A.N: Welcome to my angst-fest. For those of you who know my LJ stuff, think of this as a "what if" from "The Games They Play". You'll see why I say that pretty quickly. This is by far the saddest thing I've ever written, but hopefully you trust in me enough to take a chance. Please enjoy, and review?

Suggested listening: Sara Bareilles, Between the Lines

Prologue - Graduation Day
(Text in bold are flashbacks.)

I am always on the bleachers.

Well, not literally. It's a metaphor, but if there is any one thing I know, one thing I'm certain of after...everything...it's that metaphors are important.

And this metaphor breaks my heart, over and over again.

It was Finn, it was Noah, it was Glee, and I'm...here. Constantly on the outside looking in. The bleachers, the sidelines, only used, never appreciated. A weapon...a tool - even in the colloquial sense. The last resort. And I sit alone again.

Rachel sighed and tossed her hair over her shoulder, watching Finn and Santana and Noah and Quinn walk off the field together. Deja vu plus a few, the bleachers have never been kind to my heart...It was over, finally over, and the Gleeks were scattering.

She stood, brushing off her dress, looking at the wreckage of balloons, flowers and caps.

Graduation. The biggest performance of my life.

Surviving it, that is. Not crying, not screaming, just smiling and smiling. Acting like I'm not - She shook her head. Well, I must be convincing. The performance of my life – pretending to actually enjoy this beyond hellish day. The singing part I could do in my sleep.

"Hey! Aren't you coming to Finn's graduation party?"

The voice startled Rachel from her reverie, and she turned towards it automatically.

Mike Chang held out a hand to help her down. "My mom told me to 'get back there, and get your hat!' It's like she paid for it, or something," he laughed. "Thought everyone left?"

With a bright smile, she took his offered support and stepped from the bleachers. "They did, I just...I needed a moment to absorb." And to let them all leave before me.

He nodded, a slight frown on his face. "Okay...weird...but I guess that's not surprising with you." Realizing how he sounded, he stumbled to clarify. "I mean -"

"Michael, it's fine. Truly. No offense taken. I'm Rachel Berry, after all." But sweet of you to care. With a small wave, she walked across the field to her car, leaving Mike with cap in hand, staring after her.

Her aimless drive took her to the reservoir. It's so...it's so quiet here...so peaceful. Who would picture a day when all I wanted was the absence of sound? Pulling into a spot, she shut off the car and grabbed her jacket and a towel. Slushie care kit, don't leave home without it...She spread out under a tree, kicking off her heels and stretching her legs out before her, closing her eyes. You lived through it all, Rachel. Congratulations.

A car squealed into the lot, pulling into a spot at the far corner. Rachel opened an eye to peek. Oh sweet Streisand. The universe must loathe me.

She gathered her towel and high heels up, running barefoot to the car before Noah or Quinn could notice the pink hybrid.

Puck leaned in with a wicked smile, adrenaline pushing desire through him. Everything you ever wanted, Puckerman, you graduated, you snagged the head cheerleader, you're even going to college...Everything.

Quinn swatted his chest with a giggle. "Puck! Come on, everyone will be looking for us at Finn's, stop it! This is how we got in trouble in the first place, remember?" She sighed, letting her head fall back as he nibbled at her neck.

"Come on, babe, it's natural..." He nibbled her earlobe, glancing out the window as his sex ninja skills registered a sound out of place.

"It's natural," he'd told her. "And the chemistry is fucking phenomenal..." He'd leaned in to kiss her, strawberry gloss on her lips, brown bedroom eyes fluttering shut...

Fuck. Fuck. Of fucking course. Fucking universe hates me. Even as he licked into the shell of Quinn's ear, his eyes stayed open to watch Rachel speed away.

Rachel crept past Finn's. Cars were parked all over the block, music and people pouring from every open door. She bit her lip. What a madhouse...Who would even notice? Pressing her foot to the gas, she left them in the rear view. And that should be a metaphor too.

She pulled into her own driveway with a sigh, entering the empty house. Thank goodness my dads won't be back till tomorrow, I couldn't pretend for them. Pulling the pins from her hair, she shook the curling mass down her back.

"What a year." Rachel flopped onto the couch, closing her eyes. "Ugh, make that two years..." The lowlights of it played against her eyelids. Last year started with Finn, ended with Fintana. Started with Jesse, ended with my virginity and a second-place trophy. And ended with...with Noah, trying to - showing me -She rubbed her hands at her temples, groaning. And then this year, after...after Noah...watching them all live happily ever after, and seeing everyone else's dreams come true. Not mine. Never mine, it seems. She opened her eyes and shook her head. "You know what? Just because I'm not at the party doesn't mean I can't have a good time..." I know just the thing. A tiny hint of a smile curved her lips as she headed for the small refrigerator.

Puck and Quinn showed up at Finn's an hour late, to catcalls and whistles. "Haven't you already covered that?" Santana teased, running her fingers through Finn's hair. "I mean really, you two are ridiculous."

He grinned unrepentantly, slinging an arm around Quinn's shoulders. "Well, Driz has a fucking awesome family - drink to Mr. Schue -" He paused, nodding his thanks and downing a shot snatched from Matt's outstretched hand. "So I gotta make sure we can make another, right?" He humped Quinn, moaning. "Practice makes perfect."

"Practice makes perfect, Noah," she'd chided. "You have all the talent to be the male lead, if you only had Finn's dedication."

"Fuck him, I just need to pass this singing test." He'd looked at her in disbelief. You really think so? He tossed the sheet music into his bag, biting his cheek to give truth to the lie before walking away from her. "Thanks, Berry," he said gruffly over his shoulder, quickly leaving the auditorium.

Puck kissed Quinn's temple and released her. What the fuck, dude? Get her the fuck out of your head. "Sorry, babe, can't keep my hands off that cute little cheerleader body." He turned the room. "Who wants to play King's Cup?"

"Hey Mr. Arnstein...here I aaaaaaaaam!"

Rachel spun hazily, the bottle of pinot grigio in her fist. "Ladies and gentlemen, your graduates!" And they marched in like little wooden soldiers...with their little hollow hearts..."I'll march mybaaaaand out! I'll beat myyyyyyyyy drum!" She giggled as the cold liquid sloshed from the bottle onto her hand. Whoops. Noah would call alcohol abuse.

She frowned sourly. What's the term? Buzzkill? I really don't want to think about him. At all. Not about his lovely arms. Not about his squandered potential. Not about how...how we fit. And especially not about how he kissed me like that when he should've been kissing Quinn. She pressed her free hand to her lips to stifle their burning. I need to drink more. Maybe faster.

Puck laughed, watching Chang down yet another rancid cup of booze. "Dude, we're just gonna call you Asian Flush from now on, your face is a fucking stop sign. You should never play this game at college. Ever." Shoving a glass of water towards Mike, he leaned back on the couch, linking his hands behind his head. "Next game, the King's bored."

"I'm weary of this, Noah, I know you want to be with Quinn and I'm all right. Go. Be with her. I had my chance at the dream, this is yours." She'd brushed off her skirt, fingercombing her hair. "That was the deal, wasn't it? No strings? I overshared, you wanted to...fix it."

Throwing his shirt back on, he stood from the dressing room floor. "Screw that, screw them. She didn't want me before -"

"But she wants you now, Noah. She does. And you still want her." She'd paused before asking, "Don't you?"

Something in her tone had him squirming, but he answered reflexively. "Yeah, I -"

Rachel held up a hand and smiled. "No strings. Good luck." She'd closed the door behind her firmly as she left the room.

He'd tried to talk to her after Glee, waited for her in their spot the next day. She didn't show. And from the look she gave him, some unidentified emotion in her eyes, he knew she wouldn't again.

He and Quinn had gotten together the next day.

Puck looked around the room with a frown. "Yo, where's Berry? Shouldn't she be basking in the glory or some shit?"

Mike answered in a slur. "Saw her by herself in the on the bleachers staring into space. Maybe the aliens got her!" The Gleeks laughed, exchanging jibes about her home planet while Puck's stomach twisted.

She's not your problem, asshole. Get her the fuck out of your head. He scratched the back of his neck lazily. "Fuck, I need some Jack. Q, you okay if I go for a run?"

Quinn dragged him down by the collar to kiss him sloppily. "Just don't forget where you parked your ark, Noah."

Puck. It's Puck. You don't call me Noah, you never have. He bit back the protest, kissing her roughly. "I'll park it there all night long, babe..." Flipping off the room, he grabbed his keys, jogging to the truck and speeding off.

Rachel took another gulp from the bottle, dipping a strawberry in chocolate sauce before devouring it. See? This is a party. Who needs those idiots? Can't believe I sang them in as the processional for graduation...Finn, who's too stupid to know a good thing when he has it. Quinn and Santana, who have the world at their fingertips but still only wanted to take what I had. Noah, who - Damn it, Rachel, you're not thinking about Noah Puckerman tonight! Keep drinking! She took another deep draught from the wine. And just ignore that hideous doorbell!

It rang twice more in rapid succession, reverberating through the foyer. Damn it, who would - Peeking out the side window, she groaned. No, no way, why...She snagged the bottle and headed for the entrance.

What the fuck are you doing, Puckerman...Puck shoved his hands in his pockets, tapping his foot impatiently as the doorbell echoed. Who the hell made Berry your responsibility? Just get the Jack and get back to the party...

The door swung open, banging into the wall. "Noah! What an unpleasant surprise!" Rachel gestured him in with the bottle in her fist. The universe affirmatively does loathe me."Daddy says white wine makes everything better, I'm trying it."

Puck closed the door carefully behind him. "Berry, you're drunk." Never woulda fuckin' pictured you drinking alone…

"Yes, but I still can talk clearly. Apparently I'm not drunk enough." She took another slug of the bottle. "My daddies don't keep anything too strong in the house. So far I've only gotten confused, not reaaaaally drunk yet."

Puck looked her up and down. "This is drunk, Berry, you can talk but still be drunk as a fucking skunk." And you are fucking drunk as a skunk.

"Language, Noah!" She tapped him lightly on the nose with a wet fingertip. You are the badass, after all…"Oh, damn..." She sucked the wine and chocolate off of it, looking at his face. "I committed alcohol abuse, I thought of you." I think of you too often. "I think I got chocolate -" Rachel leaned in to rub her thumb carefully along the tip of his nose. "There. You're perfect. Like always." I always saw that in you…

The fuck is with her lack of a fucking filter? "How much of that have you had?" Dude, you gotta get the fuck out of -

She shook it, frowning at the sloshing sound. "Almost half of it, seems like. Can't have that!" If I stop to think after this, I'll…She turned towards the kitchen again, stumbling slightly in her heels. "Oh! I should take these off." She kicked them carelessly into a corner. Ouch, damn it…"My feet had gravel in them. Or on them. On them. Running on gravel isn't fun. But you know all about fun." We were fun, you're all about fun, but now you have fun with her and make me think you want to have fun with me…Stop it, Rachel! She wandered into the next room, making a beeline for the counter. "I love the wine fridge." Swinging herself up onto the countertop to sit precariously, Rachel folded herself over to examine the contents of the fridge.

"I think that's enough, Berry. You're not yourself." Not even fucking close. He slipped his cell from his pocket, texting Quinn. Fam 911, bbl.

"You'd think that, right?" She grinned widely. "But I feel more myself than ever!" Because for once, just once? I don't care! I don't want anything too much but another - Pulling at bottles, she emerged with a small one of Baileys. "Hey, this looks like milk! I'm going to have some dairy! I don't have to sing anymore so I can. I can scream and I can cry and I can - hey!"

Snagging the Irish creme from her and replacing it in the fridge, he snatched the pinot away and gestured her out to the living room. No fucking way, you're gonna make yourself sick.

"Fine," she huffed. "Marble's hard anyway." Rather sit on the couch, if I can't sit on - stop it, don't think about that! Rachel slid down to the floor, her dress riding up so Puck got a glimpse of black lacy boyshorts.

Shit, Puckerman, what the fuck are you doing? Shaking his head, he trailed her from the room.

Rachel swiped at the bottle, finally closing clumsy fingers around it. "Gimme." I like the fuzzy feeling in my head, damn it...She tugged. "Give it to me, Noah," she demanded.

"I can give it to you, Berry, you know I will. Pansyass doesn't know shit about how to get a woman off." He'd looked at her with a wicked grin over the red cup in his hand.

"Noah!" She'd blushed furiously, glancing around Mercedes' den, the rest of the group chatting in the opposite corner. "Never have I ever is a stupid game and I should've lied. Just ignore me." She sipped at the drink with a bitter expression. "Stupid of me."

"I can fix it, you know I can...we were hot as fuck and you know it. I'd hate to think that asshole ruined sex for you." He leaned in with a smirk, eyes flashing wickedly.

"Not everyone is the Sex God of McKinley, Noah, but we mere mortals somehow muddle through. It was…pleasant, though not anything extraordinary…"

Rachel's heart hurt at the emotions in his eyes. No, no, you don't - "Stop looking at me like that, or at least give me the damn bottle," she said hoarsely, fighting back tears. You don't get to look at me like that anymore, damn you...

Startled, he let go, Rachel smirking and chugging quickly, tilting the bottle back. Just forget it, Rachel, forget, forget, forget..."Ahh..." She wiped the back of her hand over her mouth. "Guess no gag reflex is gonna make me a hit at college parties, right? I can chug, I can funnel, and I can play suck and blow...Ha, more than that as you well know..." She sighed, taking another gulp. "Maybe that's what I need, to skip senior year. Maybe if I get away, go somewhere far..." She sank onto the couch. "Go away."

Enough of this shit. "Berry, why aren't you at the party? What are you doing?"

"Getting drunk, Noah, blind stinking drunk. Drunk enough to forget for a while." She draped her legs across the couch, laying her head on the arm. "Though I don't know what business it is of yours, I didn't invite you to my party. It's a private party for one. Maybe two someday, someday when someone wants me more than the cheerleaders, more than their popularity, but right now it's one. So go away. I'm sure they're all missing you the way they never miss me."

I missed you. He ran a hand over the back of his head. Shit, Puckerman, what the fuck? Hot head Cheerio girlfriend, Berry's stupid but fine. Get the fuck out.

"You can do better, y'know," she groused, gesticulating with the now-empty bottle. With those eyes, and that mouth, and that voice…She dropped it to the floor and tapped it with her fingertips, rolling it into the corner. Leaning back in her seat, she sighed heavily. "You think I didn't notice, but I saw the sheet music, Noah, you're...you're talented and it's a fucking travesty you're going to community college. Ha! I said 'fucking'! I cursed! You could go to fucking Ithaca or fucking Berklee or fucking Juilliard and fucking be someone. You write such beautiful music..." She lifted her hand to reach for him. No! No, leave it. "I hope she's worth it, Noah, I hope she is." She dropped her head back against the cushions, turning her face away from him. No point now. "I really hope she is, because I miss you," she whispered, her eyelids fluttering closed.

What the fuck are you doing here, Puckerman? He shook her lightly. "Berry. Come on, we have to get some water in you. Your dads out of town again?"

Rachel swatted listlessly at him, eyes still closed. "Go 'way." She rolled her hips, his eyes tracking the swirl, cracking her lower back with a smile. "I'm fine, I'm gonna go dancing. Boys like the way I dance. It's the skirts. You loved the skirts, but now you love Quinn. You should go be with Quinn. You always wanted to. Even when you were with me. Every time." She curled her body to the side, tucking her hands under her cheek. "But take the empty bottle," she yawned, "I'll tell 'em I gave it to Mr. Schue." Her body went limp as sleep stole over her.

Fuck, Berry...See, this is why you should've fucking gotten out of here, Puckerman. Now what the fuck are you gonna do? Scrubbing his hands over his head, he shifted his arms under her, lifting her from the couch. Like it would matter worth shit that I take the bottle if your dads come home to you like this. He maneuvered them carefully up the stairs, dipping her to reach the doorknob and enter her bedroom. What the - He frowned quickly at the bags in the corner. Where the fuck are you going? He placed her on the bed, gritting his teeth. Doesn't fucking matter, Puckerman, get a goddamn grip and get the fuck out of there. Puck turned to go, rubbing a hand over his forehead. Fuck. He turned back to the bed and shook her. "Berry. C'mon, at least get changed."

Leave me alone..."Nu-uh, don wanna," she groaned, slapping at him. "Go 'way."

"Rachel." Shit, you don't call her that anymore, Puckerman, fucking focus. "Come on, just get changed at least, okay? I promise I'll gladly leave you the fuck alone to sleep this shit out of your system, just get that dress off." Oh – He looked at her blankly. Oh, shit, she wouldn't -

Rachel finished tugging the slinky silk over her head, tossing it carelessly into the corner. "There, now go away, Noah," she sighed, sprawling back on the bed, curling onto her side and hugging a pillow to her chest. Leave me alone, haven't I hurt enough?

Goddamn it, Rachel. His mouth dry, he let his eyes wander her body in the light through the blinds, following the curves and creases he knew by heart. The lacy boy shorts matched the black lace bra, the rest of her just satin skin and secrets. The smooth slope of her right side, the slide of her waist, tempted him, palm literally burning to touch her. Get the fuck out of here.

Rachel shifted, throwing her leg over the pillow and clutching it tighter, the curve of her derrière making his mouth water.

Gotta get out of here, Puckerman, she's fucked up enough. He exhaled heavily.

He spun her with a smug smile. "Don't know why the guys talked you into this. Slow dancing is easy. Prom is gonna kick ass," he'd bragged, spinning her back into his body.

Rachel shook her head, a melancholy smile teasing at her lips while she looked up at him over her shoulder. "Noah, you know I've always believed you could do anything you wanted. The boys…they were worried about it. But you…Noah, why -"

He'd leaned down to kiss her before he could think, strawberry gloss and the taste of mint soothing something inside him. He angled his head to lick into her mouth, swallowing her breathy moan and turning her to face him.

She'd shoved him away and bolted before he could say a word.

Two weeks ago…fuck, she must've been - Noah rounded the bed, kneeling in front of her. "I'm sorry," he whispered. I wish...fuck, I don't know what I wish...He brushed her hair back behind her ear, resting his hand on her cheek. "I'm an asshole." I think I might just –

Her hand reached up towards him, grabbing his wrist and tucking his palm under her cheek with a little sigh.

He left it there for a heartbeat. I think I fucking miss you…"I'm sorry, Rachel." Noah gently pulled away, stealing quietly from the room without another word.

"I'm sorry, too, Noah," she whispered, tears finally sliding down her face.

Rachel rubbed her eyes wearily, blinking at the low gleam of the clock. Oh God, it's 3 AM. She buried her face in her hands. What were you thinking, Rachel, what were you thinking? "I wasn't, for once," she rasped to the darkness. "And didn't that get me into this mess to begin with..."

"Oh, c'mon, Berry, it's me,"he'd said dismissively."You can pretend to anyone else you want, but I know you're just as frisky as anyone. It's natural." He smirked at her, brushing her hair behind her ear as he trapped her against the lockers. "And the chemistry is fucking phenomenal..."

Rachel's heart had pounded as he'd leaned towards her. "You shouldn't - we -"

"Fuck it," he'd murmured, "fuck 'em all."

Bring it, he'd told her before. She bit her lip. He's the only one, Rachel, the only one who's never given a damn what anyone thinks. She'd let her eyes fall closed, accepting his kiss and meeting it with her own pent up desire.

He'd walked her back into a janitor's closet, quickly and forcefully showing her the difference between Jesse St. James, and Noah Puckerman.

"Should've known better, Rachel, should've known it was just a way to pass the time..." She pushed herself out of the bed, stumbling slightly as her head pounded. With a frown, she took the two ibuprofen on her nightstand, gulping down water. I don't remember getting that...Oh, no. Brace yourself, Rachel - time to turn on the light...She flicked on her lamp, looking around the room. I didn't -

Her dress was draped over the back of her vanity chair, her heels under it. Swallowing back tears, she blew out a breath. He wouldn't have...She grabbed her robe from the back of the door, the room spinning slightly. Guess I'm not as sober as I think I am. She stepped out into the darkened hallway, letting the light from her open bedroom door illuminate the steps. A going-away party for one, great idea, Rachel...She stumbled carefully to the main floor, turning on a lamp on the side table to survey the damage. "What in the –"

There was none.

The tears started to slip down her cheeks as she found the empty container of strawberries in the garbage, the chocolate sauce in the fridge, the wine bottle gone, and the rest stowed as they had been in her fathers' fridge. "He cleaned it all up." She swiped angrily at her cheeks. "Damn it, Noah, you're not supposed to care anymore. You're with Quinn, it's what you always wanted." It is. You said so. I was just a distraction...Shaking her head, she retraced her steps upstairs, grabbing her cell phone from her small clutch. Then why did he kiss me? Stop it. Stop right there. Entering the number she still knew by heart, she texted him quickly. A lot to do tomorrow morning, Rachel, brush your teeth, comb your hair, get to bed.

She lay awake, staring at the ceiling.

Puck sipped at the Jack in his glass, Quinn perched on his lap. The party had thinned until the three graduating couples remained. He and Quinn were in the armchair, Brit and Mike in the loveseat, and Finn and San on the couch. What the – The buzzing from his hip had him groaning. "Q, lemme get my phone. I told my mom I wasn't gonna be home..."

Quinn kissed his neck as she shifted up. "What happened before, anyway? What was the emergency? Your mom knows we graduated today, right?"

He frowned quickly, slipping the phone from his pocket. "Yeah, she knows, she was fucking there, Q, which you would know if you came over when I asked you to."

"What happened to that nice Jewish girl, Noah? She was very talented, so sweet…" His mother had frowned just slightly, looking behind him as though she could conjure Rachel from thin air.

"I'm with Quinn now, Ma, I told you about her. Rachel and I are…we're friends." His eyes had scanned the crowd for her, seeing her chatting with Mr. Schue. He frowned. Or at least, I think we were, until I fucked it up again…

Puck looked down at the screen, looking at the number. He blew out a breath. She woke up. He hit the button to read the message. Thank you, Noah – R.

"Mmm, I never thought I'd say this, but…thank you, Noah, that was…" Rachel sighed and rubbed against him, arms hanging limply over his shoulders.

"That was what you should've had the whole time, babe." He'd nibbled on her neck, inhaling the spice of her perfume and trailing his lips down her body."You guys were together how long? A few months? Gotta make up for all that shitty sex, right?" He'd licked slowly at her nipple, her low moan sending satisfaction humming through his blood…

"So? Anything?" Quinn craned her neck to try to see the screen.

Puck snapped the phone closed. "Nope, nothing. S'all good with the Puckerone. I'll show you…" He leaned in, latching his mouth to her neck, nose unconsciously wrinkling slightly, rose and lilac assailing him.

Rachel padded down the stairs as the door opened the next morning, her smile watery. Thank goodness, I couldn't sit there anymore! I've been showered and dressed since 5 A.M. "Dad! Daddy!"

"Pumpkin!" William Berry spread his arms wide to his daughter, his answering smile gleaming whitely against his chocolate skin. "Baby, come here!" He looked over his head to his husband, Daniel. "What happened?"

Rachel launched herself into his embrace, her dad wrapping his arms around them both. Everything. "I just…it's so hard…"

"Oh, I know, sweetheart," Daniel said softly. "We're going to miss you to pieces. But Juilliard's summer program is your dream, Rachel. You'll love it! And they'll love you." He pressed a kiss to her hair. "They will."

Inhaling deeply, Rachel nodded, closing her eyes. I'm just going to savor this moment, to hold on to when everything else is crazy. I have their love. And that has to be enough for now. "Well, I'm ready," she whispered. As I'll ever be, anyway. This couldn't have come at a better time. I'll leave this behind for a while…

"I'll get your luggage, baby," Will said, shaking his head at his husband.

Daniel stroked her back soothingly, pulling her into his body. "Rachel, honey, is there anything you want to tell me? Anything you want to talk about? "

"It's me, Dad, it's me. I think I'm just…" Rachel sighed, looking away. I can't…it's too much, even though I know he'd listen…"I think I'm just nervous. And I missed you both. I'm going to miss you all summer."

William lowered the bag to the floor, hoisting the other easily. "Off to take New York City by storm, baby girl! Win some parts, break some hearts!"

It'd be a relief if it was someone else's hearts for once…With a last glance behind her, Rachel stepped into the bright sunshine.

One month later…

Rachel blew out a breath, tossing a smile to the audience as she sat at the piano. This is what I came for, this is what I put on my game face for day after day. This moment. I am about to be on the grand stage in New York City, and nothing can take it from me. She flexed her fingers, setting them lightly to the keys. Nothing will ruin this for me. Not an idiotic badass or my broken heart. Drawing in a breath, she started to play, and let the song pour from her lips.

"Time to tell me the truth…
To burden your mouth for what you say,
No pieces of paper in the way.
Cause I can't continue pretending to choose…
These opposite sides on which we fall,
The loving you laters, if at all…
No right minds could wrong be, this many times…"

She sighed, closing her eyes and leaning into the keys, her heart speaking through the words. The verses soared through the auditorium, the haunting tone of her voice echoing.

"I thought… thought I was ready to bleed…
That we'd move from the shadows on the wall
And stand in the center of it all…
Too late - two choices, to stay or to leave…
Mine was so easy to uncover -
He'd already left with the other…
So I've learned to listen through silence…"

Rachel opened her eyes, looking out past the audience, out the windows into the distance. Thank you, Lori, for introducing me to Sara Bareilles. She smiled quickly at her roommate before her gaze darkened, heart aching as she sang the break. This song, this damn song…

"I tell myself all the words he surely meant to say
I'll talk until the conversation doesn't stay on
'Wait for me, I'm almost ready'
When he meant let go…

Leave unsaid unspoken…
Eyes wide shut, unopened…
You and me
Always be
You and me
Always between the lines…"

She let the last notes fade to silence, fingers hovering lightly over the keys as she breathed. I did it. I did it.

The director of the program grinned at the man next to her. "Rachel, come down here and meet Myron Dalton. I think you two should talk."

With an uncertain smile, she skimmed down the stairs to stop before the front row. "Mr. Dalton, I'm Rachel Berry. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Standing, he held out his hand. "Ms. Berry, the pleasure is mine. I'm the principal of a new performing arts charter high school here in the city. I'm looking for young talent, for real stars, to come here to anchor our program. I would love to have you, Rachel."

Oh my – is he – "Are you – I – I apologize but, are you quite serious? What about residency requirements and such?"

"We have a waiver as a charter school to recruit ten percent of the school's enrollment. And I want you as part of that ten percent. I would love to have you stay. Is there any reason you wouldn't be able to join us in the fall?" He looked at her expectantly.

Rachel bit her lip, looking into the distance. Is there any reason? Really, Rachel? What is there in Lima but broken hearts and dreams for you? She looked back at the director. "No, no reason at all."

A.N.: And welcome to Between The Lines. I think you can see why I say it's the alternate universe to The Games They Play. Hope you enjoy.