I remember college only faintly now. I remember my insane roommate and our messy dorm room. I remember my speech-impaired, head-in-the-clouds professors. I remember my job at the bar and all of the losers that would hit on me after a few shots. I remember my hot boyfriend. He was rich and downright sexy. I was constantly worried that one day he would get bored of me and dump me for the next girl that caught his eye. I remember my parents quietly arguing about finances when they thought I couldn't hear.

I was a vocal performance major there at the U on a measly scholarship. I was overworked and hardly slept, but I think I was happier then than I am now. Life was a whole lot simpler to say the least. I worked hard, I got a grade. I counted down the time until they finally handed me a signed slip off paper saying that I had paid the U enough money and could now actually go out and get a real job.

I was a very careful person. I tried not to have to walk alone at night, but when I did, I wasn't defenseless, if you know what I mean. Of course, what good is any weapon I know how to use against Erik? I think that even if I had a loaded gun pressed up against his forehead, he could still win without a scratch.

He says that he couldn't stand my ignorance of his presence in my life any longer and that that was why he kidnapped me. We both know that it was Raoul's proposal that pushed him off the edge.

Raoul had it all set up. He was a rich kid and so we went out to the nicer restaurants in town. I should have guessed when he took me to a restaurant where they had a live quintet playing in the background. Raoul can't stand classical music. He, like most of the population, can't tell one classical piece from another. But – he knows that I love classical music. He wanted to make the evening perfect just for me.

The maitre'd greeted us in his stiff, pressed suit. "I'll bet he waddles like a penguin, too," Raoul whispered in my ear. I laughed. We sat right next to the strings and I just about wanted to scream by the end of the night. The lead violin was constantly flat. It crawled under my skin the entire time. Raoul didn't notice at all. He was to busy fidgeting with the ring box in his pocket. Finally, while we were waiting for the deserts we were now too full to eat, Raoul tried to subtly cue the lead violin. The lead violin was too engrossed in his music to notice and Raoul gave an exasperatted sigh as he slipped out of his booth and knelt next to me. "Christine, I have really enjoyed our time together and love you so much. I want to take this a step further. Christine, will you marry me?"

I stood up. Marry Raoul. I guess I loved him. He was handsome. He had an even temper. He even had a good sense of humor. He was so much better than some of the other asses I'd dated. "Yes," I paused. "Of course I'll marry you, Raoul. I love you too." Why wouldn't I want to marry Raoul? "Excuse me for a minute." I pecked him on the lips and left for the bathroom.

I stood in front of the mirror for a long time, just staring at myself. I was suddenly sure of my decision. Why shouldn't Raoul and I get married?

I thought I saw something move in the corner of my eye and I whipped around, only to feel dizzier and dizzier. I fell to the cold tile.