Red Roses2: This time it's a request from destroyeverythin1. She really liked the last one I did for her (at least I think she's a she), and I decided what the heck. Besides, after she told me what it would be about, I couldn't get it out of my head. So here we go!

Disclaimer: I don't own Axis Powers Hetalia. It belongs to Hidekaz Himayura. Inspiration comes from destroyeverythin1.

The Yaoi Brigade

Belarus loved Russia. Loved him so much she constantly followed him everywhere, broke doors down to get to him, and never truly gave him a moment's peace.

But lately, something had been trying to take her brother's place in her heart. Oh, she'd never stop stalking him. She couldn't marry this thing, after all. She'd never love another PERSON more than her brother. But the photo albums of Hungary's weren't people, now were they?

Belarus hunched over a blue photo album, looking at Hungary's most recent pictures.

"When did you take these?" Belarus asked, her eyes not leaving the photos. Most of the photos were of Austria and the other Germanic countries, but occasionally she'd see something involving the Asian countries, England, France, America, or the countries near herself.

"Oh, those were a while back. France stole my camera soon after I had those developed. He claims England broke it," Hungary explained while she poured tea into Belarus's cup.

"Hm. . . . Were you hiding in the bushes when you took these?"

Hungary giggled.

"No, silly, I asked them if they could pose for me."

Belarus looked up at her, eyes wide.

"You asked? And they said yes?"

"Austria is very amicable about what I want to do, though often he's not comfortable with it. It took a little coaxing with Germany, though."

Belarus looked at the picture again, which will not be described for the sake of Germany's dignity. The wheels in her head began to turn.



"Are there any pictures of Big Brother in here?"

"No, unfortunately. Last time I tried, he broke the camera with his pipe. I was really disappointed, too. There's no way I'll be able to have any pictures of him and America nowadays."

Belarus's grip on the photo album tightened.

"It . . . it'd be nice if we could have them do stuff for us all the time. . . . you know?"

Hungary smiled and nodded.

"Yes, it would, wouldn't it?"

They sat beside each other on the couch, turning the pages and looking at the pictures. Soon they came to the last page, a page covered in photos of Germany and Italy.

"You know . . . ." Belarus said. "If we ruled the world, we really could have this at our disposal at all times."

Hungary pressed her finger to her chin.

"That's true, isn't it? Eh heh, Austria would have a heart-attack!"

Belarus smiled.

"So would Big Brother Russia."

They shared a look.

"Let's do it," they said in unison.

And thus, the Yaoi Brigade was born.

Little did the world know just how successful they would become, and who they would have to turn to so they could have their freedom back.