[Ok, so, i'm really messing my self up here, lol, adding yet another fanfic, when i still ahve unfinished ones, but i couldnt help it. i wanted to add this to see what people thought, so, yeah. this is my first Criminal Minds fanfic. Of cours, i have an OC. And you'll just have to learn about her and what going on by reading. hope you enjoy! please review!^^ I DO NOT OWN ANYTHING FROM THE CRIMINAL MINDS SHOW, ONLY MY CHARACTERS, NOT THEIRS! and please, if i've made in spelling mistakes or anything, please tell me and i'll go over it.]

The Killer and The Dreams

Well, work sure didn't distract me from my dreams for long…

I hurried to my car, hoping that driving would help me focus on other things. God, I wish the dreams would stop or…no, I doubt that'd happen any time soon. I sighed. All I could do for now was enjoy the dreams, 'cause from what I've from being in the little bit of contact with his mother, he's successful now and it would probably be impossible to see him, since he so busy.

I started my car then, driving straight home and keeping my mind on driving as I did so. Once I was finally home, I got out of my car, absently saying "Hi" to a neighbor.


I stopped, just at my door, about to go in. "Yes?" I wasn't used to Ms. Darcy wanting to say much when I got home (if she was out there), especially when she was tending to her garden.

"Have you seen the news lately?" she seemed just a bit crazy, like she hoped I had.

"Um, no. I don't really watch the news much, except for the weather…sometimes. Why?" I was going through my keys, finding the one for my door and then waiting.

"They were talking about a killer."

"Really?" I asked, surprised. There's never been any killers around here before. At least, not while I've been here. "Well, how many people has the person killed?"

"Four or five so far, maybe six, I can't remember…" she said, but then she blurted something out before I could head inside. "It's mostly women and they all have something in common."


"Their hair." She said. "They almost always have bleached or deid hair. You need to watch out for yourself."

I wasn't sure if she was telling the truth because, one, she sometimes comes up with weird stories and, two, I ran over her flowers once, on a bike and she's had an unsuccessfully hidden grudge toward me since and I thought she was just trying to scare me. So, I just nodded, said, "Ok, I will. Thank you." and headed inside, locking the door.

I plopped down on the couch for a moment, letting things run through my mind. Until HE started running through it, and then I decided it was time for lunch.

I put some chicken in the oven and went to watch TV. Continuously, my mind trailed to HIM. I felt stupid, thinking of him too much. I always had the dreams, every few days in week. I shook my head. Either, I was obsessed with him and it wouldn't go away until I saw him one more time or, I just really like him. Always have since we became friends, always will.

God, I was so stupid. I decided to keep it on 'Charmed' as I waited for my chicken. I liked this show; it was pretty cool and funny. Once my food was done, I brought it into my living room. And then, once the 'Charmed' episode was over, I started to wonder…was Ms. Darcy lying? I mean, it's extremely possible she was lying to spook me, but what if she wasn't?

I turned it to the news. It was sports right now, but they said next they had an important announcement. So, I just waited, becoming bored because one, I don't really like any sports anymore so I don't know much about any of them, and two, my belief of Ms. Darcy's warning was wearing off.

But, once the warning announcement began, I was watching it. A blond woman was talking to the press, all the people taking pictures. There were two people right behind her. One was a dark-skinned, rather handsome guy looking almost like a body-guard. The other was a tall, lanky, skinny guy with wavy brown hair to his ears. He was wearing glasses…he…looks familiar…

"Ok. We would like to warn the people of this town of a serial killer in the area." Ok, I guess she was telling the truth. "He has killed thirteen women in the past half year and we think we may finally be getting closer to catching him, but that does not mean you should be careless. What we know of this man so far is he is a white male, around his late thirties or early forties. We think that he is quiet; he probably won't talk much unless he needs to. He has some kind of build on him, either a body builder or just a big man; he's strong. And with that and the fact that he gets to his victims easily, we think he could be a handy-man of some sort. He will wait for you to call him for repairs and then take you. So, please, do not call for any repairs until we are sure he is caught." Ok, so I just have to keep myself from breaking anything in the house for a while. "And also (this is very important to all you women), he is going after women, mostly with bleached or dyed hair. So, any women out there who fit this bit of description, please, take caution. Dye your hair back if you need to, we don't want anyone else becoming victims." And I need to go dye my bleached blond streaks back to brown. "Now, if anyone has seen a man who fits this description at all-if you have any real information on this man, please call this number." And a number appeared on the screen. I hurriedly wrote it down and then turned back to the screen. The two men behind her started to walk ahead of her slowly as she said, "One of our agents will take your call and any information you need to give them. Thank you. Please, take care." She nodded to the camera as everyone began to crowd her and followed the men, half answering the questions of the press.

Ok, so Ms. Darcy wasn't lying. There's a killer hanging around town, he's targeting women, mostly with different hair styles. And he kidnaps them...don't really want to know what he does to them.... Well, first thing tomorrow? Go dye my hair. Also, I need to start setting my burglar alarm at night and when I leave.

I sat there for a while, shocked and kind of freaked. I took a few deep breaths and told myself, If I don't worry, everything'll be fine. Anyways, what's the chance that I'd run into the guy? But, I still wondered who that guy was…

Anyways, I spent the rest of the day thinking of things other than my dreams, as always. I was thinking of my patients for tomorrow. A girl around the age of fifteen or sixteen, I can't remember, was doing drugs and drinking. Her friend was the one who suggested her to go to counseling, because she cared for her friend and feared for her safety. Man, doesn't that sound familiar…

Ok, well, at least it won't take long.

So, I mostly focused on what I'd say to that girl. It shouldn't be hard for me…Once I was done thinking it over, I made a quick dinner, ate and then got ready for bed.

I took a shower, taking my time. Brushed my hair, then my teeth, still taking my time. Only because I didn't want to face the dreams tonight. I mean, when I was asleep, I enjoyed them. The unconscious part of me- the part of me that missed him enjoyed his visits into my mind, back to how we used to be. But, the conscious part of me hated the fact that I could only see him in my dreams and always young, never in real life and how he is now.

I got to bed, in my red, soft pajamas, and was sitting up with my covers on my legs. I was taking long, deep breaths, trying to clear my mind and hoping to get to sleep fast. Once my mind was clear enough, I started my night music. A collection of my favorite songs by my favorite bands and/or groups (like evanescence, linkin park and nickleback) played like an orchestra.

My mind got very close to trailing off to him, but I went under before I could really take to my thoughts.

But, of course, I did dream about him. And of course, my dream started where…well, where everything began.

I was hiding behind the fence of my not-well-known-yet neighbors. I couldn't risk hiding behind the fence of the back yard of my own house. And what was I doing there, you ask? Well, what do teenage kids do when they feel they're being ignored-if they feel neglected by their parents? If they feel they're parents hate them, even resent them? They do the one thing that would make their parents mad and show them at least a shred of attention. Drink and smoke anything that would make them feel better and that would piss their parents off.

But, stupidly, I was making a little bit too much noise coughing from the smoke. I wasn't completely used to it yet. And, every time I coughed, I down a shot of something I wasn't sure what it was. Just something my parents had around that they wouldn't miss, since they had five more bottles of it.

"Hello?" I heard a boyish voice ask from over the fence.

I covered my mouth, trying to stop, but it was only muffled.

"Is someone back there?" whoever that guy was beginning to open gate/door thing in the fence and I was stupid and didn't hurry to jump back over to my side. I dropped everything behind me, pushing my book bag on top of it. "Hey, you're from the Helms house beside us, right? You're their daughter?"

I sighed and grimaced, wishing I wasn't their daughter. "Yeah…and, I better get back over to my house right beside yours." I turned around, trying to keep him from seeing everything I had here. What if he was a spoiled brat who enjoys tattle-telling?

I had just finished putting everything in and I was heading to the fence and barely over it when the guy cleared his throat. I turned to see a white, rectangular box in his hand, which was half crushed. I froze for a moment, not breathing. Great, just great! Then I swallowed hard and jumped down.

I walked up to him, stood there for a second, watching his face to try and figure out what he was thinking. He…he looked at the box with a look of what seemed like pity, and then he looked at me the same way. I glared, not waning pity, and I took the pack from him and turned.

"Six minutes." He said right as I was about to climb over again.

I sighed and turned. "What did you say?"

"I said 'Six minutes.'" He said, still looking at me the same.

"And what's that supposed to mean?"

"Well, nothing much." He began quickly and continued quickly, explaining. "It's just something I tell my mom every time she smokes a cigarette, to get her to stop. 'That's six minutes less that I get to spend with you.' So, that's six minutes less that you can spend with your family."

I laughed. "Well, if I lose six minutes of time with my family each time I smoke, that won't make me stop." God, what I wouldn't pay just to be able to leave!

"Well, I'm sorry you feel that way."

I laughed again. My laughs, lately, have been mostly humorless, like this one. "Yeah? Well, I'm sorry you're the only one sorry about that…" and I stuffed the pack in my bag and climbed over the fence, back to my house, leaving the boy behind.

Why'd he care, anyways, huh? I don't know him and he doesn't know me! God, leave me alone! Just everyone, leave me alone!

Well, after that cheerful dream, I forced myself to face the next day, no matter how much I didn't want to. The only thing good about that dream is that I can freshly relate to who I'm counseling today.