Disclaimer: Blah blah blah, generic disclaimer here.

Companion to Persistence.


He watches over him when he's sleeping. He didn't used to, not as much. When he was first assigned as his charge, he only saw him when it was necessary, when his superiors demanded it. After a while he would visit every now and then without their knowledge, if he had a spare moment in between his other duties.

Now it's different though. He no longer has Angelic duties to deal with. He no longer has other things to spend his time on.

Which saddens him sometimes. His entire existence he had been an Angel. Now he isn't always sure what to do with his time.

But he is perfectly content, one might say even happy, to stand in the corner of the room, sit in the lumpy chair and just… watch him sleep.

Sometimes he nearly gives in to the human impulses that have begun to drive him. He nearly wakes the hunter from his much needed slumber and tells him the words he so desperately needs to say.

I love you.

But he doesn't move, doesn't wake him, doesn't say the words.

Because Dean doesn't need to hear the words that would destroy them.