What if in ep 29, instead of Philip entering Shoutarou's dream, Shoutarou entered his partner's dream? Hmm...

COMPLETED IN: 30 minutes

Disclaimer: If I owned Kamen Rider, there'll be a iphone game about Kamen Rider in English.

"Tadaima!" Shoutarou announced as he entered the house. He set his fedora hat and brown long coat on the rack near the door and removed his vest, before slinging it over his shoulder and walking towards his room.

"Okaeri, Shoutarou!" A familiar voice called from the living room. Shoutarou smiled; his brother was reading from his extensive collection of books again.

"Ah, Shou-kun! It's almost time for dinner!" His mother reminded from the kitchen. The detective sighed as he removed his Gaia Memories and W Driver from his vest.

Wait a minute, he thought. We're supposed to be looking for the Dopant! Shoutarou smacked his forehead with the palm of his hand. "Better go find Philip."

When he arrived at the dining table, his 'family' had already taken their seats.

"Shoutarou! Hurry up! We're hungry!" His 'brother', Philip, urged.

Shoutarou was about to remind his partner of their mission, until he saw Philip's expression. It was one of happiness and belonging. Shoutarou scanned the room's occupants. They all had unclear facial features, almost as if their faces had been blurred.

"So this is what you want, Philip? Your family?" Shoutarou whispered to no one. For a moment, he had considered allowing Philip to continue his dream, to let him be happy for even a moment longer.

Philip picked up what the older man had said. "What are you talking about, Shoutarou? My family is right here!"

That look of innocence nearly made Shoutarou lose his resolve. Almost.

"Listen, Philip. We're in your dream. We're supposed to be searching for a Dopant."

Philip slumped in his chair. "I know, Shoutarou. You don't have to remind me."

"Wait, you knew all along this was lucid dreaming?"

Philip gave a slow, sad nod. He then slowly raised a hand to point at his 'father'. "The Dopant is here."

As soon as he was revealed, the 'father' changed his form into that of the Nightmare Dopant.

"Very dull dream you have here, boy. Think about your family often? No matter, I'll put you to sleep forever!"

After an extensive fight against the Dopant, they were ejected out of Philip's dream when the Dopant fled. Philip curled up on his side on the patch of grass they were lying on, left to his own thoughts. Shoutarou sat up and gazed at the clouds, trying to give his partner some privacy.


Shoutarou jumped as the tense silence was broken. "What is it, Philip?"

"The family I had in my dream wasn't real, but you are."

"So that's what you meant, huh?" Shoutarou recalled the sentence Philip had said.

'My family is right here'

He laughed softly. "Glad you finally realise it, buddy."