A/N: Hello, dear readers! I apologize for the extremely long delay for this chapter; I hope you'll enjoy it.

Now, now, I own nothing but the plot!

Happy reading!

"Elliot, please be a good boy and make us proud,"

"Yes, mother,"

"I'm counting on ya, bro!"

"Yes, brother!"

"Don't disappoint us, Elliot!"

"Ummm, Vanessa-neesan,"

"Don't let the Vessalius ever beat you, Elliot!"

"…Ehh, okay, father…"


"Y-yesh, father!"

Delicious Study

Chapter Eight:

.:Elliot-kun and Messy-haired-san:.

.:Gekkougan Academy:.

Class 1-5, Fourth Period, Art Class

12.15 PM

"And from that on, Elliot-kun grows up and slowly becomes a very rude, ambitious, lonely, and very handsome young man who constantly blushes everytime a certain golden-haired girl tries to talk with-…"

"WAITWAITWAIT! W-w-w-w-w-what are you talking about R-r-r-r-REO?"

"Hm? I'm just telling the class your personality in this story, Elliot-KUN,"

"Readers your hair and drop that 'kun', I don't like it coming out of your mouth…" A certain beige-haired boy sighed as he turned around, facing the other boy whose hair was messy – so messy that it even rivaled the author own messy hair.

"Look, Katy, Falent; here they go again," said a girl who wore bunny ears along with a sigh.

Falent nodded. "Eh, yeah, Ai-chan… too bad Platina's in different class…"

A girl with long golden hair and blue eyes also nodded. "Yeah, too bad Fuuko's a year ahead of us; she'll probably be really happy if she sees this everyday…"

Falent sighed. "…yeah, that yaoi-fangirl-senpai…"

And then the argument went on…

"Oh, so only Ada-senpai could call you that-…"

"HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-… cut that crap out! I don't even like that Ada and-…"

A gasp suddenly was heard by the classroom's doorway.


And, a lunchbox fell down with a crash.

"V-Vessalius–w-what are you doing here…?"

"Ada-senpai! N-no, what Elliot mean is-.."

Her emerald eyes suddenly watered. "You called me by my name alone… I-I'M SO HAPPY!"

"…The heck…"

"…okay… Ada-senpai?"

Cling cling cling

The scene was so beautiful that even the whole classroom was blinded by it, including the teal-haired, twin-tailed teacher, Vo Cagirl-sensei who was watching the whole argument silently.

"O-oi, Dita, drag that girl away – this is too blinding!"

"H-hey, don't call me by that name Elliot, my name's Falent – ehhh, okay!" The girl then ran toward Ada and yanked her by her arm. "Now Ada-senpai, it's time to go back to your own classroom!"

And soon, the lovely sister of the student council president and the biggest playboy in the school was dragged down the hallway by the peach-haired, bespectacled girl.


The youngest Nightray looked outside the window and wiped his forehead, "Ahhh, safe-…"





"Huh? Alma… that's…"


"Eeeeeeek!" the orange-haired girl gasped when something landed on the ground with a bone-broke sound. Her brunette friend quickly approached her, carrying a camera.

Fuuko then laughed. "Holy mushrooms… ELLIOT…?" Hitting the camera's button, she smirked and captured the scene.

Ai Usagi, the ten years old genius of the class who fancies bunny ears and Katy Starctacher, the 'Star Wars Princess' looked outside the window to the soccer field. There she saw Alma and Fuuko, her senpai – the former panicking around, trying to get help from her friends while the latter were capturing the scene with her camera, crouching.

"I think you hit him too hard, Reo…"

"Really, Ai-chan? Well, it's his fault – telling Falent to kick Ada-senpai out of here when he knew that she's here for him." He eyed the messy lunchbox the green-eyed girl left on the floor. "And that bento looks really delicious…"

Ai and Katy could only sweatdrop at Reo's true intention.

Meanwhile, the teacher was desperately trying to gain the class' attention again. Releasing her fingers from the piano keys, she bravely asked, "Eehhh, c-class…?"

The youngest Baskerville seemed to notice her so she leaped off her chair and jumped to her carelessly. "Vo-chan, just let them be~, how about playing with me~?" she sang, tugging her sleeves.


And then appeared a pinkette by the window; hair messy as she held her textbooks tightly in her hands. "NOOOOOOO! Lily can only play with me! No one else is permitted!"

The petite light-brown-haired girl's eyes lit up. "Aaaaaah, IsaIsa!" Quickly, she glomped the taller girl.

"Si-Sinclair-san, you should be in your class…"



More glares.

"A-ah, o-okay… I'll talk to Nightray-sensei later…"

.:Corridor, West Wing:.

03.10 PM

"Elliot… I've never thought that you're this stupid…"

"WHAT-…well, you're wrong then, 'cause I am stupid—really, STUPID!"



"…uhh, nothing—I'm just curling my lips… upwards?"


Maybe you're wondering what the hell were these juniors doing, huh?

Well, they're currently spying an all-white figure; spying by the means stalking her. And why were they stalking her, you ask?

That, is a rather difficult question.

Maybe we should do some long flashbacks so that I can show you what really happened.


01.35 PM

"Oh, WOW. What happened to him, Reo-kun…?"

The beardy, blonde-haired uncle of Oz Vessalius asked to the bespectacled boy in front of him who was carrying a Nightray on his back. The black-haired boy shrugged his left shoulder, trying to indicate the man to take over the tall boy.

Oscar hurriedly took the boy into his arms and put him on the nearby bed. "So… tell me, what kind of kick you used this time to him, Reo-kun?"

"You know… Chie's Galactic Punt,"

"Oooooh, I don't know you play Persona 4! And it's surprising that he survived that move."

"…Only a year ago, I like Ar Tonelico more, now. And yes Oscar-sensei, I think he has great endurance for that kind of attack."

"That's rather a change." The eccentric teacher shrugged and straightened his white lab coat. "Okay, maybe he'll wake up in an hour," he said, glancing at the sleeping light-brown-haired boy.

The bespectacled boy then sat next to his Master's bed. "That's good then; skipping Ernest-sama's lesson will only result with him staying in the hospital."

Oscar snickered. "Yeah, I remembered yesterday my nephew getting beaten by his sister – Vanessa-sensei – for wearing a suit in class."

Reo raised an eyebrow. "Nephew? Do you mean, Oz-senpai?"

The teacher shook his head. "Nope, his older brother, Jack from high school division."


So that's why Vanessa's mood wasn't really that good yesterday, she even skipped dinner. But wasn't her reaction too overzealous; she didn't just skip any normal dinner; the menu is her favorite! SUSHI!

It's really strange, when Elliot's father despises seafood so much.

Back to Vanessa, Reo thought that there's something more happened yesterday.

He wondered what.

The floor shaking was what made him snapped out of his thoughts.

"An… earthquake…?" he said, holding his Master's hand tightly.

Oscar laughed uncomfortably, "Th-this pattern of steps, is it…"



Standing by the doorway was the almighty goddess of Gekkougan, Alice Baskerville. But what makes her look different was that her hair was snowy white and her clothes were all white with blue…roses?

Wait, she's wearing a DRESS?

They said the world will end in the year of two thousand-something, NOT NOW!

Oscar smiled. "Hello Alyss, long time no-"


Reo was scanning the girl through his glasses. 'No doubt about it… she's the infamous Snow Walker of Gekkougan, Alyss Baskerville.' He then stood up and walked toward her. 'This is going to be interesting…' Pushing his glasses up, he smiled. 'Sorry Vans, I'll make it up to you later.'

"Vanessa-sensei is in the high school division, Miss Alyss." The black-haired boy answered truthfully. "She's teaching Geography in class 3-2 right now, I believe." He added with a thoughtful face.

The facial expression on the girl's face changed abruptly – from sour into a very friendly, beautiful, cute expression. "Really? Thank you very much, Mister!" she exclaimed as she held Reo's hand. Turning away from him, she shouted from behind her shoulder, "Thank you again, messy-haired-san!"

Reo smirked before he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"What were you thinking – telling her where Vanessa is?" Oscar said seriously.

The shorter one frowned. "What do you mean?"

Oscar gaped before shaking his head. "Nothing, I just hope Jack's in school today."

Then appeared a tall brown-haired girl who panted heavily. "H-h-have you seen… Alyss-… I mean, a…ah…a white-haired girl wearing a dress?"

Reo nodded. "Yes, she appeared earlier before she ran that way." Reo answered, pointing at the correct direction.

The girl's eyes lit up and then she bowed. "TH-THANK YOU!" she ran off at the opposite direction, yelling, "DAMMIT—WAIT FOR ME ALYSSSSSSS!"

Reo sweatdropped. "W-what?"

Oscar laughed from behind. "Ahahaha! She's Souma Ahiru from class 3-4; she's famous for easily getting lost – even in her own school."

"Souma…? I think I've heard that name before…"

Her face is also quite familiar…

The older man snickered again. "Well, she's the 2-1 famous lazyass, Souma Fuuko's older sister, though she insisted to be called Revans rather than Ahiru."

"…Oh, so she's…"

"Yeah, the ballet genius who stopped dancing two years ago," Oscar said as he grunted. "She said she was bored with it and decided to do salsa this year, unlike her younger sister who said she just want to laze off her whole school years." He sighed, rubbing his temple. "The two of them are really different but are also similar – they both carefree but careful to their surroundings."

An eyebrow rose. "Carefree but careful…? What do you mean sensei?"

Oscar shrugged. "Beats me. The one who told me that is Miss Alyss since the Souma sisters and the Baskervilles are childhood friends."

"That's one big group-"




After a brief silence, Reo quickly opened the infirmary door. "L-Liam-san—what happened to him…?"

Oscar flung himself into a couch. "Probably he saw Alyss walking." He then lit up his cigarette. "Since almost all teachers here feared that little girl—to the point of Xerxes wanting to kill her."

Reo's body grew intense. Break-sensei wants to… kill… her…?

The old man smiled. "I'm in no place to tell you about that, Reo-kun." He then glanced at the conscious Elliot." You should ask Elli 'bout that."

Hearing that, Reo quickly shot a look to Elliot who had already woke up from his sleep. The latter then turned his face away from him before standing up from the bed and walked past him.

"Where're you going, stupid?"

Hearing the obviously demanding voice of his servant, Elliot got no choice but to answer. "I-I want to see Alyss."

Reo continued to look at him with furrowed eyebrows. "Hooo, I'm in, then…"


The glare immediately shut him up.

Now, back to the story…

"But you know, I think that Alyss girl is pretty strange…" Reo commented after seeing Alyss stomping her feet like a madman but then crouched before a small flower, smiling like a little girl.

Elliot looked up to his servant who was sitting on his shoulder and peeking over the wall. Back slowly aching for supporting his servant whose weight is more than it looks like, Elliot could only grunt, mumbling a small, "R-Really?"

Reo, not realizing the pain his master was going through, rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I mean; her personality changes every time she sees something… 'cute'."


"Look, just now she was screaming Vanessa-sama's name, and now she's dancing by herself!"


"I can't believe that there's someone more complicated and strange than you, Master."




"Hey, I'm just only joking!"

Elliot huffed. "Well, my back hurts, you're heavier than you look like-"



This time, Reo smirked. "'Well, my heart hurts, you're more blunt than you look like'… ne, master?"

The taller boy scowled. "Hmph!"

"Ne, are you okay?"

A cold, velvety voice suddenly was heard from behind Elliot's shoulder that quickly turned around to see a beautiful white-haired girl who was hugging some red roses.

Elliot blushed as he spluttered, "A-Alyss-san?"

"AH! Vanessa's younger brother, the cutie sweet pumpkinlicious Ellie!"

Reo almost laughed.

.:Nymph Garden:.

03.56 PM

The three of them were sitting on a bench beside a small fountain, with Reo and Alyss beside Elliot.

"Messy-haired-san, it is nice seeing you again!"

"Me too, Alyss-sama."

Elliot smiled, happy seeing that the two of them were getting along each other. "So, Alyss-san, what are you doing with all those roses?"

The white-haired girl giggled. "Oh, these? I'm going to paint them blue since red's my twin sister's favorite color! And I hate her very much!"



"What are you doing here then, Alyss-sama? Are you visiting your twin sister?"

Alyss giggled. "Don't be ridiculous, messy-haired-san! Why do I have to visit that barbaric meat-crazed girl? And, twin sister? More like, twin brother! Haha!"



Reo then yanked Elliot and whispered to him, "Hey, you sure she doesn't have any mental disorder?"

Elliot gave out a nervous laugh. "Actually, I know she does and crap… I forgot about that."



"What's wrong? Elliot-kun…?"


Elliot swiftly turned around, hugging Reo like a life source as he frantically waved his left arm around, "N-n-n-n-n-noooooooo!, Alyss-sama, uh, we're going to our next class, s-s-so, BYE!" with that, Elliot stood up and pulled Reo with him before Alyss' voice stopped him.

"What are you talking about, Elliot-kun? Messy-haired-san promised to escort me to my sister's class, right?" the girl smiled cheerfully but narrowed her eyes at the said person.

The blackette smirked under his glasses. "Ah, yes, Alyss-sama."


"Now, let's go you two!" the girl chirped as she waved her hands from a distance.



"Reo. You're so dead tonight."

"… If both us could make it alive."

"…The school's over…?"



Corridor, West Wing

04.15 PM

Elliot frowned. "But-… it's still four!" he retorted when he saw the clock.

Reo smiled inwardly. "Well, Alyss-sama, seems like Alice-senpai has already went home!"

Alyss giggled again, barely covering her pink lips with her fingers. "There's no way she'll skip Oz-kun's tutor, silly messy-haired-san!"

Took ten seconds for those words to sink in Elliot's head. "THAT VESSALIUS-"

"-is not a brat, Elliot. In fact, he's our senpai."


Alyss pouted, crossing her arms. "Puh-lease, she is not that great, Elliot-kun." But she immediately widened her eyes before letting out a giggle. "And… you didn't know? Poor old-fashioned old Elliot-kun!"


Seeing a veins popping on his master's face, Reo sighed before he tugged the taller boy's sleeve. "…How about playing Lacie, Elliot? Now that we're standing in front of the music room…"

Alyss' eyes lit up as she clasped her hands together. "OH! I want to hear you play that, Elliot-kun! It's Glen-nii who taught you that piece, right?"

Elliot nodded fervently. "Yeah, he's a great senpai." As he said that, he opened the door and was surprised by seeing his mortal enemy, Oz Vessalius. But before he could say anything, Alyss beat him by running past him and glomped the blond-haired boy.


"Ah, Alyss-san, I'm-"

"O-oi, Alyss-san! That's-"


Slamming the table with her palm – the pen left broken on the floor – the only brunette in the room sent a really murderous glare at her white-haired twin sister. "Alyss… what the fuck are you doing here?"

The whitey girl snuggled the boy's cheeks with blush creeping on both person's cheeks. "Hm? Visiting Jack off course!"

Elliot and Reo could only silence themselves at the scene.

Alice sighed as he sat on her chair again. "He's Oz, not Jack, Alyss."

"What are you talking about, Alice! Look, he has golden hair and emerald eyes-…" the girl was silenced by the short golden hair. "…Ah…" she then released herself from him, blushing. "I-I'm sorry, O-Oz-kun… I thought you were Jack…"

Oz smiled. "Ahaha. Don't worry. Jack's home now, don't you remember? You're supposed to protect him from Glen-san, right?"

The white-haired girl widened her eyes. "AH! Yes, how can I be so forgetful! I ran all the way here to beat the hell out of that Vanessa girl for beating Jack when he's home alone with Glen-nii!"


"Ah, Ahiru-chan!"

All heads turned to the brunette who was standing by the doorway, again panting. "Where the hell have you been? You made me worried sick, idiot!"

Alice then stood up and planned to hit her twin, but her hand was stopped without even reaching her target by another arm – Alyss' own arm.

The white-haired smiled and said with a soft voice, "My, what're you doing, dear sister?"

"Trying to knock you unconscious, off course. You should go back home," the brown-haired replied, growling.

Oz then straightened his blazer. "She's right, Alyss-san. Outside's not good for you."

Alyss puffed her cheeks. "Geez! You too, Oz-kun? Why is everybody telling me to stay away from the outside!"

Elliot and Reo sweatdropped. "Because your strange-ness is too much for us to bear."

Ahiru sighed before she walked to Alyss' side. "Well… the longer you stay here, I don't know what'll happen to the sick Jack! Lacie's not here, so Glen will probably try to-"

Before she even managed to say the last part, Alyss had already run away from the room, or even, the school.

Elliot rubbed his eyes from the dust.

Ahiru then bowed and smiled at the four, saying, "I'm sorry for her behavior, everyone."

The brunette scowled. "Just protect her more next time, 'kay? 'Cause she'll only gimme more trouble…"

Ahiru smiled before she turned to Elliot and Reo. "And thank you for being with her, Elliot-sama, Reo-kun. I really appreciate that, because of you, she didn't break any of the school properties."

The two could only sweatdrop again.

The tall girl bowed. "Then, if you'll excuse me."

After she left, the room was engulfed by uncomfortable silence.


Until Alice's stomach growled, off course.



"Oi, manservant, I'm hungry!" the brunette exclaimed as she brought her feet on the table, cheek resting on her palm. "I'll finish this problem and we'll go home, 'KAY?"

Oz nodded. "Uh-huh! I'll treat you ramen!"

"REALLY? OH HELL YES!" the girl immediately tried to solve the problem, while occasionally scratching her temple, her tutor and his acquaintances standing by the windows.

"Heh, so this is the reason why you're not attending the student council meeting…" Elliot said all the while smirking.

Oz chuckled humorlessly. "Yeah, because for me… this whole tutoring thing is important."

Elliot's smirk disappeared. "So, this is your way of thanking her?"

The emerald-eyed smiled. "Damn right. I can't think of anything else – she saved my life."

Elliot sighed. "Okay, we'll leave you alone then," patting Oz's head he signaled his servant to follow him. "Come on, Reo."

"Yes, Elliot-sama. See you later, Oz-senpai."

Oz waved at them. "Yea, I'll see you later."

.:Nightray Residence:.

05.20 PM

"I'm home-… URGH…"


"Ehh. Ernest-niisama… I'm just-"









Reo, who was watching the whole ordeal while eating a takiyaki sighed. "This is going to be a long night…"


A/N: Finally, the third day ends here. This chapter centers on Elliot and Reo (Relliot has starting to take over my brain) and Alyss finally have a major appearance! No Olice moments here, but I promise next chapter, a Lottie-centric chapter, has many of it. Don't worry; I have no intention of discontinue-ing this story, because I love writing this! I love you guys and your supports!

Review, please :)?


Vocagirl as Vo Cagirl-sensei, the art teacher

Katy Starcatcher as Katy Starcatcher, the Star Wars Princess

Ai Usagi as Ai Usagi, the child prodigy

RevansRubber DuckNimble as Souma Ahiru(called Revans from the previous chapters, srry again if I spelled it wrong xP)
