Alright, so I know that it's been forever since I've updated, and first and foremost, I want to apologize to everyone. Unfortunately, this is not a chapter update.

This is an update to let you guys know that I have not abandoned this story. I am simply not…inspired at the moment, and am finding it hard to find a direction for the next chapter. I have other ideas for the next chapters, but at this moment, the one chapter I am working on for each story is simply on pause. I continue to stare at the chapter and cannot write a single word because the inspiration is not there.

I will not abandon any of my stories. That is not in my nature. And I will not give up on any of them.

I appreciate some of you continuing to support my stories, and it may help to get my inspiration back if you send me a review, letting me know what you'd like to see happen in the next chapters.

Once again, I greatly apologize for this delay, but I will get to those stories at one point. Just please, PLEASE be patient.

Thank you,
