Lithuania is outside enjoying his country's scenery and the fact that Russia isn't there. He is heading over to Poland's place. He is about ten miles from the border.

He is driving there. It is much less conspicuous then catching a train, especially when you have a certain Russian tracking your every move. As he goes over a hill, he sees someone lying in the middle of the road.

Lithuania stomps on the brakes and swerves to avoid the person. When he stops, he gets out of his car and goes over to the person. When he sees them, he gasps.

It is a young girl. She looks bad. She is dirty, bruised, and has several cuts all over her. She must have been out here for quite some time. He bends down, checks her pulse, and is relieved to find one. She is alive at least. He shakes her shoulders. Nothing. She is unconscious.

Lithuania forgets all about going to see Poland. He picks up the girl and puts her in his back seat of his car gently. He knows exactly what to do.

He turns around and drives to the nearest hospital. When he gets there, he carries her in and she is admitted into the Emergency Room immediately.

"Do you know who she is?" A nurse asks. He shakes his head.

"No, I found her in the road." He says. She nods.

"Do you want to wait for her to wake up?" She asks.

Lithuania starts to answer no but he stops himself. Did he really want to leave this girl all alone in the hospital? She is probably just another one of his people. However, there is something about her, something that told him to stay.

"Yes. I will stay." He says.

"Okay, mister…."

"Toris. My name's Toris." She nods and turns around to tend to the girl.

He sits down in the chair in her room and waits for her to wake up. While he waits, he looks at her more thoroughly.

She is young, no more than 13. She has long pale blond hair with streaks of golden brown. Her hair is quite beautiful. Her skin is light in color. She has on a very dirty and worn dark red dress. The doctors have bandaged her up. It seems that she isn't badly injured. She is dehydrated. The doctors say that this is probably why she is unconscious. They give her some fluids and by now, she is stabilized. Eventually Lithuania starts to doze off.

He is almost asleep when someone wakes him up.

"Mister Toris. Wake up." Someone says. He opens his eyes to see the nurse from before. "She's awake. Do you want to talk to her?" She says.

"Yes." He says. He rubs his eyes.

He looks over to the bed to see the girl staring at him. He notices the weirdest thing.

Her eyes, they aren't normal. They are a dark red-purple. He tries not to stare too long.

He gets up and walks over to the bed. He looks at the girl.

"Hello, my name is Toris. I found you in the middle of the road. Do you feel okay?" He asks. She nods.

"What is your name sweetie?"

"Yelena." She whispers.

"That's a pretty name. How old are you?" He asks.

"I'm 12."

"Do you know where your parents are?" She shakes her head.

"I don't remember who my parents are. I don't remember very much at all. Just my name and age." She says.

"Oh. Do you remember your full name?"

"Yes. Yelena Braginski." She says.

Lithuania freezes. Did she just say Braginski?

"Braginski?" He says.

"Yes." She says.

'Could she be related to…no, that would be impossible. But what if she was? I better keep an eye on her to be sure.' Toris thinks.

"Where are you from?" He asks.

"I think Kaliningrad." She answers. She closes her eyes and goes into a light sleep.

He turns to the nurse.

"When can she leave the hospital?" He asks.

"As soon as the doctor gives her a clean bill of health." She answers. Just then, the doctor comes in.

"I was told that she was awake." He says. Lithuania nods. "Well do we know who she is?"

"Yes, her name is Yelena Braginski. She is 12 years old." Toris says.

"Do we know anything else?" The doctor asks.

"No." He lies.

"Well, I better check her bandages." The doctor walks over to Yelena. He checks all of her injuries and bandages her again. Lithuania watches nervously.

"She appears to be fine. She can leave when she wakes up again as long as she gets plenty to drink and eat." The doctor says. He turns to Lithuania. "Are you going to care for her? Since we don't know who her parents are, we can't send her home."

"Yes. I will take care of her. I'll also pay her medical bill." He says.

"Okay then." The doctor turns to the nurse. "Get the release forms for mister Toris here." She nods and leaves. Then the doctor leaves.

Lithuania is relieved. She is going to be fine. Moreover, he is going to get this whole Braginski thing solved. He sits down in the chair again and waits for her to wake up so they can leave. He closes his eyes but he can't get a certain picture out of his head, her deep red-violet eyes staring at him.

When she wakes up, he is wide-awake because he just filled out the release forms.

"Toris." She whispers. Lithuania looks at her. He smiles.

"Good you're awake. We can leave. I'm going to take care of you." He says.

"Really? I can leave?" She says.

"Yes. Can you get out of bed?" He asks. He gets up and walks over to the bed.

"I think so." She sits up and puts her legs over the side of the bed. She tries to stand up but her knees buckle. Toris catches her and helps support her weight. She stands up and leans against him.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks.

"Yes." She says. They walk to his car out in the parking lot. She gets into the passenger seat and buckles herself in. Lithuania pulls out of the hospital parking lot and starts driving home. She looks at the countryside.

"Where are we going?" She asks suddenly. Lithuania looks at her.

"We are going to my house. You'll like it there." He says.

"Oh." She says, still staring out the window.

Just then, his phone rings and the polish national anthem starts playing. He pulls it out. It is Poland.

"Hello Feliks." He answers, making sure to use Poland's human name.

"Hey Toris. Like where are you? You like said that you were like coming over, but you're like totally not here." He whines.

"I got sidetracked. Sorry, but I can't come over. I have some things that I have to take care of. Sorry again." Toris says.

"But you like promised. Breaking promises is like totally not fabulous. Like good-bye." Poland says then hangs up.

Lithuania puts his phone away. Now Yelena is staring at him.

"Who was that?" She asks.

"A friend of mine. His name is Feliks. We're almost home." He says. She nods. He turns down his street and turns onto his driveway. She is staring at his house.

"This is where you live? It's amazing." She says.

"Really? You think so?" Lithuania is flustered. His house is not, by other country's standards, very nice or majestic. Especially not compared to Russia's mansion.

"Yes. It is very pretty." She turns and stares at Lithuania. "Thank you for helping me."

"Y-you're welcome." Toris stutters. He smiles. She smiles back. "Well, let me show you where your room is and I will cook up some dinner." He says. He loved having guests over. Except for Russia. At this thought, Lithuania remembers her last name. Braginski.

He pushes the thought out of his mind and shows her where her room was. He usually reserves this one for when another country comes over. He goes into the kitchen to cook, leaving her to explore her new room.

When the food is done, he goes into her room to find her reading a Russian book that Russia had given Lithuania a long time ago.

"You can read Russian?" He asks. She looks up from the book.

"Да. And English." She says. Lithuania notices something that he hadn't before. She has a Russian accent when speaking English.

"Well, dinner is ready." He says.

"Okay, I'm coming." She says.

They sit down at Lithuania's dining room table and eat their dinner in relative silence.

"So are you from Kaliningrad?" He asks, going out on a limb. She stops eating.

"Well, I think I'm from a place called Kaliningrad. I don't remember very well." She says slowly.

Kaliningrad. It sounds familiar. Where has he heard it before?

"Excuse me." He says and gets up. He goes into the living room and pulls out his phone. He stares at it. He was going to regret this. He dials a number.

It rings about five times before someone answers.

"Привет." Says someone with a thick Russian accent.

"Hello, Russia. This is Lithuania." He says.

"Ah. Liet. When was the last time I paid you a visit?"

"Um. Russia, I have to ask you something." Toris says nervously.


"Have you ever heard of a place called Kaliningrad?" He says.

Silence…then, "да, it is the land west of you. It is part of Russia. Why are you asking?"

"Umm. H-have you h-had any t-trouble with protests or uprisings there?" He stutters.

"Yes, it was brought to my attention by my boss about a week ago. Why are you asking all this Liet?"

"Well, I-I have a g-guest here r-right now. H-her name is Yelena."

"So? What does this have to do with Kaliningrad?" Russia says.

"Russia, she is from Kaliningrad and her name is Yelena Braginski." Toris says quietly.

Silence…"I'm coming over right now. I'll be there soon." Click. Russia just hangs up on him. Lithuania turns around to find Yelena staring at him with her mouth wide open.

Lithuania's eyes widen. She had been listening. He hadn't thought of that. He smiles.

"Who were you talking to?" She says suspiciously. Lithuania's trying to decide what to tell her. The truth, he decides. She would find out one way or another anyway.

"Come here. I haven't been completely honest with you." He says. He points to the couch.

She walks over and sits down on the couch. Lithuania sits down beside her.

"So who was that?" She asks again.

"That was Russia." Her eyes widen. "He is coming over to meet you."

"Russia? As in the country?" Lithuania nods. "But…but how?" She asks.

"I am Lithuania. I represent my country and people in a human body. Russia is the same." He says.

"But…but….you said that your name was Toris." She says.

"That is my human name." He says. Those red-violet eyes of hers just seem drowned in confusion.

"Why were you talking about me?"

"Well, Russia's human name is Ivan. Ivan Braginski." Lithuania says. Yelena gasps.

"He has the same last name as me." She whispers. She looks down.

"Yes. That's why I called him."

She's silent for a while. Then she looks up at him.

"Am I like you too?" She asks.

"Like what?"

"Do I represent people?" She asks. Lithuania thinks long and hard about this.

"I don't know. Let's wait for Russia, okay?" Toris asks.

"Okay." She says.

Okay so this is my first Fanfic EVER. So be nice please.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia. But I own Yelena. But not Kaliningrad.


