Teito turned his head away, scowling that he had found himself staring at Frau again. It wasn't even that he was that handsome. Plus there was his perverted side that had even the nuns shunning him. Besides, it was his fault they were in this mess to begin with. Teito tugged at the collar around his neck to settle it better underneath his clothes, and his eyes drifted back to Frau.

Why does he seem so sad when he smiles? He wondered. The smiles were so different from what he'd seen with Mikage. Mikage's smiles were so bright and enveloped him. However, Frau, Frau's smiles instilled wariness in him, as if there was something hunting him underneath the Ghost's skin.

Dammit I'm watching him again; Teito tore his eyes from Frau and focused his attention on Mikage. The dragonet chirruped at him, bringing a small smile to his face. Mikage's eyes were pure, just as his soul had been, untouchable. He smiled painfully; he had brought so much pain to Mikage and now to the Church as well.

A sharp pain went through his head. He covered it and glared at Frau, who was lighting up a cigarette.

"Mikage wouldn't want to see that smile of yours. At least let it be a happy smile." Frau said staring down at Teito.

"I know," he replied, staring at the ground with a painful look in his eyes. "But, I can never help feeling that maybe Mikage-" Another fist crashed into his skull.

"Feeling sorry for yourself won't help at all." Frau breathed out the smoke. "At least smile with your heart."

"Like you do?" Teito shot back. Every time he'd seen Frau's smile it had been pain ridden. "I don't know the last time I actually saw you-" He was cut off by an action he hadn't expected. His eyes went wide as he found that Frau's lips were on his.

It was quickly followed by a quick kiss on the forehead. "Don't speak of things you don't understand brat." Teito could hear the smirk as Frau continued forward. Teito gave an embarrassed smile, running to catch up to the Ghost's longer legs.

"Hey! You can't do that and just run away!"

"Who says I can't?"

"Hey wait up!"

"Walk faster!" So their days continued, one day at a time. Even as they were both being devoured from the inside out, those smiles would remind them of the small joys as they lived, one moment ticking from their remaining time.