A/N: Okay I was listening to a shit-load of songs when this idea popped out of no -where. I HAD to get it off my chest. It's kinda dumb, but you know I think it'll be funny. The majority of the story will be in Stan's P.O.V

Uuugh. Music class is just, not my thing. They're always giving us some dumb assignment. Like last time, They made us compare Micheal Jackson and .

Who won? Oh none of them. Some of the kids were afraid of MJ and didn't want R. Kelly to ''kill'' them.

Oh shit. I don't think I mentioned…I'm Stan Marsh, I live in South Park, Colorado and I'm 15 years old.

My best friend in the world is Kyle, but we'll get into that mess later, since I am obviously getting way off track here. Now about the Music class, you ask? Well here's what happened….

"Okay Class, I'm going back way in time to compare some bastards to little Tammy sluts of today" Mr. Garrison said, pulling out different sets of drawers.

Kyle pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head in frustration. If I could read his mind, it would say "God, how did we manage to GET to this grade?"

"Ah here we go" Garrison smirked triumphantly as watched him dump a pile of papers on his desk

"Here's the assignment class, each of you are going to pair up in groups of four and perform to a song of my choice. I will then challenge you to another group, and you will face off each other. Here are the rules

All girl groups and all boy group. No mixing, you tricky bastards. You must name your group with something appropriate-"

"Mr. Garrison? By appropriate do you mean Edward Cullen appropriate or Oprah-meets-the-Brady-Bunch appropriate?" Butters asked, raising his hand.

"Oprah, Butters, now all of you pair up. Quickly now I haven't got all day" With that he sat back in his chair, reading some sort a gay magazine

A group singing thing? Oh no, oh HELL no. We've been through this before! Do we really have to do this again?

Groan…..Might as well get It over with.

"Hey Kyle, where's Cartman and Kenny?" I asked searching the class

"Kenny's over there, and as for the fat-ass I haven't seen him" Kyle remarked shrugging

"Hey guys, for the record this assignment sucks cock" Kenny remarked walking over to us.

"This be true, but we've done it before. Doesn't matter thought. As long as the song isn't done by some dumb ass band like owl city" I groaned

From the corner of my eye I saw Cartman strolling over to our direction

He looked a bit pissed, if not completely ticked off out of his mind.I didn't know he hated bands this much

"Damn Garrison and his shitty ass assignments…" Cartman mumbled, shoving his hands into his pockets

"Nice to see you to sunshine" Kenny grinned.

"Alright, children. Each one of your little groups Just arrange your desks' next to each other"

We did. Noise from every corner of the room, a bit chaotic, as I heard a series of



"Oh, nice going retarded. you ruined the FUCKING floor"

And so on. I sat next to Kyle, Kyle sat next to Kenny and Kenny sat next to Cartman.

"Craig, Butters, Clyde and Token, you bunch will get Candy shop by 50 cent" Mr Garrison said

"Wendy, Bebe, Red, and Heidi, you girlies can get Tic Tok by Kesha" He told the girls


"Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman you all will get ''Yeah'' by Usher"

No my god….really?

"Tweek, Timmy, Kevin and Jimmy you guys will get Tempted to touch"

And it goes on and on and on…

But Usher? God….

I pray this goes well, but knowing my toen It's bound to blow up in my face.