Authors Note:

Yepperz, uchihachick67510 again, I started this story cause I got well...slightly bored with the vampire story. Don't worry I'll get back to it again once I find out how to write chapter nineteen, the book itself has around twenty eight or so chapters and it's almost finished, just the so called writers' block again. I started this story as I was going through my SasuNaru fanart that I have saved on my computer and thought...'why don't I write a story based off a picture...' So I did, and this is the result.

Summary: This story's about how Naruto and Sasuke one: became friends, two: their pasts, and three: how they became who they are today. They just never expected they'd have a sexual relationship...THEY WERE BEST FRIENDS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!!!

Yea, I'm starting to get better at my summaries I think...but you people decide if I am or not, but anyway, this is obviously called Meant to be and I've rated this story an M...for later chapters and some vulgar language...Also to let everyone else know, I'm giving the story a lot of plot...PLOT, no fillers before the big sex scene so no complaining and asking for the sex scene like I usually do so early in my stories, this one's different from all the rest. Cha! Oh god, Sakura's inner side has gotten through to me in a bad way...

But back to the world here, This chapter is more like an introduction, second chapter I think I'm going to go back in time to where Sasuke and Naruto first met with Iruka who...Aaaah, you thought I was going to spoil it didn't ya? Ha! No I wasn't, you have to continue reading and see what I do next...but that does sound like a good Idea don't you think? Read and review please, reviews are most wonderful, they tell me how I'm doing and help me continue. =D flamers and no begging for sex scene like I said earlier...none of that just yet...and damn, this is one long fucking Authors' note...Happy Reading and Reviewing!

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Meant to be

Friendship should never die, no matter what happens

Naruto was an outgoing individual, loud and annoying but always kept to himself most of the time. He had some friends…just a few, they were Shikamaru, Kiba, Hinata, Lee and Neji…also Kiba's dog, Akamaru. But Naruto had one special friend who was his best and most important friend, Sasuke Uchiha. They were friends since they were seven years old and today they were rivals but best of friends at heart. No one knew they were friends for the way they acted towards each other. They fought like they were enemies, almost like they wanted to kill each other but no one knew it was an act to hide their friendship, they were too stupid to realize it, well that was in high school...people found out eventually what the fighting was for but Sasuke and Naruto both agreed that it took all of them a little too long to fucking find out.

Today Naruto was going to go on a walk and maybe go to the Hokage mountain and look over the small city until dusk like he always did on Friday. He had nothing to do on Friday all the time, it was what he called his day off of work which was artwork. He drew and painted everything he could see and think of. He was one of the best in Konoha but he was only second best. The first best was Sasuke, but he didn't mind, he was happy that he was rated second best to his best friend and loved it. It was the only thing he had in common with the guy. Naruto was short, tan, blonde hair and sky/obsidian eyes that sparkled like sapphires in the sunlight at any angle and don't forget the almost feminine physique that made him mad. Sasuke was tall, pale, black hair and onyx eyes and had the body of a fucking god while Naruto looked more like a male form of a goddess.

As Naruto walked the streets of Konoha, he got a few welcomes and good mornings, he said good morning back as always and waved to those who waved to him. He was going to his favorite ramen stand called Ichiraku Ramen before he went to stare off into space at the top of the Hokage tower so he carried some money in his pocket. He had a messenger pack hanging off his left shoulder that carried all his art stuff like his pencils, paints, and paper. He always carried that with him everywhere he went. Today he was wearing a pair of baggy orange pants that held extra pockets on the sides of the legs and he wore a semi-tight black tank, he also wore a pair of black wrist cuffs that hid some cuts and bruises that he made in the past, only his friends and especially Sasuke knew about them…but only Sasuke knew why he did it.

When he reached Ichiraku Ramen, he pulled the curtains back and was welcomed by an elderly man and his only daughter with happy faces, "Good morning Naruto."

"Good morning old man." Naruto said back with a small wave as he set his bag on the seat next to him, the strap around his arm still because someone in the past tried to take his bag before and it wasn't going to happen…the little brat ended up in the hospital because he went savage over it…poor Konahamaru.

"So what'll you be having today Naruto?" The old man asked as he walked up to the counter.

"I'll have an extra large order of barbeque pork ramen this morning." Naruto said, he always chose between that and miso ramen, but he loved barbeque pork and he was hungry for it this morning.

"Alright, coming right up." The old man said and the two got busy, Naruto turned in his seat as he opened his pack and pulled out a pencil and his drawing pad, he already had an idea of what he wanted to draw and he wanted it on paper real quick before he lost it.

"I still think you're better than Sasuke Naruto." The old man said as he saw that Naruto was busy and realized he was drawing.

"It's the people's opinion and they think Sasuke's better…even though he's much darker and more sinister..." Naruto said as he looked up, he was already half way done with his drawing and it was starting to look like a rose faerie, he just had to finish the outfit and draw the rose next and he was finished…he didn't want a background in this picture but he was going to make one in the next picture.

"He's too gruesome for my tastes." The old man snorted as he came over with Naruto's order.

"I know, but that's like the only thing he can draw…he likes horror and gore and things like that." Naruto added. "It sparks his interest and it's part of his personality."

"But that shows that it was him that…" The old man started saying but was interrupted by his daughter.

"Dad, come help me clean up real quick." She said hastily, she knew Naruto didn't like how people think Sasuke killed his family when it was actually Itachi that did it… She believed what the police said but no one else really knows the real truth cause they found Itachi's dead body next to their parents and Sasuke in complete and utter shock with a gun next to him. The report even shows that Itachi was the only one with a gun shot wound and their parents with sword wounds but they still put Sasuke in a mental institution because he became mute and went into tantrums when the death of his parents was brought up during interrogations to find out what happened…they always thought that Sasuke doesn't remember since it was so traumatic and also because he was only six.

"Sasuke never even knew how to wield a sword that was twice his body height and he would have been barely able to even pick it up because it weighed over fifty pounds." Naruto explained as he started eating his ramen as he set his art work to the side for the moment, the top of the rose finally drawn, he was going to finish it when he got to the top of the Hokage mountain.

"What ever." The old man sighed as he started drying the equipment before he dried his hands.

Everyone in the village had second thoughts on how Sasuke's parents died…well except the police department, Naruto, Shikamaru, Lee, Neji, Hinata, and Kiba. Everyone else in the city thought the police were covering up for the six year old and said that it was Sasuke that killed everyone even though it was Itachi's prints on the sword and gun, no one questioned the gunshot wound that was on Sasuke's left shoulder between that and his neck, they thought he did it to himself, people are so ignorant and foolish and stupid.

"Well I gotta get going, I'll see you guys tonight ok?" Naruto finally said as he finished his bowl of ramen and paid the bill.

"Ok Naruto, see you later." The old man said as he took the money.

Naruto packed his pad and pencil before closing his bag and left for the Hokage mountain. The path to the Hokage Mountain was a long and steep journey, hardly anyone in the city would climb up it because they were too lazy to, but Naruto loved the climb and the reward it gave when he reached the top, he loved the fresh air that surrounded him and the singing birds that flew by over his head and by his sides, the flowers that grew all along the mountain side on the path and the buzzing bees, he loved everything about the Hokage Mountain. He learned a few years ago that his own fathers' face was on the Mountain, the fourth Hokage…Yondaime or otherwise known as Minato Namikaze. Naruto never knew why he didn't have his dad's last name instead of his mothers' but he never complained. His past was a horrible one, especially since he was there when both his parents died.

They were driving down the street, both Naruto's mom and Minato in the front while Naruto was in the back in his booster seat. His dad was driving and his mother looked back at him to tell him something, they were going to see the doctors' office for Naruto's regular check up when they hit something that was really big in the road and hard. Both of Naruto's parents were killed on impact and their blood was splattered on Naruto's face. The impact had caused his mom to snap at the middle of her waist and her upper torso hung over the middle towards the back of the car and Minato was crushed, something stuck through him and Naruto never remembered what it was, all he knew was that everything went black and his lower body hurt really bad. The next thing he knew, he was in the hospital and in a bed, he was only two when this happened and he never remembered what happened that day. Tsunade, who was the hospital doctor, and a well respected one at that, she was the one that said Naruto would never walk on his own ever again without crutches or a walking stick, and if he didn't get that far, he would be in a wheelchair the rest of his life. He had damaged the lower three disks of his spine and crushed his legs from the crash, she was just surprised that he never asked how he got this way but what really surprised her was how Naruto healed so quickly, after about two years of healing in her care, he just stood up and walked like nothing had happened. She took x-rays of his spine and it still showed that he still had cracked spinal disks and she said he should go to surgery to get some metal plates to make sure that they didn't shatter on him when he walked, but she waited until he was past puberty to do the surgery to make sure they grew on their own since he was only four at the time. He only told Sasuke about that time since Sasuke really explained what happened to his parents to Naruto and only Naruto. It was like those two were made to be friends because they shared everything together when it came to personal stuff like that.

Sasuke only fully explained to Naruto what he saw and what really happened…except to the police when they could get it out of him when he actually talked out of spite to get them to leave him alone. But Naruto was interrupted from his thoughts as someone walked up behind him.

"Hey dobe, whatcha doing up here?" A male voice asked behind him.

"I'm working on something..." Naruto answered as a smile grew on his face, he knew who it was, "Sasuke."

"May I have a look at it?" Sasuke chuckled as he sat down next to Naruto with his own bag of art supplies.

"Sure." He allowed and showed Sasuke what he was now working on, it was what he had been working on for nearly a month now...the lay out of Konoha city, every detail could be seen in it, the only thing that wasn't in there were the people that walked the streets, he was going to save them for last.

"You've been working on that thing for weeks now Naruto, I'd thought you had it done already." Sasuke smirked.

"This one I'm taking my time on, unlike the one I drew this morning while eating breakfast." Naruto laughed and showed him the previous picture, the rose faerie all finished and colored in.

"You're so girly." It was Sasuke's turn to laugh and did he laugh, he almost fell head over the cliff first.

"I don't least it isn't gore and blood like yours." Naruto snorted and went back to his month old piece of work.

"Well it is the only thing I can draw that expresses myself." Sasuke answered as he shrugged his shoulders.

"The old man at Ichiraku Ramen was saying that you were the one that did it pisses me off." Naruto whispered as he put his pad down and laid back on the grass and looked up at the sky, he didn't realize that it was already in the afternoon, probably close to one or two.

"Do you want to see what I drew today?" Sasuke asked as he went into his bag and pulled out his things.

"Sure." Naruto said happily and sat up as Sasuke opened to his newest artwork.

Sasuke finally opened to his newest one and it wasn't gory or was a picture of his parents and him and his brother. They looked happy except for his dad who rarely even smiled just like Itachi. Sasuke was the little innocent six year old and always smiled, Naruto guessed that it was probably before they were killed. Naruto was at a loss of words but spoke anyway.

"I love it Sasuke." Naruto said as he kept looking at the picture.

"I know you would...but it brings back too many memories..." Sasuke said sadly and put the picture away.

"I'm sorry." Naruto said after a few seconds.

"It's alright...and stop saying sorry, you say it too much." Sasuke chuckled.

"Hmph." Naruto pouted and crossed his arms before he laid back down and looked up at the perfect blue sky that had a hint of clouds here and there. "The city council said they were going to pay me if I were to draw an exact replica of the city...if it was done in pencil."

"How much were they going to pay you?" Sasuke asked as he looked down at Naruto, thoughts on drawing another bloody Archangel Michael was on his mind.

"They didn't say." Naruto answered as he tried to remember.

"Don't give it to them if they aren't going to pay you the right amount of money, you're drawing the original Konoha city for crying the fuck out loud, they're starting construction on the east side near Tora bridge next year so this is as original they'll ever get." Sasuke complained. "But from my opinion it's worth a million bucks."

"I know, but you didn't notice anything on the picture either..." Naruto grinned.


"Everything's drawn from a different angle." Naruto laughed.

"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked, he didn't get what Naruto was saying.

"Look at the picture again." Naruto smirked and pointed to his pad which Sasuke reached over and grabbed.

"How are you drawing this from the complete opposite side of the city!?" Sasuke asked oblivious, this was the first time he really saw how it was drawn.

"I, for one, remember each detail of the city like a still picture in the back of my head Sasuke, it doesn't matter what angle I'm at, I still draw it with the Hokage Mountain in the background." Naruto explained, the smirk still on his face.

"Do you realize that this might actually give you ranking of best artist over me if you were to successfully sell it?" Sasuke asked as he put the pad back.

"Probably...but that'd just make me want to take it back." Naruto said, puting his hands behind his head like a small pillow.

"Why take it back?" Sasuke asked.

"Because I'm just as happy with you above me..." Naruto answered and yawned.

"Ooh someone's getting girly again." Sasuke teased.

"Oh shut up Sasuke-teme." Naruto pouted and pulled up a handful of dirt and grass and threw it at the back of Sasuke's head, hitting him square in the middle of the duck butt hairstyle. "Your hair looks like a ducks' ass."

"Stop making fun of the hair!" Sasuke warned as he patted the dirt out.

"And have you seen how pale you look like a ghost." Naruto said as he sat up to pack his stuff, he was done drawing for the day.

"I'm outside everyday but I don't get any darker." Sasuke mused as he looked at one of his arms.

"Do you know what time it is?" Naruto asked as he looked over the city again.

"Almost four." He answered as he looked at his watch.

"I thought it was almost two..." Naruto frowned.

"Your internal clock is so wrong." Sasuke laughed as he put his stuff away.

Naruto growled but it only got Sasuke to say something else that pushed a button, "Usuratonkachi."


"Lets go home dobe." Sasuke laughed and stood up.

"Grrrr, Sasuke-teme!" Naruto threatened and stood up grabbing his bag as Sasuke grabbed his own and chased after Sasuke to the path, one of Naruto's motto being, 'friendship should never matter what happens'...even if that meant small timid name calling, but he could always forgive the name calling any day.

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Authors' End Note:

Yepperz, here's the first chapter to Meant to be. I hoped you all liked it. I know the first chapter's short and all but I swear it's goign to get longer...and I think I might have taken a little story plot from another story I read on how Naruto's parents died...I have no clue and I'm not going through the fifty plus stories, chapters, and over a hundred thousand pages to look and see if I did...If anyone has read a story with the same plot, tell me in a review what story it is and who the author is and I'll be glad to change it to something else and replace this chapter when I post the second one. Just don't forget to review. =D