A Family That Cares About Him


Here we go, the last chapter.

Don't worry because it just means I'm working on the next one.

I like Perry and Doof and the being a family thing is cute so I'll go on with that.

Doofensmirtz was curious about how Perry was explaining things to Manogram about being a part time agent and hoped he was okay as he cared about him as he saw Vanessa come home with Miko.

He was so happy hugging the platypus youngster gently as not to hurt him as he was still in a body cast but she smiled at this as she couldn't wait to see him explain Uncle Perry to him but decided to wait and see as he hoped that things would be okay as he watched the youngster asleep.

She hoped Perry was okay.

Manogram was surprised as he heard Perry explain about being part time.

He knew that he wanted to do this because he wanted to be a part of Miko's life and not miss anything because of being a full time agent as he sighed but understood.

He knew that being with his owners had given Perry the idea of how a family worked and was surprised he wanted to be part of the Doofensmirtz family as Miko was there.

He then saw Perry leave as he went on one final full time mission...........

Later when Vanessa came home, she found her Dad and Miko watching TV.

She smiled at Miko's expressions to what was happening on screen but she heard footsteps on the roof as a window opened as they knew it was Perry as he'd came back from a mission.

Unlike at the Flynn household, he could walk like a human as Miko always crawled around the place like a baby human.

"Hey Perry.

How was it at the agency?

Was Manogram upset?" he asked.

Perry shook his head in reply.

"No he was very understanding as he knew I wanted to be a part of Miko's life without work pulling me down.

How has Miko been?" he said as Doofensmirtz.

"He's been great.

We were playing, eating, playing and watching TV.

He kind of needs to take an nap." he answered.

Perry couldn't help but smile at that as he knew Miko was bringing out goodness in him and hoped it would stay as he knew this was a perfect fit for him.

He then watched as Doofensmirtz put Miko down for an nap as he yawned.

Missions sometimes tired him out.

In a way he was glad he was part time now.

Doofensmirtz returned a few minutes later as he sat on the couch as Perry was asleep in his arms as he smiled as he looked so peaceful and not sad for once as he hated it when he was sad.

He then decided to leave him to sleep as he put a blanket over him.

Later the next morning Perry woke up to the smell of breakfast as he remembered he'd been asleep for a long time as he got off the couch and headed to the kitchen where he found Doofensmirtz making pancakes but there was sadness in his eyes as he wondered what was wrong as he needed to help him.

"It's nothing Perry.

Just my ex wife Charlene is having a child with her husband and it makes me feel sad.

She'll never know who I truly am." he said as Perry understood.

"I know seeing those we love in new relationships is sad but you're not alone.

You have a family who care and you have Miko.

I know you like having him around.

It's her loss Doof.

I feel your pain." he answered.

He nodded remembering Perry had broken up with his wife Marina as she had gone evil and nothing could bring her back so the male platypus knew what Heinz was going through.

"You still think about her, right Perry?" Doofensmirtz asked.

Perry nodded as he knew Doofensmirtz was right.

"I still think and dream about her but I have a family to take care of.

Nothing will distract me from this mission." he said as Doofensmirtz smiled.

He then saw Vanessa enter as they knew Miko was still asleep as Doofensmirtz had the baby monitor on so he could hear Miko in his room as Perry was helping him make breakfast but was a little nervous seeing eggs as platypus offspring hatched from eggs as Doofensmirtz saw the worry.

"Umm...... Doof these aren't platypus eggs right?" he asked.

"No they're not Perry.

I may have been evil but I wouldn't eat platypus or the eggs they come from.

They're just normal eggs from the store." Doofensmirtz answered.

Perry was relieved but Doofensmirtz smiled at his ftiend's concern over the eggs.

He hoped things would be better.

Later that afternoon the Doofensmirtz family were at the beach having a picnic as they were having fun but Perry was surfing in the ocean as he loved swimming as it was a platypus thing and Doofensmirtz saw Miko watch in awe as he had a feeling his little gut wanted to try it but was worried as he hadn't taught Miko how to swim yet as Perry understood.

"Don't worry Doof.

I'll take care of him.

His platypus instincts might kick in being in water." he said as he took Miko who was in trunks.

Miko laughed at the coldness of the water but liked it as Perry put him on the board as they were paddling and Miko was enjoying it as waves were coming as Perry put Miko on his shoulders as they were surfing and Miko enjoyed as Doofensmirtz nearly had a heart attack watching it as they were back on land.

"Again!" Miko said laughing as Perry smiled.

"Maybe we should do it later.

Your Daddu nearly had a heart attack." he said taking Miko's paw.

Doofensmirtz hugged Miko as he was relieved hearing him talk about surfing with Uncle Perry.

"I'm glad you're having fun Miko.

But be careful.

Daddy doesn't want anything bad to happen to you because I care about you." he said.

"Love Dada too." Miko replied hugging him.

Perry smiled seeing that but was worried seeing Doofensmirtz red as he knew his entire body had been sun burnt.

"Doof your sun burn looks painful." he said.

Doofensmirtz growled in pain as he knew Perry was right.

"It's okay." Perry said opening a bottle of aloe vera to help him.

He put some in his paws as he began rubbing it over Doofensmirtz to relieve the pain he was in from sun burn as hebhoped things would be okay as they decided to have lunch as they were eating.

But he hoped things would be okay as things may be a little crazy but this was his family and he cared about them and that was one thing that was never going to change.........

The End for now.........



I hope you guys enjoyed that last chapter and thanks so much to Drama Sapphire, I Love Ferb, Perry Rocks and the other Perry fans who've reviewed and I'm not finished yet as I love this and my next fic will involve something that was inspired hy a pic on Deviant Art with Perry and Dr D but I won't reveal what it is until I start the next fic which will be later.