Howdy all my beautiful peoples all across the globe~! Sorry this update took so long, I have been quite busy this semester at my new university! So now that I can maintain myself better, and have a feel for all my classes, I was able to start writing again, and so here we are at the next part of the story~! But! Before we begin, I will give a little background on Zola and the history of Spain, England and their connection with Jamaica, so she won't seem like some random child, she actually has historical meaning, and to show that the story also has historical meaning. :D

Okay. So In Jamaica (Shantrice :D) the island itself is split up into three sections (Cornwall County, Middlesex County, and Surrey County), and 14 parishes (Kinda like Canada with its Providences, and America and his states) So Zola is the largest parish and also oldest I believe, which is Saint Ann, in Middlesex county, which is somewhat in the heart of Jamaica. So, she is technically not a country, but she is a parish...and that's something! I didn't just make her some random child lol~. The Spanish have a lot, lot, lot of close history, influence, and culture alongside the British tied in with Jamaica, being the first to settle there, before the British came and took over, so now alot of the history will start playing into the story, and hopefully I don't fail at it, as I am a self-proclaimed history buff haha~! btw random fact: the Spanish settled Jamaica in 1508, and the British seized Jamaica in 1655, and St. Ann was a large sugar mill for the Spaniards, before the British took it, and made it into a fishing port, and it is known as "The Garden Parish of Jamaica" for it is known for its natural beauty~ *huggles Zola*

Also. Today….IS MAH BIRTHDAY~! :DDDDDDD So, for this wondrous and joyous event and special day, I would adore reviews soooo much~! I also thank anyone who has taken the time to read my story even if you didn't review, you guys are amazing~! Thanks for all the reviews and favorites~! I love you guys soooo freakin' much.

"Tempest" will also be updated this month so be on the lookout for that too~! :DDD ( And if you haven't read it, go check it out, pleassee~!)

Also, I would like to dedicate this chapter to my absolutely lovely beta, who edits all my stories with precision and grace, and is the Germany to my Italy. I Love Youuuu~~!

Anyhoo. I have kept ya'll from the story long enough, haha! So read and enjoy~! Remember to review, please~! :DDD

Disclaimer: I Don't Own Hetalia In Anyway Shape Or Form, But I Do Happen To Love Hetalia To Death~! (If that counts for anything…) lol :D

"Kay. So now that all the mushy-gushy sweet family reunions, introductions and yadda-yadda-yadda are outta the way; mind if we head on upstairs and unpack? Rihanna asked with a little too much sugar in her voice. Unpacking in this instance meaning 'go upstairs quickly and gossip, gossip, gossip about the day's events like there is no tomorrow.' Shantrice patted her shoulder softly and turned to Arthur, a soft and shy smile on her face. Arthur flushed a light pink and gulped lightly.

"Arthur, would you mind watching Zola for a bit while we go unpack? I am sure she will adore a chance to spend time with you~!" Zola squealed happily at hearing her mother's proposal and hugged Arthur around his slight waist and nuzzled his navy sweater clad side. Arthur's lips curled into a smile, and he rubbed his palm in delicate circles along her petite back.

"Of course. It would be my utmost pleasure."

"Thanks Arthur." Shantrice said with a sunny smile, and picked up her and Zola's bag; heading for the stairs.

"Ya. Thanks, Artie." Rihanna said in a and Arthur's eye twitched at the nickname, but he remained tight lipped. "Oh, by the way… the whole fatherly look, works for ya… however...that sweater vest does not!

"Rihanna!" Shantrice yelled, appalled at her brash comment. "Come on. Up the stairs. Now." Most of the time Shantrice could swear dealing with Rihanna was like raising another child! Not that Zola wasn't a sweet girl, but children are quite the handful! Shantrice quickly set her composure and shot another sweet smile over her shoulder at Arthur.

"Don't mind her, she can be so silly sometimes. Haha." Shantrice said and slowly bit her glossy lower lip. "Also… Ihappentothinkyour'recuteinthatsweatervest." Shantrice quickly bolted up the stairs faster than a speeding train with a snickering Rihanna close behind, and a bewildered Brit deeply flushed red at the bottom of the stairwell. Zola began tugging in earnest on her father's hand excitedly, speaking in a gleeful tone.

"Daddy! Daddy! Daddy! Let's go play patty-cakes!" Zola said as she looked up at her father, pure happiness shinning in her emerald eyes. Arthur beamed and laughed lightly.

"Sure, my pretty little poppet Let us go." Arthur then followed his little girl into the living room, holding her hand is a soft, caring grip.

~In The Hallway, Upstairs~

"Mhmmm. I see you." Rihanna snickered, eyeing Shantrice through half-lidded eyes, having finally caught up to her.

"See what? Of course you see me, I am right in front of you, you dummy~!" Shantrice voiced nervously and blushing, but trying to sound normal and sure.

"Oh naw, naw. Don't be playin' coy with me. You know what I mean~! Mhmmm. Let me find out. You has gots the hots for a certain green-eyed personified country who shall remain unnamed…until now. You so~ have a crushy wushy or Arthy Warthy Do you hear that jingling sound?" Rihanna cupped a hand to her ear, leaning slightly. "I do. It's wedding bells! Party over here. Whoot, whoot! Party over there. Whoot, whoot!" Shantrice stopped in the hall, sputtering all over the place trying to defend herself from Rihanna's relentless assault of words. They were both pulled from their conversation when an irritated Italian voice cut through the hallway.

"Oi! Who are you people?" Rihanna and Shantrice looked to the side to catch an eyeful of a young Italian man, about twenty-one years of age. He was dressed in a navy shorts and a black tank top. His features were sharp, probably because of the scowl that seemed to be ingrained quite frequently upon his face. He had bright amber eyes, and hair a burnt brown color, which would probably reflect a slight deep red hue in the sunlight. His skin was a tan color, similar to Spain's, but a little lighter, and his body language sent a loud message of 'Don't fuck with me'; with his arms crossed, and leaning all his weight on one hip, with a sleepy, yet angry and annoyed look on his handsome face.

"Ummm….we are actually guests of Antonio. I'm Shantrice, this lovely gal standing next to me is my cousin Rihanna, and my precious daughter Zola is downstairs currently.

"Oh yeah, that tomato bastard did say something about having company…I had to clean the fucking guest room out…that shit took all day!" This in reality meant Antonio had to clean the guest room out due to the laziness the Italian displayed without shame.

"Ah yes. The guest room!" Shantrice chirped "Would it be possible for you to tell us where that room is located at?" Shantrice gave him a pleasant smile, and the Italian pouted and crossed his arms.

". It's the fourth door on the left." The Italian said in a softer tone this time, but his face still held a slightly sleepy look mingled with a dash of anger.

"Thank you so much~!" Shantrice said, bowing slightly and flashing him her best smile, in hopes he would lighten up a bit. "And if you don't mind me asking, what is your name?"

"I-It's Romano. The Italian said blushing faintly. "But you and your friend can call me Lovino. Just don't go shortening it to things like 'Lovi~' or 'Lovs', or 'Lovinito'. I hate it when Antonio does that shit. Makes me feel like I am fucking nine years old or something." Shantrice just looked at him in wonder, and laughed at his colorful vocabulary.

"Haha, okay Lovino. No problem. Thanks for the directions again." Shantrice said, giving him a friendly wink and Rihanna just chuckled and shook her head.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever." Lovino said waving one hand dismissively. "I have got to go kick that Tomato bastard's ass anyways…makin' all that stupid ass noise while I was trying to siesta!"

"Oh. Well. Um. Alrighty then. Just don't be too rough on him; I am sure he didn't mean to offend you." Shantrice said with a nervous laugh, putting one hand to the back of her neck, while Rihanna had the classic 'what-the-crap' look on her face.

"So, I suppose we will see you at dinner, or something?" Shantrice inquired.

"No promises on keeping Antonio in one piece, but yeah see you at dinner or something. Ciao." So with that Lovino walked off down the hallway and down the stairs. Rihanna waited patiently until Lovino was well out of sight, and then she spoke.

"Ya know. He would be so freakin' cute if he wasn't such an asshole." Rihanna said shaking her head slowly, and then started to walk again.

"Rihanna! Don't be so mean! I think it's kinda cute! One would think he has a crush on dear Antonio, by the way he just talked about him."

"Ex-squeeze me? What the heck were you listening to? Didya hear what I heard? I don't think you did. He was talking about beatin' the snot outta Spain, not loving the snot outta him!" Shantrice laughed and punched Rihanna arm softly as they reached the door to their room.

"You have to have an eye for these things; his body language totally changed when he was talking about Antonio, and he was as red as a tomato on his ears, cheeks, and neck when he talked about him. He so has a crush on him, even if he doesn't know it. He is probably going downstairs right now, as we speak to give Spain a couple of love taps for attention." Rihanna rolled her eyes and followed Shantrice into their room, and closed the door behind them.

"Oh, there you go. Actin' like you the expert in love, wisdom, and all that hullabaloo. Just 'cause you four years older than me, don't make you like the Albert Einstein of Love or nothing.'"

"Rihanna, I never said I was. Just watch him next time, and you'll see what I am talking about."

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever. Whoa~! Do you see how baller this room is? Spain be big pimpin'up in this house. I feel like I am on an episode of MTV cribs, straight stuntin' like a sta-ruh. You sure you didn't agree to fuck him for this room or nothin?" Shantrice gasped like she'd seen Bigfoot doing an Irish jig in the middle of their bedroom.

"No! I would never do something like that! I am not that kinda girl, you know that!"

"Haha, yeah I know. I just wanted to see your face when I asked. Priceless~." Shantrice threw one of the golden satin pillows off the bed at Rihanna and then began to marvel at the beauty of the room. The walls were a deep wine color, with many silver trinkets lining the walls. The carpet was a fluffy and pristine white. There were two queen sized four-postercanopy feather beds covered in golden satin sheets. The accents on the pillows as well as the sheets were also the same wine color as the walls. There was a small, but full bathroom to the left that connected to the room and was had the same color scheme as the room. The toilet and seat however, were made of pure gold. There was a small couch and love seat in the room as nice crème color, as well as a beautiful vanity that was maroon color, with golden light bulbs all around the mirror. Rihanna put down her tangerine colored suitcase, and sat on the bed closest to the bathroom, and turned a predatory gaze onto Shantrice as she put down her green floral print suitcase and Zola's princess pink bag and left them beside her and Zola's bed near the large window. Then Shantrice walked over and sat on Rihanna's bed beside her, with an eyebrow raised in suspicion.

"What…? Why are you looking at me like that? Rihanna's eyes sharpened and a smirk came upon her shiny lips.

"So." Rihanna began in her best valley girl accent "Like wha'd'ya like think about like the fellas?" Shantrice rolled her eyes and laid back on the bed. "Oh. Here we go…" Rihanna flopped back as well.

"Well if you're not up to sharing, then you can keep your penny and I will share my thoughts for free ninety-nine." Shantrice just lolled her head to the side, and got ready for the explosion of words that was about to spill from Rihanna's mouth.

"Well of course for starters when we met that fine as hell suave Frenchmen~!" Rihanna said and Shantrice laughed

"Oh, yeah. His name was….Fran…Francis!" Shantrice voiced brightly and Rihanna pursed her lips and nodded in an excited manner.

"Hmmhmmm. Girl. And he is so fizz-ineee~! I can see why Lance Armstrong would go all that way to ride a damn bike. I'd be like 'yo, Francis! Can I ride on your handle bars?''" Shantrice looked at her shocked, but was cut off before she could say anything.

"I know, I know. You are gonna say he's a player, a philanderer, yadda yadda yadda…, but for sho' nuf he is a charmer…near bout' charmed the pants off of me…literally." Shantrice lifted her head from the bed, mortified at Rihanna's words

"Rihanna! You are way too young to be thinking of such things. You're still a child, and I brought you up better than that!"

"I am not! I am a grown woman!" Rihanna huffed, turning her back to Shantrice and crossing her arms. Shantrice laid her head back on the bed and closed her eyes speaking calmly.

"Rihanna, just because you have curves and a pretty face does not make you a woman. Don't get me wrong those are components to the package, and you have grown into a lovely young lady. But there is more to it than just that, but you will see in time. That whole 'Miss Thang' attitude is cute, but when left uncontrolled it can get you into a lot of trouble, so do be careful."

"Thanks for the pep talk, Mom." Rihanna said looking over her shoulder, eyes narrowed in annoyance, and acceptance. Rihanna huffed again, and sat on the bed. Brightening up again, Rihanna began to speak.

"Anyhoo~! Soooo then there was that Spaniard! He was so fly I had to look away! His hotness was going to melt my eyeballs."

"Ew. That sounds gross and excruciatingly painful, but continue."

"Did you see his tushy? Girl you could bounce rocks off that thing, he must dance or something, cause he's got great muscle build, especially in his legs." Shantrice just shook her head, ebony locks tickling her cheeks.

"I mean he was looking so good. With all that curly-ish brown hair, and cinnamon bun brown skin! I mean, I vaguely remember him as a child, but I always did wonder why'd you choose Captain Eyebrows over Captain Sexy Spaniard." Shantrice breath hitched in her throat and she nearly tumbled off the bed, but caught herself, so only her knees hit the floor.

"Wha- What? Me and Antonio, no never! We have always been just friends, beside he has never harbored feelings like that for me." Rihanna shot Shantrice a bewildered look.

"Whoa, Whoa. Don't go havin' a baby on me. Well, Another one. Don't have a conniption in your brain or nothin'; it was only a question and really more of a joke anyways. Chill!" Shantrice blushed and sat back on the edge of the bed. She had only reacted that way due to the fact that long ago, Arthur had questions and jealousies towards her and Antonio's relationship, that she had to quell with soothing words, and gestures of love, and it had been so long since she had been asked anything like that, so it surprised her quite a bit.

"S-Sorry. Your question just surprised me was all…" Shantrice mumbled, looking away from Rihanna. Rihanna's lips formed into a taunting smirk, as she slinked off the bed and stood in front of Shantrice. Before Shantrice could defend herself Rihanna shoved her back on the bed. Shantrice squeaked sharply as Rihanna loomed over her, her smirk deepening.

"But…as for the mighty Mr. Britannia himself…" Rihanna whispered into her ear as Shantrice tried to break away. "I am sure I will have to take Zola way down the hall to another guest room sooner or later, lest we hear things like " Oh~ Arthur! Hnn! Right there~! Fuck me harder~! You're soo good~! Rihanna moaned out in faux ecstasy, humping the air about Shantrice for good measure. Shantrice let out a high shriek, and upon reflex kicked Rihanna square in her stomach, causing her to hit the ground with a solid thud.

"Ow~! Crap! What was that for? Shit, that hurt! I was only messin' around as always. You didn't have to go all 'crouching tiger, hidden dragon' on me. Trick, you kick like freakin' Goku!" Rihanna said eyes squinted up in pain as she rubbed her sore tummy. Shantrice quickly sprang up, and kneeled down by her form, brushing Rihanna's hair from her pained face.

"I am sorry, Rihnnie, it was a reflex because you freaked me out! Here, why don't you take a nap? It will help you feel better. I'll get you warm milk, if you'd like. Can you walk? Lemme' help you up!" Shantrice helped Rihanna up, resting most of her weight onto her own body, carrying her over to the bed and tucking Rihanna in; the covers neatly under her chin. Shantrice kissed her forehead, and Rihanna twitched her nose, with a tired smile on her face.

"…you haven't called me 'Rihnnie' in forever, since I was younger. You should do it more often. I like that nickname." Shantrice laughed warmly, and patted Rihanna's head.

"Hmm. Okay I sure will. I suppose when I saw you lying there in pain, I saw visions of when you were younger, and depended upon me for everything, like Zola does now. Soon my little Zola will be all grown up…I am so sad I let Arthur miss all of that…" Rihanna blinked up tiredly at Shantrice and spoke.

"Ah, Shantrice don't beat yourself up about it. You did what you thought was best at the time, for whatever reason you felt you needed to so do. Like Arthur said, all that matters is that he, you, and Zola are here now. All we have to do is step into the future together." Shantrice smiled and kissed Rihanna's forehead again one more final time.

"Thanks Rihnnie. I love you." Rihanna snuggled deeper into her downy covers and sighed.

"…yeah, yeah… I love you too, chicky."

~In The Living Room~

"Patty-cake, Patty-cake. Baker's man. Bake me a cake as fast as you can~!" Zola giggled and leaned into snuggling her father Arthur in a side hug, which was gladly returned with a happy sigh. Zola then crawled over and plopped herself down onto Arthur's lap, sitting sideways, causing a slight 'oomph' from her father. It had been quite a while since he had to care for little ones such as little Canada or America, but now he had sweet little Zola to dote on, a child of his very own. Arthur smiled as Zola crossed her legs like a real little lady, and rested her hands neatly on her lap, looking at her father with her eyes a bright Kelly green. Zola took her father's medium-sized, pale, and slightly calloused, yet soft hand into both the tiny tanned hands. Arthur wiggled his fingers and smiled brightly at Zola.

"What is it my dearest heart?" Zola giggled and tossed his now limp hand between her two hands.

"Why do you talk so funny, daddy?" Arthur laughed heartily and patted Zola are her pretty ebony curly haired head. Zola leaned into the affectionate gesture from her newly found father.

"Well dearest, it is just my accent. It is certainly better than speaking like that bloody idiot yank of a brother of mine who has completely and utterly destroyed the Queen's English, along with anything else I have ever given that brat. Zola cocked her head to the side, face set open and wondering. "Wha? No, no! I like your voice Daddy, I really do~! Zola nodded quickly several times and continued speaking. "And what is a bloo-dy yank?" Arthur chuckled and pulled Zola into an embrace.

"Goodness! You have not met any of your Uncles, other than that wine-monger git Francis. Whom you are to stay away from, he is quite the bad influence." Arthur hugged Zola tighter.

"Oh, they are just going to simply adore you, my little precious." Zola giggled and snuggled into her father's chest, eyes beginning to droop, for she was in need to a nap after all the excitement, and the long trip over to Spain.

"I love you Daddy~!" Arthur's heart swelled and nearly burst at the sweet words.

" I..I love you too, Zola. Even though I have known you for a few fleeting moments and hours, I love you as if I have been loving you for an infinity plus a day and beyond." Arthur leaned down and pressed a kiss to Zola's small, sleeping brow.

~In The Kitchen~

Antonio sat at the deep mahogany wooden kitchen table hunched over with his face pressed into the tabletop. He was murmuring to himself in a sorrowful tone, while Francis padded around the kitchen humming a soft tune looking in the cabinets for wine glasses, and the wine he gave Spain last Christmas. Successfully locating the tall bottle of deep velvet red bottle and two wine glasses, he sat down at the table right next to Antonio.

"Ah~! Mon ami. Lovino sure can be a brute at times, nowhere near what Arthur can be, but still quite brawling. Let me see your lovely visage, so I can survey ze damage."Antonio lifted his head to reveal a heavily swollen cheek. Antonio hissed as France lightly touched it to check the severity of the wound. It was quite painful, and very swollen, but not something that a day with an icepack couldn't help clear up. "Lovino has, 'ow do you say 'quite ze right 'ook'?" Antonio grimaced and nodded slowly. "Whatever did you do to upset him, mon ami?

Antonio sighed deeply and then spoke. "Well. Before he stormed out angrily into the tomato garden out back, and in the midst of all the Italian and Spanish words of hate he spewed at me and then promptly punched me in the face, which really hurt by the way if you couldn't tell, I believe he is upset because I disturbed his siesta while I was cleaning up the house for the guests." Francis blinked a couple of times, rubbing the stubble on his chin with his long slender fingers before answering.

"…Ah, Antonio. I believe it iz way more than just the fact you woke 'im up from 'is siesta, but before I make any judgments, I will wait for a later date, when I have all the facts. Donc, what else has your mind unsettled? Mademoiselle Shantrice? Antonio shook his head yes in a dim manner.

"Ah, mon cher Antonio! Cheer up! It iz not as if she iz married to that punk Arthur, and even if she was, you can still win 'er 'eart."

"But Francis~!" Antonio whined "They have a kid~! Aye, Dios! It's not fair!"

"Antonio, you 'ave not lost 'er and Arthur 'as not won 'er. I 'ate to be this cliché, mais I will. All iz fair in love and war, and right now you are at war mon ami. Mademoiselle Shantrice iz a big girl now, she'll be able to choose what she wants and know what she wants, now all you need to show 'er is 'ow much you adore and want 'er." Antonio sat up straighter in his sandy colored wooden chair.

"Gracias, mi amigo. You always have had a way with words." Francis smiled warmly and kissed Spain on his un-swollen cinnamon bun brown cheek.

"Anytime, mon cher. I try to be 'elpful, despite what that punk l'Angleterre may think of me. Now Antonio, where is your telephone located? I would like to make a phone call." Antonio arched an eyebrow.

"Huh? Who are you going to call?" Francis smirked deviously and raised his long pointer finger into the air. "Ah, I am so glad you asked~! Well first of all I am going to call our dear Prussian friend—" Spain cut him off, speaking and trying to keep a laugh in.

"Oooh….Gilbert? Um. He's in huge trouble with Ludwig; He blew up the kitchen—" Francis laughed loudly.

"Again?" Antonio nodded.

"Needless to say, Feliciano, Hungary, and Austria had to hold Ludwig off for a little bit, to give Gilbert a chance to reach his room in the basement and safely hide and barricade himself in his room in the basement for a good while."

"Say no more, mon ami. I will just 'ave to call and leave a message with Ludwig that Gilbert must venture over to your maison at once. I will also be calling mon petit Matthieu et mon doux Alfred to come over as well." Antonio gulped; an uneasy look filling his bright green eyes.

"Um, you do know we are not supposed to be telling anyone! Shantrice will kill me, and Arthur will kill you!" Francis shrugged.

"When iz Arthur not physically, mentally, or emotionally trying to 'arm me, or murder moi? As for Mademoiselle Shantrice…she will forgive you…je promets" Francis said and winked at Antonio.

"But still…why are we calling them, Francis?" Francis smirked even further.

"Again, I am glad you asked~. The more people who are 'ere to see Arthur's child, the more time you can 'ave alone avec Mademoiselle Shantrice." Antonio stared at Francis, puzzled, and then quickly smirked in a vulpine manner when he finally caught onto France's plan.

"Ah! Mi amigo, I see what you are saying! What a great plan. The phone is on the wall, near the exit of the kitchen." Francis stood up and rubbed Spain's shoulders soothingly.

"Merci, now we shall see who will win Mademoiselle Shantrice's 'eart once and for all." Francis said, but then thought inwardly "I do 'owever wish you the best of luck as well Arthur, may ze best man win." Francis then picked up the phone into his large elegant hands to begin his necessary phone calls.

So, I hope you enjoyed this chapter~! Sorry for the lack of steamy, sexy things, but that will come soon I promise *blushes* Along with a bunch more craziness and shenanigans~! Alfie and Mattie will indeed be in the next chapter *fangirl squeal* Ya' gotta love the North American brothers~! Along with the awesomely awesome Gilbert at some point soon!:3 Remember to please Review~! :DDDDDD