The Night's Fury

"Toothless!" Hiccup screamed as he heard the distant thud from the cave. He struggled against Astrid's hold on him as he desperately tried to go and find his dragon. After a while of running the Vikings heard a small cry, Astrid looked down at Hiccup and saw small traces of tears running down his face. Tuffnut looked to the sky and saw the sun wasn't far off from setting behind the trees. "Guys I think we should find shelter quick" Fishlegs called.

"What do you mean? The sun hasn't set yet we still have a few hours before night comes" Replied Tuffnut

"Not because of that, look" Fishlegs pointed to a distant storm that could be seen through the trees.

"Oh that's just great" Ruffnut said sarcastically.

Astrid brushed some of Hiccup's hair from his tearstained face and held him closer to her hoping that it would comfort him. She looked to the sky and wondered if Toothless was alright.

The Shrill knocked Toothless into one of the stone walls of the cave; his scales scraped some of them tearing loose. Jumping up Toothless charged at the Shrill knocking it into a sharp rock sticking out of the opposite side of the cave. Its scales were penetrated by the jagged rock; the injury reached an inch off of the dragon's heart. The Shrill hissed and snapped its jaws at Toothless while flaring its nostrils causing as cloud of smoke to come out of it. The Night Fury's elongated black claws dug into the stone flooring of the grey cave. Muscles tensed, ears back and teeth bared into a snarl Toothless stood there waiting to see what his opponent was doing. Red claws came out of nowhere and scratched down Toothless's face leaving a bloodied grove down the right side of his face. The Shrill flew vertically in the air disappearing into the bloodstained clouds. Toothless let out a ragged breath and checked himself of any of injuries what he saw shocked him; the skin of the wings were torn. Veins and arteries had been cut open during the fight; he lifted his wings slowly to see the damage clearly. As soon as they were about half way open an agonising electric shock shot into his chest muscle causing him to halt his action. Fresh blood poured from his face and dripped onto the now red snow.

"Toothless!" Hiccup shouted as he sat up panicked. In a matter of seconds he heard hurried footstep rapidly approach him the figure knelt down in front of him. Hiccup looked up and saw Astrid's concerned face.

"Are you alright?" She asked while holding on of his hands.

Hiccup nodded and tried to wipe the traces of fallen tears hoping that she didn't see it. Don't cry again. Don't cry again Hiccup thought as he felt more tears on the verge of falling. Quickly he put his right hand over his face as the tears began to fall. He felt Astrid wrap her arms around his neck and waist while holding him tightly so his head was over her shoulder. Astrid knew how hard it was for Hiccup to leave Toothless behind and hoped for both of them that he was alright.

Toothless limped through the forest following his humans scent suddenly he heard a familiar roar from above. Instantaneously he looked up to see the Shrill who was looking down on the Night Fury. Toothless was furious, once again this dragon was in the way of the hunt for Hiccup and the others. Teeth bared a hiss managed to escape Toothless's mouth. The Shrill's eyes were fixed on the injured Night Fury and dived straight for him.

"Snotlout look" Ruffnut called as she pointed to a river.

"What is it Ruff?" Snotlout replied as he walked up to her.

"Look" She repeated and pointed at the river.

Snotlout looked at the river and noticed a piece of wool on the edge of the river, he knew what that meant. They were almost home.

"Come on guys we've got the food so lets go" Tuffnut called through the trees.

Snotlout and Ruffnut stood up and walked up to Tuffnut.

"Tuffnut we're almost home" His sister shouted.

"What?" He questioned.

"We've seen some wool floating down the river and the only village on this island is us" Snotlout summed that up.

Tuffnut was silent until he shouted "Finally! Let's go tell Astrid and Hiccup"

Snotlout and Ruffnut agreed as they made their way to the camp they had set up.

Astrid was holding Hiccup when he said "I don't remember us setting up a camp"

Astrid pulled away from then hug she was giving him to look at his face "You past out when we trying to find shelter so when we did we thought you should get some rest"

"Where did the others go?"

"They went to find some food"

Hiccup found a nearby stick and began to draw patterns in the soil. Astrid watched him for a bit before she asked. "Hiccup?"

"Yes Astrid"

"What's been wrong with you lately?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean about your illness and so on"

"I'm not too sure myself Astrid I just can't get the day out of my head it's permanently there all the time"

Astrid just stayed quiet and waited for him to continue.

"Every time I try to do something my leg always makes it difficult for me to do it. Let's face it I can't do anything"

"Hiccup you're wrong you can do things like when you bonded with Toothless, convinced the most stubborn Vikings to trust and befriend dragons and you defeated the Red Death".

"But Astrid I was never like you and the others, I was never strong like you were".

"I think you're the strongest person I have ever met Hiccup"

"I know I'm we…What? What do you mean?"

"You have to be strong to carry on your life knowing that you have lost a leg and most of the time you act like it never happened, you are stronger than you think"

Hiccup smiled and embraced her "Thanks Astrid"

A rustle in the bushes caught their attention they turned around and saw Ruff, Tuffnut and Snotlout emerge. "Hey I hate to break up your little moment but we have big news for you" Tuffnut explained.

"What is it?" Astrid asked.

"We're nearly home" Ruffnut exclaimed.

"Seriously" Astrid said

"Yeah!" Snotlout shouted.

"Hey Hiccup aren't you excited?" Ruffnut asked

"Yeah but…What about Toothless I need to know he's alright" Hiccup replied.

The Shrill screeched as Toothless bit down on its leg tearing flesh from bone. Twisting its neck around the Shrill bit the front left leg of Toothless leaving a huge hole in it. Muscles twitched with discomfort as blood poured from the injury. Red eyes gazed upon green, Toothless inhaled a breath as the Shrill swooped down for a final attack. The Shrill threw its head back and let loose a jet of flames which hurdled towards Toothless who countered attacked the Shrill with his own blue fire. The two flames connected causing an explosion of light which swept across the forest.

A bright light stopped the Vikings in their tracks. They stared for a few minutes before they could see the colours of blue and fiery orange. "Toothless!" Hiccup screamed as he began to stand up but ended up loosing his balance. Astrid wrapped one of her arms around his shoulders and the other around his waist holding him up.

"Hiccup take it easy" Astrid commanded as she began to sit him back down again.

"No Astrid I need to find Toothless" Hiccup argued as he struggled from Astrid's grip. Eventually Hiccup managed to brake free of her and ran as fast as he could towards the flames.

"Hiccup come back" Astrid called to him.

"Sorry Astrid I need to find Toothless" Hiccup replied as he ran off in search of his dragon.

Hiccup ran as fast as he could through the undergrowth tripping over a few times but regained his ground quick and carried on his search for Toothless.

Fire shot past both dragons only missing their faces by less than an inch. The Shrill threw its head back again and let loose a second jet of fire this time hitting Toothless's injured limb. Toothless snarled and then roar in fury before unleashing five powerful blasts of blue fire hitting the Shrill's face. Cindered red eyes slowly glazed over before the body of the Shrill completely collapsed onto the floor with its blood staining the once pure white snow. Not long after Toothless's green eyes began to close before he too fell into the snow.

Hiccup couldn't here anything that gave him a sign that any of the dragons were still alive; all he could here was the footsteps of the other Vikings behind him. The storm from the horizon had reached the island bringing heavy rain which made the snow and ice more slippery. Eventually Hiccup got near the snow covered cave but what he saw broke his heart…Toothless's battered form lying motionless in the snow. No Toothless Hiccup thought as he ran as fast as he could towards the downed dragon. He tripped and fell onto the Night Fury's neck and part of its front left leg but felt a wetness on the scales, he sat back and looked at his shirt and hands…they were stained in thick dark blood. "Toothless come on buddy wake up" Hiccup sobbed as he shook the dragon who gave no response to his riders touch.

Astrid and the others had followed Hiccup back to the cave when they found him they were frozen on the spot of what they saw. Slowly walking up to Hiccup Astrid tried to control her breathing fearing the worst. When she reached Hiccup she saw tears pouring down his face, his eyes were bloodshot and his nose was red. Hiccup turned his head towards Astrid and sobbed his heart out on her shoulder. Astrid embraced Hiccup as she could and gave him reassuring words to try and calm him down and holding back her own tears. The other Vikings soon walk over to the two to give Hiccup their own comfort. Rain dripped on Hiccup's face blending in with his own tears, soon after his green eyes closed as he entered darkness. Giving one last look at the fallen Night Fury Astrid picked up Hiccup and followed the others back to the Village.

The sun shone through the window of the Haddock household hitting Hiccup's eyelids. Emerald green eyes opened and scanned the room and saw his dad sitting beside him. Sitting up slowly Hiccup looked at his dad with questionable eyes. "Toothless?" Hiccup mumbled. Stoick sighed before replying.

"Some friends can't be replaced Hiccup…" With that Hiccup cast his gaze downwards as he felt more tears in his eyes. The creak of the door was heard but he cared not of who came in. Suddenly Hiccup felt something wet on his face. He looked up and saw Toothless standing in front of him. "…But luckily some don't have to be" Stoick finished. Hiccup hugged Toothless "It's great to see you bud" Hiccup cried happily into the dragons neck. Toothless licked Hiccup again and led Hiccup outside which were where the others were waiting for him. Hiccup ran up to Astrid and hugged her tightly as he could. "It's good to see you both back to normal" She said. Hiccup smiled at her as Toothless crept up behind him and wrapped his wings around the two Vikings making them laugh. Snotlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut laughed with them as did Toothless.

A few weeks passed since Toothless returned and Astrid decided to check up on Hiccup who starting to get used to his prosthetic limb that had now been fixed by Gobber. When she walked in she saw him at his drawing and writing in a book. "What are you doing Hiccup?" She asked. Hiccup jumped as he didn't notice her coming into the house.

"Oh I'm just finishing this book I'm doing" Hiccup replied.

"You're writing a book?"

"It's not just writing it has pictures too. See?" Hiccup flicked a few pages to were beautifully drawn sketches were. Astrid stood their amazed at the detail and effort Hiccup had put into every image he drew. She noticed a picture of a huge black creature with dragon eyes fighting against what looked like her defending Hiccup who was on the floor.

"Is that…?"

"Yeah that's you fighting that creature"

"So is this book about what happened?"


"What's it called?"

Hiccup turned the book to the cover and there inscribed was…

The Night's Fury

By Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III

Authors Note: Well everyone this is the end of the Night's Fury. I hope you have all enjoyd it and that we will see eachother in future stories. Thank you to evryone who has been patient and has reviewed. A big thank you to everyone. See you around. Bye.

Hiccup: Thank you for reading

Toothless: Bye