Entry 3

Monday, May 17, 2010


Today, I went to the Red Sox game, like I told my parents I would. So I was hoping I would see Amy tonight, but turns out she was at the game. And so was Jonah Wizard. He went out onto the field before the game and sang one of his songs, but before that he said that it was written for Amy and made her come sit with him while he sang it. Amy looked like she was going to vomit, so that was reassuring. I can't say I didn't feel the same way. Watching Jonah express his love for Amy in such a way was nauseating. Then she went back to her seat and the game began. I rather enjoy American baseball; it's quite like cricket.

After looking over and seeing Amy look so tortured surrounded by all those girls, I went over to offer her a seat near me. On my way over to her and back I had to pass her monkey of a little brother, Daniel. When I got to her seat, I said, "Hello, Amy."

She started blushing like she always does when I'm around her and stuttered back in her adorable little stutter, "H-h-hi, I-Ian. W-what do you w-want?" To which I replied, "I have an extra seat, and I was wondering if you would mind coming to sit with me. I've already asked your teachers, and they say that it would be fine." I actually hadn't spoken to any of her teachers, but they seemed a bit preoccupied trying to restrain Daniel. After debating while all the girls around her sickeningly fawned over me, she came. On our way back to my seat, we passed Daniel again, and he shouted, "Look! It's a slimy, cold Cobra!"

When we got back to my seat Amy got serious. "So what do you want, Ian?"

Her lack of stutter caught me off guard, and I suddenly got it myself, "I-Amy, I-I don't know how to say this…"

She took advantage of this and replied sarcastically, "What? So-rry?"

I suddenly got bold. Where it came from I still do not know for certain. I replied with, "No, Amy, I just-I just need to tell you that-that I love you." She got a look of shock on her face but didn't say anything, so I continued, "You saved my life after I tried to take yours. I regret doing that-really, I do. I just want you to know that I love you. I convinced my parents to let my fly out here today so I could see you. I didn't know I would see you here at the game, which was my excuse for coming out here, but things worked out. And…if you really want to think about it this way, it's like our first date. Well, our first date where someone's not trying to kill someone else."

Then she just sat there, not moving, and for a while I didn't even know if she would blink. Then after a long time, she finally came around and shouted, "Ian, I thought I loved you, but some things just can't be forgiven! Trying to kill somebody is one of them! I loved you then, but this is now! I have to move on and forget the past! There's no 'forget the past so I can change the future' button! You could do anything, and I wouldn't take you back!" Then she slapped me and ran out of Fenway Park, crying. I got up and followed her to where she was sitting outside. I helped her get up and into the car Father keeps in Boston that I was using. I think if she hadn't been crying as hard and paid attention to who I was, she wouldn't have let me do what I did. I was planning to take her home, but then she came around and shouted, "Ian Kabra! You had better take me home this instant or else I'll call your 'Mommy' and 'Daddy' to tell them what you're doing!"

So I drove her to her apartment and helped her get inside, since she was still being an emotional wreck. I helped her into her room and onto her bed. I went to the kitchen and got her a glass of water to drink. Then I left.

Now I'm on my plane back to London, but before I left for the airport, at about 11, I went out to buy a dozen roses to leave outside Amy's window. I attached a note to it saying, "Amy, I don't care if you never want to see me again, but these are for you. Eleven of these roses are real, one is fake. I will love you until the very last one of these roses dies. Love, Ian." Then I put my phone number, telling her to call if she cares about me. I don't know how she'll react to it, but I don't care. Either way I will always love her. I guess I do care, a bit, but-I'm afraid this is all I can write for now. I'm getting a call-

From Amy.