Chapter 5 – Meetings


Naruto stood at the head of the table looking over the members of Uzumaki council. It was a select group to keep the information controlled and the different influences or ways of thought to a minimum, not that all agreed with one another or even Naruto some times. Naruto valued their opinion though as during his training and travels these were people he came to rely in and trust when things were tough.

The talks to this point were stalled as opinion was mixed. Mainly some wanted more time to enjoy the quiet before engaging in any fighting. Others wanted to go immediately to help the bloodline resistance. A few just saw value in having the neighboring Kiri as an ally to ensure peace.

"Is there no one else this group can turn to?" Asked Uzumaki Kairi.

"I'm afraid not Kairi-san. Their leader informed me they have so far sought asylum or aid from Konoha, Kumo, Taki, Shimogakure, Takumi Village, Tanigakure, Yumegakure, and many other villages. Each time they were turned away with the leader or a representative saying they couldn't get involved for different reasons" Naruto responded.

"Why come here? Is she not aware of the history between her village and ours?" Uzumaki Oki asked.

"She made no mention of such knowledge Oki-san. I doubt she is even thinking properly at this time. It seems like her group is on the verge of destruction and this is a last desperate gamble on her part for some kind of relief" Naruto replies.

The others in the room nodded. This was a logical conclusion, but they were on the fence themselves. Kiri could be a powerful ally, but contrary to what most were thinking the newly reborn village wasn't shopping for allies.

They were all acutely aware of how fickle and prone to change alliances were, especially among shinobi. The old saying today's ally could be tomorrow's enemy and of course the reverse were often said for a reason. Many alliances had been forged and broken some times on the very same day during the time of the Clan Wars. Such things only grew more unstable with the advent of Villages. After all two men can sit together and reach a reasonable agreement between like minds, but two hundred or two thousand … It was often impossible to reach an accord everyone could completely agree with.

"Why are we even discussing an alliance so soon? I thought the plan for the first year was to simply learn about what has changed in the Elemental Nations since most of us have been dead for a long time" remarked Uzumaki Umiko.

"That is true, but going it on our own will bring everyone down upon us just like before to destroy our land before it can be fully operational. As is it'll take a process of two years before everyone will finally arrive through the veil.

I also don't want to ally with just one village. That mistake has been made and it destroyed this land. I won't let it happen a second time. Kami blessed me for a purpose that I now understand is bigger the Uzuo, but that doesn't mean Uzuo is any less important.

We will restore these lands to their former prominence and even greater. The Uzumaki clan, the Ningyo clan, the Ryū clan, the Ifrit clan, the Shimo no Kyojin, the Rasetsu clan, and the Hibiki. These clans are some of the most feared and revered clans in the history of this world and now we are of one land at one time. Ripped from the pages of history we are alive once more.

The world will come to know us and fear us, because they know that alone these seven clans have taken on and destroyed entire armies even villages. Yet, we are not here to cause fear. We are here to revive this once great land and bring stability if not peace to this world.

To do that even we will need help. Not just from the other powerful clans that have joined us on this journey, but with the other lands and nations. Kiri is just a starting point and with them at our backs hopefully we can keep more focus on the threats in front of us.

I know I ask a lot, especially with so few of us here and the nations banging on our door for an audience. But I ask you to side with me on this and let us help our neighbors regain their home and end their war" Naruto declares.

For a few minutes no one does anything except sit and think, but it wasn't long before the silence was broken.

"You just want to sleep with that hot red head" remarked Uzumaki Hisato.

At that everyone broke out in laughter. Naruto's affinity for red heads was near legendary in some circles. Once the powers allowed him to meet the members of his mother's clan still residing in the higher realm he couldn't help but make a fool out of himself when the women teased him. Naturally when asked he said it was their red hair that he liked most and since then they've never stopped teasing him over it.

"Shut up Hisato!" Naruto shouted loosing a bit of his cool.

This just caused the laughter to grow. It was several minutes before things calmed down again. Several long minutes for Naruto.

"I won't lie and say that I do not find her attractive. However, my intentions are purely to help her country and gain Uzu a potentially strong ally" Naruto affirms.

"I call for a vote" rang out Uzumaki Masanori.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, everyone that is for assisting the Kiri rebel alliance please raise your hands" Naruto asks.

Counting the raised hands Naruto saw that fourteen hands went up.

"The Uzumaki by majority vote agree to help the Kiri rebel's and a future alliance with them" Uzumaki Yuichi says.

"Thank you all for taking the time to help me with this matter. Before I leave do you have any business that should be discussed or that you want to bring to my attention?" Naruto asked.

"We did want to talk about bringing in the still existing Uzumaki out in the world. We do not ask that you blindly bring in and accept someone that would be poisonous to the rebirth of Uzushiogakure no Sato. However, we would like to begin an active search for those of Uzumaki lineage that are open to returning to their homeland and willing to abide by your rule" Yuichi broaches.

Naruto looked around the table at all of those present and saw the desire to reconnect with their lost family was burning in each of their eyes.

"I know I am no longer a 'true' Uzumaki, but I was born an Uzumaki. Of course I approve the search for any lost Uzumaki" Naruto responds.

This caused great cheer to rise up among those of the clan present.

"This is great, we should begin preparations immediately" said Masanori.

"Hold on" Naruto says catching everyone's attention.

The group quickly quieted down to here what their King had left to say.

"I approve of the search and I approve it beginning as soon as possible. I can actually help as before departing from the heavens I was given a folder with the locations of several lost Uzumaki. However …" Naruto starts leaving the group anxious.

"One of them, named Nagato, is apparently the leader of an underground organization with seriously messed up ideals caused by the deaths of almost everyone he loved or cared for in continuous acts of violence related to wars and mostly involving Konoha shinobi" Naruto revealed.

This of course caused many gasps to be heard around the chamber.

"Are you implying that Konoha had something to do with not just two Uzumaki deaths, but the suffering of an innocent child?" Hisato asked.

"I think all of you should read the files on him and the other 'lost' Uzumaki. Since I hoped this conversation would happen I have the files on me" Naruto says.

Naruto pulled out a fairly decent sized folder and then held it in his hand as a yellow light began to form over the folder. In the next second identical copies of the folder were found in front of everyone.

"If you open the folder you will see his file is first as he is a critical case. What happens with Nagato is vital to our mission of bringing peace to this world.

Konoha did not actively hurt this child or his parents. His parents had the misfortune of settling in Ame, which became one of the main areas of conflict in the Second Shinobi World War. They were killed by a group of Konoha shinobi raiding their home looking for supplies. They didn't know they were Uzumaki, just that they were attacking them. They also didn't realize they were only being attack because the couple were trying to protect their child and thought they would harm Nagato.

Actually in hopes that they would be of use in restoring Nagato to his former self his parents have been reborn and are here. You know them as Uzumaki Tomatsu and his wife Uzumaki Jun.

It is hoped that with them returned he will become apart of Uzuo's rebirth and dissolve his organization before they can do any serious harm. They will be going with one other to Ame where it is believed the Akatsuki are headquartered" Naruto explains.

Once they had read through the documents and notes they each nodded and turned to the next profile.

"The next confirmed Uzumaki is a girl currently in Kusagakure named Karin. She has a very interesting use of the Uzumaki vitality. Her's is so strong that she can use it to heal people" Naruto says.

This of course caused several gasps as they began to scruitinize the girl's profile.

"What could cause this? No Uzumaki I know of has ever had such an ability?" exclaimed Uzumaki Ume.

"It is unknown were the ability originates from. However, finding her and bringing her to Uzu is also a priority" Naruto says.

Everyone nods at this as well seeing how valuable the girl could be to the clan. Hopefully they could convince Kusa to release her without much trouble.

"The last file is Uzumaki Honoka. She is unaffiliated with any group and is nearby on an island with a research team trying to do something foolish in creating an ultimate summon creature" Naruto tells them.

This of course got a few chuckles.

"After that there is a list of possible Uzumaki's, but those three were the ones that the Kami's were sure of. Now, we still are operating with limited numbers but I can send teams of five to find both of the girls. Another group will be established later to check on the possible cases if they do not come to us first. If there is nothing further …" Naruto never got to finish.

"What about Uzumaki Kushina?" Hisato asked.

This caused Naruto to grimace. He really didn't want to have to deal with this now, but he had little choice.

"Uzumaki Kushina will not be allowed to return to Uzushiogakure" Naruto replies firmly.

"She is family! We can't turn our back on her and her children!" shouted Hisato.

"This was not my decision!" Naruto shouted back.

"Then whose was it!" Hisato retorted.

"That would be me" came the calm voice of Uzumaki Kouki.

"What? Kouki, but why? She is your daughter?" Hisato asked.

"Kouki-jiji you don't have to lie for me. I cannot tell you why this has to be, just that this is the way things have to be done. Kushina is no longer my mother. She has aligned herself with Konoha just as Mito did before her. They have chosen to give everything to that village including the Uzumaki teachings, sealing techniques, and heritage" Naruto announces.

"What? That can't be true?" Hisato says.

"It is my friend. I have seen it myself" Kouki affirms.

"I do not wish to keep an Uzumaki away from their homeland, but she cannot be allowed to settle here. Kouki has asked that she be allowed to visit him and his wife and that I will not deny.

This is a second chance for the clan, for Uzushiogakure. There can be no mistakes made and we cannot give in to old feelings or ties. I do not make my decisions lightly, but I hope you understand I make these decisions because they are the best choice for us all" Naruto says.

The clan didn't like it, Naruto didn't like it but they gave their accent.

"I should get going. I still have to consult the other clans to reach a consensus vote before doing anything else about Kiri" Naruto says.

"Will you come back for dinner tonight? I'm sure Kimiko would love to see you" Kouki says.

"Of course, I'll bring the wine" Naruto responds with a smile.

Unknown to Naruto was that he would soon be faced with the object of their discussion very soon.


"What do you mean Kurenai can't go?" Kushina questioned.

"The council insists that they be allowed to choose a member of the group being sent to Uzuo. They wanted to send Danzō, but I got them to agree on sending Hiruzen instead" Minato responds.

"Fine, but if Hiruzen is coming then I want to bring Nariaki with me to show him where his mother came from" Kushina says.

"I'm sure the Uzuoan chief won't have a problem with that, but what about the rest of the kids. Surely they would want to go as well?" Minato asked.

"They are too young for such a journey. It will be hard enough getting through the whirlpool defense with Nariaki. He has more training then they do and he can already defeat experienced gennin. I won't have to worry as much about him if things go wrong" Kushina argues.

"I see you are set on this" Minato says.

Kushina nods. She wanted to show all her children the land she came from one day, but this news of Uzu being reborn sped up her time table. She had wanted to wait until all of them were at least genin. Things were different now and she couldn't wait. If things went well she could bring them all on family trip soon anyway.

"Okay, but ask him first. If he wants to go I will allow it" Minato says.

Kushina smiled at her husband and gave him a kiss showing her thanks.

Next Day

Kushina, Itachi, and Nariaki were standing in front of the Konoha gates waiting for the 4th member of their party.

"Where is he?" Kushina asked out loud for the umpteenth time.

"Maybe he didn't receive the message you sent telling him the time to meet" Itachi offered.

"Message?" Kushina asked dubiously.

"You did tell him when and where to meet us, right sensei?" Itachi asked.

"Well …" Kushina sheepishly grins and messes with her hair.

Itachi was about to chastise her, but Kushina was saved by Hiruzen arriving.

"I see we are all here, sorry I was late but little Kono wouldn't let me go without showing him a jutsu" Hiruzen tells them.

"Hiruzen-sama, how did you know when and where to come?" Itachi asks.

"Minato-kun told me yesterday. He believed Kushina would be in too much of a hurry to remember to contact me" Hiruzen answers with a grin.

Kushina blushed and inwardly thanked her husband.

"Well then we should get going. Whirlpool is a couple of days away if we hurry we can reach the shores by tomorrow morning and either hire a ship or walk across" Kushina says.

As they set out a man using a cane with one eye visually followed them from a distance. He tapped his can lightly on the ground.

"Follow them … discreetly" He ordered.

Three shadows blurred out of sight immediately once the order was given.

'Just what are you up to Minato' He thought before leaving.

Thank you for reading the fifth chapter of this story. I apologize for the long wait for such a short update. I hope you enjoyed it none the less.