Summary: There is rivalry at Forks High, and two students are about to enter the midst of it unknowingly. Two groups of senior students go head to head, trying to win the newest students over to their side. One fights with friendship and loyalty, the other with manipulation and betrayal. Cat fights at every corner, verbal assaults in every confrontation, when will the madness cease to exist? Despite the turf wars, the teens still manage to have fun and fall in love. Human.

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or it's characters, besides my OC Sarah. However, SM has kindly let me borrow them for the duration of this story... -Cough.- This story is currently unbeta'd, however, if you'd like to beta for me, send me a message on twitter or here!

April 19, 2010.


Forks, Washington.

The steady drum of rain against the roof of the school was maddening. For some reason it just cemented the fact that she was trapped inside, cooped up within these mundane walls doing work that she probably wouldn't even need in the future. Beside her, a pixie like girl was scribbling away at a blank sheet of printer paper. On her other side, a delicate blond was seated, quietly writing abstract thoughts and ideas. What a dull way to spend their day. The girl writing jerked in surprise when her chair was kicked from beneath the table, light green orbs flashing up to focus on the cheeky male in front of her.

Sarah McCarty and Emmett McCarty were siblings. Emmett was older by two minutes, and he seemed the cheerier of the two as well. Sarah was the more mellower and calmer of the two, always managing to talk some sense into her older brother. The McCarty family had moved to Forks back when the group was in Elementary School, and since the first couple days the two had attended school, they became an important part of the group. Like typical growing teenagers, they had their fights and arguments, but they were never enough to keep them apart for long.

Except that couldn't be said for the old part of the group.

Lauren Mallory, Jessica Stanley and Victoria Hunter use to be real close with them, but during middle school that changed really quick. Victoria's parents came into some quick, and very dirty money which had Lauren and Jessica fawning over her from the start. Instantly, the group split into two very distinctive sections. Jessica, Victoria and Lauren against Bella, Alice, Edward, Sarah and Emmett.

Bella glanced forward to the front of the classroom with a sigh. The clock was ticking loudly, echoing in the semi-silence. For some reason, this period seemed to be passing slower and slower. A sudden hiss to her left had the table glancing over. Alice was cursing up a storm, carefully trying to erase a smudge that stretched across the paper due to the point of her pencil breaking under pressure.

"Jeez, shorty, got a lil bit of pent up anger there?" Emmett's teasing voice drifted across the table to the ruffled pixie's ear. Sarah kicked her brother's shin in response, which earned her a hiss of pain.

"Shut up, Emmett. She's frazzled for obvious reasons. Lauren and Jessica have been scheming again." Bella was quick to jump in, if anything to keep an argument for happening in the middle of Economics. Edward let a light smirk twist at his lips, reaching across the table to set his hand upon his girlfriend's. "Ali, chill. They won't do anything, especially with Bella and Sarah here on your side."

Truth be told, while Sarah was the more level headed of the group along with Edward(sometimes), when provoked properly she explodes. That was one of the reasons Victoria quickly abandoned the group when the opportunity arose. Since then, at least one of the three had gotten their ass handed to them by either Sarah or Bella. Conversation from that point on seemed to flow easily. Alice and Edward discussed her newest fashion ideas, with the occasional input from Sarah who enjoyed fashion just as much as her friend. Emmett, Sarah and Bella debated on attending the beach bonfire that weekend in La Push, which brought Alice's and Edward's attention away from Fashion.

"Jacob called last night and told me there was a bonfire this Friday on First Beach. Are you all in, or we going to do something else?" It was well known that the group rarely separated when going anywhere, only when the couples, Alice and Edward mostly, went on dates.

"I'm all for it! I wanna kick me some Quiluete ass!" Sarah exclaimed, low enough to not disturb the class, but loud enough for the excitement to be noticeable. Sarah and Emmett had a bet going that Paul and Sam couldn't beat her in a fair game of Volleyball. One on two. So far, it was correct, and so far, she's been racking in some pretty money.

Paul Meraz, in Sarah's eyes, was a fine piece of ass. Beautiful mocha skin, with the brightest brown eyes she has ever seen. His anger was fierce, too. So fierce in fact that, when he was mad enough, his eyes seemed to change to black. Paul was tall, towering over her petite 5'3 by at least a foot more. The thing she almost could never keep her eyes off of was his rip body. Hard, washboard abs with a defined V leading down into his pants. His biceps were almost as big as Emmett's, but far leaner.

"What time should be go to First Beach?" Edward calmly questioned, smiling to his cousin, Sarah. He could practically already read what was going through her mind. Edward Cullen and the McCarty's were cousins. Edward's mother, Esme Cullen, was Lucielle McCarty's sister. However, this was where Esme had decided to attend college, and it was where she met Carlisle too.

Bella was the only odd ball from the group. She was the single daughter of Charlie and Renee Swan. However, when she was younger, Renee up and left her and Charlie. Since then, she hasn't heard from her mother but it no longer effected her.

Alice's older sister was Charlotte Brandon, who was two years her senior and had graduated from Forks high two years prior. Charlotte was the exact opposite of Alice. Still petite, but leggy and a blond with bright colored eyes.

During their discussion of appropriate times to head to First Beach, the bell rang and they quickly collected their belongings, heading for their next class. "Let's skip the last two periods and spend the rest of the day at the Beach. Spring break is coming up next week anyway."

They agreed on that plan and separated into two groups. Sarah, Alice and Bella went into their next class, photography, while Edward and Emmett headed for Mechanics. The teacher was already in the photography classroom when they entered and settled into their chairs. This classroom was set up completely different from the others. A partition separated a quarter of the room where lights and various backgrounds were set up for use. Another quarter of the room held the computers where students would print their pictures, and do touch ups on them if needed. Multiple, framed work from previous students and that years students were hanging on the wall. A door in the back of the classroom led to the red room where students developed the film of older cameras. The rest of the classroom was set up as close to a lounge as the school would allow.

Sarah removed her Canon Powershot SX20 IS 12.1 from her bag. It was her pride and joy. Her and Alice kept teasing each other about how she had a Canon, and Alice had a Nikon D5000 Digital SLR. Bella only had a Sony Cyber-shot DSC-HX1 9.1. Either way, they each had a wonderfully working camera for their class. Seconds before the bell rang to signal the start of class, a hoard of students rushed into the room to a disgruntled look from the Teacher who finally stood from her chair.

"Alright, Students. Today we are going to do group shots. I would prefer it if you took these photos with people you were most comfortable with, being as how they would be personal reflections of you. Now, you may only have up to three within a group, so pair up!" She called out to her students who quickly rushed around to get into a suitable group.

Sarah and the other two didn't move from their seats, and just fiddled around with their cameras. "Okay, now that we have established our groups, I would like to mention that these group will be the one you are working with for the rest of this semester. We will be doing group pictures, or group ideas along with comparing and contrasting angles of the group pictures and the difference it could make in meaning. Also, during the photo-shoots, make it as every day as you can."

With that, she motioned for the groups to get started. Sarah hopped up onto the desk, swinging her legs gently with her head tilted to the side. A beautiful smile was across her lips. Almost instantly Alice and Bella lifted their cameras, aimed and captured the photo. They had a pact that they wouldn't look at the images until they were printed and set out in a folder. During the class period they interacted as if they weren't in class, which got them a couple weird looks from the other students who were having a bit of trouble with finishing the assignment. By the time the final bell rang, each of the girls had filled two memory cards of pictures each.

Ms. Bantellio called the three over to her desk where she sat. "Girls, I am completely amazed at how easy it is for you to act in front of a camera. I also couldn't help but notice how quick you went through memory cards. Hopefully some of the pictures would be useful for other things beside this assignment, yes?"

Sarah smiled, taking the lead from the group to speak. "To be honest, I don't believe any of us realized exactly how quickly we went through memory. We were just being carefree and ourselves, and hopefully it'll show the others exactly how we react around each other and how close we are. And yes, I do believe most of these will be useful for the rest of the Semester, what with angles and all."

To any of the other students, it would appear she was sucking up to the teacher to keep within her good graces, but it wasn't that at all. Ms. Bantellio was only 21, the youngest teacher within the school. Her and the girls had a lot in common, and most often could be seen having coffee or lunch when school was out.

"Good. Now, Sarah your parents invited me over for Dinner tonight just to warn you. Now, go, or you'll be late." She smiled, sending the girls off on their way to their next class. Edward and Emmett met with them in the halls, their hands noticeably a tad dirtier than before from the grease of the engines they worked on. Alice and Edward were holding hands as they walked down the hall. On occasion he would kiss her cheek, and she was smile at him, or vice versa. Emmett had Sarah hoisted up on his back, legs around his waist with her arms loosely draped around his shoulders.

He would pause in stride, bouncing her up which had her giggling, and continue on toward the Gym where their next class was. Bella walked between the two groups, not uncomfortable at all with the way the two were reacting. Hell, some times even Emmett would carry her around piggy back. When they got to the gym, however, Emmett had to bend down a bit so Sarah wouldn't crack her forehead on the door since she wasn't paying attention, chatting away excitedly to Alice and Bella.

"Look what the cat dragged in. I wasn't aware you were into incest, Sarah. " The nasally voice echoed from across the gym where the other doors heading out to the basketball court was. Her gaze flashed toward the person responsible for the comment, the pale shade flashing with her anger.

"What the fuck did you just say, you fucking whore!?" She shouted, the gym having quieted from the prior comment. Before Emmett could latch on and keep her in place, she pushed, dropping down from her brother's back. Her bag thudded to the ground, Bella and Alice's pleas to calm down echoing in her ears but she only saw red. Seeing how this was going, Bella and Alice quickly joined their friend in her advance toward Lauren, who was sneering haughtily at her. "I said.. I wasn't aware you were into ince-.."

She wasn't able to finish her reiteration before she was knocked back from a rough punch to the face. The force sent her stumbling back and onto her ass, the heels she wore doing nothing to hold her steady.

"You better fucking watch your mouth, you fucking skank!" She seethed, her nerves already shot from the past week with their constant comments and hints that something bad was going to come along and get one of them. Lauren was screaming, shouting about assault and battery, a hand at her mouth where blood was smeared from her busted lip. Edward and Emmett quickly ran up to restrain her, and even the strength of the two combined wasn't enough to shackle her in place.

She broke from their grasp, lunging forward to knock Lauren back to the ground as she stood. Straddling her waist to hold her down, she brought her fist back to snap it forward into her face with a sickening crunch. After breaking her nose and preparing to punch her again, she was yanked back and tossed the short distance into Emmett's grasp. His arms secured hers down along her sides as Felix, one of the jocks on the football team, knelt down to help Lauren to her feet. But then she was quickly sent off on her own to the nurses office.

Felix stepped in front of Sarah, staring down at her with a weird expression. "Dude, you're not really into incest are you?" His response was a well placed kick up into his stomach.

"No, you fucking moron! I just beat her ass for saying that shit!" Bella shook her head, waving Emmett off now that Lauren had left the gym and tugged her friend away from the surrounding crowd and into the locker room.

"Jeeze, Sarah, that was the quickest I've seen that bitch go down. And I got pictures of it!" She said to her friend, who snorted to hide her laughter. Alice, after explaining to the gym teachers what had occurred with back up from Felix, James, Angela, Emmett and Edward, quickly entered the locker room with their belongings.

"The teachers aren't going to let you get in trouble knowing it was verbal harassment on her half. But you might have to deal with a detention Wednesday." She said as she dropped their bags at their feet, and sat on the bench to unlace her shoes.

Sarah shrugged, "She got what she deserved." Angela entered the locker room then and, after hugging Sarah and muttering what a bitch Lauren was, quickly disappeared to her locker to change into her gym clothes. The locker room was quiet except for the occasional murmur about clothes, shopping or parties. Once the girls were finished getting dressed, they exited the locker room after storing their things in their lockers. Emmett and Edward was waiting outside the door, and when Sarah exited, both kissed her forehead.

Alice looped her arm through Edward's and they both headed outside onto the field. Bella, Emmett and Sarah followed behind quietly. Well, Emmett and Sarah followed behind since Bella was up on his shoulders. He had to bend down again so she didn't hit her head as well. They waited on the track, quietly talking amongst themselves until the coach showed up. He discussed what they were doing, then sent them off to form groups. Emmett and Edward decided to play football while the girl's practiced some volleyball.

The gym period passed quickly, the girls occasionally causing some form of injury to other students when they got careless. It was all in good fun, however, so they didn't get in too much trouble.

"Look out!" James called out as the football soared over his head at Bella. Sarah instantly jumped in the way, catching the ball with ease. She snapped her hand forward, sending it spiraling through the air toward the boys. Mike whistled at the throw, catching it just as easily before they continued on with their game. The girls resumed their volleyball, bunting the ball back and forth to each other. When the period was over, they headed inside and the girls took a quick shower before redressing and meeting with the guys outside the gym. The group headed for the parking lot, pushing and teasing each other about various incidents throughout the day.

"I still can't believe you knock Lauren flat on her ass!" Emmett shouted loudly, drawing the attention from a few people who quickly looked away, not wanting to draw some fury onto themselves.

"I still can't believe she had the balls to say that shit about you guys." Alice chimed in, quietly drawing her keys from her front pocket.

"Hey, she had that shit coming. You'd think by now they'd learn but apparently not!" Bella grinned cheekily as the group split, heading for their respective vehicles. Sarah hoasted herself up into Emmett's jeep, settling behind the wheel with a big smile at her brother.

"Emmy!! Let me driiiive!" She whined, pouting and widening her eyes for an innocent appearance. Her brother didn't fall for the look, but still let her drive just to shut her up. He pulled himself up into the passenger seat as she buckled her seatbelt, and started the jeep. Ugly girl by 100 Monkeys started in the jeep, blaring from the speakers. Alice waved as she and Bella climbed into her Altima. Bella had to ride with her since her old rusty truck broke down. Edward kissed Alice through the open window and headed to his Volvo. They all met up at the exit, then went their separate ways.

Sarah sang along to the song as she drove through Forks, heading for their house just on the outer edge of the town, heading toward Port Angeles. When they pulled up, she killed the ignition and hopped out gracefully. She tossed the keys to Emmett with a grin, grabbed her bag and headed up to the house. Emmett shook his head, grabbed his bag and followed behind her.

"Mother! We're hooome!" Sarah called out when they entered the house, but they were met with silence. Most of the time their Mother was in the kitchen, cooking a delicious meal, especially since they were having company later on.. but she wasn't home. Shrugging, Sarah dropped her bag at the couch and jogged up the stairs to her bedroom where she remained for the rest of the night, up until Ms. Bantellio arrived, along with her Mother, and dinner was served. Emmett headed into the living room and flopped down on the sofa to watch Tv, until dinner.

~*~ Scene Cut ~*~

Alice dropped Bella off at her house, who raced inside to cook dinner for her and Charlie, sitting down at the table to do her homework while she cooked. Eventually, Charlie entered the house and they had a quiet dinner, adding in comments about their day. Charlie even questioned her about why Lauren was desperately trying to charge Sarah for Assault with murder in mind. Bella quickly explained that Lauren called Sarah and Emmett out for incest, and she snapped which ended up with Lauren on the floor. After dinner, the two split up and headed to bed.

~*~ Scene Cut ~*~

After Alice left the Swan residence, she drove home and spent the rest of the evening cooped up in her room, working on clothing designs. She even ignored the summons for dinner, which had Charlotte picking the lock to enter the room.

"Why did you miss dinner, pixie?" Her sister asked, tilting her head to the side. She glided up to the table where Alice worked, blinking at the design that was slowly coming to life. "It's gorgeous. What is it for?"

"It's for Prom. It's either going to be Bella's, Sarah's or my dress." She murmured, paying careful attention to the detail of the dress as she cut and stitched fabric. "Well, dinner is still on the stove for when you're hungry."

Charlotte kissed Alice's hair and disappeared from the room, leaving her sister to her designs. Alice managed to get the bodice of the gown sewn properly, and finally decided to be finished with the design for tonight. She headed into her bedroom, and after taking a quick shower, headed down to the kitchen for dinner. With a bowl of pasta in her hand, she disappeared back into her bedroom to do homework, answer the text from Edward, and go to bed.

~*~ Scene Cut. ~*~

Edward, after leaving his girlfriend once school let out, headed home to where he had to endure his Mother's lengthy discussions about his school day. He only did it to make her happy, and she provided him with anything he needed. After talking with his Mother, and having dinner with the family, he headed up to his room to do homework, texted his girlfriend good night, then passed out on his bed.

AN: Well, this is my first ever fanfic that I am actually going to post up. It's unbeta'd, so, no bitching about mishaps, kay? Twitter and my blog are on my profile. =] Review please!!!