Great Minds Think Alike

My attempt at Jim Keats/A2A fanfic, I've always been tempted to type one up about this really interesting character, wanted to tell it from Keats' POV from episode 1 to episode 8, from his confrontation with Gene which i've tweeked a few words about and changed a little to other future confrontations. I might turn it very much against Galex in the latter stages of this fanfic and it might follow a different route.

Chapter 1

He watched her with a purpose as she peacefuly slept undisturbed within her coma while he looked around the tiny hospital room, he couldn't help it, to him it didn't feel like acting particularly like a stalkerish figure, he wanted to help her, sufficiently help her to understand what type man Gene Hunt was really like, what type of pathetic dangerous detective he really was when placing someone he admitting to care for, in a high dramatic scenario. Personally it disgusted and sickened him to the pit of hi stomach that Gene Hunt was still keeping the streets clean from scumbags when he thought rightfully this stubborn individual should be stripped off his badge for all those bad things he done especially before he transferred to London with his loyal colleagues DC Skelton and DS Carling.

He leaned forward, closely checking to see if she possibly hear, even studying her for possible flinches or either glimpses of eye twitches, no unfortunately, ashamedly he lowered his head praying and thinking of what right precise words to say to her to encourage her kindly to wake up from this coma like dream. Admiration appeared on his mind immediately, she'd had some guts to put up with one she'd gone through since she arrived from what he'd found him so incredibly intrigued by whilst reading her file, information on her, he'd gathered up in one small document folder.

Looking up at her, he made single eye contact, hoping wherever she was in her dream she could hopefully hear his words, a flicker of apparatus light, dimmed in the background " Alex.. Look at what he's done to you.. You don't know me but I read all about you.. You're the best of them Alex Its no fair.. He did this to you but I don't want history to repeat itself.. I don't want you to end up like…." he sighed, rubbing his eyes while taking his glasses away from his eyes for a brief second. "them…Alex… I can help you if I can gain your trust…" he didn't know if it worked but he knew reassuringly he showed great compassion for her situation, coming to the conclusion those words were correct, all the files he'd read upon, told him she should never stay in 1983, she urgently required a helping hand, a voice to convince her everything she come to learn in life, learnt from Hunt and his team wasn't exactly what it appeared to be in the short term.


Jim at heart was a lonely man, who lived alone and who particularly enjoyed nights in at home, listening to relaxing, electronic 1980s' music after a long tiring exhausting day, sleeping on his lounge sofa when turning the television off, he'd never been lucky with a woman and put that down to the fact, his job came first in his career and love came second, he enjoyed drinking sparkling glasses of wine, reading a book to take his mind of important matters.

Tomorrow he had the daunting prospect of visiting Fenchurch East Police Station, to conduct an interview with DCI Hunt it had been organized after his bosses at Scotland Yard's Complaints division requested it, they'd overheard rumours that a tanned Hunt had been spotted acting shifty in and around Fenchurch General Hospital, this was the perfect opportunity of discussing things he couldn't speak about in front of others.

I promise I will get to the truth of this… unearth and expose him to the air…He cannot get away with all those nasty things he's done in the past.. I'm here for reason..


Everyone in Fenchurch East, struggled to get over the quick recovery Alex had made, she was up and working at her desk, reading untouched document files, things had changed drastically within the three months she'd been in her coma, if she could still call that. She was saddened to hear Chris and Shaz split up in a dramatic fashion, both colleagues refused to go into further detail of what lead to their break up.

Across town, as he tidied through his soon to be vacated empty desk draw, Simon Croft a fellow Complaints officer from the same division as Jim, approached him, saddened to see him leaving and hoping they could remain friends outside work.

"So I hear you're going to be interviewing Gene Hunt today.. Good luck.. You do know realise he's a complete utter dickhead.. From what the higher authorities tell me.. No one can comply with him.. He's like a walking time bomb ready to detonate at any second… Also you have heard Alex Drake's been released from hospital haven't you?"

Jim froze, stopping in his tracks from doing any further tidying, lowering his glasses, as he felt his heart leap maybe potentially beating faster, in shock and dismay.

"How can she be?.. I only visited her in hospital yesterday.. Her eyes never moved an inch believe me.. She was pale as hell from I could see.. unless my glasses are covered with smudges.. And you're telling me now she's back at Fenchurch… This is down to him.. Bloody Mr Perfect Gene Hunt…Makes me question why some people dare to respect what he does for the Fenchurch community " He dabbed his finger so hard on the cold hard table, it twisted downwards, causing a small slight pain.

"Easy Jim think you shouldn't be take things into account here.. Lets not turn this into a slanging match" Simon protested with both hands, worrying that Jim might be taking this all too personally for his own liking. He never liked to witness his fellow complaints office getting so tied down with so much mounting stress.

"Sorry Simon… Just need to get all sorted. there's lot of pressure been thrown on my shoulders over this" He sighed sadly, throwing on his Mac long coat and accompanied his assistant as they left together, heading out on route to Fenchurch itself.


Alex and Gene re-entered the main office after their interview with the Blondes, she felt positive that the couple looked reassured by her confidence. They both walked side by side, she kept as close together to him as possible. Upon glancing towards Gene's office, she immediately spotted him, through the glass door, monitoring desk supplies, desk lamp and files addressed to Gene only. Her eyes were fixed on him as he opened the door a cold shiver shot up and down her shoulders as she stared while he walked towards them and introduced himself, keeping his hands buried away, not feeling a kind gesture of shaking his hand.

"DCI Jim Keats Discipline and Complaints.. Can we take a walk mate" As soon she glanced sideways she acknowledged Gene's uncomfortable body language around this young officer, maybe there were certain things she was specifically wouldn't be finding out anytime soon.

She looked dumbfounded to be meeting him in person, from the corner of his left eye he could see it even in her own hazel eyes as they widened in shock, he strangely dressed the same, wore those rimmed glasses that made him look intelligent and geekier , Jim wasn't going to own up necessarily and cause some embarrassment for Fenchurch's promising talented female Detective Inspector

She couldn't dare utter one word, words befalling like they'd been zapped away , literally she imagined in flashback to what he might be warning her of, I don't want history repeating itself…. I don't want you ending up like…. Unpredictably she never heard what he whispered next, it never made sense, what was all this adding up to, fighting her battle against Gene assumingly, she knew definitely that was never going to be the case as she needed time to readjust to living back in 1983 and recovering from her injuries.


Sweet soft Italian beautiful played on the stereo in Luigis as Jim kindly allowed Alex to overhear what had to be said

"I know DCI Hunt didn't intend to kill you during the King Douglas Lane robbery the chemistry between you its obvious " He half smiled hinting there was also an instant rosy developing chemistry between himself and her, unsurprisingly his assistants seemingly looked to want to be ganging up on Gene as they occupied the counter, he couldn't take any listening to all these rubbish questions, boredom overfilling his brain as he then made his way to leave, making an excuse.

"Sit down.. What's the matter with you two do you think we're in East Berlin or something… Gene" He guided him to sit back in his seat and proclaimed he wanted to make things loud and clear.

Also gradually taking on board, what Alex informed him of, Gene being one of the good guys, If only she knew the truth.

Jim explained and confessed about his division not being entirely popular amongst London's finest Police stations. "I need another bloody career Nobody likes us.. Bloody depressing " Gene ranted continuously, not doing himself any noticeable favours, like being respected for the job he loves more than his football team Manchester City.

Momentarily after advising him to go home with full pay, Jim finally dismissed Gene when he finished talking, Alex stayed behind, aiming to get to know this mysterious man a lot better, finding what he did know about her predicament.

"You came to see me in hospital" She questioned him, with integrity, determinedly . This left him feeling slightly awkward being left alone with her, taking a drink of his cup helped to refresh his headache, before he answered, eyes leveling to look directly at hers.

"I thought Gene had tried…I was worried about you Alex" sharing his deepest of concerns, exchanging an uncomfortable glare, secretly he despised his job those words he uttered to Gene where in ringing so true.

"You don't know me" She replied confusingly because realisation at hit home they'd only known one another for what seemed like five minutes and he apparently showed more caring, respectful feelings towards her than Gene could do in a lifetime.

" I know you can make a difference here" he replied confidentially. He reassured her that Gene would be fine and have things covered when in truth, he prepared to unleash a barrel of hatred and a vendetta against his secret rival, he couldn't put on this façade any longer, being this cheeky chappy hoping to be one of the lads, the brilliant newcomer in their lives. Deep down he wished she might see it in her eyes, the recklessness, the questionable motives of her DCI, picking on innocent suspects and giving them an undeserved beating. Jim thought of himself to be the exact opposite of violence and its thuggish 'old school beat them up and spit em out when you're done' , he offered protection, reasonable points when it came to conducting interviews previously at the start of his career, he never believed violence was a way of beating a confession out of a suspected individual.

"Dam thing my watch stopped at 9:06 exactly" he wasn't fully aware of why she recognized that time in her head, necessarily he had to rush off, no time to chat, finding ways of avoiding further chat that was no one else would understand altogether.

"Comes in my upbringing.. Almost know every word.. I can help you …Yer know" You cannot keep this quietly buried far in the ground forever.. In time things can resurface in ways that can damage relationships beyond repair.


Simon offered him a drink as they sat in a quiet corner of The Mill pub as a way of congratulating his friend of overcoming a criminal interview with Gene Hunt , both annoyed by the constant loud laughter and drunkenness on display, Jim wasn't someone who went out every night of the week and got himself pissed on purpose, he favored better ways of drinking, wine tasted and smelt deliciously which over stimulated his delightful taste buds.

"Today I told 'er' I can help with something that's menacingly been troubling 'er' ever since the shooting"

"Jim you cannot get yourself involved with both of these detectives it could potentially cause humiliation for our division if you just so happen to get in a punch up with that bastard DCI.. Also might I remind you. .you have a job to do not to go and charm the knickers off this female Detective Inspector.. I'm only saying this because she's probably still recovering from what lead up to her being accidentally shot.. Just don't go barging in all guns blazing and accusing Hunt of bad things" Simon assertively blamed Jim's occasional shyness, mainly his capability of working alongside and interviewing attractive women.

"You're a cheap one to talk I accept your offer of a drink and suddenly all this turns into bloody Mastermind .. Are you actually if I get this right accusing me of coming over all like weakling. Simon mate.. My job comes ahead of my love life if you get my drift.. I have no feelings for Alex Drake what so ever so I give you my word and I assure you .. Its Gene I have some misunderstandings with… you talk to 'im' and he reacts bitterly incompliant." Jim paused thoughtfully, in reflection, If Simon knew what he knew about Gene Hunt, he'd be feeling the consuming undeniable rage that confined itself to hide away in his subconscious.

Almost a week later and overhearing of Fenchurch's successfully completing and finding a result in the Dorothy Blonde case, he thought it be nice to congratulate them and request a word in private with Gene away from prying eyes.

Addressing the Fenchurch team, he stood proudly, regretting even doubting them to him they were bright, dedicated and hard working "Look erm just gonna say you proved me today wrong all of yer.. Especially Gene…this is a station of mavericks and no buts I will be assessing you…do you what I'm boring myself"

He approached Gene's office with confidence, he had to get it of his chest even it pained him in the arse to admit it.

"I hate you…I can't help it.. I hate what you stand for.. My mouth's dry … the laziness.. The brutality.. Some of them could have made god coppers but you've eroded them too much.. Idiots. Its about you Hunt and what you've done in the past…Maybe Alex Drake was an accident maybe .she thinks it is.. You do have a nasty temper my friend and not everyone has walked away from that"

"I'm a good dart thrower in arm don't forget my 180" Gene wasn't intimated, he could see it in Keats' eyes they were burning, aching to expose continuous lies, he gulped, as the Complaints officer refused to back down, keeping the onslaught of accusations flowing, he despeerately needed to be rid of it, wipe the smirk of his rival's face, watch him wallowing in self pity

"You think you're so clever., so special, So needed, so damned right, You fooled everyone into believing you..I have the horrible unpopular job of showing the world what you really are.. The things you've done oh they won't wanna believe it ..Because they love you and they think they know you they'll hate me for it and in the end they will see.. As sad as that will be for them they will see.. I know what you did three years ago.. I know"

"So you're gonna bring me down" Gene nervously questioned, hating the fact someone was trying to get one over him, a reacquainted enemy threatening.

" See that's what's ironic you can't leave 'ere' no matter what happens..this place defines you, which means you're gonna have sit here and watch me close your kingdom forever and you on the scrap heap sinking as fast as the titanic with no one helping your poor sordid little backside … It'll give me great pleasure doing this in the end… I'm gonna have to help Alex in time save 'er' from you"

"Can I ask you one more thing.. what are you gonna do when she finds out even if i don't have the guts to tell 'er'?... You gonna lash out... threaten to shoot 'er' for real this time....I predict she'll begging to run into my welcomng arms of comfort.. " Jim presumed he outclasses him in this darkened murky argument .

Ray burst in without knocking wondering what was taking them so long. Gene's state of mind had been knocked sideways, he was determined Keats would never get to Alex, she had to deal with this on her own it hurt his emotions deeply that he can sit her down in a one on one conversation he wasn't that type of guy , never in a million years had he presumably thought of telling her about what happened three years ago to Sam. The aftermath would almost definitely include her storming out of his life indefinitely and Keats watching on and reigning in glory as his kingdom evaporated surely.

Jim walked away with a satisfied smile, he practically shook Gene to the core, now he relied on Alex to come to her senses and snap out of her magical enchantment spell over Gene.

"Don't mind me pouring you a drink Alex.. Looks like you're need of topped up drink eh" He laughed jokingly, happy to see she responded in a giggly reaction alongside Shaz, he turned his left eye towards Gene's office and thrilled in witnesing the tell tell signs of the weakness within the DCi.

Late May 1983

Everything was predominantly in motion, an oncoming imminent destruction of Gene Hunt's kingdom, He won't know whose it hit for six when everything he's come to love lies undiscovered in the ruins of the collapsed barrier walls , Jim Keats' vague subconscious informed him of many dangerous unexplained things but one which firmly stood out was that they needed to be set free, released from this lie of an existence, somewhere they all really should never be in the first place working, drinking and sharing sarcastic jokes with a complicated, mysterious Detective Chief Inspector who unsurprisingly hid as many personal violent secrets in his closet, Jim was without question fully determined, focused and meaninglessly willing to expose this for everyone else to see, see everything around them, they could learn about, crumble and burn amongst the ashes.

A week later as he set up office amongst a dusty, boiling hot in an abandoned small secluded room inside Fenchurch East police station, the heating never quite affected his concentration in fact it helped in many ways. Questioning and writing up assessments on Gene Hunt's CID Team would be keeping him occupied all day questionably he was completely intrigued and mystified to discover what each detective individually thought of their respectful popular DCI, Even stopping to wonder whether if possibly there might intentionally be jealously or either hatred towards Gene Hunt.

"Please take a seat DI Carling" Jim requested permission to interview Ray firstly, seeing as he appeared to be Gene's most loyalist colleague, always standing up and protecting his longtime friend when any suspect, or nightly pissed regular in Luigis dared to criticize Fenchurch East's pathetic approach in keep crime rates in the local area at an all time low.

"This won't take long will it? Guv misses me moaning and smoking" Ray wasn't appreciative of being away from his desk unexpectedly after acknowledging Gene discomfort of having his fellow detectives disappearing on and off all day. The overfilled hotly and it clearly troubled Ray as he yearned for some cold fresh air to his neck and forehead, it felt extremely stuffy and lacked of air.

Bloody Nora Keats must think he's holidaying in this room, Next he'll be wearing a sombrero and shaking his maracas He wonder thoughtfully, uncaring of what questions where about to shot at him like rockets.

"No not much really just need to take few notes nothing importantly troubling.. Tell me about leaving Manchester" Jim began to jot some notes on lined paper, studying what he wrote preferably.

"Guv said it'd be a new challenge…" responding supportively on behalf of his friend.

"What about Drake?" He couldn't forget in asking a question about the woman he developped an admiration for, for what she believed in, always maintaining secretly it was mostly likely not to blossom into a crush.

"Yeah even she has her moments" Ray fiddled with a pen, boredom setting in,

"Your loyalty does you credit" Jim replied, smiling slyly, taking the pen away from Ray's finger grip.

"Its not loyalty it's the truth" Ray implied, impressively.

"listen Ray I haven't come 'ere' to bury Fenchurch or Gene Hunt I'm just a man doing a difficult job" Jim acted honestly under a false impression, he simply wouldn't allow his hatred for Gene Hunt over cloud the importance of his day to day job, he liked Ray he was sure of it having saw upon first impression a lot more within the newly promoted Detective Inspector's persona, the tough guy image, the stand up what he believed in motivation, he'd obviously learnt a massive amount of skills from Gene the longer he'd stayed alongside him. Spotting the odd glances were key as Ray tended mostly to mull over one question timely and reflected before answering. Things looked not to be progressively inclined as Gene Hunt preferably created.

"I know I fully understand mate.. Don't have any problem with yer… walking around 'ere' interviewing all over us.. Its just guys like you from the Complaints division tend to wind up The Guv. Its not a pretty sight if I can be honest with yer" Jim pursued his lips purposefully, this displayed a sign of mistrust and dishonesty the events of the King Douglas Lane robbery had not evaporated from general overheard chat he'd been told about and the accidentally shooting of Alex Drake clearly tampered on Gene's memory.


Lunchtime thankfully arrived, as Jim hungrily tucked into a sandwich of Tuna Sweetcorn, he pretty much gathered the day wasn't going to go better as he double checked on his clipboard that provided the names of the detective to be interviewed next.

Christopher Daniel Skelton: arrived to work for the London Metropolitan Police alongside former GMP detectives DCI Gene Hunt and DS(now DI) Carling in September 1980, reasons unclear as to why they transferred, one reason presumably Hunt took up Charles Mackintosh's offer of taking charge of the Fenchurch East branch

"you wanted to see me Sir" Chris gulped nervously, unsure of entering as Jim finished his lunch, and threw its contents in the metal bin underneath the squared rounded table.

"Please.. DC Skelton call me Jim..blimey you make me sound older you ask like that.." Jim, laughed humorously momentarily taking a moment of consideration, making eye contact, upon look upwards to meet the weary brown eyes of the man opposite him, he admired the qualities about Chris, the likeability factor, add youthfulness, the shy but handsome individual, in another world they could be brothers looking out for one another, watching the other's step when traveling throughout dangerous situations.

"So tell me DC Skelton.. Why did you want to stay with DCI Hunt?… Didn't you follow what the dream of what most DCs I have one day running their own office and leading a team of promising bright talented upcoming Detectives" Jim muttered, rising up from his chair to think up some further questioning techniques that may could in usefully and positively, pacing optimistically. Pressing his thumb down on his pen, he noticed from the corner of his left it made Chris flinch, repeating this for a second time, he moved it nearer, disappointingly the DC did eventually gather some courage when realizing he never wanted to say anything bad that could jeopardize his future career prospective.

"Don't know I suppose being with the Guv is the best place to be… I done bad things made some potential slip ups but all gets forgiven slowly in the end" Chris felt extremely proud, however he was secretly haunted by the fact that he never properly stand from underneath DCI Hunt's shadow, making a better living for himself, be a different man, when it came down to deciding choosing the best option that can be resolved efficiently He felt building pressure from Keats, his suspicions about this Complaints officer acknowledged the mysterious particularly interest in exposing and digging for dirt on the station's bad reputation and equalities, his behavior to unmask some secrets of his own.

Constantly he surprisingly found himself to be sharing plenty of things in common with Alex about the future some no one else knew just yet, they both knew names of criminals who were finally banged to rights, Jeffrey Dahmer, murderers from the USA and the UK, he voiced his concern when she appeared to show some signs of romantic feelings for her DCI, this was not what he wanted to witness nor have to deal with on a more intense personal level


As he entered CID's headquarters in the pitchful darkness which surrounded the kittchen staff room, He immediately spotted a lonely WPC Shaz Granger, it looked as if she needed a good cheering up chat.

"Where is everyone tonight?"

"Oh they've gone to do the speed dating thing in Luigis.. I don't feel like going.. head off home after i finish here"

"You alright?" Jim muttered, burying his hands in his jacket pocket, standing by the kitchen unit, acting supportive.

"No not really been thinking of some personal things... I'm thinking of leaving.. not yet... but wworking here if gives me one hell of an headache... the strains, the pressure of meeting deadlines and answering phones" Shaz sighed sadly, whatever problems she had they weren't helping her altogether.

"Shaz i've seen you worlking you're great copper but yer know its up to you whatever you choose in life.. make a name for yourself... if you know what i'm saying" he smiled, secondly requiring she accompany him to Luigis for one drink, which surely would cause any harm. He realised about maybe sitting with Alex at the speed dating event and getting under Gene's nose, what an opportunity it undoubtedly laid out, without question he imagined jealously might flare up in Gene's eyes.

End of chapter