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Guardian of Earth

Chapter One: Prologue

Author's Note: This story takes place during Kim and Ron's senior year of high school. I will be honest and say it doesn't really have anything to do with the last season of Kim Possible. I took my creative liberties with this story. I'm sorry if you don't like it. I'm also sorry I don't update more often, I get writer's block sometimes and I would love to hear your comments or suggestions to help me out, so please review or send me a private message.

Green Lantern Corps. Headquarters on Planet Oa:

It was midday on the planet Oa when the little blue guardians came together for an emergency council meeting. With Hal Jordan gone on a long-term mission for the Green Lantern Corps., sector 2814, better known as Earth, was currently in need of a new Lantern. The argument and search was well underway to find a replacement for him.

"What about Kyle Rayner," asked one guardian.

Some of the guardians gave it some serious thought before a second guardian argued, "No, we can not send him to sector 2814. We need him here, to protect Oa and train the younger Lanterns."

"He has expressed feelings of being homesick, though. Could we not just replace him with another Lantern here," reasoned another guardian.

"Well, who would you suggest to replace him," asked a fourth guardian.

"What about Guy Gardner. He is very experienced and could potentially do a decent job," the guardian suggested.

"True, but he is also getting older in age," a guardian countered.

"Alright, that's enough," interrupted one of the guardians, "we are just going to have to face the facts. We're going to have to search for another Earthling to take Jordan's place as the new guardian of sector 2814. And whomever we shall choose, will have to not require too much training, seeing that he or she will be needed in the field as soon as possible."

"You do realize this means we must form a new power ring and lantern if we choose a new person," commented the first guardian.

"I realize this, but times are getting tough. I don't think we have much of a choice in the matter," the guardian who had interrupted earlier responded, "Unless anyone else has a different idea."

There was a general pause in the room while the guardians stared at one another until the second guardian broke the silence by stating, "Let us take a vote on this matter then. We shall either vote to create a new ring or find a current member of the Green Lanterns to take Jordan's place as the Guardian of Sector 2814."

Middleton High School in Middleton, Colorado:

Ron and Kim were walking down the hallway of their high school, heading towards the gym for the welcome back to school assembly/pep rally. Ron, being the star running back for the varsity football team this year, couldn't wait to get this year started. Senior year was going to be so different and in such a good way! For starters, Ron and Kim had been dating for about 4½ months (ever since the whole synthodrone Eric and Little Diablo thing during their Junior Prom had occurred). Since this was the first year that Kim and himself would be going as each others romantic dates to homecoming, he had been planning to ask Kim in a creative and special way. He just hadn't quite found the right way to do it yet.

"Alright, sit down and listen up people," Barkin shouted across the gym silencing them instantly, "It's time we get this assembly underway."

As a few students walked out on stage and started the assembly festivities, Ron began whispering to his best bud Felix to help him make a plan.

"So, what do you think I should do," Ron whispered over to Felix, "I was thinking of asking through one of those sauce packets at Bueno Nacho, but I'm not sure."

"Ron, I'm by no means an expert as girls, but I'm sure if you just ask Kim - she'll say yes."

"Yeah, but this is the first time I'm asking as my date-date. I want to make it special for her," Ron reasoned, starting to feel anxious.

"Well... you could... I don't know...," Felix paused thinking, "You could always just ask her in a way that's special to the two of you."

"What way would that be though?"

"I'm not sure, but I bet you'll find a way."

Next Chapter: Mission Time