AN: Two things. Number One. I owe nothing, except for a love of all things Harry Potter. Number Two. I'm absolutely horrible at updating. I know. But I do plan on finishing this story. Don't give up on me yet.

Chapter 15

Moody shook me awake the next morning. It was strange being inside his home. The security measure were high. But something about staying the night in a home with someone that paranoid rubs off on you. It did not help me sleep that night. I woke twice screaming, and Moody running in shooting off spells as he ran to check if I was being attacked my hoards of Death Eaters, before I just let myself stay in a light sleep. Unable to let myself go into a deep sleep.

"Come on girlie. It's time to go get on the train."

"Yes sir."

He must have noticed the dark circles under my eyes. "You didn't sleep did you girlie."


"No, no excuses. Are you sure you had to break off from the Lupins so permanently? They were helping you, they care for you."

"That's why I had to. What work I'm doing for you and the Order, it makes me a target. Both you and Dumbledore know that I won't even be safe at Hogwarts, not with how things are now. I can't have anyone else getting hurt because I've tried to become part of a world that isn't mine."

"A world that isn't yours? What are you sayin'?"

"I will never be seen as a true witch. And I'll never be a true muggle. I'm somewhere between the two, and the more I try to push myself into either world, there will be consequences. I won't let anyone's pains be consequences for me. For now on it's me. I'll work hard, I will finish what I've started. And then. I will disappear."


"Lets go."

"Lily. What are you writing?"

It's been a few months since that conversation with Moody before returning to Hogwarts. And I had stuck to my promise. I had cut ties with everyone. Including Alice, not that she noticed much since she was getting extremely close with Frank. Every so often I would notice Remus and Sirius watching me, but they kept their distance. I made a show of eating something at meal times. Though sleep was eluding me. I worked throughout the nights. Creating new spells, and working on counter-spells and cures for the potions and spells that the Death Eaters were creating just as fast.

I blinked and looked at the source of the voice. "Sorry what?"

Snape looked at my potions book, squinting to try and read my cramped handwriting in the margins. "Are those more tips for how to do this potion?"

"Just because Slughorn made us partners doesn't mean I have to tell you anything."


"Just stop. Cut those. I have to get more slug juice."

I got up and walked to the cupboards at the front of the room.

"Evans! Hey Evans! Go to Hogsmeade with me?"

"Shove it Potter."

"Now come on Evans don't be that way."

"I'll be however I want. So shove off Potter."

"Alright class, leave your potions where they are. It's time for you all to go to lunch. We'll continue to work on this next class. And Miss Evans yours and Mr. Snape's potion looks absolutely marvelous."

"Thank you Professor."

"Be sure to let Mr. Snape know the exceptional work he's done as well for me would you Miss Evans. He appears to have needed to be somewhere in a hurry."

"What?" I turned to see Snape hurrying out of the room, practically running back in the direction of the Slytherin common room. "Oh...yes I suppose if I see him."

"Good, good. And I'm having a little dinner party next week. I would love to have you there as well."

"Yes professor, if I have time with my studies."

"Of course of course. We can't have the star student fall behind because of a dinner party can we?"

I smiled and went back to my desk gathering my things and placing them in my bag. When I realized something. The potions book that was with all my things wasn't mine. I picked it up, frantically turning through the pages hoping that I was mistaken, but I wasn't. This was not my book. This was Snape's. I turned to look at the doorway I had just seen Snape running through, and now I knew that he had taken my book, with all the spells in it that I had been working on. Including a dangerous one that had gone awry that I had been trying to fix, Sectumsempra.

Sirius and I had been tailing Lily for months. While using the invisibility cloak and the map, we were able to follow her and make sure she wasn't slowly wasting away again this year. Both of us relieved that she still ate, even if it was very small amounts during meals, though I was still worried about her lack of sleep. Each of us would take turns sitting outside of her rooms under the cloak listening in case she started screaming. The calm nights had us feel rather relaxed until we overheard Alice talking with Frank.

"I don't know what to do Frank. She won't talk to anyone, and has thrown herself into her school work that it's affecting everything she does. She barely eats, but at least she's eating. But she never sleeps."

"Surely she sleeps a little."

"But she doesn't Frank. She just stays up all night, scribbling in her notebooks, working on more homework. Then she spells away the bags under her eyes in the morning. If she starts to dose, she jerks herself awake, and drinks some more coffee."

We had to figure out how to get Lily to sleep at night. Find someway to get her to let us back in to her life. Which is what Sirius was talking to me about in whispers at the end of potions.

"The only way to get her to sleep is to get her to trust that we can keep ourselves completely out of anyone's radar so that she feels safe with it."

"What's she doing?"

Lily was at her desk frantically turning through the pages of her potions book, until finally slamming down the book and turning to look wildly out the classroom door.

"I don't know...maybe she's lost something."

"No, something else is wrong. Look at her eyes, she's terrified. Do you have the cloak?"


"Let's follow her, we need to find out what's wrong."

We left the room and then quietly slipped under the cloak, waiting in the hall for Lily. She didn't keep us waiting long, she ran out of the classroom, and up the stairs. Sirius and I struggling to try and keep up with her. She stopped in front of a gargoyle statue, and muttered something. The statue jumped to one side, and she ran up the stairs behind. We just barely managed to slip in behind her.

"Why is she going to Dumbledore's office in such a hurry?"

"I don't know, keep quiet Padfoot, we can't let her hear us."

We got to the top of the stairs and leaned against the door to hear her speaking quickly with Dumbledore in his office.

"And you're certain he took it?"

"No Professor, but he's the only one who could've. And it would explain why he was leaving so quickly."

"And was everything in that book?"

"No sir, just things that I had been thinking about during that class, each of my text books look about the same."

"And it couldn't have been a mistake that he took it?"

"I doubt it. Not with how much attention he was paying it during class."

"What was in this one Miss Evans? We need to know what they could know now."

"There was Levicorpus, Muffiliato, and Sectumsempra."


"Yes sir, and there was the counterspell that I was working on for that one in there as well, but I haven't had a chance to test it, so who knows what that one would do exactly."

There was silence in the room. Sirius and I looked at each other in confusion. What on earth were they talking about in there?

"Sir, these spells, that was mostly all that was in there. Just spells. But even that..."

"I know. And sadly, Mr. Snape isn't the only one who has found out this fact either."


Dumbledore spoke again, his voice a little louder. "Gentlemen, if you would join us please."

Sirius looked at me, shaking his head quickly. But I knew it was useless. Taking off the cloak I pushed open the door. Wincing slightly at the look on Lily's face. So many emotions were running through her eyes, but her face was grim. I focused on Dumbledore instead. Calmly sitting at his desk.

AN: Hmm...what do you think. Should this be where I end part one of this story? It's ending up a lot longer than I originally thought. So I'm going to break it up a bit. Now I just have to decide where I want to break it up. . .