Title: The What Happened After… Series (1/5-ish)

Author: iheartcallietorres (laurenxx3 on LJ)

Pairing: Callie/Arizona

Rating: varies from G to T

Summary: The lives of Callie and Arizona between the scenes we see on Grey's, separated into different parts, all beginning with the title "What Happened After…" Bad summary, but you get the picture. : )

Disclaimer: You know the drill. All characters belong to Shonda Rhimes/ABC. I don't own anything. If I did, I'd be a lot richer than a poor college student. Any similarities to real life situations/persons are purely coincidental. Not for profit; for entertainment purposes only.

A/N: I have absolutely NO medical knowledge beyond what I see/hear on Grey's Anatomy, so forgive me of any medical-related errors. Also, this is un-betad, so all mistakes are mine. Please let me know if you come across any. As always, comments are much appreciated (and will encourage me to write more fics in the future - *hint, hint*).

A/N2: Alright, so I had originally planned on finishing this entire series before posting any of it, but I changed my mind because I can and I'm just cool (aka fickle) like that. : ) I was planning to finish the entire thing before I posted because I hate when I'm reading a fic and it takes the author forever to update and I didn't want to do that to y'all, but I *think* I'll be able to update this at least weekly, if not more often. HOWEVER, I make no promises, especially with finals coming up in, GULP, less than two weeks. . I just couldn't wait to get this out there because I'm really excited about it and I hope you all like it.

A/N3: Formatting… Yeah, the formatting of this fic is pretty straightforward… it's separated into different "What Happened After…" scenes and each part has a 'Callie's POV' and an 'Arizona's POV.' Some are short, drabble-length while others are pretty long-ish. I decided not to make any portions NC-17, at least for now, because I didn't want to take away from the rest of the fic. Also, you'll find a song title that I think fits that particular section. It's not necessary that you listen to or know the song, I just thought it gave it a little something extra. : ) Okay, I think that's it for now… Enjoy and let me know what you think of this!


001. What Happened After… the Bathroom Kiss (5x14) [PG]

This Kiss - Faith Hill

Callie's POV:

"I think you'll know." With that, the blonde smiled and backed out of the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind her.

I stood there with a stunned smiled, my mind racing. I brushed the fingers of my right hand over my still-tingling lips, trying to figure out if I had just imagined the while thing. Was that it? Was I hallucinating now? I've been so down and out since Erica left. Was my mind playing tricks on me, trying to cheer me up?

I quickly reapplied my lip gloss before stepping out of the bathroom. I looked around for a blonde head, spotting her at the bar not far from the seat I'd just vacated. Her eyes connected with mine and she gave a me a small smile.

No, I hadn't imagined it. Arizona Robbins, Peds Surgery, had just kissed me out of nowhere in a dirty bar bathroom. Maybe my luck was beginning to change after all.

Arizona's POV

I couldn't help but smile when she spotted me from across the crowded bar as she exited the bathroom. I couldn't believe how bold I had just been and I felt my cheeks flush.

The raven-haired beauty smiled back before walking slowly out of the bar into the night air. The ball was in her court now.

I turned back to my companions, but got lost in my own thoughts of the orthopedic resident. I remembered the first time I saw her at the hospital. I'd heard talk of the promising resident and of her recent bad luck in love. But what others had failed to mention was how breathtakingly stunning the woman was. I had been standing at the nurses' station when a gorgeous Latina had walked up to the other end of the high counter. She'd seemed distracted as she made notes on a patient chart. Another doctor, a tall man with graying hair, had walked up next to her. "Torres, I need a consult," he'd said, and my ears had perked up. So this was the notorious Calliope Torres. They'd walked away form the counter together and I couldn't help but watch her walk away. I had known immediately that I just had to meet the gorgeous ortho resident.


002. What Happened After… Arizona Called Callie a Newborn (5x16) [G]

Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day

Callie's POV

I felt my heart plummet as I studied the pretty brunette standing just behind Arizona. Julie. Arizona's date. Her very hot date. Great. Just freaking great.

Humiliated, I took another gulp of my drink as I turned away, the alcohol burning my throat. I placed the half-empty glass on the bar before making my way towards the exit of the bar. I literally had to force myself to no run out of Joe's.

I was met with a chilly blast of air as I walked out into the cold night air. I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my leather jacket and walked around the block towards my apartment, feeling utterly defeated.

Why should it matter that I've only been with one other woman? Sure, I panicked a bit when Erica and I first began our… whatever, but that was then. I've come to realize that I don't care what other's think. I don't have to define myself to anyone.

Letting myself into the apartment I shared with Cristina, I heaved a big sigh. For a full two days, I'd felt like my old self. Confident, successful, happy. For two whole days after Arizona had kissed me, I felt like I was on top of the world. With only a kiss, the perky Ped's surgeon had put me back together.

Then with one conversation, she'd torn me down again. Dammit!

I walked into my bedroom and collapsed onto my bed, allowing myself a moment, only a moment, to wallow in self pity.

Arizona's POV

I tried to concentrate on what Julie was saying, but my mind kept wandering. It kept wandering to a certain ortho resident with chocolate brown eyes and raven hair. Chocolate brown eyes that had looked defeated as she'd turned away and walked out of the bar. Chocolate brown eyes that had nearly made me change my mind.

But I steeled myself. I refused to be another 'experiment.' I've been burned too many times before. I couldn't let that happen again.

I took another sip of my drink and forced myself to focus on the words coming out of Julie's mouth. She was cute and nice, but it was obvious that we were not going to be anything more than friends. There just wasn't a connection. Not like the one I had felt the first time I laid eyes on Calliope.

Dammit! I was doing it again. I kicked myself mentally and shook my head, trying to clear it of all thoughts of the tall Latina.

"Are you alright?" Julie was asking me.

I gave her a small smiled. "I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind. I think I'm going to call it a night."

Julie nodded and smiled back. We said our goodnights, both knowing we'd probably never talk again, but we were both alright with that fact. I left the bar and made my way home, trying to come with a plan to stay away from Calliope Torres.

Little did I know that fate wouldn't allow any of my plans to work. Fate would see to it that I gave Calliope a chance to win my heart.


003. What Happened After… the Elevator Scene (5x17) [T]

Ready - Kelly Clarkson

Callie's POV

I was scanning the cafeteria for the familiar head of silver-gray hair when an angelic voice from behind me captured my attention.


I turned and was met with the sight of curly blonde hair pulled back into a messy ponytail and the bluest eyes I've ever had the pleasure of staring into. I couldn't stop the smile from forming on my lips. "Hey," I greeted, a little unsure of myself. I feared that Arizona may have changed her mind between last night in the elevator an now. But she was smiling. That could only be good, right?

"Lunch?" I asked, indicating the tray in her hands. I kicked myself mentally for the stupid question and I felt my cheeks flush. Great, I thought to myself. Way to make an impression.

"Yep," Arizona answered with a grin. "Care to join me?"

I just nodded, not trusting myself to form a coherent sentence. I don't know what it is about her, but every time she's near, my brain stops functioning. I contemplated seeking out Derek Shepherd to run some tests on my brain when I realized I was still just standing there. Arizona had taken several steps towards an empty table and I forced my feet to follow.

"So," Arizona says when I finally sat across from her. "I watched your surgery this morning. I'm impressed you were able to save his leg."

I felt my cheeks flush (again, dammit!) from the compliment and was thankful for my olive complexion that diminished the effect of the blush. I shrugged off the compliment. "Just tried my best," I said, popping a grape into my mouth and biting down on the sweet fruit.

"And humble, too," Arizona said with a smile. "I like that."

From there, once I had gotten past my initial nervousness, the awkwardness gave way into easy conversation and before I knew it, it was time to get back to work. We walked out of the cafeteria laughing about something at the same time Mark was exiting the elevator nearby.

"Ladies," he greeted, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Want to let me in on the joke?"

I rolled my own eyes at him. "Nope," I said, pressing the 'up' button for the elevator. The doors immediately opened and we both stepped in, leaving behind a pouting Mark. I gave him a small wave with the tips of my fingers as the doors slid closed. I turned to Arizona. "Sorry about him," I said. "He's a little… immature sometimes."

She raised her eyebrows. "Who is he?" she asked.

"Mark Sloan, Head of Plastics."

"Ah, yes, McSteamy, right?"

I nodded. "Somehow, he's also managed to become my best friend," I said with a slight shrug. "I still haven't figured that out yet."

She chuckled as the elevator stopped on the Ped's floor. "Does tonight still sound good for dinner?" she asked after stepping off, holding the door open with her hand.

I smiled. "My shift ends at five," I supplied.

"I'm done at six," she said. "How about I pick you up at seven?"

"Seven it is."

Arizona's POV

I hate first dates. They're just awkward and painful, at least in my past experiences. You sit there trying to find things to talk about and worry about doing or saying something to embarrass yourself.

But it was different with Calliope. Everything was different with Calliope.

We sat at the Italian restaurant for two hours after we'd polished off dessert—a bowl of mint gelato with dark chocolate shavings that we'd shared—talking about anything and everything from work (we're surgeons, work is our life, after all), our college and med school experiences, and I even asked her about her time in the Peace Corps.

It was only when the waiter mentioned that they'd be closing in fifteen minutes that either one of us noticed that it was nearly eleven o'clock.

"Do you have to be at the hospital early tomorrow?" Calliope asks me as we walk out of the restaurant. Our hands automatically found one another, as if they were drawn together by magnets. Her question took a moment to register since I was checking her out in her black dress that fell a few inches above her knees, the plunging neckline teasing me with her cleavage.

I finally realized that she asked a question and felt my face flush when she caught me checking her out. "I'm sorry. Did you say something?"

She chuckled as we stood in the cool night air next to my SUV. "I asked if you had to be at the hospital early tomorrow?"

I nodded. "Six o'clock," I answered.

She pouted a bit and I found it ridiculously endearing. "Guess that means you need to get home, then," she said.

I smiled sadly and stepped closer so that there was only an inch separating us. I stood on tip toe while my free hand found the back of her neck, pulling her towards me. Our lips met and the world around us stopped. It wasn't a deep kiss. Just a mere meeting of the lips. No tongue, no teasing. Just four lips coming together. But it made my heart race and my palms sweat nonetheless.

The kiss lasted only a few seconds, but it knocked me for a loop nevertheless. I pulled away and sighed. "Probably," I answered. We got into my car and I drove her to her apartment.

"You didn't have to walk me to the door, you know," Calliope said with a smile as the elevator ascended to her floor.

I smiled. "Of course I did," I said as we stepped off the elevator, our hands clasped once again. "Because if I hadn't, I wouldn't be able to do this." I pressed her back against her door and captured her lips with my own. This kiss was different from the one in the parking lot. This one was deep, passionate and had us both begging for more.

Her lips parted and our tongues met for the first time, eliciting a groan from both of us. I felt her hands on my hips, then they circled my waist and pulled me closer so that our fronts were pressed together from chest to knee as we kissed. My own hands tunneled through her dark hair, loving the silky texture.

We pulled apart only when breathing became necessary, both out of breath. I placed smaller, closed-mouth kisses against her jaw and neck while we caught our breath. Never had I been so affected by just a kiss. I had half a mind to demand entrance into her apartment and into her bed, but I knew that was a bad idea. We had to take things slow, and I've never been a sex-on-the-first-date kind of girl.

I stepped back, needing to put space between us if slow were going to be an option. Calliope groaned in protest, but dropped her hands from around my waist.

"Goodnight, Calliope," I whispered softly before smiling and turning to leave.

A hand reached out and grasped my wrist before I could take two steps and I was jerked back. "One more," I heard Calliope say huskily before her lips covered mine.

I groaned into the kiss, cupping her cheeks in my hands as I pushed her against her door once more, allowing our tongues to caress one another hungrily.

This time, Calliope pulled away first and our eyes met. She grinned. "You taste like mint gelato," she whispered.

I was about to reply when suddenly, we were falling to the ground. Calliope yelped and held me to her, taking the brunt of the fall. Dazed, I looked around, confused when I noticed we were actually in Calliope's apartment. I noticed an Asian woman staring daggers at us and realized she must have opened the door that Calliope was leaning back against, causing us to tumble inside.

"Cristina!" an angry Calliope said from below me and I realized that I was still on top of her.

I scrambled off Calliope, offering a hand to help her up, which she took and stood.

The Asian woman, who I took to be Cristina, just rolled her eyes. "I'm going to Mer's," she muttered before stalking out of the apartment. Calliope glared at the closed door.

"Who was that?" I asked, amused at Calliope's anger.

She softened and turned back to me. "Cristina Yang, third year resident and my roommate."

"Well, she seems… nice."

Calliope scoffed. "You just keep thinking that," she muttered. "Are you alright?" she asked, concerning in her eyes.

"I'm fine," I said with a smile. I stood on tiptoe to place a reassuring kiss against her lips, keeping it PG so we didn't lose control. "Lunch tomorrow?" I asked as we walked to the door.

"Sounds great," she said and opened the door. I stepped out and shot her a grin as I walked down the hall towards the elevator.

As I drove back to my apartment, I couldn't keep the stupid grin from my face. Calliope Torres had worked her way under my skin quicker than anyone else ever had and I knew I was falling for her hard and fast.


004. What Happened After… The Dancing (5x19) [T]

Hey There Delilah - Plain White T's

Callie's POV

My hands settled on her hips as they swayed back and forth to the beat of the music. I laughed, throwing my head back. We've only been on two dates, but I already knew she was different from everyone else I've dated in the past. I've known from the first time she kissed me in the bathroom at Joe's.

The song ended and I dropped my hands form her hips. Arizona turned to me and grinned when a slower song, 'Hey There Delilah' by the Plain White T's, started playing on the radio. It felt so natural for us to step into each other's arms and share our first slow dance.

Her arms wrapped around my waist and she laid her head on my shoulder, her soft blonde hair tickling my chin. Our fronts were pressed together and I nearly groaned from the feel of her breasts pressed against mine.

"You have smooth moves," Arizona said softly as we swayed back and forth in time to the music.

I chuckled and pulled back a bit to look into her bright blue eyes. I couldn't help but place my forehead against hers. "I have a confession to make," I whispered with a smile.

"Hmm, what?" Arizona whispered back.

I allowed my lips to brush against hers. "I really, really, really like you," I said.

Arizona broke into a huge smile and brought her hands up to cup my cheeks. She kissed me softly, allowing her tongue to move across my lips. "Well, that's good," she said. "Because I really, really, really like you back."

She kissed me then, deeper than before, causing us to stop our gentle swaying. Before I knew it, I was laying back on the couch with Arizona curled next to me, kissing me, our hands roaming each other's backs and sides.

We haven't had sex yet. It was still too soon. We'd both agreed that we wanted to take things slow and this time, with Arizona, I was determined not to ruin things by rushing things.

But that didn't mean we couldn't make out a bit, right?

My cell phone suddenly rang and I groaned in protest. I tired to ignore it, but I recognized the ring tone—It was my father.

Arizona's POV

I hummed to myself as I descended the stairs, intent on finding Calliope. I knew she was nervous. Her father was in town for the day and I wanted to make sure she was still calm. She'd been freaking out last night when we met at Joe's for drinks, but I think I was successful in calming her down.

I couldn't help but smile when I spotted her coming up the same stairs I was going down, still dressed in her street clothes.

I blocked her path and gripped the lapels of her leather jacket, loving the feel of the buttery leather beneath my fingers. I pulled her towards me and kissed her, letting my lips play across hers in soft, feathery kisses until she kissed me back. Aware of our public location, we kept the kisses light and playful.

At least, I tired to keep them light and playful. When she gripped my hips and pulled me forward to press against her and she deepened the kiss, I was a goner. I groaned softly into the her mouth, my arms moving to wrap around her shoulders and tangle in her long hair.

We stood in the stairwell kissing deeply until the sound of a door opening then banging shut a few floors below us broke us apart. Reluctantly, she pulled back, dropping her hands form my hips.

Calliope smiled up at me, breathless. "Hi," she said.

"Hi, yourself," I replied. I grabbed her hand as the culprit of the closing door came into view and I rolled my eyes.

"Morning, ladies," Mark Sloan said with a grin. I knew he was Calliope's best friend, so I've been trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. It was obvious that he cared about Calliope. He'd even pulled me aside the day after Calliope and I had our first date to, quite literally, ask me what my intentions were with her. I grinned thinking back on his over-protectiveness of his friend and I had determined that he was a good guy, when he wanted to be. I'm not stupid. I've heard the gossip about Calliope and Mark's previous, ah, adventures in the on-call rooms of Seattle Grace-Mercy West. But I also trust Calliope. So, while I was still weary of Mark's "McSteamy" reputation, he was starting to grow on me.

"Morning," Calliope greeted him, unable to keep the grin off her face and I noticed her cheeks were flushed, as I'm sure my own were.

He narrowed his eyes at us. "Whatcha been doing?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes again, something I noticed that I did a lot around him.

"None of your business," Calliope answered, gripping my hand tighter.

"Fine, don't tell me," he said.

Calliope was about to reply with what I'm sure was a witty comeback when her pager went off. She looked at it and groaned. "I have to go," she said and kissed my cheek before retreating down the stairs.

"Looks like it's just you and me, then," Mark said as we ascended the stairs.

"Yippy," I said dryly. He didn't have to know he was growing on me just yet.


005. What Happened After… Callie's Dad Left (5x20) [T]

Halo - Beyonce

Callie's POV

I stared off into nothing as I replayed the conversation in my head. I've always known that my father was set in his ways, but I couldn't believe he'd just cut me off like that.

"What happened?" a soft voice asked from behind me. I turned slowly to face Arizona, trying to gather my thoughts.

"He, uh, gave me an ultimatum. Said if I didn't come home he'd take away my trust fund. He'd cut me off. So I cut him off. I mean, if he can't accept me for who I am…" I shook my head slightly. "I cut him off…" I trailed off, the reality of the situation fully sinking in.

"Are you okay?" Arizona asked while taking a cautious step towards me.

I thought about her question for a second. "No… I mean yeah… I, I don't know." Tears welled in my eyes as she pulled me towards her, wrapping her arms around me. I cried for several minutes as she held me and rubbed my back.

When the tears finally let up, she led me to the couch and sat next to me, taking my hand in hers. My heart clenched as I noticed the tears in her own eyes. I hated that she was upset by all this, but I'd be lying if I didn't admit that the fact that she felt my pain was comforting. And it meant she really did care about me, something that I hadn't doubted, but it was still nice to get reassurance.

She wiped my tears away with her thumbs and placed a tender kiss on my forehead. "I wish I knew what to do," she whispered.

I shook my head. "Just being here helps," I said, my voice heavy with emotion.

She nodded and held me a bit longer, neither one of us saying a word until her pager went off.

She sighed reluctantly. "I have to go," she said.

I nodded. "I'm okay. Go."

"You sure?"

I nodded. "Yeah. My shift is over. I'm just going to head home." We stood and she embraced me once more before she left the room.

I sat back on the couch for a moment, trying to gather my wits before heading home. I had a feeling the next several weeks were going to be rough.

Arizona's POV

It pained my heart to see Calliope hurting so much. But I had to admit that when she'd decided against lying to her family about us, I was over-the-moon happy. The fact that she was essentially giving up her family, including her trust fund, to be with me was exhilarating. I'm not dense, so I don't believe her cutting her father off was 100% for me, it was more about him accepting her for who she was as a woman who is dating another woman, but I like to think I had a little something to do with it.

But a few days later, I began to question her desire to be with me. I thought, after that disastrous date at the upscale French restaurant, nicest in Seattle, that Calliope had changed her mind about cutting off her family and was seriously about to break up with me.

I'd been persistent, more persistent than I'd ever been with any other woman because I wanted things to work between us. And that persistence had paid off. I realized my error now. I hadn't taken Calliope's delicate financial situation into account before taking her to an expensive restaurant. I'd forgotten what it was like being a resident. Most people think that once you're out of Med school and start working, the big bucks come pouring in, but that is so not the case. During the five-year residency, the pay sucks and the hours are worse. You're making next to no money while juggling 80+ hour work weeks. You don't begin to make decent money until you're an attending.

I keep forgetting that Calliope is still a resident. She has the ability and knowledge of a long-time attending and is a rockstar Ortho surgeon, so I don't think of her as a resident. She's Calliope Torres, kick ass Ortho surgeon.

We'd both made mistakes, but I'd been persistent. And when she'd finally explained what was wrong, I'd mentally kicked myself for not having guessed that from the start. But I'm not the most adept at reading people.

So as I sit here in this church pew watching two people I barely know get married, all I can think about is the gorgeous brunette sitting beside me. We all stand as Izzie Stevens walks down the isle in her white dress. Her arm brushed against mine and she leans down to whisper something in my ear. "As amazing as you look in that dress, I bet you look even better out of it," her husky voice says, sending shivers down my spine.

I give her a warning look, more to keep myself from dragging her out of the church this very moment. Because that's what I want to do. I want to blow off this wedding and take her back to her apartment and make her squirm as I do naughty things to her.

I take a deep breath to calm myself, immediately regretting it. I can smell her intoxicating perfume and I feel my sex clench at the subtle, airy aroma that suits her perfectly.

We sit and I cross my legs, forcing myself to refocus my attention on the bride and groom.

She's driving me crazy and she damn well knows it.