Fullmetal Alchemist
Mr Barely Legal
Well, here we have another FMA ficcy, but so what? I like Roy x Ed they're such a cute, hard-headed couple ^_^ Anyway, poor Edo-kun is getting kidknapped, but don't worry! Roy-sama will be there... he's the one pulling the whole thing off hehe. Hardcore yaoi from beginning so expect graphic scenes of romantic entanglement.
Also sorry, but I totally HATE Riza. No woman should love firing a gun as much as she does in the other fics I've read and the anime. She's annoying and spiteful. . please don't kill me...
I don't own any of them, they just live in my head along with the other anime characters I decided I wanted as my imaginary friends. except Riza...*crazy alarm goes off*
Roy x Edward
Enjoy the story, it should be a good'un ;)
Chapter 1
It was lunchtime in the military offices in Central, and Edward had fallen asleep at his desk. There was a pile of books surrounding him big enough to hide him almost completely. Of course, the Colonel was taller than he was. Roy walked over to Edward's desk and tried to wake him.
"Up and at 'em half-pint!" And Roy slammed his hand onto the desk nearest Edward's head.
"WHO'RE YOU CALLIN' SO SMALL YOU NEED A MAGNIFYING GLASS TO SEE?!" That did it. Roy smirked at the reaction he got and went on his merry way. Edward grumbled, looked at the clock and hurried for the dining hall. He might like sleeping through work, but food and calling him small were the only ways to wake him up. That and the shrill alarm clock he heard at 6am sharp every morning.
As per usual, Edward wolfed down his food. Nobody seemed to mind. In just a few days, Edward was going to be the big 18. At the moment, Edward didn't show any sign of his age. He still acts like the kid he was when he first joined the military. His features had sharpened and he was taller, but Roy was still the tallest.
As Roy sat in his office alone, he was left in a thought battle with himself.
"FullMetal will be 18 soon, barely legal much?"
"No, he's a collegue and nothing more."
"But you love him. You have to find out if he feels the same way." Roy shook all other thoughts out of his head and continued into his hand cramping work. He was used to a 'sit-in' lunch, so it didn't bother him to eat while he worked.
Edward had gone to Central library for more philospher's stone research, and Roy was trying to find a way to get what he wanted and silence the voices in his head once and for all. He'd decided to lay a trail of breadcrumbs as it were, and lead Edward into his house. The only thing being Edward was incredibly perceptive and would surely pick up on this. Maybe getting him drunk was a better option? He'd surely regret that decision in the morning, but Roy had been patient long enough.
Finally, Roy had settled on his decision. An erotic, kidknapping scene. This plan was so evil, it made the homunculi look like prissy little goody-two shoes. Roy laughed to himself, but was interrupted by a certain trigger-happy psychopath.
"Something tickle your funny bone sir?" Riza asked, purposely dropping, with emphasis, a fresh pile of work on Roy's desk.
"Yes actually, but I prefer to keep it a secret. You may leave." He replied. Ooooh this was going to be good.
That evening, Roy was prepped for his plan and ready to go. He started by playing the stalker. He followed Edward until they were close to his house. He crept up behing the blonde, and gagged him with a small cloth. There was a struggle, but in terms of strength, Roy had the upper hand. He carried Edward into his house, and locked the door. When Roy turned Edward around to undress him, he realised who it was. The next few minutes were struggles and incoherent yells. Roy removed Edward's top layers, he took him upstairs, and handcuffed him to the bed.
"Relax Edward, you'll enjoy this more." Roy hushed, gently stroking his crotch. Edward blushed, and struggled a little less. Roy undid the belt that was still holding Edward's trousers to his body, and bent down to undo the zip with his teeth. Edward moaned a little, and Roy smiled. He figured now would be a good time to remove the gag.
"Roy you son of a bitch! What the hell are you playing at?!" Edward yelled, Roy answered him with a kiss, earning a squeak from the blonde.
Edward became disorientated, his first kiss was claimed by Roy, and he liked it. Only now, said raven haired man had removed his trousers, and was licking the inside of his thighs.
"Oh...R-Roy!" Edward moaned, his length soon awakening. Roy ran his tongue along the underneath, causing Edward's breath to momentarily halt. By now, this had turned Roy on as well, and he was finding it hard managing self control. As much as he wanted to pound Edward's tight little ass, he was still new to all of this.
Roy snaked a hand up Edward's flesh thigh, slowly making its way to his now fully erect manhood. He started to massage, and lick at the same time. Edward was being driven crazy, and he was only 17...for now. Roy used his other hand to remove the band holding Edward's hair in that cute braid, releasing the so called 'golden river' of hair. Edward threw his head back in ecstasy as Roy engulfed most of his length, his tongue expertly hitting all of the right areas.
"R-Roy! I don't...know what you're ah...planning but...j-just do it already!" Edward begged. Roy smiled, and pulled himself up to kiss Edward.
"I'll only do it if you want me to." Roy smirked. He looked into Edward's deep amber eyes, his hand still pumping his length.
"I-I want you...to do whatever...you want!" Edward panted. Roy took it as an invitation, and licked his fingers. Gently, he pushed one into Edward's hole, being as careful as he can. Roy stroked Edward's face with his free hand.
"Are you okay Edward?" Roy asked, gently kissing his blonde. Edward smiled and nodded.
"Y-yeah, I just...I'm kinda new to this." Edward blushed.
"Well I'll try to be as gentle as possible." Roy smiled. He added another finger, and got slightly faster. Edward started to moan out of pleasure rather than pain, and as Roy hit a certain place within him, almost screamed his name.
He was ready. Roy readied his own length, and slowly pushed himself in. They both groaned, and Edward's head was clasped within Roy's hands as he took him. Edward wrapped his legs around Roy's waist to gain better leverage, and Roy held onto his thigh.
"Oh Edward." Roy moaned, starting to thrust more forcefully. Holding himself up with his arms, Roy quickened his pace. At a certain angle, he hit Edward's prostate every time. This obviously made the blonde cry with pleasure, in turn making Roy more amorous.
"Roy! H-harder!" Edward pleaded, he was getting more filthy by the minute. Before this, he was so innocent. Now, he was quite happy to fuck Roy any which way he wished.
Not long after Edward's request, the two were building to their climax. Roy took hold of Edward's now neglected erection, and pumped.
"Ngh Roy! I-I can't...hold ah!" Edward moaned, releasing all over Roy's torso and hand. The constriction around Roy made him cum almost in unison with Edward. The two were spent, and Roy held Edward in his arms both panting. Roy looked up at the clock. 11:50pm
"Goodnight, Mr Barely legal." Roy whispered into Edward's ear as his soft breath his his chest. Edward looked up with a glazed look in his eyes, and kissed Roy.
"I...I love you Roy." He smiled. Roy smiled back and kissed him just as hard.
"You too Edward." And the two fell asleep, wrapped in each other's arms.
The next day, Roy and Edward were still in bed. Riza was wondering where Roy was and probably figured he'd taken Edward out for a birthday beer or something. What she didn't expect to find in Roy's house, was a little blonde alchemist in his arms.
"Roy Mustang!" She screeched, her gun at the ready. The two men startled awake, Edward being the more embarrassed one. He wrapped himself in a bedsheet and made a dash for the bathroom. He fell straight onto his stomach, his legs a little dead from the previous night.
"Riza? Ugh do you know what time it is?" Roy sassed, the barrel of the gun was pressed harshly against his forehead.
"Do you have any idea what you've done? He's 18 for less than a day and you jump into bed with him.
Edward was listening to the arguement from the bathroom. His face was redder than his coat, and as soon as gunshots were heard, he dashed out.
"Wait Riza! Don't kill him!" He yelled, stumbling out of the door. He opened his eyes to find Riza had shot the wall, not Roy.
"Then explain the situation. And be very careful. I NEVER miss twice." She screeched. Her finger twitching, just waiting to pull that trigger.
After intense negotiations, Riza settled down. Edward and Roy were dressed, and were safe from bullets. They missed out the part where their love making had taken place whilst Edward was still 17, so said that it was way after 1am which is why they were still asleep. Eventually, she left and the two men were alone once more.
"So Edward, fancy having a shower?" Roy asked, in a suggestive manner.
"Go for it. I still feel a little sore from yesterday." He yawned. He'd rather have something to eat right now since he missed dinner last night.
Roy felt let down, but understood. He knew how it felt to be in achy pain. He had experienced it once or twice before, that's why he preferred to be the seme of the relationship. Plus those faces Edward made just made him turn wild. Thinking back to last night, Roy's libido was let out again. He had Edward raiding his fridge, and an annoying erection in the shower. Not to mention the fact that he'd been woken up sadistically by the most cruel, evil witch ever spawned.
When Roy joined Edward downstairs, he was also greeted with more work and a note.
Just because you got into bed with Edward last night DOESN'T give you a right to miss out on work. I want these done before tomorrow.
"Just great. Have a great night followed by a crummy morning. How're you getting on Edward? You feeling okay?" Roy asked, walking over to hug Edward's shoulders.
"Yeah. Getting better, thanks." He smiled. That smile was so cute, and usually only ever saved for those special people in his life. Roy must be one of them. Edward stretched up and held Roy's arms close. He breathed in the scent of Roy, who did the same in return. An oily but sweet scent drifted through his nostrils. It was intoxicating.
Roy figured he had better get on with the work that was taunting him, and sat with his feet up on the coffee table.
"Roy? I'm bored!" Edward moaned. Typical, 18 for almost a day and still he acts like a little child. Though as a pro, it was part of that cutesy charm that made Roy fall for Edward over the past couple of years. He smiled as he did his work, lost in the thought of Edward despite him being sat right next to him.
When Roy had reached his wits end with Edward poking his ribs, he finally decided to get up and do something. His work was almost finished, so he tried to find something for Edward to do.
"Say Edward, I've got something we can do. If you're up for it?" Roy smirked. Edward looked confused.
"What's that? If it's another kidknapping I'll murder you." He retorted. Roy simply just left and waited for Edward to follow him upstairs. Which he did. Edward heard the sound of running water, and saw a half naked Roy. He was in the shower room, smirking at the door.
"Come in Edward, there's plenty of room for little old you." He smiled. Edward burst in, arm at the ready. Luckily, Roy was faster, and caught his arms pinning him against the back of the shower. The water ran over Edward's face and clothes, giving a gorgeous sparkle to his eyes.
Roy pressed his lips to Edward's, getting caught under the shower also. Edward squeaked a little, and tried to pry his hands free.
"R-Roy! Please...stop t-teasing me." He moaned, Roy was now licking his neck and ear. He nibbled on the way round, and Edward was slowly melting.
"You know you love it Ed. How about we take these clothes off?" Roy smirked, he started peeling the wet clothes from Edward, throwing them with a slap to the ground.
When Edward was completely naked, Roy got naked too. The two stood close, and the water ran in small rivers over their muscular bodies. The water was getting so hot that steam had filled the room, giving visibilty to their breath. Edward made the first move, licking Roy's lips as he kissed him again. Roy opened his mouth to allow Edward entry, but won the battle for dominance.
Their tongues swirled and danced around each other as Roy prepared Edward. He was trying to be as gentle as possible, but there was bound to be some discomfort. Edward moaned a little as Roy entered another finger, all the while nibbling his neck. Edward's legs were wrapped around Roy's waist, Roy holding him up by the waist with his free hand.
When Roy hit Edward's prostate, he let out a loud gasp of pleasure. Roy smirked, kissed Edward once more and slowly entered him. Edward let out another gasp, furrowing his brow a little. Roy said nothing, but kissed him on the forehead as an apology. Roy had one hand around Edward's waist, the other around his shoulders for support. He lifted the blonde, and slowly let him drop onto his own manhood.
"E-Edward! So...t-tight!" Roy moaned, Edward mewled cutely as the pleasure hit him.
Roy reached up and took the hair band out of Edward's hair, releasing those beautiful golden locks that reached down between his shoulder blades. It framed his face perfectly, giving definition to those sharp features of his. Roy moved Edward faster, hitting Edward's prostate once more. He kept to that spot, hitting it right and hearing the most wonderful sounds from Edward's throat.
"Oh god Roy! H-harder!" Edward begged, looking hazy-eyed into Roy's onyx orbs.
Roy smiled and did as was asked. He pounded Edward harder than ever before and their moans and groans echoed off of the bathroom walls. Soon, Edward felt his climax aproaching, and Roy took hold of his aching length and pumped in time with each thrust. Roy too, was feeling like he couldn't last much longer. He thrust as hard as he could, and thus followed Edward's release. As he tightened around Roy, he too came and the fruits of their labour was washed away down the drain.
The two men collapsedon the floor, and the sight of Edward panting and wet made Roy horny all over again. And so, on the floor of the shower, the two alchemists made love once more. Eventually, the shower silenced and two tired men stepped out of the shower. Roy helped Edward dry his hair, and he dried his own. They then put on some underwear and retired to bed, cuddled up in each other's arms.