I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of spin

Xellos perched in a tree watching the Slayers girls relax in a hot tub. Most specifically watching Filia.

And since I've done all of the old ones
Till they've all been done in

Amelia is set off by something Lina said, and goes into a justice speech. Lina starts authoritatively explaining whatever set off Amelia. Filia gets mad hits them both with her mace.

Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for original sin...

Filia declares that she has to leave and waves a goodbye. Xellos disappears.

You can dance forever
You got a fire in your feet
But will it ever be enough?

Filia is flying home when she notices something sitting inbetween her shoulder blades, she turns to see Xellos smiling cheerfully and waving.

You know that it'll never be enough
You can fly and never land
And never need to sleep

The dragon lands and takes human form to berate the mazoku, until he points out that she hasn't bothered to put clothes on after turning human. Filia blushes furiously and ducks behind a tree.

But will it ever be enough?

Xellos sits down next to the embarrassed dragon and starts talking. She starts out responding with angry and cutting sentences, but as the moon passes its xenith they are both laughing to the same memories.

You know that it'll never be enough

Filia surprises Xellos by kissing him and pulling the mazoku down on top of her.

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day

Xellos wakes up the next day to find that Filia is gone. He is momentarily confused, but shrugs it off, unconsciously willing himself to disbelieve the obvious.

Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies

Filia ignores Xellos, not even deigning to hit him with her mace. As days go by Xellos trys more drastic means of attracting her attention, short of self-defeating violence.

Everything that they brought us
Was nothing but bribes

Filia, exasperated, flat out tells Xellos that it was a one night stand. Xellos is quiet while he beats down the urge to kill her, then he plasters a smile on his face and comments on how she'd make a good mazoku.

It'll all be over now

Amelia overhears and angrily berates Filia, but Xellos doesn't hang around for the whole arguement.

All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never got an equal share

Xellos is in a corner of the almost empty inn, nursing an ale rather than his standard tea.
Lina comes down the stairs from the rooms and spots him. The sorceress walks over there at stalk and sits down ordering ale as well.

When the stars are out of sight
and the moon is down
the natives are so restless tonight...

Lina and Xellos discuss their current quest. Both are more sedate than their usual. Eventually the discussion turns to laughing at the combined antics of Zelgadis and Amelia.

All I needed was a spark in the night
It never had to get so dark

A drunken Xellos starts complaining about Filia. Lina agrees she's being insensitive and adds that Gourry and Sylphiel got together. Both start grumbling about love in general.

When the stars are out of sight
and the moon is down
the natives are so restless tonight...

Lina tries to stand up and falls down giggling. Xellos helps her up, but is wobbily as well. Teleports up to her room.

I've been looking for the ultimate crime
Infinite victims, infinitesimal time

Both collapse on Lina's bed and start giggling hysterically.

And I'm so very guilty for no reason or rhyme
so now I'm just looking
and I'm killing some time
endlessly searching for the ultimate crime

Lips brush and accidental contact becomes a kiss.

You can lose yourself in pleasure
till your body's going numb
But will it ever be enough?

The momentary kiss grows into something else as they work on each other's clothes.

You know that it'll never be enough
You can always take whatever
you conceivably could want

A small wind spell blows out the lamp almost absently.

But will it ever be enough?
You know that it'll never be enough

Lina wakes up, grips her head in pain and then stretches. She blinks as her arm hits something. Xellos grumbles about his head hurting enough as it is.

It's not enough to make the nightmares go away
It's not enough to make the tears run dry
It's not enough to live a little better every day

Lina and Xellos turn to face each other, and simultaneously scream in shock. Then both grip their heads.

Everything that they taught us
Was nothing but lies
Everything that they brought us
Was nothing but bribes

They hear Zelgadis and Amelia approaching and Xellos manages to teleport out, with urgings from Lina, before the two can come in.

It'll all be over now
All I wanted was a piece of the night
I never had an equal share

Xellos hears Lina explain that she just has a hangover, and will you please get out of my room so I can get dressed.

When the stars are out of sight
and the moon is down
the natives are so restless tonight...

Xellos and Lina avoid each other most of the rest of the day. Zelgadis and Amelia seem to notice but don't say anything. Gourry and Sylphiel are too interested in each other to notice anything.

All I needed was a spark in the night
It never had to get so dark

Lina and Xellos try to act normal as Amelia becomes more vocal in her curiousity. They still avoid talking about it with each other.

When the stars are out of sight
and the moon is down
the natives are so restless tonight...

Xellos breaks down first and apologizes to Lina, explaining that he just sees her as a friend and peer.

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of spin

Lina says nothing for a long moment, and Xellos is worried that she might get a little more violent than his masochistic tendencies would consider pleasant. Then she releases a breath in release and laughs once, saying she was worried that he would think it meant something else.

And since I've done all of the old ones
Till they've all been done in

Amelia, at least, notices the sudden lessening of tension between Xellos and Lina and gets more curious.

Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for original sin...

After endless prodding from Amelia and some level of disdain from Zelgadis, Lina and Xellos decide to explain what happened. Gourry and Sylphiel shrug, Zelgadis and Amelia face fault.

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of spin

Zelgadis stares angrily, and Amelia gasps in shock. The chimera demands to know if they are serious or not. Xellos and Lina assure them its nothing serious between the two, and Amelia lectures them both about chastity and moderation in drinking.

And since I've done all of the old ones
Till they've all been done in

At some point Amelia blurts out that Filia hurt Xellos enough already, and she wasn't going to let Lina do the same. Zelgadis snaps to Lina's defense saying that it was obviously the mazoku's fault and how could you even begin to like such a womanizer.

Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for original sin...

Xellos and Lina blink as Zelgadis and Amelia defend each of them. Xellos decides to ask if aren't they a couple. Zelgadis and Amelia seem shocked and claim they're just friends.

I've been looking for an original sin
One with a twist and a bit of spin
And since I've done all of the old ones
Till they've all been done in

Lina demands to know what problem they have with her and Xellos's personal business, and an irritated Zel yells out "can't you see how much I love you?"

Now I'm just looking
Then I'm gone with the wind
Endlessly searching for original sin...

Everybody is silent for a moment, and then they leave to give a now embarrassed Zel and Lina privacy. Xellos complains that at least Lina has someone that cares about her as more than a friend. He hears someone call his name and looks up to see a black rose fill his vision. Amelia says she thought he'd like that better than a red rose.

I'm applying for a license to thrill

The princess shyly asks if Xellos he's okay, and how she doesn't want to see him hurt any more. She sits down next to him and starts blabbering about how she cares for him and that she loves him even if he is mazoku.

going out on the edge
moving in for the kill

Xellos thinks back over his time with the slayers, and thinks about all the little signs he's missed all this time. Amelia inviting him to eat with them, how upset she got when she discovered he was mazoku. Her praying to the demon god when Sailoon was about to be crushed.
Then he smiles and hugs Amelia close, kissing her on the forehead. He realizes just how much the little princess means to him. He just always assumed she as unreachable with her justice kick and her apparent crush on Zelgadis.

and they'll be hell to pay someday
so put it all on the bill

Xellos frowns then realizes that she's just human, she would age and die long before him. Lina was just an accident and Filia was similarly long lived as him.
Amelia asks if he loves her, he says he doesn't know, but he's willing to try. Amelia asks if he's willing to try eternity.

Cause we'll always be paying
and paying until...

Xellos blinks in surprise he asks if that isn't going against her code of justice. Amelia points out how Xellos and his master have helped save the world, and asks why shouldn't the darkness have some justice too?

We're beyond expiration
with a license to thrill...

Amelia and Xellos return to the rest of the slayers much later and smile at Zelgadis and Lina sleeping under the same bedroll. Gourry is on guard and looks up as the pair sit across the fire from him, snuggling close.

I've been looking for an original sin...

"Hey Amelia, what happened to your eyes?"

"Sore wa himitsu desu, Gourry-san."