
They say that in the concept of hitsuzen, or inevitability, as they call it, nothing can be called a coincidence and that everything is written in stone. Everything is ruled by the constellations, the stars, and the tapestry of time, which can never be broken. We are ruled by destiny and fate themselves and we would know of our journeys soon enough.

Fai had known what was to come in their journey all along, yet he did nothing to stop it. He thought that inevitability was too powerful for him to doing anything about what held for the determined Syaoran, the princess Sakura, the warrior Kurogane, the white manjuu Mokona and for himself, a lowly mage, no matter how much blood would be spilled. He simply let what fate had in store for him take over his destiny, even if he were to die in the process. He would die for the sake of saving the others, if he would bring his brother, his other half, back to life, so he would live life the way he wanted to, so his brother would rest in peace, the one with his namesake.

At least…

…that's what he thought.

Kurogane wasn't going to let hitsuzen, or inevitability, keep him from getting stronger, to becoming the warrior that would live up to his father's name, or even outdo that name. He didn't let anything get in the way of this path of gathering strength and getting stronger really; his fixed disposition and his strong, ritualistic practices had prevented him from taking things lying down. If he saw something he wanted, he'd go get it. If there was something preventing him from doing something, he'd strike it down. Nothing was to stop him in his personal quest. No one would be able to. Not even the happy-go-lucky mage would be able to.

At least…

…that's what he thought.

They had stopped each other's goals a long time ago. From the first instances of their paths crossing, nothing would undo what had occurred to their destinies. It was their fate, their shared fate that the two of them would meet. That had made them meld together – their thought processes were alike, though differently. Their fighting styles were alike, though different. In their own special and yet similar ways, each of them had succeeded in becoming more than what they had thought they'd be.

One glance was all that it took to realize.

It was their fate, their shared fate that had drawn them together.

Like the stars to a constellation.