Chapter 1 - The Job

Hey people! So I promised a new GrimmIchi fic, and here it is. I have to say, this one will deal with darker themes than my other fics. So if you don't like the idea, just stop reading and don't flame me. Or just do, it's starting to get cold here in South Africa :D Anyhows, this chapter is just to give you a feel how Ichigo's life was before Grimmjow stepped in. I hope you all enjoy this, got some awesome stuff planned for it.

It's summer, and this day is almost over. The cool night air better damn hurry up, because I'm starting to lose it in this fucking suit. Speaking of hurrying, damned Chad is running late. And Inoue. Tatsuki fidgeted beside me with her cocktail dress. Yes, what a miracle! And might I add she looked absolutely stunning in that black and silver number?

"What the fuck?" Tatsuki started as she tried to pull the dress lower, "How do you stay inside this piece of cloth?"

I snorted, "You don't. That's the idea."

Tatsuki rolled her eyes like the drama queen she really is deep down inside and I just laughed at her.

"I can't understand what people see in these things," she whined.

"You see, it looks great on you, but even better on the bedroom floor," I commented.

She sighed heavily, "You stupid gay people. Why do you even care what impression I make on a guy?"

Tatsuki here was my best friend, and at times I seriously doubted her sexuality. Like really. But I didn't ask her about it, knowing it was too deep a subject for her. She is just like I am.

"You're my friend. I care about you," I said simply.

A limousine pulled up in front of us. An old couple got out, impeccably dressed. They walked up the stone stairs. Tatsuki and I greeted them with rather fake interest and they went inside.

Tatsuki scoffed just as they were gone, "Like I believe that. You just want me out of your hair."

Another couple came walking up, this time the people were middle aged, but I didn't really care. I just greeted them and told them where to go. The man gave Tatsuki a very visible wink.

"Aw, Tatsuki! Are you saying you don't want to be out of my hair?" I asked in a sweet voice. "By the way, be careful. If rumors are correct, that guy is quite the manwhore."

A large group of young people, though still older than us walked by, and I did the usual of shaking their hands and welcoming them.

"I'm saying that you have no heart and just want to get rid of me," she whispered as she smiled at the people. "And thanks."

Some huge jock type of guy came up to me and practically crushed my hand with his. If I hadn't known that he had some nasty STD, I might have found him attractive. Bleh.

"You're saying that like it's a bad thing!" I whispered back.

"Welcome, enjoy your evening," Tatsuki greeted the last of the group. She turned to me, then said, "Fuck, you win this round."

"Oh yeah," I said and made a little sign. "And skip that jock dude. He's got some nasty rash thing."

Some more people came walking by, with the husband and the wife winking at Tatsuki. I doubt they knew what the other was doing, and if Tatsuki would choose to do them both, it wouldn't end in a threesome, sadly.

"How the hell do you even know all of this stuff?" the girl hissed when the couple was gone.

"Contacts, my dear Tatsuki. Contacts."

I heard a voice almost right beside me, and jumped. "Kurosaki Ichigo, right?" the man asked coolly.

I quickly turned, and ignored the snicker coming from my friend. I opened my mouth to speak, but once I got a look at the man, words just failed me. He was fucking blazing fuckhot. Blue hair, blue eyes, beautiful and badass face, fuuuuck. I could tell he was solid underneath his suit, and it did little to help me form my words.

"Sorry to startle you," he jeered at me.

"Y-yes. I mean, don't worry. And yes, I a-am Kurosaki Ichigo," I managed to spurt out. Tatsuki kept laughing at me, and I managed a sideways kick to her shin. She shut up.

"Ah, then I must be at the right place. Where do I go from here?" he asked as he looked at the large building.

I pointed to the entrance, "Just through those doors. The tables are numbered, just find your table and take a seat. And enjoy the evening."

He looked for a few seconds longer before he looked at me again. His gaze seemed so friendly and soft; it was in stark contrast to his mean ass look. It was fucking sexy.


Tatsuki nudged me in the ribs. "Uh… Erm, are you alone?" I asked.

The man chuckled and looked around him, as if searching for someone. "I don't see anyone else, so yeah, I'm by myself."

"Oh okay," I said stupidly.

"So, just in there?" he asked as he turned to walk.


Tatsuki and I both followed him with our eyes as he strutted through the doors and finally out of sight. Shit! I should probably breathe. I let out a large sigh, and I realized just a moment too late that it must have sounded like a contented and kinda swoony one. Fuck.

"Cat almost got your tongue there," Tatsuki commented, her voice strained with laughter.

"Shut up," I said and looked down to the limousine that just parked. A very disheveled Inoue and Chad got out and shuffled over to us, with massive smiles pasted on their flustered faces.

"Good evening!" Inoue greeted.

"Sorry we're late. We uh, we just—" Chad started in his excuse voice.

"We just had some huge traffic issues," Inoue cut in nervously.

The two briefly exchange glances.

"Yeah. Uhm, some guy nearly rammed us off the road," Chad continued.

I glanced over at the limousine. It was pristine.

"Yeah, we very nearly di—"

"How was your fuck?" I asked bluntly. Tatsuki snorted.

Inoue and Chad gaped at us, mimicking my earlier fail at words. The two had always tried to hide their sexcapades, though none of us really cared what they were up to. Nope, not with me being me, and Tatsuki being the asexual bitch she pretended to be.

Inoue gave a shaky laugh, "Wh-what are you talking about, Kurosaki-kun?"

"Cut the crap and get inside," I said with an amused smile.

Tatsuki and I left with laughter as the other two remained standing in shock, a furious blush on each of their faces. I can't believe they expected us to be so blind! What? With Inoue's brilliant lying skills and Chad's super un-awkward silences, I guess they thought they were safe. Hah.

We reached our table – the huge one in the front of the large hall. There was a slight stage, with a microphone on it. We were joined moments later by the silent Chad and Inoue. Also at our table were Rukia and Renji. They were deep in conversation about something – wait, lemme try and see… Ah. The soul. How stupid.

As we sat down, Tatsuki and I started talking about random crap. I would probably have remembered about what, if I had paid any attention. No, rather I was scanning the people sitting around. There were some real lookers, but none seemed to grab my eye as much as the blue haired man and one of the police generals, Byakuya.

"So, then she told me that we people shouldn't be playing soccer, and you're dreaming again, and are you gonna show me about who?" I heard Tatsuki.

"What?" I snapped out of my trance.

"I said you are dreaming again," she chuckled. "Who?"

I gave a slight blush. "You know who."

She glanced around and I presume she spotted that man, "Blue man?"

I gave a slight nod.

"Aaaand… Toushiro?" she asked, more to herself, "No, he's just like you. Hmm. Urahara? Nah, too flamboyant. Wait, I think I got. Kuchiki Byakuya, right?"

"Shhhh!" I grabbed her by the arm and leaned closer, whispering, "Rukia would freak if she knew I had a crush on him."

Tatsuki gave a very audible laugh, and everyone at the table looked at us. I just gave a weak smile, got up and dragged Tatsuki away. She let out protests and curses, but I just tightened my grip and pulled her somewhere out of earshot.

"Oh Ichigo, you're such a girl," she laughed.

"I bet that's what you like about me," I retorted, a victorious grin on my face.

"Ha-ha, real funny, smartass," she said, "Now, why'd you drag me here?"

I looked around, just to make sure no one was around, and then leaned closer to Tatsuki for added affect, "I heard that maybe Byakuya swings both ways."

Tatsuki stared at me, "Wishful thinking, Ichigo, that's what that is. You know how much he loved his late wife. I don't think he's interested in men."

I sighed. "Please, will you help me find out?"

She gave me a weary grin. I had won this one even before I asked. As competitive as our friendship was, we always helped each other out. You wouldn't catch us admitting aloud that we did such things, but it was quite obvious we were a close pair.

"And what's going on here?" an amused voice came from behind. It was familiar.

I turned around to see that man with the blue hair (I really need to get his name) standing and smirking at us. I found myself gaping again, and for a fleeting moment, I thought that maybe he was the hottest man I'd ever seen.

"Gossip," Tatsuki said.

"Uh-huh," the man laughed. "Not kissing the bejeezus out of each other?"

I snorted, and Tatsuki doubled over. "We don't kiss. Never. Besides, she isn't my type."

"Oh, interesting," he raised his one eyebrow.

"Yeah," I said. "Anyways, what's it to you, mister…?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez," he said and extended his hand to me.

I slowly reached out to it, and reluctantly folded my palm in his. His hand was rough and huge. So sexy. He gave me a firm shake, almost crushing my hand under his, and I let out a small wince.

"And my other question?" I asked as I pulled away.

"Just asking. Call it interest," he said.

"Why the hell would you be interest in me?"

"That, Ichigo," he scoffed, "Is the million dollar question."

He gave a weird laugh and walked away. I looked at Tatsuki, who had the giggles as she leaned against the wall.

My father was standing up on the little stage at the microphone, and checked if it was working. It's a quite the sight to see my father try and figure out how technology works, but after some assistant came up to help him, the room filled with his voice.

"Welcome, everyone," he started, "to tonight's grand charity event, hosted by Kurosaki Hospital and the Gotei 13 from the police force."

I shut my ears. Speeches, especially one's about charity stuff, was so boring. Everyone had taken their seats, and the room's lights were dimmed, with only a lone spotlight focusing on Isshin. It sucked, because it was too dark to really look at the people, and for some reason, my friends seemed interested in what my father had to say.

Oh well, guess I better listen too, then.

"It's an honor to have you all here. We can all assure you that the money we gather tonight will go to good use. Thank you."

Oh great, I missed all of it. Was it that short? Figures. My father was never the public speaker.

Tatsuki leaned in closer, "No offence, but this is all so pretentious."

I giggled. "Why?"

"This is just an excuse for all the rich people to have an elaborate dinner party."

"So? These people bring their sons with them. And that's what we're interest in."

Tatsuki snorted. "Would you just drop that? You sound crazed."

"Maybe I am."

Tatsuki shook her head and took a huge sip from her champagne glass. She'd better watch it, or she'd be bubbly in no time. And that is something very disastrous. Inoue and Chad had fallen into conversation, and it seemed like Rukia and Renji had never stopped.

Thank god for Tatsuki.

Wait, where'd she go? Oh fuck. I got up and went over to the bar. I got myself something and just stood around and eyed the people. So yeah, this was kinda boring, but my father forced me to be here. Normally I would say no, but all my friends had already agreed.

Lately my father had started employing incredibly sneaky tactics so I could do something he wanted. Gone are the days of him begging me like a sissy, no, now he uses backstabbing and blackmailing methods. Bastard.

Wait, does that make me a half-bastard?

Meh, no. I am a full-fledged bastard, just like him.

"Kurosaki Ichigo," Byakuya regarded me.

"Good evening, captain," I greeted.

He gave me the slightest of smiles before he glanced down to the drink in my hand. "Are you old enough to drink that?"

"I am, since last month," I said.

"Oh yes, now I remember. I had to fetch my sister at God knows what time," he went on, not sounding that interest in the conversation at all.

Well, fuck you too.

"Having a good time?" I asked.

"Considerably," he said as he looked me up and down,


"So, are the rumors true?" he asked.

I snorted, "Which ones?"

He signaled to the barman to get him a drink. The barman was quick, and gave him the drink almost instantly. Byakuya leaned against the counter, next to me. I could practically feel the heat from his body, and it made me nervous.

"The one," he started, "that says that you're going to study to become a doctor."

"Yeah, gonna use the money my dad saved up for me and pay for my education," I said.

"That's good. Your father would be proud if you were to fill his shoes one day," he mused.

Tatsuki came crashing into me, causing me to spill my drink on the floor. She was giggling profusely while she held onto me. Just then, a random guy came and grabbed her by the waist, before dragging her away. I eyed them as they disappeared, with Tatsuki begging me for help. I gave Byakuya a final glance and set after my friend.

I found Tatsuki near the bathrooms where she was running away from the random dude, and she grabbed me by the arm. She dragged me off to who knows where, and we hid behind a huge plant as the guy ran past us.

Tatsuki checked the way, before saying, "I'm thirsty, let's get something."

"Yeah, you owe me," I said.

"Sorry, sorry," she giggled.

"Who is that guy anyway?" I asked as I looked around for him.

"I dunno. Found him near the punch bowl. Wasted like hell. Wanted to kiss me and everything," she explained.

I rolled my eyes, "And then you ran away?"

"No. He kissed me, then started tickling me, then I ran away," she giggled.

"You're so stupid," I retorted.

"Why, thank you!"

We reached the bar and ordered our drinks. The barman was quick, and we practically drank it all as soon as we got them. We got some more. We walked around the place, talking idly to some people, and avoiding that other dude. I noticed Byakuya kept looking at us, and it made me feel very uneasy.

Two drinks became four, four became eight, and soon, we were beyond sloshed. Tatsuki and I were standing at the bar, when that dude unexpectedly turned up. Tatsuki took a moment before she realized who he was, before yelling, "Run!"

She dashed away, and I followed. It was rather difficult to keep my balance as Tatsuki sped forward, but I did notice that she went into the corridors leading to the deeper parts of the building.

"Is he behind us?" she yelled.

I glanced backwards. "Yeah. Let's split up."


There was a two way split coming up, and Tatsuki went right. I took the left, knowing that eventually we'd reach each other again. I have after all been to many parties hosted there.

I kept running, and glanced to my back, only to find I was alone. I stopped for a second to catch my breath. The night had quite quickly turned into a very random one, and I guess that I can't be classified as bored anymore.

"Hello again, Ichi," I heard a voice.

I froze, and looked up.

Leaning against the wall was a smirking Grimmjow. It was quite surprising to find him there, and I took a step backward. He was creepy.

"Wha-what are you doing here?" I asked, my breathe not fully caught.

"Just joining in the fun," he said and took a step closer to me. For some reason, I didn't move my legs. "I can join, can't I?"

He strode over to me, with some incredibly freaky expression on his face. I have never seen anything like it before. He seemed frenzied. I asked, "What are you—"

I was never able to finish my question as he brought his hand up to my mouth, pushing some kind of cloth inside. I inhaled from shock, and I felt my limbs go weak. His other hand pushed against my back as he guided me to the ground, and the last thing I saw before everything went black, was his blue eyes, looking almost remorseful.

A/N: Before you say anything, this is an AU, where Ichigo is a rich, gay boy. I had to make him a little, teensy bit flamboyant, and I thought it fits well in this context. So I'll keep Grimm and Ichi as much in character as possible, but just remember who Ichi is in this universe. Oh, and I think using the first person perspective is a lot more involving. Especially with this, you'll see later on.

Other than that, how was it? Please drop a review. I know it's quite early to tell how this will turn out, but I hope you all liked this chapter. Well, until the next one, peace out .v..