You burned me out but I'm back at your door. Like Joan of Arc coming back for more. I came around to tear your little world apart. And break your soul apart...

Vegeta slowly opened his eyes as the new sunlight peered annoyingly into them. He stared at the ceiling of the tent and frowned as he realized that he did not know where he was. Disoriented, he rolled over only to hear a tiny moan right beneath his chin. Bulma. She lay contently in his arms, pieces of her hair falling over her shoulders and some spilling onto his chest like water. He found himself smirking as he remembered last nights events.

Finally he had discovered what it felt like. And it was everything that he had ever heard it was. He abruptly felt a stab of jealously to know that Yaumcha had felt the same thing many times, most definitely. But now she was here, in his arms. His mate.

Bulma stirred. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. She sat up groggily and rubbed the sleep away from her face. Moments later he heard her smiling and felt her soft little lips gently over his eyelids. It was a new, different sensation and he found he loved it. It tickled. He could not resist an amused smirk at the contact, and thus gave away his supposed sleep. Bulma slapped him playfully on the arm.

"I knew you were awake." She said. He didn't give her a chance to say anything else because he sat up, rolling her off of his chest and out of his embrace.

"Yes, well..." he shook his head, fluffing his hair furiously with his hands. She watched, thoughts speeding through her brain about their experience shared. Their fight was but a distant, painful memory. There was a new memory now, a rather nice one that had replaced it.

"Vegeta..." she wiggled closer to him. He absently answered "Hm?"

"Thank you."

He looked down at her with an unreadable expression. She felt worry leap into her heart before he said, "Don't get all soft on me, now." With a gruff voice.

She grinned. "Ok...where are you going?"

He was opening the flap of her tent. "Leaving before your idiot mother comes over here and starts giggling about our sex life."

Bulma seized the opportunity. "So we have a sex life?" She grinned at his backside. "You mean it?"

Vegeta groaned. "Yes, woman! Don't be an idiot, it's too early for that-

She grabbed him around the waist from behind and snuggled her face into his back. "Stay." She pouted.

"No." he replied, his face forming an early scowl.

"Pleeeeease?" she whined. "I don't want you to leave yet, you're only-

She shrieked as Vegeta whipped around and grabbed her with lightning fast speed, tearing out of the tent with her screaming. He powered up, devilishly grinning as he shot into the air, Bulma kicking and yelling and laughing all at once. He gave no thought to the fact that they were both entirely naked. Bulma craned her neck to see where they were heading. It was the small pond where she had given Vegeta her sunburn remedy, and close to where she had sprained her ankle. She blinked at the thought. She had nearly forgotten about the sprain until now. But there was little time to think as Vegeta landed none to gently, slipping her into his arms and onto the ground in one motion. She winced and tested the ground with her ankle. It was unsteady, but she could put weight on it. Vegeta held her army to steady her and watched her twist her foot around in the sand, marveling at the lack of pain.

"What did you do to it?" she wonderingly asked him. He shrugged. "Nothing. It just doesn't hurt anymore, that's all."

Bulma thought this over. After it seemed correct, she immediately turned and smacked him. "You dork! We're both naked!"

"That is correct." He said sarcastically. "You're rather bright this morning, woman."

"Shut up!" she countered. "Just how do you think we're going to get back to camp without my parents seeing two naked people flying around in the sky inconspicuously?"

He frowned and shrugged. "It does not matter. Right now I wish to take a bath. I thought you might have wanted to join me."

Bulma shivered against the cool morning air. It was a good idea. She was rather...sticky...from last night.

She watched him slip into the pond without another word. He vanished below the surface and reappeared seconds later with a large fish in his hand. He smacked it against the side of a rock on the embankment and looked at her, "Hungry?"

She couldn't help but laugh.

He shrugged and tossed the fish onto the rocks and dipped below the surface again. She sighed and sat down close to the edge of the water, comfortable on a patch of moss.

You did it, you know. You had sex with Vegeta. Something you never even had cross your mind....and now here you are, naked, watching him swimming around in some little Island back eddy. She paused, as if the sudden realization just sunk in. Oh well...he hasn't done anything to ruin it...yet.

As if he knew that he was being thought about, Vegeta surfaced with a giant splash directly in front of her and hauled her in by one leg. Thankfully, her good one, or he would have had one big shiner.

She gasped as they broke the surface together her in his arms and him smirking at her, expecting a slap. She didn't give him the satisfaction of giving him one, and instead looped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips. Under the water she could feel his legs gently kicking to keep the two of them above the surface. She also felt what her kiss was doing to him. She broke away and grinned.

"Vegeta, you horny bastard."

He smirked again, ignoring her remark, and leaned over to bite her shoulder. She gasped in surprise at the contact. He had bitten her last night as well, in a number of different places, but it was still a feeling she was going to take a long time to get used to.

Bulma wrapped her legs around his waist in a scissor like motion as he paddled away to a slightly more shallow area of the pond. The feeling of their bodies pressed together with only water between them was wildly erotic, and she could already feel herself wanting him again. Vegeta began splashing water gently around her shoulders and neck, rubbing the water into her skin. She closed her eyes; it felt incredibly good. He continued to massage her neck rhythmically, occasionally stopping to pull strands of her hair out of the way. Bulma could hear his breathing deepening with the intimacy of the activity, and his hands began to stray further down her body to gently cup her behind in his hands. Bulma moaned and felt his hardness probing inches away from her entrance. She opened her eyes and found him staring at her, his burning coal black eyes narrowed and gazing at her from under two heavy brows. She leaned in and kissed him, slowly maneuvering herself onto his hard length. He
slid into her with ease and both of them inhaled sharply at the delicious sensation. Suddenly overcome with desire, Bulma placed her palms on his neck and leaned back, thrusting her hips against him, desperately needing and wanting him to give her the same feelings that he had given her last night.

Vegeta obliged. Using his strong hands he lifted her slightly to allow himself better access to her pert, firm breasts. He took a hard pink nipple in his mouth and suckled gently on the tip, using his other hand to grope and knead her buttocks. Bulma moaned and cried out softly as he thrusted hard into her expertly keeping the two of them above the surface.

It continued for what seemed like hours. Vegeta, not quite content with only giving Bulma five orgasms, would either take her out of the water and lay with her there on the shoreline, or he would take her again in the water, not giving her a second to recuperate before he was inside her once more. Bulma only shook and trembled and gasped for sweet merciful breath as he finally slowed to a slow pace and allowed her final release. The two surfaced from the water and, satisfied with their `bath' Vegeta flew them both back toward camp, trying hard to keep them hidden while he slipped Bulma back into her tent.

It was not a second too soon. Dr.Breifs yawned and stepped out of his tent seconds after Vegeta's naked backside slipped behind the concealment of the trees, his spandex in hand. Bulma quickly shimmied into a pair of shorts and a tank top just as her father poked his head into the flap of her tent.

"Bulma, honey. Sleep well?"

Bulma tried to keep the color from her cheeks. "I slept wonderfully, dad." She gushed, apparently not doing to good a job. Dr.Breifs straightened, a little confused, and waved the matter away with his hands. "Oh...alright then. Will we see you at breakfast?" he paused. "Where's Vegeta?"

"Probably getting dressed as we speak."

"What makes you say that...?"

Bulma turned before he would catch the giggle and hid it in her pillow. She instantly wanted to clout herself; she was acting like an idiotic schoolgirl!

"I don't know. I'll see you guys at breakfast." She replied. "By the way, what is for breakfast?"

"Onion pancakes!" Dr.Breifs beamed. "And lima beans."

* * *