Hey, this is just a story I've had in my head for a while and it seemed a good time to write it. Bear with me coz I know this isn't the most action packed chpt but you've got to laugh at Neil. Enjoy!


I sat back against the bench and looked around aimlessly. In front of me was the entrance to the male change rooms where no surprise I was waiting for Neil to come out. The boy had been in their over forty minutes and he had only taken two shirts in to try on. Not even I took that long! Groaning I reached up stretching my cramping arms. Now I knew how Atlanta felt when I took her on long shopping trips. I thought I would try shopping with Neil today since he was more interested and a great deal less reluctant that Atlanta but that had been a big mistake.

I glanced around at the shop we were in. It was some boutique shop that I hadn't bothered to learn the name of at the far end of the street. Outside in the distance I could see people walking up and down the side walk carrying different colour bags and trying to cross the busy street. Neil had insisted we go shopping in uptown New Olympia which just happened to embrace the European style of shopping. Instead of large air-conditioned malls, rows of boutique and designer stores ran along the streets here. I brushed a few strand of my flame coloured hair aside and got up to stretch my legs. Neil looked like he was going to be a while longer so I properly had enough time to go and grab a milkshake from the café across the street. Pushing through the racks of designer shirts and pants (all male might I add, another reason I was eager to get out of the store) I made my way out into the street.

As l walked out the doors, a warm gust of wind blew passed sending my hair flying into my month. Shaking it back I continued across the street to the small café on the corner. Beads of sweat ran down the small of my back as I pushed my way through the crowds. Now I was really missing the air-conditioned malls, usually it wasn't this hot in New Olympia even in the peak of summer, never mind that it was half way through autumn! When I finally reached the café I sighed with relief and joined the end of the line. My mind wandered and I began to wonder what the others were doing. Herry, Atlanta and Archie had left to go hiking in the forest south of the city and Jay had gone sailing in the bay near there. Silently I hoped it was cooler than here, I wished I had taken up Jay's offer to go sailing, though I doubt I could sail in what I was wearing now. I looked down at the thin green halter neck top I wore. The straps that held it around my neck were thin and left most of my back exposed, which was good considering the heat. Some how the strap on sandals I was wearing didn't seem appropriate either. Let's just say fighting was not on my priority list today. The sales girl coughed politely, dragging me back to earth. Blushing, I quickly ordered a strawberry milkshake and hurried out of the café. Neil spotted me as I left and run over to meet me.

"Why did you leave?" He asked suspiciously. I rolled my eyes and continued walking down the street towards the car park.

"Why do you think? You were in that blasted dressing room for nearly and hour?" Neil raised his eyebrows looking confused.


"You only were trying on TWO things!" I huffed just noticing he had walked out without either top. Neil started to say something smart but I cut him off.

"Do you want to be walking home or not?"

This seemed to shut him up. We walked in silence for a while but Neil started talking about some new bath product that was supposed to remove some blemish or another. Even I got lost when Neil started talking about that stuff. We walked to the end of the street and veered off down another towards multi story car park. We entered the complex which was basically a lump of concrete painted a hideous orange and purple and began to weave our way around the levels towards the top. Normally this place had lifts to get to the top but today they were out of order, go figure. The complex was roughly 8 stories high and we had to park right at the top (thanks to Neil!) Usually the walk would have just annoyed me but today with the blistering heat and Neil grumbling every step of the way it was really trying my patience. The car park was dark and deserted but I could just make out the line of cars from the little sun light that filtered thorough the gaps in the walls. Several minutes later I could just make out the lines of my red sports car at the end of the lot.

"Come on Neil," I muttered looking over my shoulder.

"I can't go any further the heat is to much, leave me here," Neil wailed throwing his hand to his forehead like he was about to faint. And Archie called me a drama queen!

"Neil you can battle ancient creatures and the god of time but you can't make what, ten more metres to the car?" I snapped.

"But since when do I actually fight?" Neil resorted back.

"You've got a point there but that doesn't matter come on!" I shouted seizing his wrist. Neil whined and wailed as I pulled him along but I had had enough. I felt like some poor mum dragging a kicking and screaming two year old, only in this case mine was a lot older. Finally we made it to the car. Neil slumped down sighing in relief.

"Turned the ac up high," he murmured, pulling out the designer sunglasses he had pick up when we first got here. Rolling my eyes I slipped in to the driver's seat and gunned the engine. We sped through the complex an out onto the road. Wind rushed over the car as we drove along, improving my mood slightly. Suddenly there was a loud screeching from the sky that sounded all too familiar. Leaning out to the side I tried to locate it in the rear view mirror but all I could see was a pale grey blob moving in and out of the white clouds. I narrowed my eyes as the skies suddenly darked. The steering wheel veered violently to the left, sending us onto a deserted street. I fought with the wheel trying to force it the other way but it had a mind of its own.

"Theresa, please tell me you know where we're going," Neil said nervously, leaning over my shoulder. He saw the phantom wheel and screamed.

"Who's driving?" He cried.

"I don't know," I shout back, my voice quivering slightly. Neil whimpered and ducked further back in the rear seat. I looked down at the wheel feeling around for something that would let some one control the car remotely. I had seen Odie do it enough times to know what I was looking for. I felt around but couldn't find anything. The screeching was getting louder and louder at this point.

"Um Theresa?" Neil yelled, his voice shaking.

"What!" I hissed back. Neil gulped and pointed forward.

"Wall," was all he could manage. I turned around to see my car speeding towards a 6 foot brick wall. Reaching forward, I tried in vain to turn the car away from the wall but with no luck.

"We're going to die!" Neil shrieked. I doubt that would happen but this wasn't going to be pleasant. Suddenly the car came to a stand still two centimetres from the wall. I let out a sigh of relief when I realised we weren't alone.

"Did you really think I would let you crash," came a voice from beside me. I turned around to see Hermes sitting in the passenger seat with his feet up on the dash board. The wings on his boots flapped eagerly like they wanted to be back in the air.

"What are you doing here Hermes?" I asked switching off the engine.

"Cronus again," Hermes muttered looking over at me.

"Oh come on! Can't that guy ever take a break? You promised we could have today off," Neil whined. Hermes shrank back blushing.

"I know I know, but this is really important. Cronus is up to something in the forest south of here."

"Where are Jay and the others?" I asked frowning.

"The others are already there and Odie well," Hermes was cut off by a loud screeching sound followed by a terrified cry. Suddenly a large grey griffon landed next to the car letting out another screech as Hermes reached over to scratch its ear. On its back sat a very green looking Odie.

"Hey guys," he moaned, raising one hand to wave but immediately falling to the other side and landing with a thud on the pavement.

I shook my head and looked back over at Hermes.

"Ok, Neil and I will drive home, get ready and meet you back at the school," I announced reaching for the ignition key. Hermes leaned over and plucked the keys from my hand. Why did he have to be the god of thieves?

"Hey!" I snapped but Hermes was already opening the side door.

"Sorry guys but the others need you NOW!" He said raising his staff. A second griffon appeared except this one was black. By now Odie had managed to get back on his grey one and was focusing on not throwing up.

"Why did you only bring two?" Neil asked getting out of the car. Hermes shrugged.

"Lets just say some one fed them something they shouldn't have and it's not safe to go next to them without a gas mask," Hermes replied rubbing the back of his neck nervously. I rolled my eyes.

"You had to asked didn't you Neil?" Neil shrugged and walked over to the griffon.

"So who's riding this one?"

"Me!" I shouted quickly. Odie shot me a murder glare but there was no way I was being suck on the same griffon as Neil after this morning. Neil held his hands up.

"Fine, but lets just get going. I want to get home so I can go watch America's Next Top Model." I shook my head and leapt onto the back of the black griffon. Grasping handfuls of its neck feathers, I rest my body close to its body.

"Let's get this over with," I muttered digging my heel into the griffon's side. It let out a loud screech and shot into the sky. Odie tried to protest but Hermes raised his staff and the grey griffon shot into the sky after mine. For once I was glad riding a griffon was almost exactly like riding a horse. It gave me a chance to laugh at Odie frantically trying to control his beast and Neil's pathetic screams. Hermes grinned at me stifling a chuckle.

Suddenly my stomach knotted and I let out a soft whimper. My vision became blurry and every thing went black. I felt my breathing accelerate as I called out into the darkness but no one answered. I was about to scream when my vision came back into focus. I could see the sky again and the back of my griffon's head. I cast a side ways glance at Odie but they hadn't seen what had happened. Shaking my head I urged my griffon forward but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't ignore the feeling that something big was going to happen today and it would have nothing to do with Cronus.

Well there's the first chpt! Nxt one will be up soon. As usual plz read 'n' review!

Plz'n'thnx Luv Aussie Heroine