Author's Note: Characters from the actual manhua will appear at a much later time, but I really hope you enjoy this fic anyway. Also, if you are waiting for one of my other fics, I'm really sorry. I haven't abandoned them, but they are currently on hiatus.

Disclaimer: This is merely a fanfiction written to appease my over zealous imagination and devoted readers. "The One" is a manhua owned and created by Nicky Lee; I claim no rights.


Chapter 1: Lonely Goddess

By ishala8

Sitting in my aunt's imposing office and drinking tea surrounded by pictures of my diseased parents had to be one of the most painful experiences of my life. With my last relative, my grandfather on my father's side, now gone forever, my mother's sister was the last person who would take me in. Her goodwill, however, came at too high a price for me.

"Isn't there another way?" I asked yet again, desperate for an escape of my current predicament. "I'll do anything, anything but this."

"You are being unreasonable, Kya," commented my aunt unyieldingly. "Both your parents were world-famous supermodels. As their daughter, you've got the training, the skills, even the genes. Modeling is in your blood. It is ridiculous for you to try and deny such an obvious truth."

"Modeling killed them," I protested. "I refuse to follow the same path as them and slowly waste away like they did."

"Your parents were both extremely happy with their lives and careers, Kya," admonished the elder woman crossly. "You very well know that it was their competitors who caused that accident and not modeling itself. Start being reasonable now or you'll soon find yourself in the streets."

Grinding my teeth, I turned away, knowing full well that nothing would dissuade my aunt. Like her sister, Kasumi Inoue, had entered the fashion world at an extremely young age. An accomplished model herself, she had come to rank fifth in Japan before choosing to retire.

She had understood the hopelessness of the dreams she held during her youth and gave up on her career before ending in such a state where the new model generation could start ridiculing her. Now, I was her thump card. Even if I utterly failed as a model, she could sever all ties and refuse to further associate herself with me. If I was successful, however, she would use my position to advance herself and her modeling agency higher in the hierarchy of fashion.

Kasumi was never one to care about her tools, models, associates or even family. To her everything was a piece on a chess board, moving for her own advancement. I've always known that, still I'd never expected to fall in her grasping hands with no excuse for me to escape.

I've never depended on others, always choosing to fend for myself. I had always been alone, even when my parents had been alive. With them off in business trips or attending foreign parties, I was never included in their plans.

During photo shoots, I was the child sitting quietly in the corner, many times aiding the hair and makeup stylists when their assistants were 'too busy' to do their jobs. At home, I was the cook and maid, someone who took care of everything with as little inconvenience as possible to my parents.

When my parents died and I moved in with my illness prone grandfather, I became the one to provide the household's income, unable to rely on his for sustenance. With not enough money to get us through, I worked at a bar, where learned to defend myself against unwanted advances and stray punches. Then, when my grandfather entered the hospital in the last year of his life, too sick to actually survive on his own, I sold everything, including my body to pay for his expenses.

That year, I came to the notice of two very opposing sides of society. My years of picking up odd skills, the self defense classes I took as I grew older, my grace that came through my genes and relentless model training, as well as my uncanny skills in servicing the darker side of men made me the perfect undercover agent. Sought out by both the government as a bodyguard and the mafia as a seductress and inside informant, I accepted both jobs and was grateful for the pay.

Now at seventeen and in my last year of school, I was still adapting, though I wasn't yet considered old enough to be released from my status as a minor. I had to become tied down to my aunt just as I had become tied down to my darker occupation. Still, I would do things my own way. All I had to do was bargain for time to learn to adapt once again and then everything would be acceptable once more.

"Fine," I agreed with one of my best smiles, "I'll agree in signing a modeling contract with your agency, however, the contract will only last for three years. By the end of that time, you'll release any rights you might have over me and sever all familiar relations."

"Acceptable terms," she compensated, "if you manage to step up to the international stage within that time."

Again I smiled, a mysterious smile filled with aforementioned secrets and hidden confidence. "I'd think that was understood from the very beginning since it is you whom I'm setting a deal with."

She smiled in return and I knew we had an agreement. While my aunt would expect to control my every move, I was confident I could show her exactly what being a model implied. After all, she said so herself, I had been born and raised into this world. I belonged here more than anyone else ever did.

Then, on top of everything else, I was a girl so unlike any others who stepped into this world. No one, not even Kasumi could hope to compete against me.

The sound of the school's final bell overshadowed that of my ringing cell phone but I could still feel its distinct vibration in my fuku's front pocket. I so wanted to ignore it yet knew the option to be impossible. There were so few who held possession of this specific number and none of them were famous for their forgiveness when it came to insubordination.

"It's about time!" came my aunt's infuriated shout as I picked up and I held the phone further away from my ear, thanking Kami for allowing my caller to be the lesser of three evils. "Your first audition is tomorrow at eleven o'clock. Be on time, pass and don't you dare ridicule me. I've sent you more information via email."

With those few short sentences she hung up and I sighed before heading over to the lavish apartment in which I had been living this past month. I had signed the modeling contract the very same day I agreed to it, but this was to be my first assignment.

In a way, I was grateful for the small break my aunt had allowed me since it gave me time to settle things with Takeo – my mafia contact – and Kei – the 'handler' appointed to me by the government. At my sudden and surprising announcement, both sides had bombarded me with missions and meetings.

They were overjoyed since a modeling career would allow me greater freedom of movement for both their purposes. Still, that didn't mean that I could take a break in order to establish myself in the modeling world before completing all outstanding work with them before hand, thus and all the work.

Arriving at my apartment, I went straight to my desk and plopped onto the chair before flipping open my laptop screen. I had no time to play around, so I simply grabbed an apple to eat while scrolling through all the new emails I had received during the past eight hours. Seriously, was one day without work too much to ask for? Apparently so.

Replying to only the most urgent of mails, I finally located the one sent by my aunt and clicked it open. I nearly laughed at the irony of the theme for this particular photo shoot – succubus. How fitting, seeing that I was as close to one as someone could be in reality.

Downloading the attached form I got straight into filling it in, cursing Kasumi for her thoughtlessness.

Name: Kya Aoki

Age: 17

DOB: 26/04/19XX

Agency: LylaCB

3 Sizes: 34B-24-36

Height: 177

Eyes: Blue

Hair: length: extremely long

color: black

type: straight

Personality: Adaptable

It was depressing to actually see the form. Were all models so shallow that the personality field – the only one not focusing on appearance – had to be placed last? What sad lives they must all lead. Just thinking that I'd soon be entering that very same field was a dismal thought.

Mailing the form together with a recent picture, I decided on my clothes for the morning and hurried out to one of my missions. Today I had to be extra careful so as to not injure myself. Since it would be the last mission for a while, I wouldn't have to worry about acquiring any visible scars during any shoot, but it would make it difficult to qualify tomorrow if I sported any blemishes.

What a bother.

Despite my aunt thinking my mother's tardiness hereditary, I was at the audition perfectly on time the next morning. Entering the waiting room, I had to fight hard to conceal a shudder at the excess amounts of naked skin on display. For a brief moment, I had felt as one would when entering a butcher's shop!

Why did people hear succubus and immediately assume that you had to show up half nude? I mean, were those bikinis two thirds of the models in the room were wearing? Surely they knew they were other ways in which you could seduce a man as well without making such a spectacle of themselves.

Those present hardly even spared a glance my way, seeing me in normal clothes and dismissing me right away. Dressed in a frilly but excessively short, black skirt, a plain white shirt with flowing white sleeves and fabric that clung to every curve enticingly, thigh-high black stockings, buckle littered combat boots and a thin red belt, I had my hair up in twin pigtails with myriads of free locks cascading around my face.

All in all I was a picture of innocent seduction, someone who could become deadly to men with a single look and right persuasion. Of course, my rivals all failed to see the dark allure surrounding my every move and dangerous beauty I had brought forth. To them, I was hardly anyone worth a glance, but to the judges I knew myself to be the perfect picture for a modern seductress.

I knew how to do this job, after all, I've been seducing and leading unsuspected men to their deaths these past two years. It wasn't something I was proud of, only a simple truth instead. I was a seductress and a killer, the perfect succubus of the twenty first century – innocent, enticing and deadly.

Leaning against a wall in a corner, I straightened the black armband I was wearing just above the elbow of my left arm and made sure the silver cross I had attached on my belt was still there. Satisfied with my appearance, I settled back and listened to the sounds in the room, picking up stray comments and smiling at one I heard about me.

"Look at that girl there," whispered an older model quite loudly to her friend, waving in my direction, "someone would think that she is headed for the children's audition in the studio across the street."

"Is she even wearing make up?" asked the other horrified, causing me to bend my head so as to hide a not-so-innocent smirk.

"Okay, everyone," called an organizer who suddenly appeared at the front of the room, "listen up. For this audition, you'll be called through in order of your numbers and will walk on the runway which we've set just through this curtain before posing for the photographer.

"The judges will award you points, but if the photographer isn't tempted to photograph you, you'll be returning here and heading home. If the photographer does snap a shot of you however, you'll be joining the judges on the seats provided to observe the rest of the contestants. That's all, so good luck, everyone!"

I found the idea quite interesting, seeing as many of the photographers were only tempted to photograph things that stood out and appealed to them the most. If the models didn't manage to attract their attention with their walk, manner and poses, there would be no way they'd inspire them enough to take a shot. It seemed that many would be eliminated pretty quickly.

Being one of the last in line with my number being forty-seven, I simply sat back and watched as the rest disappeared through the white curtain that separated them from their dreams. The number of models returning back in tears was certainly greater than expected.

As I waited for my turn, my attention was suddenly drawn to some disturbance taking place at the other side of the room. Some of the rejected models were making trouble for one of the younger girls and I couldn't help but rush to her aid the moment I heard her scream.

Approaching the scene were the company's employees were escorting the trouble-makers roughly outside, I felt my heart break at the sight. There on the ground was a girl maybe two years my senior. Dressed in a tight, Chinese-styled kimono the colour of mysterious darkness and framed with traces of red, she had to be one of the prettiest and most innocent models I'd seen in a long while.

Still, with half of her hair littering the ground, cut unevenly by her tormentors and her makeup running in rivers down her face together with her pained tears, she broke my heart. In a spilt moment's decision, I was on my knees besides her, smiling kindly.

"Hi," I greeted softly, "my name is Kya. What is yours?"

"Kay Lin," she managed through her tears and sniffles.

"Well, Kay Lin," I continued in the same soothing voice, "your number is just one ahead of my own so if you want to be ready in time to go out, you'll have to follow me quickly."

Too stunned to protest, she allowed me to drag her to a nearby preparation room. Paying one of the hairstylists and makeup artists who were still lingering about from some previous event or photo shoot, I borrowed their priceless equipment, not even noticing their hectic protests as I got down to work.

Within seconds, Kay Lin was transforming into the perfection she once was and the professionals were crowding over me, asking or tips and marveling at my work. Trimming both sides of her lush, copper curls so as to bring them evenly around her face, I caught half of it up so as to hide any imperfections and then focused on her makeup.

First, I washed her face clean of the old makeup, calming her and explaining everything I did as I went by. In order to conceal the damage caused by her tears, I focused on her sapphire eyes, building up her lashes with mascara and surrounding them both with dark shades of blue that matched her kimono.

With her pale complexion, rosy lips and popping eyes, she was the picture of mystery, an equivalent of my own image only older and much darker, without that misleading innocence about her. Done with my work, I turned her around, to allow her to catch a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.

"Do you like it?" I asked quietly and she nodded soundlessly.

"Where did you learn to do that?" demanded the hairstylists and I smiled at him mysteriously.

"I want to see you spend twelve years sitting backstage in the fashion industry without picking up any tricks," I commended mysteriously, taking Kay Lin by the arm and handing her a blue carnation which I picked up from a nearby vase, I led her to the main room.

With most of the contestants gone by now, I smiled at her encouragingly as her name was called and pushed her forwards before quickly whispering something to the announcer. Looking at me and then at the money I had passed him in turns, he sighed and announced my number seconds after Kay Lin had disappeared on stage.

As pandemonium broke out amongst the judges and models at the appearance of two models walking the runway simultaneously, I walked up to Kay Lin, who was suffering from stage fright as I knew she would with her innocent nature. Grabbing her hand holding the flower, I brought it up to her nose so as to smell the carnation's soft and relaxing scent.

Startled, she turned to stare at me and I smiled at her seductively and she returned my smile, catching on to my game. We had become good friends during the few short minutes we spent together so now she trusted me as I passed her by confidently, turning and motioning for her to follow.

Step by step, we cat walked together. Confident in our steps, she smiling secretively behind her flower and I, leading the way with my unmatched poise, we had the photographers snapping pictures before we even stopped to pose.

At the end of the runway, I turned to give Kay Lin yet another smile before pulling her close and licking at her throat playfully. Hugging, touching and smiling, we played in front of the camera attracting not only the judges and photographers but also our rivals. It was fun, innocent and oh, so alluring, drawing everyone in, leaving them hanging with our every move.

We were models and I could see it in the eyes of the judges that they saw it too. This was what it meant to be a model.

"Did you get through," my aunt's demanding question rang through the phone just as I exited the audition building.

I smirked. "Why, were you worried? Modeling runs in my genes after all."

"It's a yes or no question, Kya," she continued harshly and I replied with a soft yes and a sigh before she hung up satisfied.

Kay Lin had qualified with me, but there was no need for my aunt to know that, was there? After all, she wouldn't take well to knowing that I wouldn't be alone to star in this advertisement because I had thought to drag another model up with me.

She was someone who prided herself in being the best, but never bothering to give others a chance to reach her level. Unlike her, I was happy to drag others up with me. The competition made me want to try my best every single time and allowed me to understand that my skills truly did need work if I was ever to fall behind.

Author's Note: Let me know what you think.