I Trust You
HOUNTOU NI GOMEN NASAI MINNA-SAN! Even though you probably won't forgive me, I still apologize x million-kazillion-billion-hundred-squared. I actually got obsessed with Digimon again, learned the wonders of the world of Harry Potter through obsession, then back to Digimon and now I'm here! The chapter's longer than usual, and hopefully the rest will be too. I totally ruined this, it was supposed to be #Leon x Kaoru# but I accidentally shoved some more things in there. Let me know if it doesn't make sense! And I would be immensely grateful if you found it deep down in your very kind hearts reason to forgive me! I really AM sorry!
Please enjoy and review!
Disclaimer: Refer to some other chapter.
~With Yuki~
Yuki shot up into a sitting position, breathing heavily. Yeye and Sasa woke up, "Yeyeye ye?" "Sa sa sasa?" Yuki's breathing calmed down. She looked around before turning to the fairies, "I just had a bad dream Yeye, Sasa, that's all. Gome." The two fairies slowly went back to sleep. Yuki turned her gaze away from them. Well, at least I hope it was a dream… She looked to the window, slightly scrunching her eyebrows in concentration. How come I can't remember anything from yesterday?
The door opened and Majo Heart blinked, "Oh, Yuki, you're awake." The brunette turned to the door. Yuki got out of bed, "Ohayou Majo Heart, don't worry, I know today's my turn." The woman nodded, slightly taken aback by the fact that the brunette was awake this early.
Before stepping completely out of the room, Yuki turned to the witch doctor, "What's wrong Majo Heart?" The woman asked, "What woke you up? None of you have ever been up this early." Yuki smiled wearily, "It's nothing serious Majo Heart, I just woke up from a bad dream, is all." Majo Heart nodded slowly before leaving. Yuki slowly left as well.
~With Kaoru~
"Kaoruko…" The crème witch, who was seated next to her grandmother's bed, immediately looked up, "Obaa-chan!" The woman smiled slightly before coughing causing her grand-daughter to call her again. Kawatake Haruna broke the silence, "You still haven't told Leon, have you?" Kaoru shook her head. Haruna lifted a hand and stroked her grand-daughter, "You should. You two have been separated for too long. You've got to learn to trust each other." Kaoru started, "But…!" Haruna coughed as she shook her head, "No Kaoru." She paused, "Look, we both know that I may not recover—" "But you have to recover Obaa-chan! I know you will!" Kaoru interrupted, protesting.
The old woman only smiled, "Kaoru… Promise me something." Kaoru nodded and Haruna replied, "Promise me that you won't use magic to change this…and that you won't let this destroy you…" Kaoru blinked tears but nodded, "I… I promise, Obaa-chan. I promise." Haruna smiled, "Good. And tell Leon…to stop breaking the windows." Kaoru nodded causing Haruna to close her eyes, "I'll be watching you both…" Kaoru stared as her grandmother's hand fell down to her side, the woman, no longer conscious. Deciding that there was no better way to handle this, Kaoru took her grandmother's hand and hugged it as she cried. Keke quietly left to another room.
~At the MAHO-dou~
The bell rang as Akatsuki opened the front door only to find Kaoru in her patisserie uniform sweeping up the floor. Kaoru didn't seem to notice for she continued to sweep. Akatsuki broke the silence, "Kaoru-san…?" The blonde immediately looked up, "Akatsuki-kun! O— Ohayou!" She greeted somewhat wearily. Akatsuki nodded as he made his way to a nearby chair, "Ohayou." The aforementioned girl merely continued with her sweeping. After a while of silence, Akatsuki inquired, "Is something wrong, Kaoru-san?" The blonde didn't reply. Akatsuki was about to ask again when Kaoru commented, "It's not that important."
"Are you sure?" The wizard asked. He stared as Kaoru, whom was looking down, shed tears. Kaoru nodded, "I'm fine, really Akatsuki-kun." She wiped her eyes with her arm. Akatsuki stood up and came forward. He took the broom from Kaoru's grasp and put it away. She only realized what was happening when the young prince took her by the arm and dragged her to the chair where he was previously sat. She stared as he took the chair across her and asked, "Something is obviously bothering you." None of them broke the gaze. Akatsuki rested his hand upon the girl's and continued softly, "You can tell me." Kaoru remained silent but Akatsuki didn't move. He simply waited patiently.
Deciding that Akatsuki was not going to give up anytime soon, Kaoru broke the silence, "Obaa-chan… this morning… she…" Kaoru didn't have to say anymore, for Akatsuki understood and pulled her into a hug. She cried, but Akatsuki didn't let go. Eventually her cries stopped and only then did he let go. Kaoru wiped her tears and asked, "You won't tell Onii-chan, will you?" Akatsuki smiled slightly, "Not if you don't want me to." Kaoru smiled and then left back to work.
~Later on~
The door opened, "Ohayou~!" Doremi walked in. She was evidently in a good mood today. She looked around. Akatsuki was thinking about something. Yuki was cleaning a table. Strange, it was Sunday. They didn't have to work. Yuki looked up and smiled at her, "Ohayou Doremi-cha~n!" She was also feeling rather joyous. Doremi looked around, "Didn't Majo Rika say to come today? Where's everyone else?"
Yuki replied as she continued to clean her table, "Hazuki-chan and Ai-chan are on their way. Onpu-chan should be here in a few minutes. Momo-chan's gone to the Witch World to get more supplies with Majo Rika and Lala. Kaoru-chan's gone for a walk. Marina-chan's upstairs with Hana-chan. I don't know about the rest."
Marina descended and greeted Doremi who returned it joyfully. Marina asked Yuki in a low voice, "Is Shidousa-kun still thinking?" Yuki nodded. Doremi turned to Akatsuki and it was then she noticed that Akatsuki had been standing completely still looking out the window. He had not said a word. Surprising Marina, Doremi and Yuki, Akatsuki turned around and began to leave. Doremi asked, "Akatsuki-kun, where are you going?" The prince stopped, turned to face Doremi, put on a forced smile and replied, "I'm just going over to Fujio-kun's. I'll be back soon."
The front door opened and Hazuki and Aiko entered together. The girls greeted each other as Akatsuki quietly vanished into the Wizard World.
~With Kaoru~
Kaoru sighed again. What do I do…? Onii-chan's gone off hiding… I can't tell him if he's not there…! She stopped and looked up at the full-blown sakura tree. I miss you already Obaa-chan…
~At the MAHO-dou~
The sound of the bell ringing indicated someone's entrance into the shop. "Irashai—" "WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?" aske— demanded Majo Rika.
Neither Hasebe nor Masaru answered. They were both watching each other out of the corner of their eyes. Doremi looked from one to the other. Aiko asked, "What's up with you two?" Masaru immediately replied, "Nothing. It's nothing." Hasebe glared at the green-haired boy for a while, then muttered, "Un, everything's fine." Marina stepped forward, "Are you sure?" Momoko added, "It doesn't seem like it." Akatsuki watched from afar as Yuki joined in, "You can te—"
Masaru turned with a clenched fist and yelled, "JUST LET IT GO!" Everyone was taken aback. Hazuki stared. She lowered her gaze, lost in her own thoughts. Masaru growled at Hasebe, "This is all your fault!" He then ran out of the shop without another word. The apprentices looked to each other for an explanation.
Hasebe gritted his teeth and turned to face away from everyone else. I was right… Yada-kun would never run off like that… Hazuki continued looking at the floor. I wonder… if… that wasn't my imagination… Maybe Baaya was wrong. I know what I heard, and Masaru-kun just proved that… Or at least, I think he did. Hazuki looked around her. What's going on? One minute we're all waiting for Jou-sama to make us full-fledged witches for passing the Patisserie Exams and for destroying the former queen's predecessor's sorrowful illusion and the next we're getting involved in the FLAT 4's job to stop an evil wizard.
The door opened again and Aiki poked her head in, looking around, "Is Akira-kun here?" Everyone shook their heads and Aiki asked, "Leon-kun?" Everyone shook their heads again. Aiki sighed in relief and walked in, "Yokatta." The apprentices blinked in confusion. Kotake voiced everyone's confusion, "Aren't you always looking for Sokuryoku-kun rather than avoiding him?" Aiki looked around before replying, "Ano… something happened yesterday and Akira-kun and Leon-kun and Aimi-nee-chan are mad at me. I think they still are. I did something unforgivable. And I don't want to remind Leon-kun of my shameful behaviour, especially on his birthday."
Everyone stared, "EH? It's Leon-kun's birthday today?" Aiki nodded. Yuki, Marina, Doremi and Pop demanded of Akatsuki, "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US?" Akatsuki replied, "Because if I did, you would throw Leon-kun a birthday party after which he would murder me, personally."
"And when I say I don't want a party, I seriously don't want a party."
Everyone turned to find Leon standing at the entrance of the MAHO-dou. It was oddly relieving to see Aiki not glomp the blond for once. Instead she merely bowed, "Hontou ni gomen nasai Leon-kun! I'll never ever ever do it again! EVER!" Leon smiled, "It's fine." Aiki cheered, "Now I must find Akira-kun and apologize to him! Bye-bye!" "Bye Aiki-chan!"
~With Masaru~
Masaru Yada walked through the dark halls of the secret building. The first signs of light revealed Fukashi Naoto and Onpu Segawa in the room, facing each other. But the presence of Masaru didn't surprise Naoto at all. Him and Onpu carried on with their conversation as if Masaru hadn't just walked in.
Onpu spoke first, "…I'll never do it! Besides, I am only ten!" Naoto calmly asked, "Tell me, do you really think age matters in this world?" Onpu glared. He was winning here. The possessed man continued, "Now you can either comply, like your father has so kindly done, or there's always option B." Onpu clenched her fist. She closed her eyes tightly and looked away. What do I do…? He has me cornered… I could just say no… Onpu shook her head furiously. No! I can't do that… Otherwise… I won't be able to live with myself… He also took Papa… But what does he want with me…? Onpu looked up at the villain, "My mind is made up." Pull yourself together Onpu! This is more than just about your image, this is a matter of life and death!
"Fine. I'll do it." Naoto smiled, "Good, now then—" But Onpu was not finished, "Not so fast, I have some conditions." The man growled, but pulled himself together, "Yes?" Onpu folded her arms, "First of all, Doremi-chan-tachi can't find out. Or anyone else."
Onpu continued, "Secondly, you won't hurt him." Naoto hesitated, "Only if you behave." Onpu growled, "Fine." The wizard asked, "Anything else?" Onpu couldn't think of anything, but asked, "When?" Naoto smiled mysteriously, "You'll see."
A moment of silence followed, then Naoto turned to face Masaru, "Ahh, you're here." Onpu stared, a question mark above her head, "Yada-kun…? What's going on here? Aren't you supposed to be at the MAHO-dou?" Masaru said nothing. Naoto commanded, "Follow me you both. Then you can leave." Onpu raised an eyebrow, but followed, not wanting to be left alone in the dark room.
~At the MAHO-dou~
Hasebe shot back, "Why won't you believe me!" Momoko replied, "Because you have no proof!" (A/N: The italic in Momo's dialogue was English.) Marina added, "How can you tell?" Yuki added, "They look the same to me." Hasebe replied, "That doesn't matter! Obviously they look the same!" The girls stared. The boy yelled, "You girls are so stupid! Can't you see it! Fujiwara!" Everyone turned to Hazuki. Hasebe asked, "Tell me you see it!" Everyone waited. Hazuki stared. Hasebe-kun can tell? I shouldn't be surprised, he and Masaru-kun do get along most of the time… Demo, Hasebe-kun thinks I know too… Does it mean that Hasebe-kun knows about that…? Hazuki looked up to the expectant faces of everyone else, "Ano… "
At that moment, the phone rang. Aiko picked up as the rest watched, "Moshi moshi? … Ahh, Onpu-chan's mother … EH? What d'you say? … Eh, umm, un! … Yes! Yes! There's nothin' to be worried 'bout! … Yep… … Bye-bye! Have a good day!" Sighing in relief, the blue witch put the receiver back in its rightful place. Doremi asked, "What did Onpu-chan's mother want?" Aiko replied, "She says Onpu-chan's missing." The rest gasped. As they all panicked, Fujio stared. This is bad… She should've… Unless— Ojamajos, useless little girls.He assured everyone, "Ano… Maybe Onpu-chan went to the Witch World?"
Hasebe and Akatsuki stared suspiciously at Fujio. Akatsuki looked over at the apprentice whom was clenching his fist. Maybe you're right Hasebe-kun… Hasebe left to a different room. Akatsuki followed.
Leon looked around and realized something. He then left as well.
~With Onpu~
The purple Ojamajo looked around the new room. She noticed an enormous cage. It held, Onpu's eyes widened, Masaru and Fujio! Onpu asked, "What's going on?" She looked from one Masaru to the other. Fujio and Masaru were sat on the floor, glaring at Naoto. Masaru noticed Onpu, "Segawa?" Fujio looked in her direction, then asked the man, "What do you want with her?" Onpu looked away at these words, momentarily doubtful of her decision.
Naoto commanded, "SILENCE! What Segawa is here for is none of your business. She came here of her own free will." Onpu said nothing. Naoto raised a hand, "As for you, I need more information." The Masaru in the cage stood up, along with Fujio who glared with more ferocity than Onpu had ever seen him summon.
The man raised his hand towards Masaru. Onpu stepped back as a dark beam shot into the green-haired apprentice whom screamed in pain.
~At the MAHO-dou~
The sound of Masaru screaming echoed throughout the building. Hazuki looked around, everyone was carrying on, not noticing it in the slightest. Hazuki yelled, "MINNA! How can you all just there!" They turned to her. Doremi asked, "What's wrong Hazuki-chan?" Hazuki demanded, "Don't you hear it!" Pop asked, "Hear what?" Hazuki's eyes felt teary as she yelled out, "The screaming!" Momoko replied, "Hazuki-chan, you're the only one I hear screaming." Yuki tried calming, "Maybe you're just hearing things—"
"NO I'M NOT! It's real and I know it!" Hazuki bellowed. Everyone else stared, unsure of how to calm down the brunette.
Meanwhile, Akatsuki entered the room and Hasebe asked, "You don't believe me either?" Akatsuki closed the door behind him, "On the contrary, I think you might be right." Hasebe turned around as Akatsuki continued, "But… I don't think it's just Yada-kun." Hasebe blinked, "Wh—" But Akatsuki had already voiced the name of the other person.
~With Onpu~
The young girl could only stare in horror. Finally, the beam disappeared and in Naoto's hand remained a dark orb which he gave to the Masaru whom was stood next to Onpu. The apparent clone of Masaru absorbed said dark orb. Onpu watched this and turned to the cage where Masaru was on his hands and knees, breathing heavily, and every so often, coughing. Onpu didn't know to whom, but the imprisoned Masaru muttered, "I'm okay. That was nothing."
Naoto turned to Onpu, "Now then, I have a present for you Onpu-chan." The girl glared at the way he had addressed her. But, because of Onpu's decision, he had the right, so Onpu sighed helplessly in her mind. He held out his hand to Onpu who blinked. Soon enough, a transparent orb appeared on it. Inside it lay an object. Onpu stared, "No…" The orb disappeared so the man took the object and shoved it in the girl's hand, "To bad, you'll have to wear it, unless, you want to see…" Onpu shook her head furiously as she placed the ring around her finger, away from the eyes of the boys in the cage.
The man straightened his posture and announced, "Well then, until next time."
~At the MAHO-dou~
The sound of her childhood friend screaming had finally stopped.
"I'm okay. That was nothing."
Hazuki's head jerked up. She looked around slowly, nothing. But… I… Hazuki clenched her fists. It was real! I know it! Demo, I can't find it without Doremi-chan's help… What should I do…? Hazuki ran out the MAHO-dou in hopes of finding someone who would believe her and maybe even, help her.
~With Kaoru~
The witch looked up. It's getting dark… I should head back… She turned around to leave but stopped, staring. Leon asked, "You wanted to tell me something…?" Kaoru tried, "Happy, birthday?" Leon stared. Kaoru sighed, "Ano… I shouldn't be telling you this… It's your special day today… I don't want to ruin it…" He assured, "I know." Kaoru closed her eyes in a futile attempt to stop the tears, "Obaa-chan's gone!"
"I knew that."
Kaoru lifted her head. She rubbed her eyes, then asked, "Then why did you make me say it?" Leon merely replied, "I wanted to hear you say it." Kaoru's head jerked up.
"You still haven't told Leon, have you?" Kaoru shook her head. Haruna lifted a hand and stroked her grand-daughter, "You should. [...] You've got to learn to trust each other. [...]"
Leon then announced, "We should get back. Majo Rika's going to kill you." Kaoru asked, "What about you?" Leon replied, "Akira-kun's not going to kill me just yet. Prob'bly after the house breaks down or something." Kaoru giggled and the two siblings headed back to the MAHO-dou.
~At the park~
Hazuki sat at the bench staring down, "I know I should ask Doremi-chan but, she didn't believe me last time…"
"What were you going to tell Doremi-chan?"
Hazuki jumped in surprise as she found Akatsuki sitting on the other side of the bench. The boy apologized, "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that, but more important matters are at hand right now." Hazuki turned to the prince who asked, "You believe what Hasebe-kun said, right?" Hazuki blinked, but moved her gaze forward. Silence ensued. Until…
~At the MAHO-dou~
Onpu entered after Masaru. The girls all crowded around her, "Onpu-chan!" "Where were you all this time!" "Your mother was looking for you!" Onpu perked up, "Mama?" The girls nodded and Onpu looked over at Masaru's clone. She then turned to her friends, "I was in the Witch World!" Kaoru asked, "What for?" Onpu opened her mouth to speak but the door opened.
This time Akatsuki entered. Majo Rika flew into the room. Akatsuki explained, "Hazuki-chan and Hasebe-kun both went home. They'll be fine by tomorrow." He then smiled. Onpu looked around and asked, "Where did Tooru-kun go?" "He's been in Majo Heart's secret underground library all day. He says he was 'doing some research'." Yuki answered, using air quotes as well.
Onpu nodded, "Ah, arigatou Yuki-chan! I have to go to Mama so she can stop worrying. Sayonara minna!" They waved back, "Bye-bye Onpu-chan!" Secretly, Masaru smirked. The girls turned to Masaru, "And where were you!" Masaru shrugged, then turned around, "I'm going home." The apprentices blinked.
Akatsuki nodded, "He's right. You should get home too Yuki-chan. Majo Heart, Tooru-kun and Mizu-chan'll get worried." Yuki nodded and the two left.
I'm still very sorry.
I would ask for reviews, but I know I don't deserve any…