Disclaimer: Characters owned by DC Comics.

If you are mad about the death of Lian Harper and the maiming of her father, join the Bring Back Lian Harper movement on both facebook and DeviantArt.

The Changing of Lian Harper

Roy turned on the radio station to classic rock. It was his, and his daughter's favorite. They had similar taste in music.

Not that she could complain, mind you. She wasn't even old enough to talk.

Roy picked up little Lian out of her crib this fine, sunny morning in the City of Angels.

"Morning, princess. You sleep well?" He asked her. She just cooed. Roy smiled, until a certain odor hit his nostrils.

"Whoo." He said. "Come on, let's get you changed, you smell like your uncle Salad Head."

She laughed. Even more proof. They had the same taste in jokes.

He sat her down on the changing table and got ready to clean her up. He disposed of the befouled diaper and got ready to put on a new one when BAM! He got hit by a liquid stream.

"Hey!" He cried out as he got out of the way.

Roy looked down at the Blue Valley Soldiers jersey Wally had lent him. Lian giggled as Roy examined the now soaking Blue Valley Soldier. She'd hit him directly.

"Wow. Perfect shot." He said, impressed.

Yep, she was definitely his kid.