This story will have some slight shota, male X male, as well as what could be considered disturbing imagery.

I do want to clarify the filters. For those who understandably don't like reading about older/younger slash, the shota warning is because of Sasuke doing some young experimentation (solo only) with his body. I know that's a big difference with some people; it's "okay" if it's by himself, but not if he's getting molested. He's not doing it to be sexual, but just in case, please don't read this if you're not comfortable with a kid probing their privates due to curiosity.

Also, the disturbing imagery part is due to some rather gross intestine problems – if hearing about gross life problems bothers you, this is not for you, so please do not read it! If you're still here, then enjoy!

This is as gift fic for Cereal – hope you like it!

Dirty Secrets

Part I: One Secret Leads to Another and Then Another…

Since the time he was little, Sasuke had carried around a dirty, dark secret. He couldn't remember a time that he hadn't kept the secret close to him, burying it deep inside himself that sometimes he even forgot it had ever happened.

It had started when he was young, perhaps six, maybe younger. The time frame was hazy, but the timing honestly didn't really mean much to the now twenty-five year old businessman. The fact of the matter was that he didn't want anyone to know about his secret, especially not how it had started out, nor the other secrets that had followed.

It was a secret that didn't really matter to anyone but himself. Something slightly embarrassing but something that Sasuke regarded as the catalyst to more pleasant yet even deeper guarded secrets.

Usually he didn't think about the fact that it was a secret. He had long ago taken measures to keep his secrets well guarded, and it was only due to today's unexpected surprises that kept him thinking of his past.

Sighing to himself, Sasuke looked back at the computer screen in front of him. The screen glowed brightly in his dark office. Most of his fellow workers had left at 5:00. Now, three hours later, Sasuke sat in his office, attempting (and failing) to finish up a report. The Suzuki file really should have been finished by this morning, but that had all been shot to hell when his boss – who doubled as his infuriating older brother – had made him attend a meeting with an old high-school "acquaintance."

He rubbed his eyes. Mundane memories had been distracting him all day, more so than usual. Sasuke leaned back, his chair bouncing slightly to allow for the shift in movement while his brain muddled over the words on the screen in front of him.

It was no use. He couldn't focus. His mind kept getting distracted because of the meeting he'd had earlier in the day, the meeting that caused his mind to keep flashing back to his youth.

During his high-school years he had been seen as cool, aloof, and almost unreachable to the female population. Girls had flocked to him, shallow as it was, due to his good looks, his mysterious nature, and the fact that he came from a rich family (which certainly helped his appeal). He'd been approached so many times over the years by the opposite gender to engage in sexual acts but each time he refused.

When he'd been younger, there were certain things that he hadn't been comfortable about with his body, and entrusting them to just about anyone other than himself was not something Sasuke could do. It didn't help that Sasuke was a "late bloomer" as it was. Oh, he had bloomed in most areas: his voice had deepened by the time he was barely eleven, the usual hassle of having to deal with hair coming up in strange, developing areas had also hit young, and his intellectual maturity developed long before most.

Yet it was the desire to be sexually active, even experimenting with his body, which had come late. Most of it had to do with Sasuke's own issues with his body and the way it had "betrayed" him when he was younger. The dirty secret that he held was due to something that had happened in his childhood, something that had made him – unknowingly – unsure of his own body. Of course, Sasuke had only recently admitted that he had been slightly awkward as a teenager. He could psychologically analyze that his childhood issue had caused him to put off self-experimenting till later. Now that he was no longer awkward, he could look back on the follies of his youth and scoff at them. At the time, he refused to acknowledge anything about himself as less than perfect.

Such secrets could be seen as imperfection. Thus they were pushed into the darkest recess of his mind, so hidden that he didn't even remember them most of the time.

Of course he knew many others who shared at least one of his secrets. After all, plenty of guys liked taking it up the ass. The other part of his secret was not necessarily shameful, but more...complicated.

No, what had always fueled Sasuke's secretive nature about his preferences was the humiliation of how he had discovered said pleasures. He enjoyed having his ass filled, along with a few specific fantasies. But as he had issues with how he'd come to terms with his sexuality, sometimes his mind still refused to process its own carnal desires.

The catalyst had ended with him blindly stumbling upon his own fantasies. A dirty, humiliating secret that had eventually (after several years in fact) led to a deeper, more gratifying secret pleasure.

Sasuke didn't remember the exact age (though likely five or six) when the first spark started the chain of events to his secrets, but he remembered with vivid clarity the situation…

It had started off as a small irritation. Sasuke had been sitting on the couch watching a video. He had been so excited that he had been allowed to watch his favorite movie on the big screen TV. Usually he had to watch movies by himself in his room on his small TV. But since Itachi was away at a friend's, and he wasn't using the big TV to play his videogames (or to complain about Sasuke's immature and kiddy movies), Sasuke had gotten the chance to watch a movie.

He'd been sitting on the couch, watching the screen intently, when he started to get uncomfortable. Young boys often squirmed in their seats out of boredom. Sasuke knew better than that. His father would scold him if he squirmed around too much. But Sasuke couldn't help it. He wasn't even bored either! It was just his bottom itched really, really badly. He was grateful his parents weren't watching the movie with him. He was sure his mom would have told him to sit still by now.

Something...something was tickling him. It was itching him. He shifted in his seat, rubbing his bottom along the cushion of the couch, trying to itch away the irritation. It was so annoying! It wouldn't stop. Sasuke whimpered when the tickling started to get worse. His bottom felt really weird, like he had to sit on the toilet. Maybe that was it?

Pausing the movie, Sasuke went into the bathroom to sit on the toilet. He sat there for a while waiting for something to come out but nothing did. Still, it irritated him. He rocked back and forth on the toilet seat, but it did nothing to alleviate the itch and tickles in such a weird spot. Taking a wad of toilet paper, he wiped himself. It momentarily made him feel better. Sasuke flushed the toilet, washed his hands, and went back out to watch the movie.

After he pushed play and had watched the movie for another few minutes, the tickling started up again. It was so annoying! Sasuke clenched his muscles together, holding his hands firmly on his legs, willing for the annoyance to disappear. He finished watching the movie, agonizing over the tickling from his bottom that wouldn't stop. He hadn't been able to enjoy the movie because of the way the tickling had bothered him so much!

Sasuke whimpered at the annoyance and scratched his bottom through his pants. It was really itchy! But he didn't want anyone to see him scratching himself there, so he did his best to ignore it the rest of the afternoon.

That night when Sasuke got into the shower, he scratched himself pretty good, and it felt so much better. He thought it would be fine at last! But when he got into bed, it was the worst it had been all day. He squirmed around a bit, slipped his fingers beneath his pajama bottoms, scratched and scratched, and finally when the tickling stopped, he was able to go to sleep.

It was the same for a few weeks. The tickling, the squirming, the itchiness. It got to the point that Sasuke was thinking about saying something to his mom, but it was really embarrassing. He felt like he had done something wrong and didn't want to say anything in case his mom got mad at him. Instead, he continued to itch himself when no one was looking, hoping it would stop.

One night when he was in the shower, he itched himself as he had been. But this time when he itched he actually felt something. Sasuke froze.

The tickling sensation that had been on his bottom was suddenly transferred to his finger. Slowly, he moved from out of the spray of the shower to look at his hand.

A thin, white thing that looked like a tiny worm wriggled on his finger. Sasuke's eyes widened in horror as he flicked his finger under the water to get the wormy thing off. He felt it leave his finger, and Sasuke stepped backward, watching the spray of the water as it swirled around the drain. He pushed his small foot against the bottom of the shower stall, just in case the worm was still there. Bending over, Sasuke peered down toward the drain, looking to see if he could see the white worm as it went down the drain.

The spray of the shower hid anything that might be going down the drain with the water. Sasuke scraped his foot along the bottom of the shower again, pushing the water and anything else that might be there toward the drain to float away. Sasuke quickly grabbed some soap and washed his hands, feeling grossed out.

A worm had been in his butt! No wonder it had tickled so much! He shuddered thinking of why a worm would be there of all gross places.

But after the initial shock wore off, Sasuke realized something pretty awful...

His bottom still tickled. A cold feeling went through him at the possibility of more worms being there. Still...he had to check. Shaking as he did so, Sasuke scraped his finger along the hole on his bottom where the white worm had come from. He didn't feel anything there, but he had a feeling more might be inside the hole. Feeling glad no one knew what he was doing, Sasuke pushed his finger into the hole. It was wet and funky feeling. The skin around the hole on the inside felt like a moist cushion was wrapping around his finger – but at the same time he could feel something else – something wriggling. And it felt like a lot of them. Not knowing what else to do, Sasuke scraped his finger along the inside of the hole and pulled. He could feel the wiggling little white worms on his fingers, and he quickly put his hand under the spray of the shower and rinsed them off. He could feel more tickling and scraped his finger inside his hole a few more times.

Even though it felt like most of the wriggling had stopped, Sasuke stuck his finger up the hole again, plunging in deeper, making sure he had gotten all of them. He had. He quickly removed is finger and used a lot of soap to wash off his hands.

That night, the itchiness went away. He felt so relieved but so embarrassed that he had become a home for little white worms.

He was just glad that they were gone.

Or so he thought.

At the time Sasuke had no idea what was going on inside his body.

Over the period of a year Sasuke had problems with the little wriggling worms. He was too embarrassed to say anything to his mother. It was a dirty, dark secret that he couldn't let anyone know about.

The irritations came and went. It wasn't every day, but it seemed to happen mostly around nighttime, so he could make sure that he just got a shower and got rid of anything there.

His exact memories of it were a bit hazy. It was something that he tried to block out as much as possible. Eventually the problem went away. He grew older and the trauma of having those little white worms inside him was pushed from his mind.

It wasn't until he was seventeen that he finally figured out what had happened with his body.

He remembered what had sparked him to look into the case of the squirming white worms – which had then led him into a deeper realm of investigation into other areas of interest.

Health classes are notorious for the different subjects that kids talk about. The sex talk being the foremost. It was something that most every teenager got exposed to – something that every teenager wanted to know more about whether it be simple curiosity, embarrassment over a changing body, or the simple desire to want to know more to become sexually active – or to refine the skills of an already sexually active lifestyle.

In Sasuke's case, it had been simple curiosity, a conversation that had been embarrassing to listen to, but he couldn't help hearing it and getting intrigued.

Sasuke's seat was towards the front of the class. He had gotten to choose his seat, and he preferred to sit up in the front unlike most people who preferred finding a seat in the back. In the front the teacher was right there, so if another student dared talk to him, the teacher was right there to reprimand the other student. Sasuke had found that while he was quite capable of fending off the female populace, it was so much nicer when someone else did the work for him, which reduced his interaction with fangirls to the bare minimum.

Perhaps it should have been an indicator to Sasuke then that he found it better to fend off females than to engage them, hording their attention like the rest of the boys he knew.

He'd had several "girlfriends," but they never lasted long. They always wanted a far more intimate and deeply emotional relationship. Sasuke couldn't take any of the girls seriously enough to give them that kind of attention.

The teacher had finished her lesson of the day, spending the rest of the period grading papers and leaving the teenagers a free five minutes to "pack-up" or to sit and chat quietly. Sasuke had a book in front of him. Not that it always deterred the other students from talking to him, but the two main offenders who usually bothered him in this particular class had (wisely) finally moved on. However, it was these two girls' strange conversation that currently had him sitting straighter in his seat, eaves-dropping on their gossip.

"I don't believe it!" the one with pink hair, Sakura said. She was currently sitting next to her best friend/rival, Ino, and they were "whispering" so loudly it was impressive that the teacher hadn't said anything to them yet.

"I told you that you wouldn't believe me!" Ino said, all but shrieking indignantly.

"It's just...Hinata!" Sakura breathed, sounding beyond scandalized.

"I know! But you know she's been crushing on him for ages. It wasn't like she was going to say no after he offered. I just feel bad that she didn't wait until they were exclusive. She was the classic type right after her bad breakup with Kiba."

"Yes, but doesn't it make you wonder? Even since TenTen let slip how good of a lay he was, it's like every single girl who's ever had sex before and has just broken up with her boyfriend is going to him! I hear he ONLY sleeps with girls on the rebound from a bad breakup: that he helps them forget their old lover."

"Ami let slip that he's slept with seven of the cheerleaders! Apparently a bunch of them just broke up with their boyfriends, and he helped them forget. Can you believe that? Cheerleaders going to him to forget! They say he's so fantastic that it's worth the one time of sex, even knowing he won't stay with them. Wishing you hadn't turned the stud down now?" Ino asked Sakura.

"Honestly? Hell yeah! I'm so curious! All the girls he's been with can't get enough of him, but yet he's not picking just one girl. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I want to, you know, see what all the talk is about, but not if Naruto's sleeping with so many other girls."

Sasuke felt his body tense as a strange shock went through him.

Naruto. Uzumaki Naruto. Class clown. Immature. Weird. Unpopular. Turned down by almost every girl who he asked out last year. Suddenly a Casanova where every girl wants to sleep with him? Had he heard correctly?

Everyone knew Naruto. He was a loud mouth that you couldn't ignore. Sasuke knew from firsthand experience having tried. The best he could manage was to pretend that he didn't notice the other male. Thankfully he had limited contact with Naruto.

Naruto and Sasuke had actually gotten off on the wrong foot the first time they met the year previously. There had been something about Naruto that had rubbed him the wrong way. Naruto was so – distracting. So distracting in fact that when he'd complained about it at home, his mother had been so concerned that she switched his class schedule for him. It was a bit of an embarrassing fact that his mother had changed his schedule due to a minor irritation from another classmate.

Even though no one other than himself knew why his schedule had changed, the mere thought that his mother had thought he needed to be babied had made him hate Naruto all the more. He'd gotten into a fight with Naruto just to prove that Naruto didn't bother him that much and that he could physically take care of his own problems. Sadly, it backfired when Itachi then beat the shit out of him for making their mother cry when her baby boy got into a fight and in trouble at school. Itachi had literally pounded some sense in his head, making him realize fighting wasn't the way to solve his problems.

Not to mention it bothered him that Itachi had then had the stuck-up audacity to tell him to make friends with Naruto. He usually took Itachi's advice as his brother was a genius. However, just from the fact that Naruto rubbed him the wrong way, Sasuke decided he couldn't be friends with the blond. He settled for pretending Naruto didn't exist, though Sasuke always found himself hyper aware when Naruto was near him. Even so, for whatever reason, ignoring Naruto seemed to bother Naruto a lot. Not that Sasuke gave a shit.

Naruto had initially made verbal jibes at him to get him into another fight. When that had failed, Naruto seemed so put out that Sasuke was ignoring him that Naruto had then tried to be nice to him, inviting him over to his house or out to parties. Sasuke had refused, harshly.

Since then Sasuke had had very little interaction with the other male, but he had heard a lot of strange things about him. Naruto as the school's Casanova was by far the strangest.

As usual, anything he heard about Naruto rubbed him the wrong way. The fact that Naruto was now seen as some sort of sex god was a blow to Sasuke's ego. Sasuke had never had sex. To think that Naruto had and was apparently really good at it made Sasuke strangely jealous.

"Would you really though?" Ino asked in a hushed whisper. Sasuke slowly turned his head and pretended to look out the window, meanwhile watching the two out of the corner of his eye as their conversation finally quieted down to the level it should have started at.

"Have sex?" Sakura asked, blushing red. "You know I have already," Sakura mumbled. She didn't seem too pleased about it. Ino waved her hand around dismissively. "Twice."

Had everyone but Sasuke already had sex?

"Yeah. Bad choice of guys to have sex with though. But that's not what I meant. You hear what he does really well, right?" Ino asked, her voice getting even quieter. Sakura giggled.

"It sounds so naughty," Sakura whispered, but the excitement in her voice was clear.

"Yeah, but even Hinata said she liked it. She wouldn't say it if she didn't, even if it was with her precious Naruto-kun," Ino pressed.

They shared a few more giggles. The two whispered something. Sasuke found himself straining to hear what they said, but their tones just kept getting quieter and quieter. The bell rang, and Sasuke got annoyed at being denied the information. He was sure that if he asked, the girls would tell him.

Of course hell would freeze before he asked the girls what was so special about Naruto's sex ability.

Despite that, Sasuke was curious. For the rest of the day, Sasuke kept his ears open when others chatted near him during class and in the hallways.

It was the first time in a long while that Sasuke listened to the conversations of people around him. He was surprised to find that Ino and Sakura were not the only girls talking about Naruto. It irked him. Usually the girls his age paid attention to him. It wasn't so bad that they weren't trying to pry into his personal life, but the fact that their attentions had shifted from him to Naruto just did not sit well. What was so special about Naruto anyway?

According to the girls he heard whispering by the batch of lockers near his, an excited girl, petite with her hair in a long braid down her back, was able to tell the girls' around her with firsthand experience.

"He was so sweet! I couldn't believe it. So very kind, caring, very good with his mouth and his hands. And oh my goodness! I mean, it was so weird because you know the break up I had with Mitoki? Well Naruto just took me in his arms and told me how beautiful and wonderful I was! Said that he'd make sure to make me forget about the bad sex I'd had with Mitoki..."

"Did he, you know, do that thing?" one of the other girls giggled. The girl with the braid blushed and nodded. Not that Sasuke was paying close attention to her or anything.

"I was so nervous about it at first, but of course I heard about it! That's why, you know, I made sure to let him see me crying by the library so he would be able to comfort me after I told him about Mitoki breaking up with me-"

Sasuke blanched. Were these girls purposefully breaking up with their boyfriends in order to get Naruto into bed with them?

"-weird because who'd have thought -"

Someone passing by laughed loudly, making it hard for Sasuke to hear.


Another bout of laughter interrupted the girl talking.

"- would feel so good?"

Sasuke did a double take. What? What had she said? What had she just implied? Was Naruto a Casanova at anal sex? Was that what she meant? No way. He must have come to the wrong conclusion.

"So anal sex isn't that bad?" a girl with large, round glasses asked.

Sasuke's fingers gripped his locker tightly, his whole body still as he listened for the answer.

"Not at all! At least, not with the way Naruto does it. I think that's what he's trying to do. Trying to show us girls that if we have a bit of confidence in ourselves the sex can be so much better. I think he focuses on anal sex because it's something that not many others have done, and it's nothing that I can compare to my ex."

"Man," a girl with purple hair in tight curls grumbled. "I've never had bad sex. I hear he only sleeps with girls if they have had bad experiences."

"I think that's why Hinata told Naruto that she'd had sex before. I don't think she and Kiba really did go all the way. She was so desperate to have a go at Naruto. Poor girl. Totally worth the lie though to get some action with Naruto," the girl with the braid said smugly.

Sasuke shut his locker. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. These girls were talking about having sex with Naruto. They didn't care that he was sleeping around with anything that moved, and in fact, rather than getting disgusted, the girls seemed so endeared that he was helping to erase the bad sexual experiences of horrible sex with no strings attached other than to make them feel good about themselves...

Okay, so maybe that did sound strangely nice, except they were all missing the point that Naruto was using his "sweetness" in order to have sex with as many girls as possible!

Why were all the girls so excited about anal sex anyway? Why would a woman who had a vagina like a cock or even fingers up the ass? Who did that?

The memory of Sasuke's own deep, buried childhood secret slapped him in the face.

He used to, technically, finger himself all the time. Sasuke had never thought about it that way before. But it wasn't like he had liked it…had he? He had always been irritated with those...those worm things, but had he actually enjoyed the feeling of having his own finger shoved up his ass?

Part of him wanted to say no. The other part of him wasn't so sure. And he hated being so damned unsure. He shouldered his backpack and left school for the day. His mind unbelieving of Naruto being a Casanova – or the fact that he might like fingering himself.

After he got home from school, instead of doing his homework (as it wasn't due till the next week, as he always did all his homework early), he got on the internet to do a bit of research. Usually he quickly did his homework and then spent the rest of his evening practicing karate. Tonight, he had a feeling he wouldn't get to practice.

He sat with the google page opened in front of him, not sure what to type in. There were so many questions that he was curious about. Why was everyone saying Naruto was such a good lay? Sasuke was sure that if he decided to sleep with someone, everyone would say he was better than that loser.

Another question that bothered him – had he liked the feeling of fingering himself? He couldn't remember. And the curiosity was so strong that he actually wanted to try it again. What held him back was a strange fear of encountering those same worm-like-things that he had faced as a child. Were they still there? What had they been?

Since he wouldn't be able to find the answer as to why everyone had become so enthralled with Naruto, and since he refused to do any experimenting with his own body until he had made sure how to handle his childhood secret, Sasuke typed in "anal worms" and searched. A lot of links appeared.

After clicking through a few pages, looking at a few images, he felt himself relax a little as he was able to pinpoint his childhood dilemma. A few things jumped out at him right away, and he was finally able to give a name to the condition he'd suffered from.

Pinworms. Small, white worms that lived in the small intestine that came to lay eggs around the rectum area. Common in almost 80% of children between the ages of 2-10. The fact that it was more likely that four out of five people had had them knowingly or not at one point or time eased Sasuke's worries completely.

There were a few links that led to how to get rid of them, etc. He was lucky they had gone away on their own, but at the same time grateful to find out that they were one) not that uncommon and two) it hadn't been anything serious to worry about.

As he hadn't had those symptoms in years, he was pretty certain he'd washed the problem away.

He'd had pinworms as a child, something that was apparently very common amongst children during that age group. The one article actually made it sound like more children than not suffered from the same problem, though most never knew it. Even though it was something that still embarrassed him, he was glad that so many others had suffered with his same problem. He was mostly embarrassed with how he had dealt with getting rid of the worms, though he reasoned other children must have gone through the same problem.

The next part to figure out...had he really enjoyed fingering himself? All those girls seemed to enjoy it.

The next google search he did was a bit more intimate, and his eyes widened at the images that popped up when he searched anal sex. Apparently his search engine didn't have any filters on.

It was like a train wreck. He didn't want to see it, but he couldn't stop staring. It wasn't until a knock from his mother interrupted him to let him know that dinner was ready did he stop looking at the pictures with a startled jump. Sasuke hastily closed out of his web browser to prevent his mother from seeing the pictures on the screen.

In the shower that night, Sasuke found himself assaulted with the memory of the images he had seen on the internet. It didn't take long before he was horny, excitedly flushed, soapy, and wet, his arousal bobbing in the shower. It wasn't as though he hadn't jerked off before. He had. But to have something so fresh and exciting to stimulate him when he usually suppressed his desires was new and thrilling. Sasuke, never one to back down from a challenge, began to finger himself.

It felt different than he remembered. For one, it was harder for him to get his finger inside his body. His fingers were longer and thicker now that he was older, and his body wasn't adjusted to the usual intrusion, but he didn't let that stop him.

Once he had relaxed enough, he slowly began to push his finger inside. At first it didn't want to go in, but the more he pushed the easier it slipped inside. He left it there for a moment, letting his body adjust. Slowly he began to move it around, stroking his insides.

One finger alone left him feeling wonderful. Just pulling in and out, stroking himself was somehow familiar yet incredibly new. He was sure when he was younger his cock hadn't pulsed with pleasure when he had fingered himself.

The inside of his body pulsed with heat. His hole, moist from the shower, kept sucking his finger in and out of his body; it opened more than he thought possible as he pressed against his inner walls, feeling the silky skin and raised texture of the sphincter tightening and loosening around his finger.

He gave a short snort of a laugh, realizing he was getting aroused by his own body. His other hand wrapped around his dripping length. The mix of fingering himself and the short jerks brought his orgasm over the edge quicker than any of his previous jerk off sessions.

Sasuke threw his head back, his mouth open, the pleasured cry muffled by the sound of the shower. His chest heaved as he took deep, calming breaths. Finally catching his breath, Sasuke looked down at his hands: one covered in his sperm, the other surprisingly clean from having been stuck up his ass. Either way, he hastily washed off the coating of cum on his hand and anything unpleasant that might be on his other one.

Several things clicked in Sasuke's mind that night. He liked fingering himself. That thought later led to the fact that he might be gay. After all, he didn't like any of the girls in his class. Maybe that was why? Not to mention he'd been aroused watching the anal sex videos from the internet, but the reason he wasn't sure about being gay was because Sasuke had never been attracted to or aroused by anyone – other than himself.

Stepping out of the shower Sasuke looked at himself in the mirror. His body was well sculptured, as it should be from his rigorous karate workouts. He smirked, feeling strangely smug and narcissistic. He liked what he saw in the mirror.

Sasuke came to the conclusion that he was enough for himself. He didn't need anyone else to pleasure his body; he was quite capable of doing so on his own. Bonds and relationships were messy. After all, all those girls had used breaking their bonds to get Naruto. What kind of selfish person used a bond like that? Even Naruto was using it too. They all seemed the same to him. Deciding he liked being self-sufficient, not minding that he needed no one other than himself – male or female – made him feel somehow more smug and secure about his sexuality.

The happenings of the following week, however, shattered that smugness, shaping even more secrets.

Next Chapter: A Secret Attraction

I know, I know. Another new fic. But hey! I've had this one for er, two months now? Already have the second chapter finished, and there will only be about two more chapters after that. And before anyone asks, yes I'm still working on my other fics. I just seem to have been having trouble writing them. I'm just not happy with things. Hence all the new things to try and stimulate the thought process for longer fics.

Anyway, hope you liked it so far! ~ Jelp