I do not own The Secret Saturdays.

**Author's Note** Please be advised; the following chapter contains descriptions of extreme blood, language, and violence. Anyone who doesn't want to read about body parts ending up where they shouldn't be, please do not continue. Oh yeah, and if you like Doc, don't read.

Nico opened up his cell phone to accept the call, then threw the phone at the wall. They were in Ohio on there way to the airport to go to Florida.

"Damn that son of a bitch. He's on the move again." Stephanie walked up to him.

"Calm down, Nico. Where are they headed?"

"They're moving back towards Canada." Stephanie shook her head.

"Why can't they just make up their minds?"

"Because they're morons." Nico picked his phone up off the floor and dialed a number.

"Who are you calling?" Nico looked at her.

"I'm not running around like a maniac in economy class seats. I'm calling my friends." He started to mumble something to someone on the phone, then hung up.

"Who are your friends?" Nico looked at her. Suddenly, someone knocked on the motel room door. Nico opened it up. A man wearing a suit at sunglasses walked in.

"Jett sir, your ride is ready." Nico looked at him.

"Very good. We will be down in 5 minutes. Take our bags to the car." With that, the man was off with their bags, leaving Stephanie in shock.

"Okay, who the hell did you call?" Nico smiled.

"N.E.W.T. You know; Northeastern Weapons & Technology?" Stephanie nodded. "I hope you don't mind riding with me in a fighter plane because I'm gonna blow Doc out of the sky after I get Zak."

Zak looked at his dad through the cage he was in.

"Please let me out, Dad." Doc shook his head.

"No way. You're an animal, and animals belong in cages." Zak looked down at himself. His dad had injected him with some sort of drug that prevented him from turning back into a human.

"What did I ever do to deserve this, Dad? What did I do?" Doc turned away.

"You're a wolf; that's what you did."

"What is your problem with wolves? Why do you have such a freaking insane problem with wolves?" Doc glared at his son.

"Because I'm not your father!" Zak took a step back.


"I'm not your father. Your mother screwed a werewolf, and that's how you were born. That stupid ass wolf girl just unleashed it from you. You're not my son, and you never will be." Doc walked away. Zak slid down to the bottom of the cage and started to cry. He looked down at his paws.

"How could he? I thought he, he, loved me?" He blew out into a full blown outburst of tears as he laid in the cell. Then he started to think about his dad being a werewolf. He wondered if maybe he was still alive. Then he started to think about everything that happened over the years. He thought about when he learned he was kur. He thought about when he killed Argost. He thought about Kelly. Then he realized that he needed to get out of the cage. He looked at the lock. He bit it in half.

Nico, Stephanie, Kelly, and Drew were all in the air over Canada in fighter jets. Each one had their own.

"Fighters, this is Foxtrot, call in," Nico screamed over the radio.

"Wolf 1 here," Stephanie called out.

"Wolf 2 here," Kelly called out.

"Saturday 1 here," Drew called out.

"Okay, chicks, we're gonna take this nice and easy; and then we're gonna blow that son of a bitch out of the sky." the group flew towards the Saturday airship. Nico shot ahead. "This is going to have to be timed perfectly." Nico flew over the airship and ejected right on top of it. He slid down to the door and blew it open with a grenade. He snuck through the hulls to the cockpit. He ran up to the pilot's seat with his M-16. There was no one there. "What the?" Suddenly, Doc came from behind and kicked Nico to the ground. He grabbed the M-16 out of his hand and pointed it at him.

"You made a huge mistake coming into my ship, boy." Nico looked up at him.

"Well, from the looks of things; you're totally right."

"Any last words, punk?" Nico smiled.

"Duck." Doc raised an eyebrow. Suddenly, Zak pounced on top of him. He pushed the gun towards Nico with his muzzle. Nico picked it up at pointed it at Doc. "Wow, the tables have turned pretty fast, haven't they?" Doc looked up at him.

"You don't have the nerve to pull the trigger." Nico shrugged.

"I may not; but Zak has the nerve to maul of your face. And your wife has the nerve to shoot missiles into this ship once were out. They're on their way now. They should be here in 30 seconds."

"Well, they'll have to kill us all." Doc grabbed Zak's head and yanked him off of him. Nico hit Doc in the head with the butt of the gun. He then proceeded to beat him with the gun. Zak and Nico both headed out to the wing of the airship. Nico looked at Zak. The two jumped. Zak landed in the cockpit of Drew's fighter, and Nico landed in the cockpit of Stephanie's fighter. Doc woke up and stood up in the cockpit. He looked out the window at the missiles heading towards him.

"Damn you, Drew; you crazy ass mother fu,"

The airship exploded into a fireball. Cheering could be heard over the radio. It was all over. Zak leaned over to his mom.

"That was fun and all; but what now?" Drew looked at him.

"Well, I suppose you wanna find your real dad." Zak looked down.

"How did you,"

"Oh please; Doc couldn't keep his mouth shut for one second. What do you say?"

"Okay." And with that, the group was off to find Zak's real dad.