WTF dl?

Why are you reposting this story? I thought it was the pivotal one, the story you had to complete!

Well, I personnally didn't like where the story was going. Russell in the Navy? I even had an idea of their platoon saving a village being ransacked by cowboys. ?:

I'm going to keep the story proceeding in a logical manner

The first 2 chapters will be the same as the original.

Please Review, even a flame.

Cuddles, Giggles, Petunia, and Toothy were enjoying a lovely meal at Russell's resturant. Toothy had scarfed down a plate of bacon. Everyone else was waiting for him to finish swallowing to leave. They all heard a horrible gargle, as a lump crawled through Toothy's throat. Petunia winced, "Can we leave now?" She turns to Cuddles, who was facing the seat behind, looking over where Russell was telling stories to the younger customers.

"Cuddles?" Giggles asks.

He crawls from the booth they were sitting at, and answered absentmidedly, "Yeah, hold on a second." The three watch him listen in on Russell's song.

The otter had a guitar on his lap, strumming the chords with his hook.

"...Don't you swim, fish, or row,

Come on, didn't you know?

In the water, up from the spray,

Comes the beast of Pirate's Bay!

He gobbles up Pirates,

swallows down the Navy,

He spares the Sea-men

(Their ramblings are crazy!)

It swallowed up ol' Moby.

It even got Shamu,

He gulped down Godzilla,

Now he's coming for you!

His teeth be large as steakknives,

his spines are tall as trees,

Yar he'll hunt you down,

He'll sink you in the sea!

It's tail measures a mile,

You'd better leave it be,

'Cause if you go fishin'

you'll end up just like me!" And he waves his hook around. Some of the children jump back, some are on their stomachs laughing. Russell gave a satisfied grin. "Okay, ye lads and lassies. Go enjoy the food!" Cuddles walks up to Russell.

"So is this beast real?" He inquires.

"Yar. It is." Russell replies.

Toothy, Petunia, and Giggles gather around. "Cuddles, it's almost closing time." Toothy interrupts.

"Yar, e's alright." Russell glances around. Mime was mime-arguing with a drive-through customer, and Disco was mopping the floors with headphones on. "Yar wanna know the truth about the Beast?" He asks.

The Four glance around. "It couldn't hurt." Russell picks up his guitar again.

"When I was a boy,

I went down the way.

But, there, I saw it,

the Beast of Pirate's Bay.

It was but a dolphin,

A spear stuck in it's side

It was boiling under the sun,

Choking in a wrinkly hide.

It was in so much pain,

We both cried.

The best I could do was let him die a quick death.

In a proper grave,

on the sandy shore,

The corpse lay, under a sign,

whose message bore;

Don't swim, fish, or row,

Come on, didn't you know?

In the water, up from the spray,

Comes the beast of Pirate's Bay!"

The four stare at Russell.

"Was that a true story?" Giggles peeped. Russell nods, tears welling up.

Petunia had been writing the whole story down. The scratches of the pen finally stopped. She looks up, eager for more stories. "Do you have any other stories?"

Russell leans towards them.

"Yar, do I!"


I don't own any thing.

'The Beast of Pirate Bay' is by Voltaire. (Yes, I changed lyrics, but it is close enough to the original that it could probably figure out the similarity)

Happy Tree Friends is from Mondo Media

Review ( or Flame, your pick!)