A few years ago I decided to try my hand at one of those slasher horror fics. Why I picked Robin and Raven-I can't remember. Mostly that's what I used to write back then. I will admit that I used to be a Rae/Rob shipper-but not anymore. I admit that I am fascinated by Rae/Kilowatt and Rae/Slade right now-but there really aren't a lot of those out there-but I'm no longer a shipper of anyone. I just write what comes and sometimes during rewrites-like I'm doing right now I change what was. I took two of those rewrites that are already up and changed the main guy just for varieties sake. I didn't think that was going to work for this story-then when I went to wash my hair-it hit me. Since the bathroom for some reason looks like its under the sea-this became an Aqualad and Raven fic. When I came back to my laptop and started rewriting this-it was just like this story was meant to be Rae/Aqualad all along. This was written after the episode 'Birthmark' aired and before the episode 'Stranded'-but doesn't really take place in that time frame. Both Raven and Aqualad are around 17 in this story. I never took full advantage of the setting where this fic takes place in the handwritten version-I hope to do better at that this time around. So keeping that in mind-there isn't very much after the first two or three paragraphs that is the same for this chapter. One last note there was a notice somewhere to keep the summary PG so I thought that 'extreme aggression-homicide related messes-usage of controlled substances-late night encounters and violations' fit that better than violence-gore-drug abuse-sex and rape. I think its time to lay off the sugar and caffeine again.

Terror Falls

As he stops the rental car in front of the mountain cabin and looks at the sleeping form of Raven in the seat beside him-he thinks that it has been entirely too long since they last did this. He reaches over and brushes some strands of Raven's hair out of her face. It rests about half way down her back now-he's glad that she is finally letting it grow.

Raven begins to stir at Aqualad's touch. "Are we here already?"

"Already? We've been on the road for over half a day."

She unbuckles the seat-belt and stretches. "Blame it on the Dramamine...you know I can't stand all these curving mountain roads with the way you drive."

"What's wrong with the way I drive?"

"This is the real world-you can't drive like you're in a video game."

"You won't have to worry about it until we have to leave Sunday night. We have this place all to ourselves until then."

"Speaking of...just where are we?"

"Its a surprise. I hope you're rested up after your nap because we have some hiking to do to get to it."

"Hiking? I thought we came here for something else."

"We have plenty of time for that later."

"Are you sure you can wait that long?"

"I take it that you don't intend to make this easy."

Raven unzips her black and violet hoodie revealing a skin tight low cut matching violet tank top that shows off her ample breasts-before she picks up the cabin keys off the dash. "I'll be inside getting ready."

Aqualad watches Raven walk away as she gets out of the car. His eyes doesn't leave her tight little butt until she gets inside the cabin. Dark and creepy Raven turns into quite the little vixen during these trips. If any of the other Titans were to see her right now he thinks they wouldn't recognize her. His mind wanders back to their very first late night encounter. It was just after the Titans had come to Steel City when Brother Blood took over the new tower and helped kick his butt. He found Raven alone out on the shore-over looking the ocean. It was clear that she longed for something that she felt she could never have and he was determined to prove her other wise. One night no strings attached was the deal he had made her. One night quickly turned into friends with benefits. Then after she went home they met up every chance they had-no towers-no Titans-no powers-just the two of them. That's why they're out here this weekend in the middle of nowhere. Its been several years now and he would finally like to become more than just friends with benefits. He finally gets out of the car and takes the luggage inside.

Raven enters the bathroom and removes a needle and a bottle of drugs from the pocket of her hoodie. She never told Aqualad that she thought the time they were in Steel City together was just luck-the battle with Brother Blood and the mind controlled Titans East had taken a lot out of her. She hadn't wanted to loose what they had-but she didn't want to endanger anyone either by loosing control of her powers. After that when they had met she made sure that her powers wouldn't be an issue. Being half demon the drugs have no affect on her physically-but some how they do suppress her powers. She had found that out by accident after her birthday. She had only needed an escape why she had turned to the drugs-she doesn't know...it had just seemed like the quickest way to get it at the time. The fact that it was against the law didn't matter to her at the time, or maybe she just didn't care. She never got any of sort of mind numbing high, but what she had gotten after one little shot of heroine was freedom from her powers. She fills the needle half full-that should last her well into tomorrow night. She looks at the closed door and quickly locks it before she inserts the needle in her arm. She sits down on the edge of the tub as she injects the drugs into her system and relaxes as she gives them time to take effect.

After a while Aqualad knocks on the bathroom door. "You okay in there Raven?"

Raven looks up startled. As she yawns-she makes a mental note not to take heroine when she still has Dramamine in her system. "I'll be out in a minute." She pockets the vile of drugs and the syringe before turning on the tap and splashing some cold water on her face. Finally she opens the door.

"What did you do fall asleep in there?"

"That's so not funny."

He chuckles softly. "You did fall asleep in there, didn't you? Come on some fresh air will wake you right up."

"Just give me a minute." Raven opens up her duffel bag that Aqualad brought in and slips the vial of drugs and the needle into the bottom. "Are we going to be meeting any people on this hike."

"Not the wig again."

She takes a ponytail holder from the duffel bag and pulls her hair back into a ponytail. She then takes out a long brunette wig and slips it on. She brushes it out and adjusts the bangs to hide her chakra stone. "I'm ready now."

"Are you sure that you don't want to put in contacts?"

"People are supposed to think that I am wearing them because they match the outfit."

"Then why wear the wig when your hair matches too?"

"If you want to have some fun this weekend then don't be a smart ass."

"I like you just the way you are. All you need are some civilian clothes, Raven."

"That works for you because you have a normal hair color-I don't. Do you want someone to recognize me and then have our little trips to end up on the news? We'd be kicked out of the Titans."

Aqualad just shrugs. "Wouldn't bother me...I would get you all to myself. Now, if you're ready-we should go if we want to be back before dark."

"What happens when it gets dark."

"That's when the locals say that the ghosts come out."


"Some local lore about the area being haunted."

Raven follows Aqualad to the door. "You really know how to set a romantic mood."

"I told you that comes later."

I'm really starting to become a fan of teasers for my first chapters-I have no idea why. Maybe its partly because I'm doing double duty this week by posting several rewrites and getting second chapters of them ready to go up next week. It takes an entire weekend just to type up a chapter of my Samurai Troopers fic alone. So if all the others get two chapters typed this week then I'm going to be very busy. Its okay I got no life until my job starts next month-anyway. Until then I live for NASCAR on weekends-Tuesday night's new episodes of 'Deadliest Catch' and Wednesday night 'Mythbusters'-oh and posting my old fan fics online too. I just realized that my job is going take up all my weekends when it starts which means no NASCAR...now I'm sad. I would be downright depressed if took the other two shows to-but luckily it doesn't. I guess I can hope for lots of rain so all the races get posponed til Mondays ;)

Author's Editing note: I apologize to all my loyal readers for this story. Next time I know not to work on so much at once and let everything get backed up. After going back and looking this one over I realized that my editor thought it would be cute to parody Hannah Montana. When I wrote it the wig color was brunette and she changed it to blonde. So I fixed it-I just can't see Raven buying a blonde wig. There was a reason why it wasn't black when I started this but I've forgotten it by now.