AN: I'm gonna try and limit the Author Notes for this particular series because it disrupts the flow~ Feel free to drop a review or question for Gilbert about his hitchhiking. This series is semi-interactive so it'll be really helpful to actually have interaction. XD Anyways, this is the amazing Gilbert's blog!

April 18

Mein Gott, I'm finally back on the Internet, back to my blog, back to my life. It's been a horrible three months when Luddy forced me to let you guys go, but I showed him that my withdrawal symptoms were real and he finally let me go. Just saying this now, but investing in a lot of alcohol to calm your nerves causes you to go to Alcoholics Anonymous. Don't question me on this one guys.

I've had this blog for so damn long and it's about time I do something special for you guys. And no, no I won't be stripping anytime soon. That's for when I get to my next kiriban. You hear that? You get to see the awesome Gilbert strip if you help me reach my goal so go and email your friends and… shit.

Anyways, I'm hitchhiking around the world.

Yeah. Really. :D

I'm hitching a free ride from god old Germany to invisible Canada and back.

Don't worry, I'm visiting all those less awesomer countries in between.

Ludwig wasn't too happy to hear that, but he helped me pack up some crap of mine and forced me to bring along my credit cards and put all my money into the bank. I don't see the point, I'm going totally FREE. F-R-E-E (That spell free, credit report dot com baby…) But fuck, he's not letting me out of the house unless I bring a backpack with crap inside.

Urgh, so not cool…

April 21

Yes, I'm still here… in Germany…. bored shitless and witless. The lug made me go to resource websites so that I don't run into some psychotic killer who tries to kill both me and him by driving off a cliff. PSh. It's not like I'll run into somebody like that. Shit. Did I just jinx myself?

Fuck, whatever. Here are some of the websites I went to. Check them out and help me come up with a sign. I was thinking of something along the lines of: "HEY. I'M AWESOME." and at the very bottom I write down: "1 Prussian. Far from home." What do you guys think?

Oh wait, the websites, I forgot.

http://www. stiffarmingsociety. com/hitchhiking/

http://www. roadjunky. com/guide/765/hitchhiking-guide

http://wikitravel. org/en/Tips_for_hitchhiking

http://hitchwiki. org/en/Main_Page

Yeah, cool websites aren't they? Well, not as cool as my blog, but whatever. They're getting there. And talking about my blog, a pretty little reviewer dropped me a couple of questions which I will be answering in here.

Q: Are you still going to update?

A: Why yes, yes I am. This is just a special for Ore-sama's Blog and updates will mostly be about my hitchhiking experience. FUUUUUUCK. How cool is that going to be? \(*w*)/

Q: Do you know what you're doing?

A: The Great Gilbert, Conquer of Vital Regions definitely knows what he's doing. Besides, I got a map.

Q: Take me with you? ;w;

A: Sorry, babe, I would love to but I'm going solo.

There, done. The most commonly asked questions. Got any more? Drop them in a review or something. I'll get to them in my next update next week. Luddy is really getting on my nerves with his constant prattling about the 'dangers' of hitchhiking.


I'm too awesome for danger.