Disclaimer: I do not own wowp or the characters except Mike and Adawna, and the dialog at the beginning.

Warning: very emotional and meaningful chapter. Read each line if you want to feel it. Long authors notes at the bottom.

"Like our movies, in our lives too, everything becomes all right by the end. Happy endings. And if it doesn't, then the movie isn't over yet, my friend."

- An approximate translation of a dialog from the Bollywood super hit "Om Shanti Om."

Epilogue- Year 2040

Justin watched the dry leaves fall from the trees as he walked through the empty street in the early morning. He had woken up early in the morning, feeling unusually peaceful, and gone out for a walk down the street, leaving Alex a message on her voicemail (because he knew that Alex wouldn't take the trouble of reading a note.)

Every year, he would watch leaves fall from the trees, and new ones grow in their place. This gave him a sense of renewal, a sense of refresh ness, a sense of restoration.

Life was running smoothly for him again, just like in any 'normal' family. Their life had been restored- they had got back everything that mattered. Everything was fine.

Years had passed without any noteworthy trouble. (The huge argument he had with Alex about whether Adawna should go to an art college or a science college doesn't count, because in the end, she actually chose music and Justin and Alex actually joined forces to fight with Adawna about how she almost tore her parents apart!) Nothing much had changed, except their age. Every morning, Justin would wake up and look at the calendar, unable to believe that he had passed so many years on this earth- unable to believe that he had passed so many years with Alex. As he entered his fifties, he could slowly feel death approaching him, even though he knew it was years away- even his old parents hadn't died yet. He would pray to God everyday that either he and Alex should die together, or Alex should die first, because he knew that even with everyone around her, she wouldn't be able to live without him. He would suffer without her as well, but he was ready to take any pain.

He would wake up every morning to the sound of his alarm and Alex's groans, and smile as he looked at his angel, laying a soft kiss on her forehead as she groaned and covered her eyes with a pillow to shut out the lights. He would brush his teeth and take medicines for his diabetes and high blood pressure (yes, Alex and her regular arguments should be blamed for this, but he didn't care.) And then, he would rush into what used to be Adawna's room, before she went to college. She had left her keys with him, to grant him access to any memory he wanted to revisit. He'd open her closet, take out the two familiar dolls and look at them with his tear-filled eyes. The hair on the dolls' head had vanished (Adawna tore them out when she was still a kid, and of course she got away because of that puppy face), the clothes stained with paint. Yet, the dolls still felt like they did years back- the dolls still felt like their childhood days.

She would catch him staring at the dolls sometimes, and tease him relentlessly about it, stopping only when her back hurt and she needed a massage.

His hairline was thinning; her hair had shown streaks of grey which she skillfully painted blonde. Years of chocolate had finally gotten to her and she had three teeth taken out. When he looked at the hollow space between two teeth on her upper jaw, he would instantly remember the six year old girl who had come running to his room after losing her first baby tooth. When she couldn't walk properly because of her arthritis, he would take her hand in his, supporting her, helping her, just like he did years back when she was learning to walk.

Even after gaining so much weight and losing her perfect figure- she was still the most beautiful girl-woman he had ever seen. She was still a doll. His doll...

"I have something to say." Adawna announced at dinner one night.

"Okay," Alex nodded, already knowing what was coming.

"I think I'm finally ready to marry Mack." She announced, looking at her father.

"Are you sure?" he asked, feeling strange to know that his little girl had grown up.

"Yeah." Adawna nodded. "I've never been more sure in my life dad."

When the dinner was over, Justin pulled the two women into a hug.

"Why are we hugging?" Adawna asked in an irritated tone.

"Because that's what normal families do." Justin replied.

"Are you ready honey?" Justin asked, walking into his little girl's room. His eyes were tear-stricken again when he noticed how beautiful she looked in that wedding dress.

"Yeah, just one more thing to do", Adawna said softly, as she opened her closet and pulled out the two all-too-familiar dolls. Her eyes glittered with moisture as she hugged them one last time and placed them in her old and abandoned doll-house.

"Let's go." She announced, looking at her father with resolution.

If Alex thought that Justin was saving his money for their old age, she was so wrong! Adawna's wedding was the most extravagant wedding she had even seen, and she wasn't sure if she should shout at him for such wastage of money or thank him for making her daughter's most special day more special.

"Can't think of the right insult?" he teased, standing beside her.

"No, actually I'm thinking whether I should start with the lights or the floral decoration." She shot back.

He smirked. "Yeah, I know, it's all so perfect."

She shoved his arm playfully, as she looked at her daughter and the excited smile on her daughter's lips, and her eyes filled with tears . For once in her life, she was jealous of her daughter, for reasons more serious than simple wedding decorations.

He gave her hand a gentle squeeze and smiled softly at her.

Yeah, who cares about some stupid wedding thing, as long as they can have their graves side by side?

Justin excused himself from the family, as he saw a figured standing in the side, its face carefully hidden behind a robe. He walked up to the person and smiled.

"Thanks for walking Adawna down the aisle for me." Mike said, his voice filled with genuine gratitude.

"It's my honor." Justin said sincerely. "But are you sure you don't want to talk to her?"

Mike shook his head. "No Justin, I don't want them to know I'm still alive… I know they'll never be able to trust me, I don't want them to live with fear…. Thanks for lying for me… I still don't understand why you saved me that day."

Justin closed his eyes tightly to shut out the memories of that day. "Nobody deserves to die Mike… I know you did some horribly wrong stuff, but even you deserved a happy life."

At this, Mike looked at his watch, his tear-filled eyes hidden by the robe. "I better get going… Emily might be worried."

Justin nodded.

"I hope I will see you someday again." Mike said softly, pulling Justin into a good-bye hug.

Justin chuckled as he hugged him back. "Don't worry buddy, we'll definitely meet in Hell."

After he pulled back and Mike walked away, Justin looked at Alex, sitting with Harper and Jane, narrating something to them as Harper shuddered, Jane gasped, and Alex giggled.

Yeah, Hell was definitely going to be a beautiful place.

Justin was sitting at the empty room of his little girl, eyes fixed at the dollhouse yet comprehending nothing. ("It's called psychological blindness" he says with a smug look.) He had just married off his daughter a few hours back. She wasn't his own blood (well, maybe as his niece, but not as his daughter. There's a difference, a difference that he never felt, a difference that he never understood, but a difference never-the-less). She wasn't his legal daughter (he could adopt her, but then Alex wouldn't be her mother legally anymore, or something like that, it was too complicated.) Yet, she was his own. And she just had the dream wedding that he could never have.

Alex entered the room silently and sat down beside him, her own teary eyes fixed on the doll-house in front of her.

"They grow up so fast." She whispered, remembering the day when Adawna was running around the house, breaking stuff.

He looked at her and smiled slightly. "You grew up just as fast."

Alex smiled back at him, as she leant her head on his shoulder, just like she had seen in the crystal ball years back, and looked back at the dollhouse in front of her, where 'Alex' was leaning her head on 'Justin's shoulder. This moment would definitely be framed in their minds forever. Justin put an arm around her shoulder and smiled, closing his eyes peacefully.

Who said dolls couldn't have a happy ending? She was a doll. His doll. Her lips tasted like strawberry, chocolate, magic, and a bit like sin…..

("Why did you name me Adawna? I couldn't even say my name properly till I was seven!" she still complains to her daddy.)

*The end*

(A/N: This is over. This has been such an emotional journey for me, I feel so sad to know this is over. :( Please leave me reviews and let me know what you thought of this epilogue and this fic.

Thanks to everyone for all the reviews (339 till now), all the hits(20318 so far), and all the alerts (60) and favorites(59 till now). Honestly, I never thought I'd get so many of these. All of you have been so nice to me, thank you so much. You guys made me believe that I can write, and I owe to you all for the confidence I found in me.

I will be starting a new jalex soon. It's called 'the world blurred'. Hopefully you'll like that too. Updates will be twice a month because life is going to get busy, and I never update until I go through chapters properly. That is my last jalex for this year :P If you send me PMs, etc, please be patient and wait for me to get online. My life is going to get a LOT hectic from July.

Special thanks should go out to 5 very special girls. In no particular order-

Jalex232- You remind me of myself when I was your age. You're such a sweet friend. Thank you for all the support. =)

ShortLiLPunk- Even though your own story is doing extremely well, you show no hint of arrogance. You are one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people I have met here. I'm glad to get a buddy like you =)

Baku babe- Not only did you read and review all my jalexes (even the horrible ones LOL) and gave me links to so many songs, I actually had a lot of fun PMing you about jalex, dalena, Pokemon, etc. Thanks for always been there and thanks for being a great friend. =)

Thunderthighs- she never reads my fics (well, except the Alex x Stevie one), but she's one of my best tweet buds. I have a lot of fun time tweeting her, and having playful ship-wars. Thanks for being such an awesome friend-slash-tweet sis.

Sandalaris- She doesn't read my fics, but we are tweet buds. She's also one of the nicest and most down-to-earth people I have ever met. I learnt to respond to reviews from her. I am following in her footsteps, LOL. But really, she's too nice. Thanks for teaching me how to deal with flames, helping me with this and that whenever I asked for help. =) )