February 13th 1979

Lily sat in her private bathroom staring at her magical calendar. She kept running it back and forth. She felt the panic grow inside her to the point she began to cry. She waved a hand and the calendar along with the sink and mirrored wall imploded into themselves and all that was left was a gaping hole in the wall that led into her closet. She stepped through the hole and grabbed the muggle clothing. She quickly dressed and rushed down stairs. She used the floo network to go to Dumbledore's office and went up to Fawkes.

"Hello Fawkes, I need a favor from you. I have to go to my cousin Perseus. Could you flash me to him? I don't know where he is but please, I have to see him. He is a healer and I think I am in need of him."

Fawkes chirred and gripped Lily's arm. In a shower of embers they vanished from the office right before Albus's eyes. Lily appeared in front of Perseus, as he was about to enter the shower. He grabbed his robe and gave Lily a huge hug.

"Lills how are you?"

"Oh Pers, I think I am pregnant. Could you please check and if I am, could you remove it?"

"What? You don't believe in abortion! Why in all that is holy would you want me to do that?"

"If I am pregnant with a Potter heir, the specific binding spell James used will modify itself to him forever. I want to be with Severus! He is the man that I love. He is the man that I married! Please I am begging you."

"Very well. Do you want me to remove the memories after we are done? So that nobody will ever know what went on today?"

"Yes, start with me getting out of the shower this morning. We can use a time turner to take me back to the moment I left. You can knock me out and leave me unconscious in my bathroom for the house elves to find."

"Okay. Let's get started."

8 Hours Pass

"Well Lily, you are indeed pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. Before I perform the abortion I insist you see a projection of what they will look like as they grow all the way to their 17th birthdays."

Perseus sat next to Lily and held her hand as images of two beautiful children grew before their eyes. There was a flicker when they turned 11 and on their left wrists appeared family crest like tattoos. Perseus enlarged the tattoos and let Lily stare at them. She looked puzzled and questioned him about them.

"Why don't their family crests look like mine or James's?"

"Family Crests are passed on through the father's gene's. Yours is from the Corvinus Clan because you father is from the Corvinus Clan. James's is the Potter crest because he is a Potter."

"But that means their crests should be the Potter crest. Why aren't they?"

"Here is a list of family crests that I know of."

"Oh my god. They have the Prince Family Crest! Just like Severus. Does this mean they are Severus's children?"

"Yes Lily. It does mean exactly that. Do you still want an abortion?"

"NO! What I want is for you to remove my memories the same way as I requested before, but don't destroy them. Copy them, save one copy to be sent to Severus. Put the original back and lock it in so it will be hidden from me until the bond between James and myself is severed. Only can you leave me with the protective emotions I have for my pregnancy with me so I won't harm my babies?"

"Yes. I will cast a spell that will protect you and the children from James's wrath and keep you unaware of their parentage until it is time for you to know. I will have to do the spell twice so that both babies are safe."

"Do it."

September 1979

The occurrences of death eater attacks had grown so frequent that Sirius was scared for Petunia's life. After much arguing she finally agreed to his plan for her to go back to Vernon until the worst of the war was over. James while spying on Lily over heard Petunia reading her part of a letter from her muggle husband. He wasn't worried until the part of the letter that said 'Lily I am almost there. Just a few more things and I'll be able to free you. Remember our wedding night I love you' then he was furious. That night he ordered a house elf to take Petunia her back to Vernon's in the middle of the night while she slept.

After Petunia was gone James rooted around her room and found a letter written by Petunia to some man, the letter was obviously from Lily. He was so angry at Lily that he flooed to Knockturn Alley and purchased a supply of powerful love potions. He went home and spelled the first dose into Lily. He woke Lily up afterwards and as she groggily questioned him as to what he wanted, he demanded that she do her wifely duty and satisfy his sexual appetite. She obliged but was horrified and humiliated when he became rough and cruel in the things he demanded that she endure.

She prayed he would find release and be sated but he continued his assaults on her body all night. He finally stopped just before dawn. He shoved her naked and bruised body into the hall and demanded that she go fix him breakfast. She asked if she could get dressed first and he waved a wand at her. Instantly she was clothed in what appeared to be a human sized tunic like most house elves are forced to wear. This continued over the next two months. It finally stopped when he realized that she had been throwing up every morning and had a slight swelling of her abdomen. He summoned a mediwitch and was delighted to find out that Lily was with child.

Halloween 1981.

Lily and James were looking at the Potter Family Tree arguing about Harry. The Tapestry always grew a new branch for every Potter that was born. Harry wasn't on it. Lily was crying and saying over and over "James you're his father!"

"This damn tapestry does not need a tune up on the enchantments Lily! You had to have been with someone else. There is no way I am his father! I left my job and life for you and Harry. Since Harry isn't on my family tree than you must have cheated on me!"

Lily gasped as she thought about it. Her birth mother was Ancient, Elf, and Fae. That must mean her pregnancy had been a delayed one. That could only mean that she got pregnant by Severus.

Shortly after the sun went down Lilly headed down the stairs for dinner, when suddenly there was a loud bang and yelling from the first floor. Lilly ran back upstairs into the nursery and placed Harry in the crib she rummaged thru the items on the dresser top looking for her wand. A flash of light lit the room as her wedding ring glowed bright red and vanished. She yelped out of joy for she knew that at in that instant James had died because the binding spell he had put on her at Hogwarts broke. Spotting her wand behind the changing table she turned to run and get it. Before she moved an inch the door to the nursery exploded in a shower of splinters, leaping in front of Harry to protect him she cried out, "Not Harry!"


"No. Not Harry. Kill me instead. Please, not my Harry."

"Move aside woman."

"Never. I won't let you kill Harry."

"There is no need for you to die woman. MOVE OUT OF MY WAY!"



"No. You will never kill anyone I love ever again, especially not my son or his father."

"He's already dead downstairs you silly girl now MOVE!"

"You might have killed the oaf downstairs but you'll not kill my husband or our precious little boy. If you want to get to them you'll have to do it over my dead body!"

"So be it. Avada Kedavra."