

I leaned down and kissed phoebe's forehead, "I'm going to bring you back Phoebs, I Promise!" I laid another kiss on her lips this time, "I Love You !"

With that I gently lowered her to the floor and went up the stairs to the attic, looking for the Book of Shadows.

When I see your smile,

Tears run down my face,

I can't replace,

And now that I'm stronger I've figured out,

How this world turns cold,

And breaks through my soul,

And I know, I'll find deep inside me,

I can be the one

Flipping through the book I came across the page of Belthazor's human form, and looked at the pictures Phoebe had stuck in of her and Cole. She had a bright smile on her face and I could feel the tears running down my face. I only wish I could have told her how I felt even though it was wrong, and that I could've been the cause of that happiness.

I continued looking through the book, my search coming up blank. I slammed the book closed and fell to my knee's sobbing.

I will never let you fall,

I'll stand up with you forever,

I'll be there for you through it all,

Even if saving you sends me to heaven,

I can't believe I let her get killed; I'm the big sister I'm meant to look out for her and be there. It should have been me that died. But it's ok; I'm going to fix this.

It's okay, it's okay, it's okay


I don't know how long I was sat there for but somewhere along the way I had run out of tears, and now dry sobs wracked my body.

I looked up as I heard footsteps and was met by the tear streaked face of Piper, she walked over to me kneeling down and taking me into her arms.

We were silent for a while before I decided to tell Piper how I felt about Phoebe, "I loved her Piper!" I said into her shoulder.

"I know," she replied,

"No, I mean I loved her loved her, more than a sister should!" I explained clinging to her hoping she wouldn't disown me.

"I know," She said and I pulled back to look at her face, she had a small smile on her lips,

"You know?" I was shocked; I didn't know myself until recently.

"Prue, I live with you I'd have to be blind not to know!" Was it that obvious? Piper had obviously seen the worry on my face, "don't worry I don't think anyone else noticed, I'm just kind of observant, I have after all known you my whole life."

"Do you think she knew?"

"No, I don't know how though it was all over you face every time you looked at her!" Piper said with a smile on her face.

"Wait so you aren't completely disgusted and want to disown me?" I asked feeling hopeful seeing as she knew and was still here and comforted me.

"No, well at first it was hard to get my head round but your my sister and I love you, nothing will change that whoever you love!" I started crying again - I didn't know I still had tears left – and embraced Piper.

I suddenly pulled back and looked Piper in the eye, "We have to bring her back!" She nodded slowly,

"But how?"

"We have to figure out a way to summon Tempus and get him to turn back time so we can save Phoebe!" I said getting to my feet and sticking out my hand to help Piper.

"Ok, so what do we need to do?"

"Well I already checked the book and that wasn't any help, so we need to write a summoning spell." I reached over to pick up a pad and pen from the table and went to sit on the sofa.

I furrowed my brow trying to think while Piper sat down next to me, I looked up at her, "Phoebe was the one good at writing spells!" Piper reached up and stroked my cheek,

"I know!" She smiled softly before removing her hand.

After a few minutes I turned to Piper, "I think I've got it, you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be!"

"Magic forces black and white,

Reaching out through space and light,

Be he far or be he near,

Bring us the demon Tempus here."

There was a tornado of wind, and then Tempus appeared before us.

"Who dares summon me?" He said with an angry edge to his voice that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and sent a shiver down my spine.

"We need you to rewind time," I said gripping onto Piper's hand and holding it close.

"Why would I do that?" He sounded cocky, too cocky.

"Because if you don't, we'll kill you!" Piper said stubbornly,

"You can't kill me!"

"Oh yeah?" Piper raised her hands prepared to blow him up,

"Wait," Piper lowered her hands but still had them ready, "When do you need me to go back to?" He said in defeat.

"This morning!"I said,

"Ok" He pulled out his pocket watch,

"Wait," He looked up pausing, "Is there somewhere we can go so that we still remember what happened?" Tempus nodded and held out his hand,

"The underworld!" I looked to Piper and she nodded, so I took Tempus's hand and within seconds we appeared in the underworld.

Once again he looked to his pocket watch, and I looked at it intensely as it wound anticlockwise at a fast pace so it was almost blurring. I imagine while he's changing time anything can happen. Seasons can go by in a flash.

Seasons are changing and waves are crashing,

And stars are falling all for us,

Days grow longer and nights grow shorter,

I can show you, I'll be the one.

"That's it?" Piper asked,

"What were you expecting?" Tempus asked with a raised eyebrow,

"I don't know the room to spin or something!"

"Can you take us back now?" I wanted to see phoebe, Make sure she was actually alive and that it had worked.

He nodded and held out his hand for me to take which I did before we appeared in the attic.

"Thank you," He nodded and then vanished.

"Come on, let's go find Phoebs" I said walking out of the attic door with Piper not far behind.

"Phoebe?" I yelled entering the kitchen.

"Yeah?" As I saw her sat at the Island I breathed a sigh of relief and ran up to her embracing her in a long hug, and when Piper came in I grabbed her hand and pulled her into it as well.

"You ok Prue?" Phoebe asked with concern in her voice.

Prue pulled back and looked at Piper who subtly shook her head, "Me? I'm fine."

"O-Kay," I could tell Phoebe was still suspicious and slightly confused but I'm glad she dropped it.

I Looked at Piper and mouthed, "Book Of Shadows!" She nodded and we walked out of the kitchen leaving Phoebe alone once again.

"We need to get the vanquishing spell for Shax!" I said to Piper and she just nodded in agreement.

"I guess that's one good reason we remember it all, we can be prepared!" I looked up,

"What do you mean?"

"I didn't exactly want to remember my sister's death!" Piper said a single tear escaping down her cheek; I pulled her into my arms and kissed her on the top of her head.

"I know me neither, but we needed to know what would happen so we can stop it, we can't let Phoebe die again!"Piper pulled away and we looked at the book copying down the spell.

I will never let you fall,

I'll stand up with you forever,

I'll be there for you through it all,

Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

I couldn't let anything happen to her, I just couldn't. My love for her is so strong. The only time I came close to feeling anything like this was with Andy, but even that doesn't come close.

'Cause you're my, you're my, my,

My true love, my whole heart,

Please don't throw that away.

'Cause I'm here for you,

Please don't walk away,

And please tell me you'll stay, stay.

My whole heart belongs to her, even though she does things to annoy me, and can sometime frustrate the hell out of me; I forgive her so easily sometimes too easily.

Use me as you will,

Pull my strings just for a thrill,

And I know, I'll be okay,

Though my skies are turning grey.

"Prue? You ok?" I was brought from my thoughts by Piper,

"Huh? Oh yeah I'm fine,"

"Ok, let's go then!" and with that she walked out of the attic tugging me along with her.

By the time we got to the bottom of the stairs, everything happened so fast. Shax had come through the door and sent Piper flying into a wall and I ran over to check her pulse relieved when I found one.

When I turned I saw Shax turning towards Phoebe, "No, Not Again!" I yelled at Shax, who looked at me before turning back to Phoebe.

I will never let you fall,

I'll stand up with you forever,

I'll be there for you through it all,

Even if saving you sends me to heaven.

I wasn't going to let it happen again, without thinking I ran in Phoebe's direction and pushed her out of the way, absorbing the attack aimed at Phoebe and was sent flying into a wall.

I was still conscious but I was slowly fading, I could feel it. Phoebe crawled to me and took the spell from my hand, reading it and wounding Shax who retreated to get his strength back.

I will never let you fall,

"Prue," Phoebe cried, now the position was reversed and she was the one cradling me in her arms, "Stay with me Prue, I need you!" the pain and sincerity was evident in her voice.

I'll stand up with you forever,

"Phoebs..." My mouth was dry and It was hard to speak, but I had to say it, "...I...Love...You!" she sobbed loudly and I could feel the darkness closing in but before it consumed me I heard one last thing,

I'll be there for you through it all,

"I Love You Too Prue!" she most likely meant it in a sisterly way but it was the last thing I heard and it meant everything to me. And then I was lost to the darkness...

Even if saving you sends me to heaven...