My my, would you look at this eh? Another chapter and this one is at least 10 words longer than the other one.

I hope everyone had a good chrimbo and new year? :)


Lilynette walked casually through the cold, white corridors that made up the majority of Las twisted and turned, opening up into large chambers where the weak gathered together and then condensing back to the regular serpentine pathways. She blew the pale green hair out of her face and stretched her arms, ignoring the looks she got from others. She didn't care what they thought about her. She was Starrk's fraccion -no, more than that. She was part of him, part of his soul. As long as she had him, she didn't need anyone else.

Soon enough, she reached the chamber that they frequently shared, although she had her own, and opened the door without knocking.

She looked around until her pink eye rested on Starrk, slouched on the couch and fast asleep. Her smile was genuine and loving, until a darkness fell over her and there was a malicious gleam in her eye. She ran straight for him, jumped, somersaulted and landed on his chest.

He woke with a start and pushed her off of himself as heavy coughs wracked his chest.

"Jesus Christ, Lilynette! Are you trying to give me a heart attack!"

She grinned and lounged on the white couch, inspecting her nails.

"So, how'd it go?"

He looked at her, his face blank of understanding.

"How'd what go?"

She turned to face him fully, "You know, the whole 'looking after Aizen's pet' scenario?"

His face turned white and he ran out of the room, cursing under his breath.

"Oh no... Starrk..." Lilynette groaned as she held he head in her hands and flopped down on the couch.


"Quiet, you." Orihime sighed to her stomach for the thousandth time in 10 minutes.

After Ulquiorra had left, Starrk was meant to bring in her food...and that had been 4 hours ago. Curling up in a ball, she stared at the crescent moon that was visible through the bars of her window from her bed. She clutched her stomach as it grumbled again and looked longingly over to the door.

'This Coyote Starrk' she thought, 'Must be a lower ranked Espada…Lower than Ulquiorra."

Orihime shifted on the bed so that she was comfortable and found that a great tiredness could come from being empty on the inside…

Her umber eyes snapped open as her ears picked up the sounds of chaos and clatter coming from behind her doors. She sat up slowly, tucking her mussed auburn hair behind her ears and smoothing the ends-something she did when she was nervous. As she strained her ears she could pick up voices shouting and the heavy fall of rushed footsteps. Her chamber door swung open and she jumped, wide eyes focusing on a tall figure, hunched over a trolley, catching his breath. He looked up at her with apologetic eyes. Coyote Starrk closed the door and wheeled the trolley over to her wordlessly. The smell of freshly cooked food wafted over to her and she felt her own heartbeat increase. Never had she been so eager to eat. On the trolley she saw the regular food of meat and rice but in double helpings. She eyed it longingly.

Starrk's voice cut through her ravenous stares. She looked over to him.

"I'm so...sorry. I fell asleep and I'm a really heavy sleeper and-" he ran his gloved hand through his wavy brown hair and sighed.-"I'm sorry."

Orihime blinked, taken aback at his apology – but mostly of the fact that an Arrancar was apologising. He shouldn't care that she hadn't received her meal. It was only his duty to keep her alive and not having food for a few hours wouldn't kill her…

She blinked again and smiled hesitantly, picking up the strange cutlery she had grown accustomed to.

"It's okay..."

He looked up and her and breathed a sigh of relief, falling down onto the couch opposite her bed, holding his hand over his eyes.

Orihime ate the food slowly, thoughtfully chewing, never taking her eyes off of the Espada. The steady rise and fall of his chest; the thin layer of fuzz that coated his chin: the relaxed way he was sat. It was hard to believe he was an Arrancar. If it wasn't for the circular hole in his chest and the jagged white remains of a mask she would think he was quite human. She sighed and concentrated on eating.

It was dark. It always seemed to be dark when he was there, but he was sure there was light once before. It was cold, as well. He was clad in nothing but a fraying rag and he could feel the dirt and sand underfoot. He closed his eyes as a cold wind blew around him, chilling him further. When the shale eyes opened again he could make out faint shapes on the horizon. Groups of hollows gathered together, sharing resources and information. He ran towards them, hoping they could provide something to fill the emptiness inside of him.

As he got closer, the figures became distorted and thin, as if something was draining their energy. He would call out and try to reach them in time to help, but it was the same as always. Whenever he arrived, they would already be dead.

The loneliness ate him up from the inside, devouring him bit by bit.

He could feel himself losing his mind.

He could feel-


Something soft. Something warm. Something that didn't die in his presence.


He looked around desperately, trying to pinpoint the owner of the voice.


It was louder. He could feel it on his body. The warmth and the softness resounding all over him.

It wasn't dark.

He wasn't cold.

He wasn't alone.


Through the blur he could make out orange. He blinked his sleep away and found himself looking into amiable eyes the colour of chocolate. He sat up properly on the couch and he noticed her remove her hand from his shoulder. The lack of her warm touch sent a shiver down his spine. Just her touch had pulled him from his recurring dream.

"Um, sorry to wake you, but…I finished my meal, so..." Orihime looked away and smoothed out the ends of her hair.

"Oh, what? You- I fell asleep?"

She nodded and smiled slightly

"I didn't want to wake you, but I thought you might have some Espada type business to attend to"

He joined in her smile and stood up, stretching out his arms and back.

She rose out of courtesy and watched as he pulled the trolley towards the door

"I think your next meal is..."

"Later tonight" she finished for him, wanting to get the point of more food across.

He nodded and backed out of the door, before popping his head in

"What did you say your name was?"

She smiled.

"I didn't, but it's Inoue Orihime."

"Ahh… Goodbye, Orihime."

He closed the door and she stood until the sound of footsteps disappeared, but the hint of a smile on her face remained.

"Goodbye, Starrk."

And another chapter reveals itself.

Well, i don't know..there are some part in there that don't make sense but what can you do?
I'll tell you what you could could click that little review button down there and tell me ways to improve and such :)