Disclaimer: Characters owned by DC Comics.
If you are mad about the death of Lian Harper and the maiming of her father, join the Bring Back Lian Harper movement on both facebook and DeviantArt.
The Aim of Lian Harper
Lian had to time it just right. Her father's life depended on it now, more than ever, and she couldn't let him down.
She pulled the arrow back as tightly as her little body could, and kept her hands still just like grandpa Ollie taught her.
This was the first time she would ever save somebody in danger, and she wanted to make sure she got it just right.
"For you daddy." She whispered. And…
There it went!
There was a sound of suction and a whoosh of air as Batman suddenly got hit in the face with a plunger arrow, right on the mouth.
"Mmf!" The Dark Knight protested as he was cut off from his verbally abusing Lian's dad, Red Arrow, for the way he acted on his mission.
Red Arrow turned to where his daughter was standing. She winked at her dad.
He sniffed and wiped away a tear from his eye.
"I'm so proud of her." He said to the Bat, cursing his brains out as he tried to get the plunger off his mouth.