I'm finally up to the last chapter, I've really enjoyed typing this fanfic up because its allowed me to add extra scenes and given me a chance to tell it from Jim's Point of View. With this last chapter I've changed a lot of scenes around a bit, the first scene a little and changed its location from Jim's office to outside the station by a near by park. I've also had a good go at explaining in my own way how Jim somehow arrives at Farringfield Green(I may have misspelt the name in the previous chapter) super fast. Enjoy reading and thanks to all the reviews on this fanfiction especially from sash queen of the jungle.

Great Minds Think Alike - The Final Chapter Part 3

The day of the final chapter had arrived, at least that's how Jim reluctantly saw it as, last night he was ready to give up not even bother with Alex, but her last minute dash from her flat, presumably leaving Gene Hunt fast asleep in her bed, significantly changed matters for the better. Jim reached into collect his document briefcase, looking over backwards over his left shoulder he spotted Alex, had she been standing there all along waiting for him, for some reason he was glad she did.

"Jim can I have word with you away from the station around the corner of the road, its something important I need to say and I don't want anyone else overhearing us and then gossiping" Alex looked rather emotional, quivering coldly against the November weather. She wore a red and black jumper to keep warm, matters between herself and Gene had become fragile as she decided to stay out of his way.

"Is this about this pictures the ones I slipped under your door last night?" Jim told her, at least now she was being to understand some things, her wavering loyalties seemed all over the place, not knowing which way to turn, who to trust, Jim secretly delighted in playing this twisted lengthy of mind games, putting on an sympathetic approach attracted her towards him.

"Yes it is, can we walk...Farringfield Green just outside Bolton, I can be there in four hours" Alex began walking on foot, not daring to stay closely to Jim as he also began walking alongside her, concern growing on his face. Jim felt anxious like this needed to be finished as soon as possible.

"I'll keep this significant photo as I should be in control of the information...Have you decided Alex, have you chosen your ultimate destiny?" Jim questioned her, carefully mentioning Gene as Jim generally suspected that Alex and Gene may have slept together the night before.

"No Jim I completely trust him although I still feel confused I mean can that really be Sam buried up there. Sam asked Gene to help him because he wanted to escape without question he did help him." Alex closed her sore eyes as tight as possible, she seemed to change the way she thought, which made Jim ever more annoyed "I know Sam's dead but Gene he can't be the enemy, I wanted to say what this because I'm doing all of this to show you that despite Gene's brutishness and selfishness, he looks out for his respected team, protects them from dangerous criminals" Alex told him, as she turned away from looking up at him, she looked upwards at an weather vane that resembled the one at Farringfield Green in the outdated photograph. This simply gave her terrifying chills as Jim stepped in front of her.

"Please don't tell me he's been spinning more unbelievable lies, Alex listen to me thoroughly, that man has a got an strong hold on you and its tightening everyday you continue to believe him. There are things about him, that I know you'll find hard to struggle with once you uncover the truth, but let me tell you this, this is your chance to escape this reality and to be reunited with Molly, a mother's undeniable love for her daughter is the most precious thing that keeps you fighting " There was an rightfulness in Jim's words which kind of made reasonable sense, some open-minded thoughts never added up.

"What I'm sure of is that Sam hung on to life here as long as possible except he was dead and I know that I'm not, there was something else Jim something Paul Thordy told me, I couldn't get my head round when I interviewed him last week, he told the longer you live here, the more you tend to forget your normal life, I didn't know what he meant by that does it mean I'll forget everything I loved back home including Molly" Alex sighed sadly as her eyes sunk to the ground below.

"That man's has an everlasting dark side, I mean dear god Julie Andrews would struggle not to see that, What about Sam's girlfriend WPC Anne Cartwright, my office can't trace her either what if both of them are buried" Jim huffed, not for the first time either, not one second of time could be wasted, working in this dump-hole of an office as he cleverly nicknamed, Jim misunderstood Annie Cartwright's name as the I had been smudged out on one of the previous documents he read upon her.

"Why would he?" Alex reeled in shock, she couldn't get her head around Jim told her, it was the first time she'd discovered that Annie had also gone missing too.

Jim stopped them both from walking further, he turned to glance at her, placing his right hand across her left shoulder as he stood shoulder to shoulder with her, he'd forgotten about how many happier times he wanted to hug Alex in his arms, to reassure her, once everything had been accomplished, her life back with Molly would continue on peacefully and the memories of her life here in 1983 would evaporate without a trace. His right hand caressed her elbow and smoother over her right shoulder.

"You and Sam are different, you both challenged this world Gene's carefully built for himself. That makes you dangerous to him Alex, he's knows somewhere in that darkened heart of his, deep down that you're the only person that bring him back crashing down to earth for huge thump" Jim tried his best to encourage her that her plan would work.

"You're not D&C are you?, who are you Jim please tell me, because your actions and nasty little digs at Gene are baffling me" Alex turned to face him, there was an indefinable connection between them as Jim looked down upon her with utter sympathy. Jim could feel her melting under the gaze of his eyes as her vulnerable side was becoming noticeably effected mainly by the reassurance of his words.

"Look you done so much to help everyone else around you Alex" He positioned her closely to him, a mere few centimeters away from him, he used his thumbs to wipe away her overflowing tears, his hands treated her cheeks soothingly "now you have to help yourself and that means trusting me, life as you know it will soon be over, Molly will be so happy to have her mum back" Jim felt he'd successfully won her over, persuaded her to do what was necessary, he effectively charmed her. This what he enjoyed and always loved doing best; characteristically coming over as sympathetic and a shoulder to cry on when in fact all he sought for was an ending to someone's bogus existence, Gene Hunt's.

"Gene will want me back at the office" She wiped an extra tear away, her hands shaking after Jim's hand had caressed her face, they slowly began walking back towards the station together. Without her noticing, at the corner of his lips a smirk soon joyfully emerged.


As Jim gathered the video tapes made especially for Chris, Ray and Shaz and then placed back in the desk drawers, he thoughtfully tumbled into optimistic mode once more. Now I've convinced Alex, I'm certain she's decisively pledged to stand by my side, I need to convince Gene's team, once they seen what's on the tapes, in their mind I'll be like an saviour to them, the one that helped rescue them from this kingdom of ultimate doom. Gene doesn't know it yet but once Alex uncovers the truth up at Farringfield Green everything as she and Gene know it will turn this world on its head forever, nothing can be the same again.

Like an untouchable individual Jim entered CID's office, feeling tempted to grin, but decided not to incase it arose Gene's growing skepticism of his rival. He'd heard confirmation of his worries over Gene and Alex's night together, Shaz and another WPC, gossiping about Gene and Alex's earlier argument, everyone had figured out they'd slept together and Gene was extremely pissed off at Alex for buggering off during the early hours leaving him asleep in her bed alone, waking up confused as to why she wasn't fast asleep next too him. He felt as if she'd humiliated him, tricked him into believing their passionate night together meant everything, Jim thrived on this wonderful aftermath scenario, everything around Gene was drastically sinking faster, like a Shakespeare tragedy, one the great writer himself would be proud of. Oh it couldn't get any better, the enjoyment, the enthusiasm of wanting to reign supreme within the shadows.

"Jim I've asked Shaz for a map of the fields of Farringfield Green, I'm not siding with you on this but I want to be reassured that Gene is hopefully innocent" Alex told Jim in the corner of the room, she still acted as if she clutched onto mixed feelings.

"Somehow I presume you've allowed your feelings for him to develop, this is somehow efficiently confusing you, you see Alex this is what he does best when a gullible detective who knows they don't belong in a god forsaken place such as here, they soon become attached or either attracted to him , romantically or for just plain friendship, they simply can never let go, they can't accept anything this place shows to them. All you have to do is relinquish your emotional feelings for him that is all I'm asking you here" Jim muttered personally by Alex's ear so Gene couldn't interpret what they were whispering about, he brushed his hand over her left wrist, satisfied in the enraged response he spotted from an sharp-eyed Gene who had purposely been watching Jim's every movement from within his office.


Jim requested an persuasive one on one conversation with Gene in his office, before he as Jim assumed would go dangerously chasing after Alex up to Lancashire, he gleefully protected his widened smirk, although he loathed to admit it, he knew Gene wasn't the most stubborn, undistinguished and conceited he first suspected him of being, Gene did solve some investigations with the backing of his loyal team. Jim was thankful his assignment report was finally completed and to top of he persuaded himself to allow Gene to take an advance spoiler glimpse of it in his box on the desk.

"What's this your packed lunch?" Gene's sarcastically remarked, Jim didn't laugh nor find it intimidating, in matter of a fact nothing could make him feel infuriated not even the Gene Genie could wipe his endless smile from his lips.

"My report on you …fascinating reading, You know what you should be thanking your lucky stars Gene ..today is where everything you preciously love including your beloved Alex leaves you fighting alone and you've got nothing more your drunken inspirations to think about" Jim confidently acknowledged Gene's tempting look at the box on the desk " You don't want to take a look Gene, Oh I'm very disappointed ...come on I dare yer..I think you'll find it makes for some rather intriguing reading" Jim chuckled as he unmistakably dragged out their conversation, he paced around his office, turning away, his hand reached for the door handle, he sought for a quick glance over his shoulder as he saw Gene lift up the box that contained a picture of Farringfield Green. Jim considered whether memories would soon come flooding back for Gene and the tragedy that first left him here single-handedly.

"I suppose you've spoken to Drake, whispered more outrageous lies in her ear, playing on her when you know she's torn...Oh don't remind me Jimbo, I can see beyond your bloody mind games, since you've arrived here, you've hung around her like an obsessed fan waiting for an memorable autograph...What ever you're planning to accomplish whether its what you told me about this place defining me or if you're just planning to have Drake dropping her knickers for ya...I swear I'll kill ya…" Gene furiously announced, he struggled miserably to hold back, he desperately sought after to punch Jim's smug faced lights out.

"See there it is, the boy that became an grown up man, all self-centered , all full of satisfaction, claims to have definitive pride of a lion heart, however still undeniably afraid to stand up and to defend himself, oh what has become of you Gene, my arch nemesis" Jim furthermore rubbed insult to injury and aimed to express one last remaining stinging comment.

"Don't you dare, get in my face Jimbo, I'll swipe them glasses of ya and stamp my enormous boots on them, then your pride will have gone to shattered pieces" Gene still held the courageousness of an undefeated lion as he spoke, still not giving up without a fight, he wasn't going to let Jim run amok.

"Oh by the way I thought I'd best check on how Alex is before she leaves to head up to Farringfield Green, I presume you'll wanting to be preventing her from discovering the truth" Jim teased, enjoying his advantage he held onto strongly over Gene.

"What discovery?….Think you'll find I have nothing to hide" Gene immediately answered.

"Then I think you should be taking the journey up there and finding out what lays underneath the grounds of the hillside at Farrringfield Green" Jim mumbled persistently.

"Wait I recognize the name but can't remember why, its familiar" Gene felt baffled, the name was instantly recognizable but he failed to understand why this became apparent.

"Times running out on you Gene" Jim tapped at his watch, without becoming conscious, Gene identified something Jim hadn't as he left and headed back to CID to grab his belongings, his black overcoat and his gun which he stashed in his jacket.

After Gene hurried of, Before he left Jim made one last return to CID "I've got a few videos I need you all look at, I think its best you watch them" Jim left the tapes on Ray's desk, as he looked around to see Alex looking dejected, Gene constantly crestfallen, Jim felt he'd best leave not having chat with him.


For Jim the drive up to Lancashire was easier as it had ever been, no traffic jams, he had the Quattro in sight, observing as it raced up the motorway, its destination the farmhouse, Jim wanted to be there when the truth came out, when Gene emotionally crumbles and looks on flabbergasted. He wanted to tell everyone back at D&C or as he likened to call it the Devil's Corner, Jim looked to please them all.

Some minutes later after driving off the motorway, he glanced on as he parked out of view, he overwhelmingly grinned when he seen an confused Gene aiming his gun intently at Alex and the penny dropping on Gene's face as everything came flooding back, all the memories of Coronation Day 1953, the one single gun shot that killed his younger self. Jim had read stories on this, his own father had worked alongside some of Manchester's finest Detectives in the 1950's. Jim can't help in feeling an identified moment of composure as he sadly remembers his father telling him the story of PC Gene Hunt's personal memories of the Keats family unraveled before his eyes My own father, even felt pity for him, the day Hunt foolishly got shot, I've grown up hating him for that and wanted to make Gene pay because his life was sheltered even though he originally died and my father dies and doesn't get to see the light again.

Jim climbed out of the car, swiftly hurrying over the hilltop to stand in the near by old-fashioned farmhouse that was situated away from the hillside. He felt his heart hammering against his chest as he safely entered inside, standing undetected in the darkened shadows, awaiting Gene and Alex to enter. He heard voices approaching from outside so stood motionless as Gene entered, he noticed the man who declared himself to be unbreakable had been crying emotionally whatever had been exchanged between them, clearly left Alex heartbroken in more ways than one.

It was evident as she finally entered standing behind him as he clutched on to his old Police Badge. It felt like intruding one two respected people's privacy but that never bothered him as he listened on with intrigue.

"Skinny…Yeah he was urm…He was a skinny little kid who needed fattening up" He tossed it flat on the wooden table, the farmhouse still bared Coronation flags from 1953, the house looked burnt out, had probably been torched a few times by mischievous kids with nothing better to do to past the time away. The footsteps of Gene's boots clattered along the floorboards "It was Morrison who said that. His mentor. PC Morrison. Yeah, it was Coronation Day. That was a funny one" Jim sneered uncontrollably eavesdropping on Gene telling Alex the truth was incorrect and wrongful for him to do but the temptation had became too much.

"His first week on the beat. But he had Morrison to guide him. Until somebody gave the old fella a nip of whiskey, and before you know it he's hokey-cokeying with the locals. Young bobby's suddenly on his own" Jim felt like an unidentified predator stalking both detectives within the shadows, his lingering eyes firmly fixed on Alex's.

"Someone broke in here. He heard 'em'. Thought they were kids. So he kicks the door open, you know like John Wayne or Jimmy Stewart. Bam! In he goes. You see, in here, in here's he's not some snotty kid in a uniform. Oh, no, he's Gary Cooper in High Noon. He's the law. Only they weren't kids." Gene sniffles quietly thoughtfully memories haunting him continuously.

"It was a man with a shotgun" Alex answered, she looked as if she understood this.

"Didn't deserve a shallow did he?" Gene looks away, he looks defeated, his recognizable pride damaged for eternity. Alex doesn't answer as she seems overcome with emotion. "Did he Alex?" Gene sounds like he wants an answer effectively.

"No…No you didn't" She looks dumbfounded, her whole world turned upside, Jim decides to make an appearance and ruin their conversation.

"Oh that is beautiful. Corny but..er..atmospheric" Jim reveals his hiding place, stepping out from the shadows.

"So, there we are. This boy in a man's uniform. Head swimming with machismo and bravado and something else ending in O…You know what I can't think of another one" Nothing could spoil Jim's victory party as he delighted in celebrating Gene's misery. "Bang its over" He shouted.

"And you're here"

"What is he?…Tell me" Alex turned to request. Gene looked helpless, he looked ashamed that Alex had uncovered the truth, this was one an definable moment he wished hadn't happened.

" Gene, is it…is it coming back to you?" Jim mocked, hopeful his nemesis would remember ever precious tragic memory. "Can you help this lady out, she looks perplexed" Jim laughed hysterically, his inner demonic ego was being unwrapped.

"Its somewhere where we go to sort ourselves..Coppers" Gene at last told Alex.

"But…but you're talking about people who are.. people who" Alex couldn't get her head around the revelation, stuttering her words relentlessly. The revelation of this everlasting gateway to this world bewildered her, her thoughts soared higher, she was still unstuck and battled wherever her allegiance lied.

"You've got to admit, when you know the truth about him, it rather a lot." Jim stepped closer to Alex swaggering confidently as he continued speaking, "Ego. An immature relationship with alcohol. Jim could sense the heartbreak of Alex's saddened reaction "A curious uncertainty about the opposite sex." Jim kept up his answers as he walked over to talk to Gene. "Gradually they came to you, those who had issues with their passing., and you tucked in their shoes and you wiped their noses, huh?… Sorting out the troubled souls of Her Majesty's constabulary." Jim affectingly wanted to take a victory picture of the glum faced, dethroned Gene as all of his rage evaporated from within his body, the sense for fighting, gone. Jim tidied Gene's shirt collars. : Ray, Chris, Shaz. Oh they've been here a long time haven't they, hmm? A lot of issues."

"You touch them, I will snap your neck like a twig" Gene fought hard to bite back but this never once threatened Jim not in the slightest.

"Oh, perfect. A little bit of boyish defiance left in you"

What Jim failed to notice that Alex had been studying them, Despite her overwhelming sense of emotions, there was unutterable feeling she clutched onto, her heart, her feelings for Gene, were a handfuls of sorrow, she now began to see Jim for what he really was. An obsessive, manipulative, deceitful individual who played and played on vulnerable victims. Nevertheless she kept calm and steady.

"This man has had them imprisoned in his little fantasy and I've watched you help them lay their demons to rest Alex. Just the one thing they don't know ism that unlike you..they're compromised" Jim suddenly revealed this shocking confession, Alex looked back and forth between them.

"After everything we've been through Gene. I thought you and me meant everything to one another. Jim..Sir….I know what you mean when you say compromised…I didn't know at first…" She looked doubtful at Gene as he told her of how Sam had to go and Annie leaving with him, things soon became clear for her, despite her niggling feelings about Gene.

"Jim rubbed his hands over her thick wooly overcoat. "Alex there's just one thing You need to do before this is all over…Help me tell them of what this world means" He presumed he'd reassured her as she returned a positive glance at him.

"I will…" She glanced again at Gene, who looked clearly upset by Alex's pledge of helping Jim.

"Alex" Gene muttered, he was on the edge of breaking point his feelings hard to keep under control.

"Gene…Jim,….I'm not pledging an alliance with either of you…Jim you've treated me with constant lies…you told me Sam died..you said his grave was even here when in fact all you wanted was to expose Gene's undiscovered grave to the air. I'm not thankful to you for anything…Now I've witnessed your motivations"

"Alex do as I say and you won't get hurt" Jim growled angrily, tightening his hands over her shoulder as they made to leave the farmhouse.

"You let go of her or I'll ….." Gene staggered over his words as he made intense eye contact at an unfazed Jim.

"Shoot me…like you did to Alex here…implausibly you've been forgiven foolishly by her…but your team I reckon will desert you once they uncover what's on those video tapes I left for them" Jim announced triumphantly, glee sparkling within his darkened twisted eyes.

"What tapes?" Alex curiously asked but never received an answer as she ushered into the back of the Quattro.

"Alex do as he says, you don't know what this man is capable of, he's unpredictable" Gene pleaded with her not to argue, he'd known her all too well, learned to much about her over the past three years. He could read her like a dictionary most days.

As soon as Jim climbed into the Quattro, the engine automatically geared up and they left as quick as possible, Jim twiddled with the stereo as she searched for a song he'd love. That answer soon came as he heard Wham's Club Tropicana. "Oh I love this song, you know what I think we should listen to until we arrive back at Fenchurch" As if wrecking and shredding Gene Hunt's personal feelings to shreds he wanted to bore Gene.


Arriving back, Jim self-righteously paced ahead, eager to speak with Ray, Chris and Shaz, he sighed in disbelief as he detected a sort of rebuilding of trust between Gene and Alex.

"Martin Summers was right about you, Alex. He told me you and Gene were hard to break up, that you stuck by his side, you needed him when things got out of hand. Right now I disappointed by your lack of trust" Jim breathed by her ear, Gene stood by, his hand itching to throttle him, if he continued to wind him up. The two detectives walked alongside one another as they turned the corner and came approximately within 15 centimeters of the double doors.

Jim halted by the CID entrance as he pivoted to mention one last thing. "Right, before we go in, just one last thing" Jim's patience kicked in wildly, inflicting in his typical brutality as he headbutted Gene, then delivered from crushing body punch to Gene's ribs, whilst blissfully ignoring Alex's plea to stop and gratefully watched as Gene naively staggered through the doors collapsing on the floor right in front of his team.

Gene crawled along the floor, trying to reach for a near by chair, Alex stood towering over him. Jim felt praised he'd rescued them from the depths of this purgatory, one he knew they never belonged him because what they hadn't known all along, he was there to guide them to his tranquil office at D&C..

"All up to speed on healthy and safety? Good! So now you know you've all been denied the truth. By him! A skinny little kid" Jim screamed at them, as everyone stood looking on feeling surprised and yet startled by the turn of events that had befallen upon them, Jim kicked Gene heavily in the ribs, Jim felt he conquered victoriously over Gene, all the impressions the team gave him were the significant signs they wanted to join him.

"Look at him. Look at your Guv. " Jim spoke softly, the nearest office items tempted to the scales of his behaviour over into complete and utter madness, oh he was just getting started, taking part the CID piece by piece, it was enjoyable, like damaging another kid's expensive Christmas present. Jim howled, his demonic ego overpowering him minute by minute. When he hastily reached over for the typewriter and picked it up, he winked at Alex before violently slamming it on the floor, darkness up above fell upon them, the stars brightened the night sky, it was as if looking into the unknown.

Jim jumped up on Chris' desk and reached his arms out, he felt like king of the mountain. Soon enough they would pledge their loyalty to him one by one.

As he jumped back down he glanced back at Alex. "Oh come ion you didn't think this was a real police station did you?" Jim muttered all he wanted to reclaim Alex very much like a prized possession, if she ultimately chose to leave and join him.

"What, you think that they actually work like this? Its his game! He lied to you" Convincing them would take time with a bit of luck not too long as time entered the final countdown.

"He didn't lie, He'd just forgotten, Gene's an strengthened man who wants to protect us from people like you, who evade our lives" Alex answered back, as the lights flickered back to normal above them. Jim studied her keenly, her answer surprised him, he felt utterly impressed, she still had the guts to stand up to anyone especially him.

"We just wanted to make him proud" Ray confusingly answered, he couldn't get over what happened some moments before.

"Don't you make into a liar, Jim" Alex expressively added, she's had quite enough of Jim self-opinionated swaggering behaviour, she'd figured him out now, Jim wasn't too keen on this he stepped back and watched on as the fireworks exploded between Ray and Alex.

"This isn't helping anybody. This is…this is just sick gloating" Alex attempted to persuade her fellow detectives to endure listening to Jim's ramblings. This however failed as Chris lead Shaz towards the exit door.

Ray approached Alex, a sense of emotional swirling around his mind and thoughts "I hear what you say Alex, but do you know why I put that rope around my neck? After bottling the army, I just…I just fell into being a copper when I originally refused to be, my dad abandoned me. Nonetheless down the line I took it out on a young lad who saw me pissing up at the side of a pub. But I ended up killing him. And my DCI, who's not a million miles away from him.. Covered it up said I needn't worry my brains out" Ray couldn't dare look Gene in the eye as he walked passed him. All Jim wanted to break into a second round of hysterics yet again he convinced himself he shouldn't.

"I'm not leaving him, not like this" Alex emotionally murmured the look in her caramel eyes obvious to see.

"He's done…Alex" Jim followed lastly as the team disappeared down the corridor, Jim requested he should escort Alex out of the office, predictably the kind gesture was throwing back in his face.

" You go to hell where you came from, you spiteful pig" Alex declared, Jim didn't seem bothered by this, he knew trying later would somehow work, it always did with Alex, she was easy to work on.

. xxxx

"Ray…listen to me, what you did back at CID, you made me feel remarkably proud, see you see I was decisively correct..all Gene does is consider treating you all like common garbage, now you've joined me I'll treat you drinks on the house, we can dance all the time even when the sun goes down and rises the next morning." Jim sympathetically assured the Detective Inspector as he carried the long rifle over his shoulder.

"Thanks Jim for being supportive, me and Chris we really appreciate it" Ray sighed sadly, still pondering whether he'd made the accurate decision.

"Urm Ray I'm included in this if you haven't forgotten" Shaz shook her head in disbelief, Jim chuckled amusingly at their little dispute.

They eagerly headed down the steps of the D&C office, Ray's eyes lusted after two attractive female women. His lack of concentration amused Chris and Jim as he requested for their names. The sounds of Holiday, blasting out in the background.

"Cute pair of puppies" Ray audibly uttered closing his eyes.

"If you wouldn't mind following me this way, just through these doors down the corridor and onward towards the lift…Hey its me…its Keats I've got three transfers from Fenchurch East, WPC Shaz Granger, Detective Inspector Ray Carling and Detective Constable Chris Skelton….yeah thanks…everything's been sorted…I'll see you later then" Jim radioed his unseen colleague, informing them to process the transfer papers immediately.

Jim unlocked the double doors that in time, lead in the direction of the two untouched lifts .

"Right step this way…Welcome to your new life. Were the unsurpassed possibilities are completely endless…Chris" Jim unmitigated as he reached his hand out for Chris to shake.

Chris' concealed police radio screeched loudly in volume, the unique gruff northern voice of Gene "Oi Keats I've had a look at your report its pretty impressive only its missing…one thing….me" Jim breathed heavily, fumingly there was no bloody way, he'd conclusively sway Ray, Chris and Shaz's occasional trustworthiness.

"Throw that radio away and embrace your new life Chris, all that man will do is treat the same way he's done for so many years" Jim demanded, he lastly grabbed for the radio, tussling for it.

"Shaz you're promoted Detective Constable straightaway, I mean I know that's what you wanted wasn't it. Come on DC Granger I know this isn't you standing shoulder with shoulder with the wrong person you're better than this I know you are….Christopher and Raymondo what's a sheriff without his two loyal deputies..I tell you what he's nothing..I need you lads and I know you need me. DI Drake has reassured me of this…"

"He's got a point Ray" Chris turned away from Jim, Jim growled grabbing the radio, as he lifted upwards.

"After we've finished this sting, tell you what we'll go to the boozer…our pub the Railway Arms and before you ask Jimbo the landlord Nelson, he tends to bar people, ignorant, arrogant individuals who persuasively act like spoilt undeserving bastards..so write that in your planned sequel to your report eh…I see you three later then" Gene said what he needed to say over the radio, the right decision was down to Ray and Chris.

Noises came from the depths of the heavy safeguarded lifts as its door opened widely.

"I don't care what you say DCI Keats, the Guv and DI Drake they've been accurately right about you all along, how could you do this to all of us, out of the blue capture of our deaths on video, I know I still feel distraught by what I seen on the tape and I know now my place doesn't belong here, it belongs with The Guv and DI Drake, despite their differences they both make me feel safe..all you do is take souls if you could describe that way" Shaz nudged past him, trying to escape.

"Sharon don't you dare leave! all you have to do is embrace this new life of yours, you stupid woman!" Jim erractically jabbed his finger at the doorway, as its doors closed shut rapidly on their own, an heroic Chris fought against Jim as he protected Shaz's honour.

"No one speaks to Shazza like that!" Chris shouted as he punched Jim, knocking him out cold on the floor.

"Ray come on we're leaving, let Jim slither in his own self-righteousness " Chris tenderly reached for Shaz's hand and lead them out to safety.

Thirty minutes later, Jim lay wide awake, laughter roared from within his lungs. I don't need them, they're no use to me anymore, all I want is Alex Drake, nothing more, she'll soon learn there's one last perverted lie Gene hasn't informed her of…." Jim sniggered crazily, his glasses laying shattered beside him on the floor, he managed to get his balance steadily as he headed back towards his vacated office, where he'd cautiously stored an extra pair of glasses in the desk drawer.

"Jim you alright" Melissa Wilson from the upper investigation department, escorted him up to the D&C department.


Spending a few hours with Melissa eased his bitterness, she handed him an striped scarf. "Think you should have this James"

"What?…this is…erm this is Molly Drake's the one she wore in Alex's dream" Jim quickly realized this as he finally considerably speeded off in Datsun in search of Alex and to stop her from heading to the Railway Arms just as Gene had told the lads earlier over the radio. Gene's respected central team of detectives were celebrating the success of bringing an automatic halt to an intended jewelry heist at an airport hanger.

Before he knew it, he'd somehow spotted the lights of the Railway Arms illuminating the darkened streets of East London. He stopped the car and climbed out, luckily he was in time, listening in as he heard Gene attempting to comfort Alex in her hour of need.

"Of course he lied to you Alex, he doesn't want you to leave, apparently he loves you, at night I can imagine him arranging your future together. Oh Gene, you see Alex when you presume you can trust him again, he reveal so many hidden fabricated lies"

"Is this true Gene do you really love me, you know this is hurting me inside that I can't see Molly" Alex emotionally pleaded her hands reached out, it tormented Gene keeping an devoted mother away from her daughter.

"I can take you to her right now, look I find her scarf she's not far away" Jim just wouldn't given up on enticing her away from her beloved Gene. He handed the scarf over to Alex, as she gathered it in her arms.

Gene sighed annoyingly as if he wanted Alex to see something on Jim's wrist.

Alex identified Gene's sudden silent clue "Gene maybe no Sherlock Holmes when it comes to investigating and I may not be the world's best Watson" Alex seemingly looked somewhat intensely keen on Jim's expensively strapped watch.

"What are you talking about..Look Alex there's no time to discussing Sherlock Holmes novels" Jim acted mystified by her strange approachable performance.

"Actually I mean what time is Jim?" She gazed at him as she asked, requesting to be shown the time on his watch. She began to notice his lies were catching up on him.

"Sorry my watch its erm broken" Jim made an horrendous excuse that gave everything away.

"You're pathetic Jim still attempting to lure her away" Gene knowingly uttered, he looked impressed by Alex's measurable skills.

Alex grabbed Jim's wrist pulling on it hard and painfully. "9.06 its always been 9.06 oh god it was time I died in my hospital bed" Alex gasped in realization, everything she'd assumed was incorrect, the truth dawned up on her eventually.

"Alex..Alex" Jim shouted out trying desperately to earn her attention.

"Hi Jimbo…" unfortunately was met by hardened punch from an vengeful Gene for the earlier attack he inflicted on him. "Goodbye Jimbo" Jim fell backwards on the pavement, staggering from the painful reaction of the punch, he crawled away.

He listened on as Gene and Alex kissed and made up outside the pub, Gene wanted her to go in the pub, but affectionately she snubbed Gene's kindhearted request, he knew he couldn't win her, she'd make look all soppy, slushy and lovesick if he entered through the Railway Arms entrance.

"Alex you can't stay here not with bastards like him roaming around the streets, slithering into women's affections, look he almost succeeded. I can't have a guilty conscience hanging over my thoughts" Gene pouted thoughtfully, bringing her closer to him, his eyes boring down upon her. Jim didn't want to hear their goodbye..

"Gene, I love you, I've lost you so many times I can't lose you again, if you say you want me to go I'll only rebuff your demand… Everyday I've experienced a glimpse into your eyes and all I see is an reasonably scared boy who became an esteemed adult/ man so full of confidence wanting to keep his chin up high, bark and growl like an Alsatian at his loyal team…You say you're needed we've you're admired and loved the most …You're needed in the Railway Arms" Alex told him, she poured her heart and soul to him.

"Alright, If you keep nagging me I suppose I have no right to say no eh…my life wouldn't be the same without ya Bolly, I'm sure a new face will be walking through the doors of CID tomorrow...Come here Bolly Knickers and kiss me" Gene growled appreciatively as he chased after Alex through the doors of the Railway Arms, they disappeared into a white flash of light, this left Jim standing alone outside feeling absolutely dejected, one thing he knew he wouldn't be seeing Gene Hunt ever again at least this world wasn't his fantasy anymore, Jim staggered up onto his feet singing satisfyingly to himself he looked forward to meeting whoever the next king of the purgatory would be. Jim vanished into the darkness.

End of chapter.

Al reviews are very much welcome. Let me know what you thought of the ending whether you thought it as good or not so good.