AN: So, this is my first ever Torchwood fanfic. It takes palce between season one and two, mostly AU.

Since it's the first one ever I hope that you'll be nice to me. But please tell me what you think of it, and if you want me to continue.

Oh, and befor I forget: I (sadly) don't own anything. Except for the girl (yet without a name) and the letters and the story.

It was a slow night in the hub. Toshiko sat by her computer and randomly clicking on icons hopeing that she would find something to do. Gwen went through some papers that she knew she should have sorted and filed weeks ago. Ianto stood by his precious coffe machine trying out and perfecting a new blend he'd bought. Owen sat in the old couch fliping through some even older magasine. He was reastless, and noone could blame him. They were all restless. And lost. Captain Jack Harkness had now been missing for almost two weeks, and they had no idea of where he could all missed him, and they all wanted to kill him for leaving them without a word.

They were all about to call it a day, when suddenly the computer went of.

"Riftactivity in the park" Tosh said after checking all the numbers and figuers.

"So?" Owen said as he threw the magasine to the table.

"Just wanted to tell you that we might get to work some tonight after all."
A few minutes later a live recording from the police hotline could be heard from the computers speakers.

"Cardiff Police, how may I help you?"

"There was a bright light in the park just nu. Lit up the whole area. Light as the day I can tell ya. Light as a day."

"We'll check it out. Thanks for calling."

There was a click and Tosh looks at the others.

"Like I said: let's go to work."

Everyone sighs but gets up and walks to the SUV. They have a mission in the park to take care of.

The team arrives in the park just mere seconds befor the police does. So when the officers leaves their cars Gwen just walks up to them telling them that Torchwood is on it. The officers sighs but goes back into their cars and leaves.

Gwen walks back to her team just as Tosh picks up some detector from her bag. She scans the area with it but only finds a small trace of riftactivity. She points them in the direction and they all follow her.
It's a quiet night. To quiet. Not a single bird is singing, not a single bug is heard. Not even the wind seems to be alive. The moon is hiding amongst the clouds with all its stars. It's almost as if the night belongs in a ghost story of some kind. Suddenly the thing in Tosh's hand is beeping a little louder, it's found something. And there, under a big oak tree they can vaguely see something lying on the ground. Just in case of danger they pull their guns as they move forward. When they come closer they can see that it's a person lying there. The person doesn't move, not even when they call to get its attention. Owen puts his gun down under protests from Gwen. But he doens't listen, the doctor inside of him takes over. He runs over and falls down on his knees beside the person. He picks up a scan to check for alien bacterias and viruses. When he finds none he dares to toch the person. First he checks for a pulse, and he finds a weak one. He puts his hand on the persons chin and pulls the face so that he can see it. Some dark blond locks falls over his hand as onte of the most beautiful faces is turned against him. The face is soft with strong features; a thin mouth, pointy nose and soft skin. He can't see the eyes since she is unconscious. He scans her again checking for injuries, but finds none there either. So he puts everything away and picks her up. She's almost as light as a feather. He brings her back to the car and places her in the back seat. He sits down himself with her head in his knee. Tosh and Gwen is foreced to share the seat next to the drivers since there is no place for either of them in the back. Ianto smiles to himself, glad that he got the wheels.

Back at the hub they places the girl in a cell since every device tells them that she came through the rift. Owen makes sure that she still has a puls and that she's breathing properly. Then he leaves her under the camera surveillance and joins up with the rest of the team in the conference room.

When he arrives the others are sitting around the table, and on the screen at the end of the table he can see the girl still lying on her bunk. He sits down with the others.

"Who is she?" Gwen asks while eyeing Owen.

"No idea." He says looking at the screen. "She has no id on her. Nothing to identify her. Just the clothes she's wearing."

"Does she come from the rift?" Ianto asks.

"Every maschine I have tells us that she has something to do with the activity earlier." Tosh says also looking at the screen. "But no indication what so ever on where she's from. Just that she's human."

"That's not much."Gwen sighs. She turns to Owen again. "Any idea of when she'll wake up?"

"None what so ever. Acording to my scans there's nothing wrong with her. Other than the fact that she's unconscious of course. Maybe she just hit her head. In that case she can wake up any minute. It all depends on what happened."

"Then we wait." Gwen says looking at the clock.

Ianto gets up and clears his throat.

"Coffe anyone?"

"As long as it's not decaff." Tosh says rubbing her forhead.
Ianto smiles and walks away.

A few hours later there's some movement from the cell. Ianto is the one that sees it on the screen. He looks at the girl as she's trying to sit up. She looks to be in her early twenties, all dressed in white with a long silvergrey coat. She's sitting up and looks tired. All airscans from the cell indicates that there's nothing wrong with her so Ianto calls for Gwen. He tells her that their newest guest is wakeing up.
So Gwen heads to the cell by herself. No need to frighten the girl with all of them at once.

The girl sits on her bunk, looking around her in confusion. She's not sure on where she is. A tiny bit of her tells her that this is a familiar place, but she cant recal where. Outside of her cell there's an empty hallway. And everything is quiet. A bit to quiet for her taste. Bur right now she's glad for it, because he has a killer headache. Then she can hear steps getting closer to her. She looks out trough the glasdoors to the hallway and waits for whatever's comeing.

Gwen comes up to the cell and stands infront of it. She smiles and tries to look as kind as possible.

"Hi there." She says to the girl. "How are you feeling? I'm..."

She doesn't come any further with her presentation before the girl interups her.

They both stare in shock at one another.