Anubis fell from the bridge, landing in the cold water below. Mia,Kayura,and Yuli could only
watch as this happened.
Then a sound broke everyone from their sadness. "Ouch"
"Cut!" The directors voice echoed. "Anubis, your supposed to be dead"
Anubis stood up, wringing the water out of his robes. "Don't I get a stunt double?"
"No, we have a budget" The director sighed as Anubis sat down in one of the chair's, off the
set. "We'll try that scene again in a minute"
"I just don't get this" Mia shook her head.
The director sighed again. "You don't get what?"
"How it's possible for Kayura to be only 12" Mia shook her head, but Kayura beamed
"I have an excellent body, don't I?"
"We had..better try and finish this scene" The director sweatdropped. "Quiet on the set!"
Anubis stood up on the bridge again, took a deep breath, then fell off. There was a fairly
large 'splash', then everything was silent.
"Cut! Where's Yuli?!" The director stood up, walking out to the set.
Mia shrugged. "I'm not babysitting anymore, it's Kayura's turn"
"Ryo needs to give him another beating" Kayura rolled her eyes, leaving the
director in exasperation, once again.
"I've already explained this to you. You can not beat up the supporting characters" He sighed again.
Mia and Kayura gave each other knowing looks, just as Yuli walked back on set.
"Where have you been?" The director looked at the boy.
"I had to go to the bathroom" Yuli looked up at them innocently, leaving them all exasperated
at the small child.
"Let's try this AGAIN" The director walked off stage, sitting in his chair(wich was marked 'director').
Anubis, once again, stood up on the bridge and fell. Once again, a splash was heard.
Yuli cleared his throut. "Anubis!!!!!!!!!" and ran out into the water, careful not to splash
the water onto his clothes.
"It's not your fault, Kayura" Mia turned towards the girl. "It was Talpa who had you under his
"I know" Kayura smiled, then stopped. "err..I mean..Yes, Mia"
Yuli poked Anubis, wondering if the red haired man had actually died from the fall.
"Are you alive Anubis?" Yuli raised an eyebrow.
About that time, Yuli was thrown about 10 feet across the set by Mia. "Get out of the way, Yuli"
Anubis sat up slowly, rubbing his sore face. Apparently the director didn't know what it was like
to fall 20 feet off a bridge and land on your face.
"Are you alright, Anubis?" Mia questioned, hoping she threw Yuli far enough that he wouldn't be
back for awhile.
"I need a stunt double" Anubis' eyes focused on Yuli, whom was trying to get up.
The director sighed again. "That's a wrap"